Net neutrality and how Cable companies are buying fake arguments


Gold Member
Sep 9, 2010
Cable Companies Are Astroturfing Fake Consumer Support to End Net Neutrality | VICE United States

The controversy, at the moment, rests on a legal distinction. A federal lawsuit filed by Verizon has forced the FCC into a corner by creating a standard under which effective net-neutrality rules**—which ensure all internet traffic is treated equally—can only be reached, according to most analysts, by classifying the internet as a "common carrier," or in other words, a public utility. Such a distinction would allow the FCC to demand that internet service providers, like Comcast or Verizon, are not allowed to create internet slow lanes and fast lanes.

I know some people have trouble understanding this, so we can mostly ignore them.

Another group leading the charge is the American Consumer Institute. The organization recently filed a letter with the FCC opposing reclassification, and argues that ISPs should be left alone. "The fact is that the broadband market is competitive and becoming more so," wrote ACI, which claims that consumers currently enjoy "increased choice." In January, ACI called the Verizon lawsuit that struck down the original FCC net-neutrality guidelines, "a victory for consumers."

This isn't true at all. The own certain markets and even admitted they agree on not going into other markets.

Other cable-funded allies have helped spread doubt about net neutrality. "If broadband providers want to start charging Netflix and Google for hogging all the bandwidth, that is their right as the owners of those networks," said Jim Lakely of the Heartland Institute, who called net neutrality regulations "a solution in search of a problem."

another talking point i've seen used.

The overall point to this is that the Cable companies are paying people to argue their points and deceive the public.
Or maybe some of us are smart enough to recognize that more regulation and bureaucracy never ever makes things less expensive or delivers a better product.

Why can your progressive control freaks just recognize the fact and, you know, move on?
Or maybe some of us are smart enough to recognize that more regulation and bureaucracy never ever makes things less expensive or delivers a better product.

Why can your progressive control freaks just recognize the fact and, you know, move on?

case in
Case in point nothing.

Net neutrality is a dead horse.

The best evidence of that is that you have to play the old "people are too stupid for their own good" card.

Man, progressives are boring.
Cable companies are reportedly funding fake consumer groups to attack net neutrality

another link:
Now, what was the thing our grandma told us about astroturfing? Oh right: if you have to invent spokespeople to represent the other side in the debate, you're probably not the good guys.

which is basically what they are doing. They are being dishonest about what the issue is about. NN keeps the internet as it is. Removing it allows for a two tier system, or slowing down of websites. See Netflix.

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