name some better things we could do than watch the speech of the fake president

one poster said he would watch grass grow in his back yard

well, my toenails could use some clipping

Yeh, sure, a person can normally do that while watching TV but that leads to the question: Which TV shows are better than watching THAT?


It would be a lot quicker to list those programs that are NOT better

I am having difficulty... :dunno:
clean the cat box

Probably deals with the same amount of crap.
I did tonight what I always do on Thursday night. I watched Young Sheldon. I look forward to whenever the new episodes are finally given to us.

God bless you always!!!

They will have him so pumped up on meds he will be levitating as he speaks.
too bad he can't levitate all the way to the moon, at which arrival time, he will suddenly no longer be able to levitate or even move, or at least not as far as Earth anyhow..
How about Grow Up?
oh, sorry to see it was too difficult a question for you to answer.. I'll try to make it simpler next time, if there is a next time i respond to your posts..

or maybe you just didn't like the way your hacking didn't impress anyone?
Gomer was straight.

Jim Nabors was gay.

Although I don't see why it matters.
Funny when you first hear someone is gay from back then.
No one talked about it at the time, for obvious reasons... but when you learn it - it's like "well now that you point that out... yeah... pretty obvious".
That was true of Nabors. He was pretty darn effeminate.

I love what he said "Everyone around me knew it of course, but I didn't want to tell anyone else... I never wanted to be an activist about it either, it is just who I am"
One hell of a fucking good singer though. The guy never got nearly the credit he deserved for his voice, IMO. That alone should have made him famous and a solid career without ever acting.
i didn't like the fact he was gay

i didn't like the fact he was gay

I honestly never knew or gave it a thought as a kid watching Gomer Pyle. And I certainly never
held it against him as an adult. While I'm not gay nor care for gays much less even understand
being gay turning down stuff like THIS:


I wouldn't mind gays very much at all if they all just acted as nice and normal as Jim Nabors did.
I honestly never knew or gave it a thought as a kid watching Gomer Pyle. And I certainly never
held it against him as an adult. While I'm not gay nor care for gays much less even understand
being gay turning down stuff like THIS:

View attachment 690731

I wouldn't mind gays very much at all if they all just acted as nice and normal as Jim Nabors did.

It just means more of that for the straight guys.
one poster said he would watch grass grow in his back yard

well, my toenails could use some clipping

Yeh, sure, a person can normally do that while watching TV but that leads to the question: Which TV shows are better than watching THAT?


It would be a lot quicker to list those programs that are NOT better

I am having difficulty... :dunno:
So you have problems with this:

I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in America: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

“This is where America made its Declaration of Independence to the world more than two centuries ago with an idea, unique among nations, that in America, we’re all created equal.

“This is where the United States Constitution was written and debated.

“This is where we set in motion the most extraordinary experiment of self-government the world has ever known with three simple words: ‘We, the People.’ ‘We, the People.’ ‘We, the People.’

“These two documents and the ideas they embody -- equality and democracy -- are the rock upon which this nation is built. They are how we became the greatest nation on Earth. They are why, for more than two centuries, America has been a beacon to the world.

name some better things we could do than watch the speech of the fake president​

popping zits on a nerve
pulling out a splinter
Salmonella poisoning
testing positive for COVID
pulling a nail out of your foot
scrubbing the toilet after eating chili
having shingles
cutting your finger off with a buzz saw
stubbing your little toe on a metal table leg
watching your house burn down
having a severe migraine
dropping a cinder block on your foot
hitting the gas instead of the brake, and going thru the garage door
finding a toenail on your pizza

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