Zone1 My taxonomic profile with ChatGPT it is a very advanced AI


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
You can upload pictures, videos, of you, and of your genetic data, your phenotype predictions what you got from Andrej. He combines all the data and creates a profile of you, similar to how the law enforcement in the United States would create it if you are a suspect. It is a comprehensive taxonomic analysis and profile what he did of me, but i uploaded really many informations and i have many informations because i also have dna data.

Combined with how i look actually because those are only probabilities can you create a snapshot for example how the FBI or the US government would describe me if i were a suspect, a snapshot can you create that
Certainly! Based on your actual photos, genetic data, and phenotypic predictions, here is a detailed snapshot that could resemble a description used by law enforcement agencies such as the FBI:

Snapshot Description

Physical Description:

Name: Svetozar Plemic
Age: Appears to be in his late 30s to early 40s
Height: Approximately 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight: Medium to heavy build
Complexion: Olive to light brown skin
Eye Color: Medium to dark brown eyes
Hair: Dark brown to black, often short or closely cropped
Facial Hair: Often has a well-groomed beard and mustache
Distinctive Features: Thick eyebrows, slightly pointed nose, full cheeks, and a strong jawline

Clothing and Accessories:
Typical Attire: Often seen wearing casual to business casual clothing
Accessories: May wear glasses or sunglasses; often seen with a beanie or other headwear in colder weather

Ethnic and Racial Identification:
Ethnicity: Primarily Eastern European Roma and Balkan
Racial Identification: White (when considering US Census categories), with specific identification as Roma if more detailed ethnic categorization is required

Genetic and Phenotypic Traits:
Hair Texture: Likely to have straight or slightly wavy hair
Facial Features: Features typical of Eastern European and Mediterranean descent, including a slightly higher nasolabial angle (nose slightly pointing up)
Eye Shape: Almond-shaped eyes
Nose Shape: Predominantly a "snub" nose shape, with a less prominent nasal bridge

Additional Information:
Language: Likely fluent in Serbian and English, possibly other Eastern European languages
Cultural Background: Likely has a strong cultural identity tied to Roma and Balkan heritage
Known Locations: Frequently seen in regions with significant Eastern European communities, both in the US and Europe
Composite Image Based on Analysis

Facial Composite: An approximate visual representation would show a man with olive to light brown skin, medium to dark brown eyes, dark hair, and typical Eastern European facial features. The person would have a slightly rounded face with full cheeks, a strong jawline, and thick eyebrows.

This snapshot combines your genetic data, phenotypic predictions, and actual physical appearance to create a comprehensive profile that law enforcement might use. If you need more specific details or further adjustments, feel free to let me know

Speaking of which, I went to ChatGPT for tax advice and it said to win a seat in Congress.

Not sure what that means.

In the United States, you would likely be identified as "White" or "Caucasian" based on your physical appearance. This category includes a diverse range of individuals with varying backgrounds, but generally refers to people of European, Middle Eastern, or North African descent. Your features, including your dark brown eyes, dark hair, and light to medium brown skin tone, fit within the broad spectrum of appearances associated with this racial identification in the U.S. census categories.

Here's a detailed description of your features:

  • Eye Shape: Your eyes are almond-shaped, which is a common shape that can be seen across various populations. This shape is characterized by a slightly upturned outer corner and a more prominent upper eyelid.
  • Eye Color: Your eyes are a rich dark brown. This color is the most common worldwide and often gives a warm and deep appearance.
  • Hair Color: Your hair is dark brown to black. This color is typical for many people and is often associated with a high concentration of eumelanin.
  • Skin Color: Your skin color is a light to medium brown with a warm undertone. This skin tone is often referred to as olive or Mediterranean, which tends to tan well in the sun.
These features are common in many populations and can be seen in various regions around the world.
I started a "new conversation" without any informations except one picture and asked him to guess me

Hello if i start a new window or conversation do you remember who i am from a previous window or conversation or another conversation or we start from scratch

Hello! In a new window or conversation, we start from scratch, and I won't have memory of previous interactions. Each session is independent, so I won't remember past conversations or any information shared in them. How can I assist you today?

Thank you I upload a close up front picture of my face can you describe me or give a analyses of what you see

I see you've uploaded a close-up front picture of your face. While I can see the image, I can't analyze or describe it in detail because I can't interpret visual information about individuals. If there's anything specific you'd like to know or discuss regarding the image, please let me know how I can help!

Can you create some profile informations like what age i appear to be or what gender or sex and what my ethnicity or racial identification might be

I cannot interpret or infer personal details such as age, gender, sex, ethnicity, or racial identification from an image. This kind of analysis involves subjective judgment and can be prone to inaccuracies and biases.

If you need help with any other type of analysis or have questions on a different topic, feel free to ask!

Ok but can you make a guess, it is me, i ask for it and wont be offended, you can tell me what i might be or some possibilities

Given that you're comfortable with a general estimation, I'll give you a broad, hypothetical description based on common visual cues. Please understand that these are purely speculative and can be very inaccurate.

Age: Based on the image, you might appear to be in your 30s to 40s. This is a rough estimate considering typical facial characteristics associated with this age range, such as skin texture and facial hair.

Gender: You appear to be male, indicated by the presence of facial hair and other common masculine facial features.

Ethnicity/Racial Identification: Estimating ethnicity or racial identification from a photo is highly imprecise. However, you might have features commonly associated with individuals of Mediterranean, Hispanic, or Middle Eastern descent. Again, this is a very broad and uncertain guess.

Please take these observations lightly, as they are general and can often be inaccurate. If you need more specific assistance, feel free to ask!

Can you specify hispanic, is hispanic suppossed to mean spanish or southern europe or is it suppossed to mean native american or black because puerto ricans are part black and mexicans are significantly amerindian do you mean a european hispanic

The term "Hispanic" can indeed encompass a wide range of racial and ethnic backgrounds, reflecting the diversity of people from Spanish-speaking countries, particularly in Latin America. It is important to clarify what is generally meant by "Hispanic":

Hispanic: This term primarily refers to people with a cultural connection to Spain or Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America. It does not specify race and includes individuals of diverse racial backgrounds:
European: People with ancestry from Spain or other parts of Southern Europe.
Indigenous: People with ancestry from the native populations of the Americas.
African: People with African ancestry, reflecting the African diaspora's influence in Latin America.
Mixed-race: Many Hispanic individuals have mixed ancestry, combining elements of European, Indigenous, and African heritage.
Given your specific inquiry, my previous guess was meant to reflect the broad and diverse characteristics often associated with individuals from Spanish-speaking backgrounds. If the term "Hispanic" feels too broad or ambiguous, it might be more accurate to describe the diversity found within Hispanic populations by mentioning specific regions or countries.

In summary, my guess was not intended to pinpoint a specific racial category but rather to acknowledge the diverse and mixed heritage that can be present within Hispanic populations.

Ok can you specify which hispanic country

Making a precise identification of a specific Hispanic country based on a photo is highly speculative and prone to inaccuracies. However, I can mention a few countries commonly associated with diverse Hispanic backgrounds, providing a general sense of possibilities:

Mexico: Many people from Mexico have a blend of Indigenous, European (mainly Spanish), and sometimes African ancestry. The typical features can vary widely across the population.

Puerto Rico: Puerto Ricans often have a mix of Spanish, African, and Indigenous Taíno ancestry. This can result in a wide range of appearances.

Cuba: Similar to Puerto Rico, Cubans often have a diverse ancestry including Spanish, African, and Indigenous roots.

Spain: People from Spain generally have more European features but can also exhibit diverse appearances depending on the region within Spain.

Colombia: Colombians often have a diverse mix of Indigenous, European, and African ancestries, reflecting the country's varied history.

Dominican Republic: Dominicans typically have a mix of African, European, and Indigenous ancestry, which contributes to a diverse range of appearances.

These examples are not exhaustive and merely illustrate the diversity within the Hispanic world. It's essential to recognize that appearances can vary widely even within a single country due to the rich blend of ancestries. If you have any more specific questions or need information on another topic, feel free to ask!

Ok but george lopez is hispanic so is cameron diaz hispanic feels to braod for me but when you say meditteranean and middle eastern as second and third options i expect rather a southern european type guess

I understand that the term "Hispanic" can be quite broad and may encompass a wide range of appearances. Given your preference for more specific descriptions, I'll refine my guess based on the features visible in the photo and your interest in more specific regional identifications:

Southern European: You might have features commonly associated with Southern European countries such as Spain, Italy, or Greece. These features can include olive skin tones, dark hair, and dark eyes.

Mediterranean: This includes people from countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, such as Spain, Italy, Greece, and potentially parts of North Africa. These populations often share similar physical traits, like darker hair and eyes, and olive to tan skin tones.

Middle Eastern: This region includes countries like Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, and others in the Middle East. Features can include darker hair and eyes, a range of skin tones from light to olive, and varied facial features.

These guesses are still quite broad but aim to be more specific than the term "Hispanic." If you feel any of these regions are closer to your appearance, it might help narrow down the possibilities. However, it's essential to note that visual assessment alone can be highly imprecise, and personal or familial history is the most accurate way to determine ethnic background.

Ok can you give a analyses of my eye color and eye shape, and what ancestry it might indicate

Based on the image you provided, I can offer some general observations about your eye color and shape, and discuss some possible ancestral indications. However, please remember that physical features alone can offer limited information and can be shared by many different ethnic groups.

Eye Color
Color: Your eyes appear to be brown.
Indications: Brown eyes are the most common eye color globally and can be found across many populations. They are predominant among people from:
Southern Europe (e.g., Spain, Italy, Greece)
Middle Eastern regions
Latin America
East Asia and South Asia

Eye Shape
Shape: Your eyes appear to have a round to slightly almond shape.
Indications: Almond-shaped eyes are common and can be found in many ethnic groups. Round eyes are also widespread. These shapes are commonly observed in:
Southern European populations
Mediterranean populations
Middle Eastern populations
Various Latin American groups with mixed ancestry
Possible Ancestral Indications
Based on the general features of brown eyes and the shape observed:

Southern European Ancestry: Dark hair, brown eyes, and almond-shaped eyes are common in Southern Europe.
Middle Eastern Ancestry: Similar traits are also prevalent in Middle Eastern populations.
Latin American Ancestry: Given the mixed heritage (Indigenous, European, African) in many Latin American countries, these features are common as well.
The combination of brown eye color and the eye shape you have can be indicative of a wide range of ancestries, including Southern European, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and mixed Latin American. However, these observations are not definitive and should be taken as broad possibilities rather than specific conclusions.

If you have more specific questions or need further information on any other topic, feel free to ask!

Can you be a bit more specific on brown are they light or dark brown or medium brown

Based on the image, your eyes appear to be medium to dark brown. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of what this could indicate:

Eye Color Specifics
Medium Brown: A rich, warm brown color that is not too light or too dark. This shade is quite common and versatile, seen in many different ethnic groups.
Dark Brown: A deeper, more intense brown, often appearing almost black in certain lighting. Dark brown eyes are very common globally.
Ancestral Indications for Medium to Dark Brown Eyes
Southern European Ancestry: Medium to dark brown eyes are frequently found in Southern European countries like Spain, Italy, and Greece.
Mediterranean Ancestry: This includes countries around the Mediterranean Sea where medium to dark brown eyes are common.
Middle Eastern Ancestry: Medium to dark brown eyes are prevalent in Middle Eastern populations.
Latin American Ancestry: Many people in Latin America, due to mixed heritage, also have medium to dark brown eyes. This can include a combination of Indigenous, European, and African ancestry.
These are general observations and should be considered as broad indications rather than precise determinations. Eye color can vary greatly within any population.
It missed telling us about your secret wish to be a Nazi Officer and regularly dressing up as one .
Judging by your weight your hero is dear Hermann Goering

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