NC’s NAACP Leader Encourages Creating Confusion During Election By Deliberately Misleading Voters


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
No vote fraud, huh?

According to a letter from a lawyer for the State of North Carolina to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a speaker at a recent NAACP conference in North Carolina urged audience members to mislead the NAACP’s own members into believing they do not need to register to vote in advance, or that they do not need to vote at their assigned polling place. Why? The letter alleges: To create confusion and animosity during the upcoming mid-term elections in North Carolina, and to use the evidence of that confusion in the ongoing litigation between Eric Holder’s Justice Department and North Carolina and to show that North Carolina’s election integrity laws are discriminatory. From the letter:

It is also our understanding that during the [NAACP conference], Rev. Barber urged those in attendance to take unregistered voters to vote during the Early Voting period and to engage in get-out-the vote activities that included transporting registered voters to vote in precincts in which they are not assigned to vote on Election Day, or words to that effect. The stated purpose for these activities, as I understand it, was to gather evidence for and thereby enhance plaintiffs prospects of success in the litigation involving [North Carolina’s Election Integrity Laws].

Judicial Watch has been actively involved in this sprawling North Carolina election litigation for the past two years. Judicial Watch has filed two amicus briefs in this case, one in 2013 and one in 2014, supporting North Carolina and election integrity. On both occasions, we were joined in our brief by our partner the Allied Educational Foundation and by local political activist Christina Merrill. We also gave oral arguments and submitted an expert witness report to the trial court explaining that no one is harmed by these election integrity laws, but rather, these laws prevent fraud and ensure all Americans are confident that election results are fair and honest.

If true, the fact that the NAACP’s leaders appear willing to risk the confusion and disenfranchisement of their own members in order to deceive a Court about common sense election integrity laws speaks volumes about the intellectual bankruptcy of the left’s arguments. The left’s weak arguments also explain why the U.S. Supreme Court, by a 7 to 2 vote, recently overruled the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ temporary injunction and held that North Carolina’s laws comply with federal law and should be used during the November 2014 election. The litigation between North Carolina and the DOJ is expected to proceed further in 2015.

NAACP Speaker s Alleged Remarks Let s Create Confusion During the Nov. 2014 Election By Deliberately Misleading Voters - Judicial Watch

Now peeps, this is the NAACP trying to DELIBERATELY DISENFRANCHISE BLACK VOTERS (something they claim is what Republicans do) to create a false scenario in which to sue.

They know Democrats are likely to lose, and just like Al Gore, Al Franken, and a host of other Democrats, if you can't win at the ballot box, try to sue your way in.

This is the NAACP making it plain that is exactly what they intend to do.
As long as no hanging chads are involved , it should go smoothly....
As long as no hanging chads are involved , it should go smoothly....

Might I remind you, it was the Democrats that created the "hanging chad" thing.

And as Ann Coulter pointed out, the only way that happens, is if you have a stack of ballots you are poking with a pencil and the ones at the bottom aren't getting completely perforated.

She was and is right.

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