My Take on the "Great Replacement Theory"

No, it's about democrats controlling forever
Which they will. Trump’s victory in November will only delay it 4 years. 100% oh Democrats and enough Weasley rhinos will oppose Trump’s efforts to reform elections and reform the bureaucracy.

Trump attracts way more minority voters than any Republican since the post Civil War days. The influx of minorities to the Republican party will die with Trump.

The only hope is a Trump dynasty led by Ivanka Butt, because of her husband the anti-Semites of the left will likely recruit better shots for the next assassination attempt.
It's not about Tucker. It's not about Trump.

It's about (a) the people who actually buy what those two heartless and blatant con men are selling, and (b) those who sell their soul in order to enable them.

History has shown us this, over and over and over. This is not new. It's only tragic that it has happened in America.

It amazes me that the rubes just can't get this through their heads. The walls of the alternate universe are thick, indeed.
give examples of them being "Heartless" and Con Men else you are an idiot spewing hate as the left loves to do.

I never thought I would have seen the day that the LEFT fell in love with the FBI , CIA AND Washingon Neocons.
I can assure you 100% that Americans are being replaced by foreigners in all facets of employment, just open your eyes.
They dumb down American kids with bad school curricula then they entice American kids to pursue stupid endeavors such as "Curing Racism" while Hadji is here getting a degree in pharmacy at the cost of US taxpayers.
I can assure you 100% that Americans are being replaced by foreigners in all facets of employment, just open your eyes.
They dumb down American kids with bad school curricula then they entice American kids to pursue stupid endeavors such as "Curing Racism" while Hadji is here getting a degree in pharmacy at the cost of US taxpayers.
I'm going to create an 'opportunity economy'.....

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