Nancy Pelosi Tells CNN What They Can And Cannot Report

Both of you are wrong and demonstrate your disrespect for the first amendment.

Your inability to understand what protected speech is hampers your eyes.
They can get up on a milk crate and expound in the public park.

Just don't let them run a business doing it.
They arrogantly think they can just tell the media what and what not to report, as Putin does in Russia. Kudo's for Jake Tapper and CNN for telling Pelosi off. Now it's time for the lamestream media to quit being shills for the democratic party.

Actually, most interviews with big names do come with terms.
It said they passed a bill but the bill was vetoed in 1987 by Reagan who was president in 1987.

The fairness doctrine never became law.
And when you read what I posted the congress reinstated it in1990, in case you don’t know, is after 1987
And when you read what I posted the congress reinstated it in1990, in case you don’t know, is after 1987
Congress did not reinstate it in 1990. Nothing you posted said any such thing. There is no fairness doctrine in effect.
They arrogantly think they can just tell the media what and what not to report, as Putin does in Russia. Kudo's for Jake Tapper and CNN for telling Pelosi off. Now it's time for the lamestream media to quit being shills for the democratic party.

She was rightly pointing out Trump’s cognitive decline and questioning why the media was normalizing it, while trashing Biden. The media has been bending over backwards for Trump. Sorry you can’t handle the truth!

Pelosi is more concerned about a new FTC and SEC chair that will begin prosecuting Senators guilty of insider trading.

There's nothing like holding a stock and finding out that Pelosi just bought some too.

And she isn't the worst one of the lot.
Apparently you do; you’re commenting on her; the blob is tweeting about her, Megan Kelly--good christian woman she is (snicker)--actually said "Fuck You Taylor Swift” on her show in a desperate attempt to remain relevant.

It really upsets you snowflakes when not everyone loves your blob.
No seriously I couldn't care less about the ho
She was rightly pointing out Trump’s cognitive decline and questioning why the media was normalizing it, while trashing Biden. The media has been bending over backwards for Trump. Sorry you can’t handle the truth!

No one on the left should ever mention cognitive decline you obviously do not understand what it is since you missed Joe;s so horribly
She was rightly pointing out Trump’s cognitive decline and questioning why the media was normalizing it, while trashing Biden. The media has been bending over backwards for Trump. Sorry you can’t handle the truth!

None of the media or Democrats pointed out Biden's cognitive decline until after the debate. Then, they still said he was perfectly fine for office, just not a rigorous campaign. So, I guess what you are saying is that Trump is perfectly fine for office, just not a rigorous campaign.
She was rightly pointing out Trump’s cognitive decline and questioning why the media was normalizing it, while trashing Biden. The media has been bending over backwards for Trump. Sorry you can’t handle the truth!

what is the decline?

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