Nancy Pelosi Ain’t The Good Samaritan


Sep 23, 2010
Forgive me on this one. When liars like Pelosi talk about caring for the children I tend to get a bit testy.

Every theology that succeeds in codifying the morality of one group over another is a violation of the First Amendment. Socialism does just that. It is beyond ludicrous when characters like Nancy Pelosi invoke a Supreme Deity religion in order to justify her Socialist beliefs:

Typhoid Nancy loves the children, yet there was a nary a word from her when Kermit Gosnell was butchering live infants. In fact, she and her fellow Democrats funded the murders with tax dollars. To this day she fights like hell to fund Planned Parenthood and the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of infants annually.

If you listened to Pelosi in the video you heard her tell the House what America is:

Instead of bringing legislation forward that could solve this problem really and truly, it has resisted the appeals of humanitarian and religious leaders across all faiths. Evangelicals call on us to strengthen our country's position to providing safety and refuge to the vulnerable. This legislation we have before us does not do that. It is wrong. don't take my word for it. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urges members to oppose
5230, and work together to craft legislation that is more befitting the United States of America and the American people's history of compassion, and generosity to vulnerable children and refugees.

NOTE: Congresswoman Barbara Lee also tells us what America is. I am wondering if she got it from Pelosi? Neil Cavuto in this brief video could have been talking to Pelosi with his brilliant response to Lee:

Typhoid Nancy’s comments about America takes the prize coming from a UN-loving Communist who has been betraying this country since she first went to Congress:

. . . a career politician who decades ago sold out the United States of America to the United Nations.



Those who think Good Samaritan laws are necessary should get their sermons in the church of their choice. In that way they can VOLUNTARILY submit to any punishment their “spiritual leader” metes out. Do not force me to come along.

Basically, Socialists/Communists are using “you have a duty to help” as an engine to change the meaning of law itself. You can see more proof of the Socialist/Communist agenda in so-called hate crimes laws.

Incidentally, the most vile brutal criminals are not punished by Good Samaritan laws.

Dismiss all of my arguments and I still have Eric Hoffer. See the quotation following my signature. Dismiss all opposing arguments and there is nothing to support the government telling law-abiding Americans what they must do?

Trying to blend voluntary and involuntary charity does not standup to scrutiny any more than it works in blending Socialism and capitalism. Good Samaritan laws order involuntary behavior pure and simple. Every other interpretation amounts to verbal calisthenics.

Let me close with a brief clip from the final episode of the Jerry Seinfeld show which was actually titled The Good Samaritan? To me, that show used humor to promote coerced charity:[/B]

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well you know her and the hubby owns a winery I believe.
so they need new workers and then they can tell them, just how much does the Democrat party love's them.... even though they brought them here to make slaves of them......but no matter they'll ask, who you going to vote for now? not them mean ole Republicans who hates you..

how people see through this administrations and it's games it's playing on us and costing US MILLIONS
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well you know her and the hubby owns a winery I believe.
so they need new workers and then they can tell them, just how much does the Democrat party love's them.... even though they brought them here to make slaves of them......but no matter they'll ask, who you going to vote for now? not them mean ole Republicans who hates you..

how people see through this administrations and it's games it's playing on us and costing US MILLIONS

it amazes me when a congressmen suports the right to choose, you try to shun her as being a murderer ... then stephoney tries to imply that she uses slaves at her husbands business... neither one of you two have a leg to stand on... amazing how stupid you two can be ... what i like today or yesterday can't remember, when a congresmen came to the floor and tried his attempts to go after her ...she ate him a live on the house floor... he went with his republican tailbetween his leggs...
what i like today or yesterday can't remember, when a congresmen came to the floor and tried his attempts to go after her ...she ate him a live on the house floor... he went with his republican tailbetween his leggs...

To billyerock1991: Get your facts straight. Pelosi knew Marino would not punch her out so she pulled her stunt.

After Marino concluded his remarks and as many Republicans applauded their colleague, Pelosi crossed the chamber again in view of cameras, enraged, pointing and sticking her finger at Marino.

She also knows that she can lie and get away with it.

*UPDATE: According to Pelosi spokeswoman Evangeline George, "Leader Pelosi just wanted to remind the Congressman that House Democrats had the courage to pass the DREAM Act - and have the courage to stand up for what the American people want: bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform."

George added that "Pelosi accepted the Congressman's apology."

Pelosi Chases Republican Tom Marino Across House Chamber
By JOHN PARKINSON Aug 1, 2014, 8:49 PM

Pelosi Chases Republican Tom Marino Across House Chamber - ABC News

Rep. Marino did not apologize to Pelosi, but that did not stop her from lying about him. She also lied about the American people wanting the Dream Act and her version of immigration reform. Illegal immigrants are the only people who want it. Americans want no part of it.
She also lied about Tea Party patriots spitting on her.

To Bush 92: She lies about everything. I think this is her biggest lie:

[ame=]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]​

She knew damn well what was in it. She did not want the American people to know before it passed; so she lied to give herself and Democrats cover. It was better to take the heat for a stupid remark than it was to have the bill fail.
She is one of the leaders of a major political party in the United States. Fucking scary man. She is an absolute bonkers psychopath.
If she isn't The Good Samaritan, then who is she? Could she be........

[ame=]99 I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too! - YouTube[/ame]
If you look up shitbird in the dictionary, you will find a picture of Nancy Pelosi there along with the meaning of the word.
what i like today or yesterday can't remember, when a congresmen came to the floor and tried his attempts to go after her ...she ate him a live on the house floor... he went with his republican tailbetween his leggs...

To billyerock1991: Get your facts straight. Pelosi knew Marino would not punch her out so she pulled her stunt.

After Marino concluded his remarks and as many Republicans applauded their colleague, Pelosi crossed the chamber again in view of cameras, enraged, pointing and sticking her finger at Marino.

She also knows that she can lie and get away with it.

*UPDATE: According to Pelosi spokeswoman Evangeline George, "Leader Pelosi just wanted to remind the Congressman that House Democrats had the courage to pass the DREAM Act - and have the courage to stand up for what the American people want: bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform."

George added that "Pelosi accepted the Congressman's apology."

Pelosi Chases Republican Tom Marino Across House Chamber
By JOHN PARKINSON Aug 1, 2014, 8:49 PM

Pelosi Chases Republican Tom Marino Across House Chamber - ABC News

Rep. Marino did not apologize to Pelosi, but that did not stop her from lying about him. She also lied about the American people wanting the Dream Act and her version of immigration reform. Illegal immigrants are the only people who want it. Americans want no part of it.

do you ever get tied og lying ??? never seen such a big baby like you ... nancy did this nancy did that ... the post your right wingnut job lies
She also lied about Tea Party patriots spitting on her.

To Bush 92: She lies about everything. I think this is her biggest lie:

[ame=]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]​

She knew damn well what was in it. She did not want the American people to know before it passed; so she lied to give herself and Democrats cover. It was better to take the heat for a stupid remark than it was to have the bill fail.

and we did find out its called great health care ... one more right wing nut job ragging about noting ... do you ever get tired of believing your own lies
what i like today or yesterday can't remember, when a congresmen came to the floor and tried his attempts to go after her ...she ate him a live on the house floor... he went with his republican tailbetween his leggs...

To billyerock1991: Get your facts straight. Pelosi knew Marino would not punch her out so she pulled her stunt.

She also knows that she can lie and get away with it.

*UPDATE: According to Pelosi spokeswoman Evangeline George, "Leader Pelosi just wanted to remind the Congressman that House Democrats had the courage to pass the DREAM Act - and have the courage to stand up for what the American people want: bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform."

George added that "Pelosi accepted the Congressman's apology."

Pelosi Chases Republican Tom Marino Across House Chamber
By JOHN PARKINSON Aug 1, 2014, 8:49 PM

Pelosi Chases Republican Tom Marino Across House Chamber - ABC News

Rep. Marino did not apologize to Pelosi, but that did not stop her from lying about him. She also lied about the American people wanting the Dream Act and her version of immigration reform. Illegal immigrants are the only people who want it. Americans want no part of it.

do you ever get tied og lying ??? never seen such a big baby like you ... nancy did this nancy did that ... the post your right wingnut job lies

No lies in that post, friend. He was right on. Sometimes you just have to admit the facts are against you and you best just let it go.
She also lied about Tea Party patriots spitting on her.

To Bush 92: She lies about everything. I think this is her biggest lie:

[ame=]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]​

She knew damn well what was in it. She did not want the American people to know before it passed; so she lied to give herself and Democrats cover. It was better to take the heat for a stupid remark than it was to have the bill fail.

znother distortion of what was being said by breitbart ...when are you going to get tired of being lied too...

heres what she said not what you have been told by your handles... if you want to believe a distortion of the truth, then I can't stop you but don't come here and expect me to buy what breitbart has to say as fact... in no uncertain terms did she emply you have to pass the bill to see whats in it
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She also lied about Tea Party patriots spitting on her.

To Bush 92: She lies about everything. I think this is her biggest lie:

[ame=]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]​

She knew damn well what was in it. She did not want the American people to know before it passed; so she lied to give herself and Democrats cover. It was better to take the heat for a stupid remark than it was to have the bill fail.

and we did find out its called great health care ... one more right wing nut job ragging about noting ... do you ever get tired of believing your own lies

That must be why they had to keep delaying it, so we wouldn't find out how 'great' it was until Obama has another Democrat congress.
She also lied about Tea Party patriots spitting on her.

To Bush 92: She lies about everything. I think this is her biggest lie:

[ame=]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]​

She knew damn well what was in it. She did not want the American people to know before it passed; so she lied to give herself and Democrats cover. It was better to take the heat for a stupid remark than it was to have the bill fail.

znother distortion of what was being said by breitbart ...when are you going to get tired of being lied too...

Pelosi we have to pass the bill so you can see whats inside - Bing Videos

heres what she said not what you have been told by your handles... if you want to believe a distortion of the truth, then I can't stop you but don't come here and expect me to buy what breitbart has to say as fact... in no uncertain terms did she emply you have to pass the bill to see whats in it

Nope, she didn't imply it. She just said it.

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