NBC smears triple amputee purple heart vet because he ran a conservative FB page


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
NBC Smears Triple Amputee Purple Heart Vet Because He Ran a Conservative Facebook Page
NBC News smeared triple amputee Iraq war vet Brian Kolfage – the man behind the GoFundMe of the border wall – because the purple heart recipient once ran a right-wing Facebook page.

Leave it to scum to dream up some bs like the MSM does , watching their morons fall flat on their faces believing it all and then take it to post on other sites LMFAO. spread the stupidity leftist style .
Calling a conspiracy theorist a conspiracy theorist is not “smearing.”

The GFM page that is raising money for the border wall has been edited several times.

First, the page stated that if the Billion Dollar goal was not reached, every penny would be refunded.

Then, as recently as yesterday, the page had been changed to say that a refund of every penny would be done if the billion dollar goal was not reached OR if the amount was not “significantly close”.

Today, there is no mention of a refund based on the total amount raised.

Additionally, the ability to look at the names of users who have contributed has been removed. It is still there on virtually every other GFM page.

Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 6.19.35 PM.png
is there for other initiatives….

On the Wall’s GFM page…
Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 6.20.54 PM.png
…not there

Yeah, donors are probably being conned.
Calling a conspiracy theorist a conspiracy theorist is not “smearing.”

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Bwahahaha....Trump wouldn't piss on the flag, if it was on fire. His concept of "America" is as nothing but a prop in his narcissistic delusion.

Yes he black balled cap ..


Just a random picture I found.


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Well sure....demonizing a brown man always gets him lost of applause, which is to trump as oxygen is to you and me.
So is the disabled vet demanding to be treated like a retard?

No? He wants to be treated like anyone else?

Then he can take his medicine like a big boy
So is the disabled vet demanding to be treated like a retard?

No? He wants to be treated like anyone else?

Then he can take his medicine like a big boy
Keep in mind he voted for Dubya to send and keep him in Iraq despite there being zero purpose. I thank him for choosing to serve, but not for continuing to support the special interests that abused his and thousands of others’ service.
Calling a conspiracy theorist a conspiracy theorist is not “smearing.”
No matter what he has become he paid the next to ultimate price. I can not even imagine his struggles and he has those struggles because he was defending my right to be me without consequence.
Yes God knows you could never be you without the Iraq war
God isn't real ya tool
Neither is my giving a fuck about this guy’s pity party. I voted for him to go home with 4 limbs. He sided with people who called me a soldier hating traitor for that.

I wish him the best in parting his fellow fools from their money. No federal dollars for the wall.
NBC Smears Triple Amputee Purple Heart Vet Because He Ran a Conservative Facebook Page
NBC News smeared triple amputee Iraq war vet Brian Kolfage – the man behind the GoFundMe of the border wall – because the purple heart recipient once ran a right-wing Facebook page.

Leave it to scum to dream up some bs like the MSM does , watching their morons fall flat on their faces believing it all and then take it to post on other sites LMFAO. spread the stupidity leftist style .
Brings up memories of Max Cleland, doesn't it?
The guy must have one of the most valuable charity mailing lists in America by now.

Forum List
