Nancy Pelosi Tells CNN What They Can And Cannot Report

what is it you read? I gave you the law.
It’s not a law. It’s a policy established by the FCC, which they withdrew decades ago. I doubt this SCOTUS would ever give the FCC such broad authority to do so again in this day and age based on modern conservative jurisprudence.

Moreover, fairness doctrine wasn’t even violated. Fairness doctrine has no authority over content of speech, it just demands that the opposing side be given an opportunity to respond. Clearly they met that requirement since Trump spoke more than anyone else in that debate.
See? Like a leaf in the wind... can't stop lying and trolling...

Anything for attention, I guess.

Now run along and vote for your favorite rapist charity thief felon.

How many more children must suffer, and how many will try and take their own lives after the mutilation?

A de-transitioned teen is suing a hospital system over doctors removing her breasts when she was only 13 years old.

Layla Jane is an 18-year-old biological female who began to identify as transgender at age 11. Jane desired to transition to a male at that time. Initially, doctors at the Kaiser Permanente hospital system denied her transition hormones until she turned 16 years old. However, doctors quickly changed course and approved Jane for cross-sex hormones. At age 12, Jane was put through the "torment" of testosterone hormones and puberty blockers.

At age 13, doctors approved and carried out a double mastectomy on Jane.

Jane wrote on Twitter, "Mind boggling to me that a doctor signed off on a double mastectomy for me before I had taken a sex ed course. I barely started 8th grade, I was 13."

The letter of intent to sue accused the doctors of approving the breast-removal surgery "without performing an adequate evaluation and treatment of Layla’s extensive mental health co-morbidities."

The letter from her attorneys at LiMandri and Jonna LLP claimed that Jane suffers from anxiety, depression, pubertal struggles, body dysmorphia, and serious self-image concerns.

"These doctors also pushed Layla and her parents down this transition path engaging in intentional, malicious, and oppressive concealment of important information and false representations," the letter stated.

The lawsuit against Permanente Medical Group and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals also accused the hospital system of "intentional fraud and concealment."

The lawsuit claimed that doctors warned that Jane would have an increased risk of suicide unless she transitioned. Doctors allegedly gave Jane's parents the binary option of a "live son" or a "dead daughter."

The lawsuit is calling for unspecified financial damages related to health issues related to the transition from ages 12 to 17. The lawsuit listed Jane as suffering from permanent irreversible mutilation, an induced state of endocrine disease, an increased risk of being infertile, and will never be able to breastfeed a child.

During an appearance on Fox News with her attorney Harmeet Dhillon, Jane said, "I don't think I'm better off for the experience, and I think transition just completely added fuel to the fire that was my pre-existing conditions."

Dhillon is also representing Chloe Cole – another California teen de-transitioner who sued Kaiser Permanente hospital system last month. Cole had her breasts removed when she was only 15 years old.

Kaiser issued a statement saying that its doctors "practice compassionate, evidence-based medicine founded on sound research and best medical practices."

"When adolescent patients, with parental support, seek gender-affirming care, the patient's care team carefully evaluates their treatment options," Kaiser spokesman Marc Brown said. "The care decisions always rest with the patient and their parents, and, in every case, we respect the patients and their families' informed decisions about their personal health."
There you go.
What do you mean “order”? How was what Pelosi said an “order”?
Pelosi knows that Progressives have many safety nets. When one of them is weakened the anger comes to the surface as she has had the easiest life being a Prog politician. Look at Prog school board members. Their agendas have gotten kids molested and raped in schools and when parents go to a meeting and complain law enforcement beats them down. Safety nets. The members even look bored.
Taylor Swift? Who cares about Taylor Swift. Anyone who bases their decision on who to vote for based on she or any other empty headed hollywierd snob says, should have the right taken away!

Apparently you do; you’re commenting on her; the blob is tweeting about her, Megan Kelly--good christian woman she is (snicker)--actually said "Fuck You Taylor Swift” on her show in a desperate attempt to remain relevant.

It really upsets you snowflakes when not everyone loves your blob.
They arrogantly think they can just tell the media what and what not to report, as Putin does in Russia. Kudo's for Jake Tapper and CNN for telling Pelosi off. Now it's time for the lamestream media to quit being shills for the democratic party.

/---/ Like the obedient surfs they are, CNN will comply.
It’s not a law. It’s a policy established by the FCC, which they withdrew decades ago. I doubt this SCOTUS would ever give the FCC such broad authority to do so again in this day and age based on modern conservative jurisprudence.

Moreover, fairness doctrine wasn’t even violated. Fairness doctrine has no authority over content of speech, it just demands that the opposing side be given an opportunity to respond. Clearly they met that requirement since Trump spoke more than anyone else in that debate.
well here's the law.

"A Democrat-controlled Congress passed a bill to re-instate the Fairness Doctrine in 1987. Reagan vetoed the bill," it continued. "Fox News followed in the 1990s. America is now more polarized and misinformed than ever."
well here's the law.

"A Democrat-controlled Congress passed a bill to re-instate the Fairness Doctrine in 1987. Reagan vetoed the bill," it continued. "Fox News followed in the 1990s. America is now more polarized and misinformed than ever."
No, it’s not the law. Reagan vetoed it. Therefore it didn’t become law. Here’s a refresher:

did you even read the quote? It says congress reinstated it. Reagan wasn't president.
It said they passed a bill but the bill was vetoed in 1987 by Reagan who was president in 1987.

The fairness doctrine never became law.


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