Nancy Pelosi Tells CNN What They Can And Cannot Report

They arrogantly think they can just tell the media what and what not to report, as Putin does in Russia. Kudo's for Jake Tapper and CNN for telling Pelosi off. Now it's time for the lamestream media to quit being shills for the democratic party.

They have a symbiotic relationship.
See? Can't stop lying and trolling to save his life.

Poor guy. How frustrating an existence it must be.
There are lawsuits already being filed because girls getting their breast cut off and taking puberty blockers starting around 12. I'm telling the truth, you loons didn't think about the future. When the kids you groom change their minds when they grow up.
There are lawsuits already being filed because girls getting their breast cut off and taking puberty blockers starting around 12. I'm telling the truth, you loons didn't think about the future. When the kids you groom change their minds when they grow up.
See? Like a leaf in the wind... can't stop lying and trolling...

Anything for attention, I guess.

Now run along and vote for your favorite rapist charity thief felon.
The only party wanting to use government authority to suppress protected speech no Americans is the Republican Party.
You have no connection to reality. The Biden regime coordinated and suppressed information on multiple social media platforms. Just ask Zuckerputz.

And the Biden regime wanted to form a "truth squad" to suppress free speech.

But nobody expects you to know any of this because that Madcow dude on MSDNC hasn't told you about it.
You have no connection to reality. The Biden regime coordinated and suppressed information on multiple social media platforms. Just ask Zuckerputz.

And the Biden regime wanted to form a "truth squad" to suppress free speech.

But nobody expects you to know any of this because that Madcow dude on MSDNC hasn't told you about it.
What happened to Facebook when they didn’t talk down information and accounts that the administration requested?

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