Naomi Wolf: Mandatory Vaccine Passport Could Lead To The End Of Human Liberty In The West

I already take my freedom and my mobility rights without asking permission.
That's good...for now. So what will you do when the DC crowd decides to take that away? I plan to become DECIDEDLY disobedient with very little civility.
No kidding?
How far back has that been happening?

I missed the news on those annual pandemics here in the States ...... that killed 612,000 each year.
If I missed just 5 years of that news....well, that's more than 3 million dead people.

The damn media. They only tell you what they report.
If you actually believe those numbers then you're a fool. You're also a fool if you don't understand that the emergency rooms and ICU's fill up every year during flu season. Maybe you should be asking yourself why they All Causes death number has barely moved? Or perhaps you should be asking why this year in particular showing an enormous drop and flu deaths and pneumonia death? 2.8 million people die every year in the United States. Last year the statistics were on track to be normal until they crammed 600,000 deaths
Into the final 60 days. That kind of clumsy correction smells like number tampering.

In Marxist/Socialist nations, you're not allowed to leave to country unless you can show you are a loyal Marxist comrade via sufficient "social credits." Those that aren't have to be smuggled out. If you're caught leaving without permission, you're arrested, imprisoned and/or shot.
As to a vaccine passport, if any foreign nation that you want to vacation in, demands foreign visitors have a vaccination passport, just obtain one, or don't go.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

Until quite recently Americans who traveled to the ME, Africa, South America and the Far East had immunization cards with their US Passports. Its really not a big deal until one is a pearl clutching drama queen.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
In my opinion.

Post #526, just above, with its' pic of the gates of Auschwitz (?) and it's notorious 'Work Makes One Free' sign is an attempt to draw a parallel between a contemplated American 'vaccine card' and Nazi death camps.

In my opinion, it trivializes the victims who were subjected to starvation, over-work, beatings, and mass executions by the Nazi's.

Including the pic in this discussion as an allegory informs more about the character, judgment, and maturity of the avatar who posted it ..... than it does about the pros & cons of a 'vaccine card'.

We can all understand why such a card could be beneficial.
We can all understand why some may feel reluctant to be required to have one.

But, I'm fairly certain none of us here think a vaccine card is tantamount to being forced into a gas chamber in Auschwitz with our entire family; only to emerge on gurneys taking our bodies to the ovens.

Yeah, that choice for an allegory tells us a lot about the avatar, "Uncensored".
In my opinion.

Post #526, just above, with its' pic of the gates of Auschwitz (?) and it's notorious 'Work Makes One Free' sign is an attempt to draw a parallel between a contemplated American 'vaccine card' and Nazi death camps.

In my opinion, it trivializes the victims who were subjected to starvation, over-work, beatings, and mass executions by the Nazi's.

Including the pic in this discussion as an allegory informs more about the character, judgment, and maturity of the avatar who posted it ..... than it does about the pros & cons of a 'vaccine card'.

We can all understand why such a card could be beneficial.
We can all understand why some may feel reluctant to be required to have one.

But, I'm fairly certain none of us here think a vaccine card is tantamount to being forced into a gas chamber in Auschwitz with our entire family; only to emerge on gurneys taking our bodies to the ovens.

Yeah, that choice for an allegory tells us a lot about the avatar, "Uncensored".

Same slogan you Nazi democrats just used.

{This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! }

You Nazi vermin are redundant - recycling the Third Reich to fuel your new and more vile Reich.

Impfpässe gewinnen Freiheit

"..... your new and more vile Reich."

Post #526..... an attempt to draw a parallel between a contemplated American 'vaccine card' and Nazi death camps.....trivializes the victims who were subjected to starvation....and mass execution......

Yeah, that choice for an allegory tells us a lot about the avatar, "Uncensored".
immunization cards

We aren't talking about cards anymore.

This has to do with much more than a virus now.

Apparently this thread was merged with another thread, with the most important part of the information buried.

I understand that folks that are pro-vax are really afraid of the virus. . . but making the proof of vax electronic is NOT a good idea. If you do not understand meta data and tracking, you did not watch what Naomi Wolf said, or IBM's history with totalitarian regimes.

Vaccine Passports - No!
Vaccine card accompanying my passport - Sure, why not?
sure, if it was just about the pandemic.

Like all the other ones. . . i.e., polio, smallpox, etc. like all the other ones the pro-vax crowd likes to invoke. But it really isn't 'bout that, it never has been. We never had masks, or lock downs or any of these other draconian measures. THIS IS THE REAL AGENDA.
"We never had masks, or lock downs or any of these other draconian measures."

Oh, valid points.
We never had least on a nationwide scale.


On the other hand, we never ever had......before.....Covid.

When he game changes, poster Beale, so must the response.

I know you know that.

Oh, valid points.
We never had least on a nationwide scale.


On the other hand, we never ever had......before.....Covid.

When he game changes, poster Beale, so must the response.

I know you know that.
The case fatality ratio for paralytic polio is generally 2% to 5% among children and up to 15% to 30% among adolescents and adults. It increases to 25% to 75% with bulbar involvement.

In community-based settings, the mean case-fatality ratio was 1·5% (0·5-3·1) compared with 2·9% (0·9-6·0) in hospital-based settings. The mean projected case-fatality ratio in 2016-2030 was 1·3% (0·4-3·7).

Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) = Deaths / Cases = 23,430 / 1,694,781 = 1.4% (1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover).

The case fatality ratio for paralytic polio is generally 2% to 5% among children and up to 15% to 30% among adolescents and adults. It increases to 25% to 75% with bulbar involvement.
Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) = Deaths / Cases = 23,430 / 1,694,781 = 1.4% (1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover).
No different, eh?
Fatality is our only concern, eh?
Better care, technology, and horrors -- vaccines -- haven't improved outcomes, eh?

I don't think you get it. Naomi Wolf genuinely cares about people. I still have no idea what you really care about.
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