NASA planetary defense coordination office on high alert this week as earth passes through debris cloud: claim


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

NASA Planetary Defense Coordination Office on high alert this week as Earth passes through debris cloud: Claim
"Nobody really knows how bad it's going to be... May 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th."

Either they know some hell is about to rain down on us and they donn't want to freak ppl out or they are goingn to do some huge chit and blame this as the cause lol..

NASA Planetary Defense Coordination Office on high alert this week as Earth passes through debris cloud: Claim
"Nobody really knows how bad it's going to be... May 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th."

Either they know some hell is about to rain down on us and they donn't want to freak ppl out or they are goingn to do some huge chit and blame this as the cause lol..

“Eventually it’s going to get bad but we don’t know how it’s going to be,” Mike explained. We can’t escape a certain portion of it… we are 100% going to pass through a very dangerous part of space and that is unavoidable.”

We can't steer around it?

NASA Planetary Defense Coordination Office on high alert this week as Earth passes through debris cloud: Claim
"Nobody really knows how bad it's going to be... May 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th."

Either they know some hell is about to rain down on us and they donn't want to freak ppl out or they are goingn to do some huge chit and blame this as the cause lol..

“Eventually it’s going to get bad but we don’t know how it’s going to be,” Mike explained. We can’t escape a certain portion of it… we are 100% going to pass through a very dangerous part of space and that is unavoidable.”

We can't steer around it?
Do you have the planets remote to steer around it?:hhello::poke:
They get a double control whammie here " the virus-then this hits and the grid goes down " LMFAO omg can you see the panic of the weak.
Wait until the end of summer whe nthey release another virus.......... This time it will scare those who weren't affraid the first rouund.

NASA Planetary Defense Coordination Office on high alert this week as Earth passes through debris cloud: Claim
"Nobody really knows how bad it's going to be... May 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th."

Either they know some hell is about to rain down on us and they donn't want to freak ppl out or they are goingn to do some huge chit and blame this as the cause lol..

“Eventually it’s going to get bad but we don’t know how it’s going to be,” Mike explained. We can’t escape a certain portion of it… we are 100% going to pass through a very dangerous part of space and that is unavoidable.”

We can't steer around it?
Do you have the planets remote to steer around it?:hhello::poke:

Yes, yes I do.
There are no areas of highly gathered people.Only 1/4 of us will die. Easier to clean up. Very little air travel.Far less cruise ships.
WE'RE WELL PREPARED ! HA, I thought it was going to rain nukes. Is that space junk going to be practicing social distancing ?

NASA Planetary Defense Coordination Office on high alert this week as Earth passes through debris cloud: Claim
"Nobody really knows how bad it's going to be... May 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th."

Either they know some hell is about to rain down on us and they donn't want to freak ppl out or they are goingn to do some huge chit and blame this as the cause lol..
Of course, as we all know, none of your predictions are going to happen. Come May 15th, you will be quiet as a mouse in this thread because, nothing is going to happen. That is MY prediction.
From the NASA link in the intellihub article.

Planetary Defense Coordination Office
Near-Earth objects (NEOs) are asteroids and comets that orbit the Sun like the planets, but their orbits can bring them into Earth’s neighborhood - within 30 million miles of Earth’s orbit. Planetary defense is “applied planetary science” to address the NEO impact hazard.
NASA established the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) to manage its ongoing mission of planetary defense. The PDCO:
  • Provides early detection of potentially hazardous objects (PHOs) – the subset of NEOs whose orbits predict they will come within 5 million miles of Earth’s orbit; and of a size large enough (30 to 50 meters) to cause significant damage on Earth;
    • Tracks and characterizes PHOs and issues warnings of the possible effects of potential impacts;
We should be MINING these damnd things instead of shaking in fear of them.

"There's GOLD in them thar 'stroids!"

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