Netanyahu now Premier Minister of the United States!

Trump said so. See yourself!

Said the ass kissing propaganda agent of Assad, the genocial maniac that has slaughtered over half a million of his own people.....

Is Trump an ass kissing propaganda agent of Assad, the genocidal maniac ? It was Trump talking in the video, you know,

I'm talking about the OP, moron, who adores Assad, as if he's a god.

Besides, Leftards need to make their minds up. From one side of their snake mouths they keep telling us how "Trump is a white supremacist and an anti Semite", and from the other we keep hearing how "Netanyahu is pulling Teump's strings". So which is it? Keep failing.
Last edited:
Trump said so. See yourself!

Said the ass kissing propaganda agent of Assad, the genocial maniac that has slaughtered over half a million of his own people.....

Is Trump an ass kissing propaganda agent of Assad, the genocidal maniac ? It was Trump talking in the video, you know,

I'm talking about the OP, moron, who adores Aasad, as if he's a god.

Besides, Leftards need to make their minds up. From one side of their snake mouths they keep telling how "Trump is a white supremacist and an anti Semite", and from the other we keep hearing how "Netanyahu is pulling Teump's strings". So which is it? Keep failing.

No. That really was Trump in the video. You didn't recognize those tiny little fingers and that road kill hair style?
...I believe he said 'Your'' meaning those Jews he was talking to ---NOT PM of the US
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.

Right or wrong, the Jews have dual citizenship. What our STELLAR President said was correct. Sorry you lacked the wits to follow along. :(

Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.

Dual Citizenship in the United States
Dual citizenship had previously been banned in the United States, but in 1967 the US Supreme Court struck down most laws forbidding dual citizenship.

However, the US government remained disdainful of dual citizenship for some time. To this day, candidates for US citizenship through naturalization are forced to (at least hypothetically) renounce their previous citizenship at the United States naturalization ceremony.}

Is Dual Citizenship Allowed in the United States? - LLS

Dual citizenship[edit]
Israel allows its citizens to hold dual (or multiple) citizenship. A dual national is considered an Israeli citizen for all purposes, and is entitled to enter Israel without a visa, stay in Israel according to his own desire, engage in any profession and work with any employer according to Israeli law.

There are two exceptions to this principle. Under an additional law added to the Basic Law: the Knesset (Article 16A) according to which Knesset members cannot pledge allegiance unless their foreign citizenship has been revoked, if possible, under the laws of that country. Israeli citizenship cannot be acquired by naturalization unless one renounces his or her previous citizenship.

A dual national is not considered a foreign citizen under Israeli Security Service Law and is subject to a mandatory military service according to that law. He or she is considered a citizen regarding the criminal liability of Israeli civilians according to the Israeli Penal Law (and accordingly is not entitled to consular access by a representative of the other country). He or she is considered a citizen according to the Israeli laws of personal status, such as the authority jurisdiction of the rabbinical courts in the matters of marriage and divorce, according to the Israeli Rabbinical courts jurisdictions law.[24]}

Israeli citizenship law - Wikipedia
...I believe he said 'Your'' meaning those Jews he was talking to ---NOT PM of the US
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.

Right or wrong, the Jews have dual citizenship. What our STELLAR President said was correct. Sorry you lacked the wits to follow along. :(

Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
...I believe he said 'Your'' meaning those Jews he was talking to ---NOT PM of the US
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.

Right or wrong, the Jews have dual citizenship. What our STELLAR President said was correct. Sorry you lacked the wits to follow along. :(

Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
a Jew cannot have duel citizenship?
a Jew can be an Israeli and an Israeli can be a Jew
...I believe he said 'Your'' meaning those Jews he was talking to ---NOT PM of the US
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.

Right or wrong, the Jews have dual citizenship. What our STELLAR President said was correct. Sorry you lacked the wits to follow along. :(

Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
...I believe he said 'Your'' meaning those Jews he was talking to ---NOT PM of the US
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.

Right or wrong, the Jews have dual citizenship. What our STELLAR President said was correct. Sorry you lacked the wits to follow along. :(

Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
a Jew cannot have duel citizenship?
a Jew can be an Israeli and an Israeli can be a Jew
Hah? Keep up will ya. Do you know what DUAL CITIZENSHIP means? You have to first be a citizen of Israel in order to get dual citizenship to any country, including the US. 99% of American Jews are not citizens of Israel, idiots. And no, caring for Israel does not make one a "dual citizen" if that was the case then all Evangelicals and the Christian Right should also be called "dual citizens". Unless of course you are referring to the age old antisemtic canard, which is also being repeated by many in the Democratic Party, such as that scum Omar. It's al about those Benjamin's baby, right?
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.

Right or wrong, the Jews have dual citizenship. What our STELLAR President said was correct. Sorry you lacked the wits to follow along. :(

Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
a Jew cannot have duel citizenship?
a Jew can be an Israeli and an Israeli can be a Jew
Hah? Keep up will ya. Do you know what DUAL CITIZENSHIP means. You have to first be a citizen of Israel in order to get dual citizenship. Just like you do with any country. Most American Jews are not citizens of Israel, idiots. And no, caring for Israel does not make one a "dual citizen" if that was the case then all Evangelicals and the Christian Right should also be called "dual citizens". Unless of course you are referring to the age old antisemtic canard, which is also being repeated by many in the Democratic Party, such as that scum Omar. It's al about those Benjamin's baby, right?
a Jew cannot have duel citizenship???!!!!
Jews can't be Israeli.....??!!!!!!!!!????
List of Politicians with Israeli Dual Citizenship - | Facebook
...I believe he said 'Your'' meaning those Jews he was talking to ---NOT PM of the US
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.

Right or wrong, the Jews have dual citizenship. What our STELLAR President said was correct. Sorry you lacked the wits to follow along. :(

Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.

Right or wrong, the Jews have dual citizenship. What our STELLAR President said was correct. Sorry you lacked the wits to follow along. :(

Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
a Jew cannot have duel citizenship?
a Jew can be an Israeli and an Israeli can be a Jew
Hah? Keep up will ya. Do you know what DUAL CITIZENSHIP means? You have to first be a citizen of Israel in order to get dual citizenship to any country, including the US. 99% of American Jews are not citizens of Israel, idiots. And no, caring for Israel does not make one a "dual citizen" if that was the case then all Evangelicals and the Christian Right should also be called "dual citizens". Unless of course you are referring to the age old antisemtic canard, which is also being repeated by many in the Democratic Party, such as that scum Omar. It's al about those Benjamin's baby, right?
YOUR quote:
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.

Right or wrong, the Jews have dual citizenship. What our STELLAR President said was correct. Sorry you lacked the wits to follow along. :(

Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!
Jews can't be Israeli???!!!!
this is a nothing thread--it's stupid---who cares that Trump said this
Right or wrong, the Jews have dual citizenship. What our STELLAR President said was correct. Sorry you lacked the wits to follow along. :(

Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!
Jews can't be Israeli???!!!!
this is a nothing thread--it's stupid---who cares that Trump said this
I give up. You are obviously an uneducated fool.

"Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!
Jews can't be Israeli???!!!!
this is a nothing thread--it's stupid---who cares that Trump said this
I give up. You are obviously an uneducated fool.

"Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
OBVIOUSLY he/we meant Israeli Jews...and/or Jews WITH duel citizenship
an American Jew is not going to an American-American duel citizen!!!!
YOU are comprehending the OBVIOUS
Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!
Jews can't be Israeli???!!!!
this is a nothing thread--it's stupid---who cares that Trump said this
I give up. You are obviously an uneducated fool.

"Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
some Jews DO have duel citizenship --plain and simple--you are WRONG
Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!
Jews can't be Israeli???!!!!
this is a nothing thread--it's stupid---who cares that Trump said this
I give up. You are obviously an uneducated fool.

"Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
are you going to be like Golphing Gator and not man up --not admitting you are wrong?
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!
Jews can't be Israeli???!!!!
this is a nothing thread--it's stupid---who cares that Trump said this
I give up. You are obviously an uneducated fool.

"Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
some Jews DO have duel citizenship --plain and simple--you are WRONG
The claim was made that ALL US Jews are Israeli citizens too, that is an OUTRIGHT LIE. Almost all Jews in the US that are US Citizens are NOT Israeli citizens.

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