NARRATIVE SHIFT: Liberal media now refers to Jan 6 as ‘rallies,’ 'demonstrations,’ and ‘protests’ as they pivot to defend Ray Epps


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Holy fuckin' moly guacamole.

I mean, it just doesn't get any more hypocritically gaslighting than this.

The moment one of theirs is implicated, the entire propaganda apparatus turns on a dime and "reimagines" January 6th.


The Washington Post now refers to what happened on January 6, 2021 as "pro-Trump rallies." All WaPo's previous reporting called the events of that day an "insurrection" and equated those who participated in it with "secessionists."

The new framing comes as Ray Epps launched a lawsuit against Fox News, charging the network with having insinuated that he is or was a federal agent and was at the Trump rally at the Ellipse in DC on January 6 in that capacity, with the task of riling people up to riot.

Bloomberg said that Ray Epps "joined the Jan 6., 2021 protests." They'd previously called that event an "attack on the US Capitol," and did so many times in the ensuing years.

The New York Times, which has endlessly stated that the events of January 6 constituted a "riot," now terms the day's difficulties as mere "pro-Trump demonstrations on and around Jan. 6."

Even Rolling Stone, who terms those who were involved in the Capitol riot "insurrectionists," gives Epps the benefit of the doubt, citing his attorney's calling him "a Trump supporter that participated in the protests on January 6th."

Hey, US MessageBoard Lefties: You have your marching orders.

Jan. 6th is no longer an "INSURRECTION!!!", not good for the corrupt security state that you mindlessly support.

Lucky for you, no one was ever charged with "INSURRECTION!!!!".

Nor will they ever be.

Now get to work cleaning up all those past posts kiddos.

Or the FBI may start to think you're impugning the unblemished, impeccable reputation of one citizen Epps.
Hey, EvilEyeFleegle - please explain how quoting the MSM media in their own words is "FAKE NEWS", you mindless imbecile?

Hey, EvilEyeFleegle - please explain how quoting the MSM media in their own words is "FAKE NEWS", you mindless imbecile?

Easily done douchbag---your commentary is the 'fake news'--you fuckin' mindless idiot.

As for marching orders and's telling that two different trumpanzees posted the same lame shit within minutes of each other. I guess the dog whistles are loud and clear eh? has always distinguished between the Trump-sponsored protest/rally prior to the storming the the capital...what some term the Insurrection. I've seldom used the term, although it is technically correct--because of the total ineptness of all involved.
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Easily done douchbag---your commentary is the 'fake news'--you fuckin' mindless idiot.

As for marching orders and's telling that two different trumpanzees posted the some lame shit within minutes of each other. I guess the dog whistles are loud and clear eh? has always distinguished between the Trump-sponsored protest/rally prior to the storming the the capital...what some term the Insurrection. I've seldom used the term, although it is technically correct--because of the total ineptness of all involved.

So your argument is as follows:

"Easy, your fake news is fake because it's fake".

"Someone else also posted this story".

"Personally, I haven't said it....much".

I take it back, that's not even an argument.

That's a waste of bandwidth.
Journalism is dead.

They all take their talking points from the Dimwinger party and the corrupt DOJ.

Oh look, you got a "FAKE NEWS" too!

They're totally bereft of any coherent rebuttals at this stage, just reflexive crybaby antics because being "correct" is far more important to them than any search for objective truth.

Fuckin' goblins.
Hey, EvilEyeFleegle - please explain how quoting the MSM media in their own words is "FAKE NEWS", you mindless imbecile?

read your link, they're talking about the protests and rally while Trump and Epps were there, not the attacks on the capital. as they say many times, that Trump and Epps were not there for. More crap propaganda from ignoramuses. That's all you have, ignoramus
read your link, they're talking about the protests and rally while Trump and Epps were there, not the attacks on the capital. as they say many times, that Trump and Epps were not there for. More crap propaganda from ignoramuses. That's all you have, ignoramus

Ray Epps was at the capitol you dipshit, the footage shows him egging people to go inside the building.

The fact you don't know that conveys who the actual ignoramus is.

But I know, I know.

Your fees fees dictate that you absolutely must work backwards from the premise that you couldn't possiblY be wrong, so even the most prominent and obvious evidence gets tossed out the proverbial window.

Just pathetic.
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Dumb thread.

There were obviously rioters during Jan 6. Ray Epps, as far as we know, wasn’t one of them. Many of the people there, including Epps, were simply protestors.

This is what happens when you get your talking points spoon-fed to you by right-wing propaganda clickbait.
Holy fuckin' moly guacamole.

I mean, it just doesn't get any more hypocritically gaslighting than this.

The moment one of theirs is implicated, the entire propaganda apparatus turns on a dime and "reimagines" January 6th.


Hey, US MessageBoard Lefties: You have your marching orders.

Jan. 6th is no longer an "INSURRECTION!!!", not good for the corrupt security state that you mindlessly support.

Lucky for you, no one was ever charged with "INSURRECTION!!!!".

Nor will they ever be.

Now get to work cleaning up all those past posts kiddos.

Or the FBI may start to think you're impugning the unblemished, impeccable reputation of one citizen Epps.
Hmmmm. I don't give a damn about Ray Epps one way or the other, not as a rallying cry for defense of dumbasses that attacked, nor as somebody to be defended. If I were him. I wouldn't use a public defender or (heaven forbid) a well spoken and motivational (outside of a courtroom only) Republican lawyer. When it get to personal consequences on verdicts, you probably want somebody with a modicum of skills, not just good buddies.
Dumb thread.

There were obviously rioters during Jan 6. Ray Epps, as far as we know, wasn’t one of them. Many of the people there, including Epps, were simply protestors.

This is what happens when you get your talking points spoon-fed to you by right-wing propaganda clickbait.
theres video of him being one of the first people to breach the line and move on the capital,,

read your link, they're talking about the protests and rally while Trump and Epps were there, not the attacks on the capital. as they say many times, that Trump and Epps were not there for. More crap propaganda from ignoramuses. That's all you have, ignoramus
There are videos of him inciting the crowd to go into the Capital.

There are pics of him inside the Capital. All of this has been posted on this board numerous times, but you have an uncanny ability to ignore reality.
Dumb thread.

There were obviously rioters during Jan 6. Ray Epps, as far as we know, wasn’t one of them. Many of the people there, including Epps, were simply protestors.

This is what happens when you get your talking points spoon-fed to you by right-wing propaganda clickbait.
The videos of him telling the crowd they need to go into the Capital prove you are a lying sack, ignorant, or both.
On January 6th, he didn’t tell anyone to go into the building.

He never went into the building.
He never attacked a police officer.
He never told anyone to do anything he knew was illegal.

Therefore he can’t be charged.
He did the first two things. They are on video and pics.

Many people who did none of those things have been charged. Your lies are pathetically weak, Simp.
The videos of him telling the crowd they need to go into the Capital prove you are a lying sack, ignorant, or both.
Oh good, here’s the conspiracy theorist simp.

How does telling a crowd of people to go into the Capital make him a rioter?

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