'My wife is 35, unvaccinated and in a coffin'

Propaganda attempts to hit you in the feels as much as possible. It's relevant because it will help manipulate stupid people.

It's not working. I don't care about this lady or her brats.
Tommy always answers the question...

What is the narrative of the fake news today??

Get the murderous fraud vax just like the Titans head coach did.....

She had 4 kids. Get the fucking jab.
At least 80 per cent of BLM protests/riots/insurrectionists are from single parents. Get the fucking Vasectomy! Get the fucking Fallopian Tubes tied!

She had 4 kids. Get the fucking jab.
I see our cocksucking Fascist friends are still celebrating the death of innocent people due to Dr F's virus ....

Any questions about Leftism being a Mental Disorder?

She had 4 kids. Get the fucking jab.
Notice not one ounce of remorse about the women who died, but using her death, as typical of a prog, of pushing their agenda....

I am still havent got the jab, i still wont go to cesspool London, i wont get the jab because i am not a fudge packer like you, who deals in shit, or a pussy pajama boy progressive slave.

She had 4 kids. Get the fucking jab.

You are being driven to action based on fake news stories. What's worse is you are trying to bait people into killing themselves based on the supposed death of someone you've never met. That makes you dangerous.

She had 4 kids. Get the fucking jab.

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