Navy's Top Admiral recommends reinstating Capt. Brett Crozier of USS Roosevelt


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Finally, some good news for a change.

The Navy's top admiral has recommended that Capt. Brett Crozier be reinstated as commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt weeks after he was fired by the Navy's former acting secretary, a U.S. official said Friday.

Finally, some good news for a change.

The Navy's top admiral has recommended that Capt. Brett Crozier be reinstated as commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt weeks after he was fired by the Navy's former acting secretary, a U.S. official said Friday.

A true travesty of the ongoing "Acting" soap opera that is the Trump Administration. Captain's got a floating petri dish and he gets fired for raising the red flag? Sounds like a bunch of civilians who think they know better than the generals....where have I heard that before? I hear most of the top Navy brass is solidly behind this. (and yeah, I know there are no generals in the Navy).
Finally, some good news for a change.

The Navy's top admiral has recommended that Capt. Brett Crozier be reinstated as commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt weeks after he was fired by the Navy's former acting secretary, a U.S. official said Friday.

The crux of the biscuit is how did the letter make it to the news paper, so quick and who sent it. If it was Capt. Crozier, cased closed as that is not how you conduct business. If it wasn't, he should have used better judgment on means of communication and security, but not necessarily a firing offense. Somebody knows how this went almost directly to the papers.
Finally, some good news for a change.

The Navy's top admiral has recommended that Capt. Brett Crozier be reinstated as commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt weeks after he was fired by the Navy's former acting secretary, a U.S. official said Friday.

The crux of the biscuit is how did the letter make it to the news paper, so quick and who sent it. If it was Capt. Crozier, cased closed as that is not how you conduct business. If it wasn't, he should have used better judgment on means of communication and security, but not necessarily a firing offense. Somebody knows how this went almost directly to the papers.

He wrote it for the media. It had all the usual liberal shibboleths. Stay fired.
Finally, some good news for a change.

The Navy's top admiral has recommended that Capt. Brett Crozier be reinstated as commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt weeks after he was fired by the Navy's former acting secretary, a U.S. official said Friday.

If a leftist queer like odanny is for it? It has to be the wrong thing.
Finally, some good news for a change.

The Navy's top admiral has recommended that Capt. Brett Crozier be reinstated as commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt weeks after he was fired by the Navy's former acting secretary, a U.S. official said Friday.

If a leftist queer like odanny is for it? It has to be the wrong thing.

How is it you can break the chain of command for an "acting" secretary? Doesn't it kinda cancel out? :)
Finally, some good news for a change.

The Navy's top admiral has recommended that Capt. Brett Crozier be reinstated as commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt weeks after he was fired by the Navy's former acting secretary, a U.S. official said Friday.

The crux of the biscuit is how did the letter make it to the news paper, so quick and who sent it. If it was Capt. Crozier, cased closed as that is not how you conduct business. If it wasn't, he should have used better judgment on means of communication and security, but not necessarily a firing offense. Somebody knows how this went almost directly to the papers.

He wrote it for the media. It had all the usual liberal shibboleths. Stay fired.
If he did. You're right, hands down and he should no longer wear the uniform, much less command a carrier. If he did and the Admiral supports him on it, he should be looked at also.
How is it you can break the chain of command for an "acting" secretary? Doesn't it kinda cancel out?
You are such a nitwit.
He is the top of the chain of command. ... :cool:

Umm..well, actually, the President is (the top of the chain of command) top dog. That's why they call that position Commander-in-Chief. The Secretary of the Navy has jurisdiction over...well..the Navy. And this douchebag had the title of "Acting". Which any person who's served in the military would dismiss. I'm sorry, who is the nitwit again?
A true travesty of the ongoing "Acting" soap opera that is the Trump Administration. Captain's got a floating petri dish and he gets fired for raising the red flag? Sounds like a bunch of civilians who think they know better than the generals....where have I heard that before? I hear most of the top Navy brass is solidly behind this. (and yeah, I know there are no generals in the Navy).

Here is the biggest problem with that claim.

The Navy already knew that, and that is why the ship had already been tied up at Guam for 4 days before he wrote that letter.

The letter was nonsensical and pointless. The base personnel and Navy were already working frantically to find places to put them, and he could not offer a single suggestion as to what could/should be done. All he did was scream like a child, and it was a pointless exercise.

And we are now almost a month later, and I have yet to find a single person who is able to suggest a single thing that what the Navy, Guam Naval Base, or anybody else did was either not fast enough, or should have been done better. We expect our senior leadership to act like senior leaders. TO lead, not just whine and complain when things are not going as they wish they would.

And I expect any response will be the exact same as every other time I have posited this. What could the Navy-Administration-DoD-Anybody have done differently? I find it most telling that is a question that absolutely nobody is able to answer.

But this guy is a hero because... orange man bad. That is really all I keep hearing.

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