Netanyahu Makes Pelosi Cry

I'd be amazed if she still has tear ducts after all the plastic surgery:

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Hey they AGREED on points, let's stick to THOSE:

For her part, Pelosi stressed that she agreed with Netanyahu on the importance of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb.

“Today, Prime Minister Netanyahu reiterated something we all agree upon: a nuclear armed Iran is unacceptable to both our countries," her statement continued. "We have all said that a bad deal is worse than no deal, and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons is the bedrock of our foreign policy and national security. As President Obama has said consistently, all options are on the table for preventing a nuclear-armed Iran."
Hey they AGREED on points, let's stick to THOSE:

For her part, Pelosi stressed that she agreed with Netanyahu on the importance of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb.

“Today, Prime Minister Netanyahu reiterated something we all agree upon: a nuclear armed Iran is unacceptable to both our countries," her statement continued. "We have all said that a bad deal is worse than no deal, and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons is the bedrock of our foreign policy and national security. As President Obama has said consistently, all options are on the table for preventing a nuclear-armed Iran."

She also said that Bibis speech was condescending. She talks out of both sides of her mouth.
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Hey they AGREED on points, let's stick to THOSE:

For her part, Pelosi stressed that she agreed with Netanyahu on the importance of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb.

“Today, Prime Minister Netanyahu reiterated something we all agree upon: a nuclear armed Iran is unacceptable to both our countries," her statement continued. "We have all said that a bad deal is worse than no deal, and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons is the bedrock of our foreign policy and national security. As President Obama has said consistently, all options are on the table for preventing a nuclear-armed Iran."

She also said that Bibis speech was condescending. She talks out of both sides of her mouth.

Enforce the good points that you want the public to focus on.
Forgive the rest, and people will grant the same courtesy to you when you are trying to
address and appease several audiences at once.
Hey they AGREED on points, let's stick to THOSE:

For her part, Pelosi stressed that she agreed with Netanyahu on the importance of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb.

“Today, Prime Minister Netanyahu reiterated something we all agree upon: a nuclear armed Iran is unacceptable to both our countries," her statement continued. "We have all said that a bad deal is worse than no deal, and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons is the bedrock of our foreign policy and national security. As President Obama has said consistently, all options are on the table for preventing a nuclear-armed Iran."

She also said that Bibis speech was condescending. She talks out of both sides of her mouth.

Enforce the good points that you want the public to focus on.
Forgive the rest, and people will grant the same courtesy to you when you are trying to
address and appease several audiences at once.

In case you didn't notice, this is not the 'Structured Discussion Forum' or 'Clean Debate Zone'. But knock yourself out trying to set rules for the thread I started........
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Hey they AGREED on points, let's stick to THOSE:

For her part, Pelosi stressed that she agreed with Netanyahu on the importance of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb.

“Today, Prime Minister Netanyahu reiterated something we all agree upon: a nuclear armed Iran is unacceptable to both our countries," her statement continued. "We have all said that a bad deal is worse than no deal, and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons is the bedrock of our foreign policy and national security. As President Obama has said consistently, all options are on the table for preventing a nuclear-armed Iran."

She also said that Bibis speech was condescending. She talks out of both sides of her mouth.

Enforce the good points that you want the public to focus on.
Forgive the rest, and people will grant the same courtesy to you when you are trying to
address and appease several audiences at once.

In case you didn't notice, this is not the 'Structured Discussion Forum' or 'Clean Debate Zone'. But knock yourself out trying to set rules for the thread I started........

Hi B. Kidd, sorry, I was not making any comments on the format or structure of this thread.

I was commenting in general that in society, if we are going to enforce law and order (and curb the chaos and division it thrives on), then focusing on points of agreement we want to ENFORCE is more constructive and effective.

Rather than deflecting on negative things we DON'T want to spread and multiply.

When Coca Cola sells us its products, it focuses on what is good and tells us HEY THIS is good THIS is what you need!
They don't waste air time dissing on Pepsi and complaining how bad other products taste. Neither should we waste air time.

This is a strong suggestion for political and social order.
In case you didn't notice, we are all free citizens in society, and that's what I was addressing:
how to more effectively use our free speech and access to media to reinforce the COMMON principles we want to focus on.
We get more done that way, with the same resources instead of wasting them.

Thanks and sorry this wasn't clear!
I've been thinking that for awhile. And when I heard how upset she was, I thought, definitely time to go.
No doubt she is mentally unstable. She's one of the main reasons why we need term limits.
Pelosi just got the clean funding bill for DHS passed. Another big win for her, and a crushing loss for the Tea Party kooks. Even as the minority leader, Pelosit is still able to send Tea Partiers running home to mama in tears.

Thanks Tea Party kooks! Because you've effectively divided the Republicans into two warring factions, that effectively leaves the Dems as the majority on some issues.
"...why is Israel in this position where its prime minister can barge into Congress, be welcomed more warmly than an American president, and essentially issue these diktats to the American administration, or try to, and attempt to sabotage U.S. policy in this way?

And the blame for that, the responsibility for that lies entirely with the American political establishment.

"It's not even the Israel lobby. Let's put the blame where it lies. It's on the American political establishment that has indulged Israel all along.

"The Obama administration has indulged Israel from its first day. And the message they've sent time and again is Israel, you can do whatever you want, not just to the Palestinians, but even undermine U.S. plans and interests in the region, and we will have your back.

"There will be no consequences. The money will continue. The weapons will continue. The brand-new F-35 fighter jets will be coming your way.

"So the message the Obama administration has sent to Israel is: you can do what you like.

"And so, in that context, why shouldn't Netanyahu behave this way? Ultimately the responsibility comes back to Obama."

Netanyahu Invokes Biblical Armageddon in US Congress

War whores in the US and Israel throw hissy fits every time anyone questions Israel's god given right to steal Arab land and water in Palestine.
Why would a racist war criminal feel entitled to lecture the US congress on the Iranian "threat" when his country has been committing ethnic cleansing in Palestine for nearly a hundred years?
"The Likud charter from 1999 as available on says:

"The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel.

"The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting.
"The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.

"Judea and Samaria are the West Bank. I am not aware of any refutation of that charter."

When will Bibi call for free elections for all Semites living between the River and the sea?

When pigs fly??

M of A - Hamas vs. Likud Charter


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