Netanyahu now Premier Minister of the United States!

Interesting that NO Arab nation has 20% of any other religion. Yet they call Israel "Apartheid?" :lmao:

The land now called "Israel" is not nor has this land ever been the homeland of the Jews. The Jews invaded Palestine in 1947. From that point on the Israelis have committed terrorists acts like throwing bombs into busses, assassinating foreign leaders and the most hideous act that they continue to do is assassinate Palestinian children. In one chase an IDF sniper blow a child's dead off while this child was sitting in a UN sponsored school chair and the chair was not close to the window. There are many like kind examples if you want to read the hideous truth.

My bet is natinyahu gave the sniper a gold medial for marksmanship.

Scripture tells us that the Lord is judging the Israelis right now.
I pray that the Lord comes to a final conclusion soon and then He will do what must be done.

Interesting that NO Arab nation has 20% of any other religion. Yet they call Israel "Apartheid?" :lmao:

The land now called "Israel" is not nor has this land ever been the homeland of the Jews. The Jews invaded Palestine in 1947. From that point on the Israelis have committed terrorists acts like throwing bombs into busses, assassinating foreign leaders and the most hideous act that they continue to do is assassinate Palestinian children. In one chase an IDF sniper blow a child's dead off while this child was sitting in a UN sponsored school chair and the chair was not close to the window. There are many like kind examples if you want to read the hideous truth.

My bet is natinyahu gave the sniper a gold medial for marksmanship.

Scripture tells us that the Lord is judging the Israelis right now.
I pray that the Lord comes to a final conclusion soon and then He will do what must be done.

Mohammed Dura comes to mind. Palestinians should not be permitted to have children. The children should be taken from the pally slime and raised by human beings. The pregnant women can have bellies slit open and their entrails along with the fetus spread on the ground. No harm done. Call it an abortion.
Right or wrong, the Jews have dual citizenship. What our STELLAR President said was correct. Sorry you lacked the wits to follow along. :(

Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!

Interesting that NO Arab nation has 20% of any other religion. Yet they call Israel "Apartheid?" :lmao:
40 % of the Lebanese are Christians. So is their President.
Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!

Interesting that NO Arab nation has 20% of any other religion. Yet they call Israel "Apartheid?" :lmao:
40 % of the Lebanese are Christians. So is their President.
then's it's not an Arab nation--is it?
The pregnant women can have bellies slit open and their entrails along with the fetus spread on the ground. No harm done. Call it an abortion.

And the Lord said, what comes around, goes around---


Note: The Lord will give the Palestinians a 48 hour warning before the Lord breaths fire and brimstone on the chosen.
Last edited:
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!

Interesting that NO Arab nation has 20% of any other religion. Yet they call Israel "Apartheid?" :lmao:
40 % of the Lebanese are Christians. So is their President.
then's it's not an Arab nation--is it?
It is. Arab is not a religion.
Actually the Israeli military no longer shoots to kill. They aim for legs.
Gaza’s walking wounded: Israeli snipers have shot 6,392 protesters in lower limbs this year

Shoot the legs off some ten year old rock thrower. He's going to remember it.

The pallys don't use suicide bombers like they used to. At one time bus bombs and grocery store bombs were quite popular. It stopped when Israel demolished the homes of the suicide bomber's family. No warning, heavy equipment just showed up tearing down walls. It worked.
Interesting that NO Arab nation has 20% of any other religion. Yet they call Israel "Apartheid?" :lmao:

The land now called "Israel" is not nor has this land ever been the homeland of the Jews. The Jews invaded Palestine in 1947. From that point on the Israelis have committed terrorists acts like throwing bombs into busses, assassinating foreign leaders and the most hideous act that they continue to do is assassinate Palestinian children. In one chase an IDF sniper blow a child's dead off while this child was sitting in a UN sponsored school chair and the chair was not close to the window. There are many like kind examples if you want to read the hideous truth.

My bet is natinyahu gave the sniper a gold medial for marksmanship.

Scripture tells us that the Lord is judging the Israelis right now.
I pray that the Lord comes to a final conclusion soon and then He will do what must be done.

Mohammed Dura comes to mind. Palestinians should not be permitted to have children. The children should be taken from the pally slime and raised by human beings. The pregnant women can have bellies slit open and their entrails along with the fetus spread on the ground. No harm done. Call it an abortion.

Or, you can call it Gods commandment. The Christian thing to do

The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open. (Hosea 13:16)

God allows the pregnant women of Tappuah to be ripped open.

At that time Menahem, starting out from Tirzah, attacked Tiphsah and everyone in the city and its vicinity, because they refused to open their gates. He sacked Tiphsah and ripped open all the pregnant women. (2 Kings 15:16)

God commands the killing of infants and nursing babies.

Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey. (1 Samuel 15:3)

God repays your enemies by destroying their babies.

Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us. He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. (Psalms 137:8-9)

The BEattitude makes a good point:

Apparently all life is precious to the god of the Bible, unless it is a fetus conceived out of wedlock or conception happens within an “enemy” nation that does not worship him. The Bible teaches that abortion is acceptable if God performs it or he commands it to be done through contaminated water or by violent force….

You can be a pro-life supporter, but leave your Bible at home. It’s horrific and violent stories against innocent infants and unborn children have no place in a discussion on morality and the value of human life.

Yeah God
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!
Jews can't be Israeli???!!!!
this is a nothing thread--it's stupid---who cares that Trump said this
I give up. You are obviously an uneducated fool.

"Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
OBVIOUSLY he/we meant Israeli Jews...and/or Jews WITH duel citizenship
an American Jew is not going to an American-American duel citizen!!!!
YOU are comprehending the OBVIOUS
No idiot, some American Jews do become Israelis, and therefore hold dual (not duel) citizenship. But most American Jews have never even been to Israel.
Jews can't be Israeli???!!!!
this is a nothing thread--it's stupid---who cares that Trump said this
I give up. You are obviously an uneducated fool.

"Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
some Jews DO have duel citizenship --plain and simple--you are WRONG
The claim was made that ALL US Jews are Israeli citizens too, that is an OUTRIGHT LIE. Almost all Jews in the US that are US Citizens are NOT Israeli citizens.
You INCAPABLE of reading the written word now? What good would a quote do from this thread since you can read it or can not just as well as I can?
The ignorant hack does not even know the difference between citizenship and belonging to a group that holds the same faith.
...I believe he said 'Your'' meaning those Jews he was talking to ---NOT PM of the US

Personally, I believe there is a big difference between Jews and Israeli’s; they are not one and the same.

Anyone care to guess what the differences are?


Yeah, most Israelis hate Netanyahus guts. His only support is from the religious right there.

The same in the US. Most Americans hate Trumps guts. His only support is from the religious right here. But Trump also has the Nazi's.

Both of them are running out of road. Israeli and American Jews better figure out what side to be on when the American right loses the voting numbers they need to stay in power, or the middle east is going to take a very unfortunate turn for the worse in the coming years.
Like the US, Israel's main parties are one that leans left and one that leans right. Likewise, you will find that Jews that are Democrats are against Netanyahu, and conservative Jews love him. But to say that "most" Jews hate Netanyahu is fake news promoted by the Left. As far as Trump, Israeli's as a whole have never loved an American president more.
Trump said so. See yourself!

"I stood with your prime minister at the White house" is not calling Netanyahu the PM of the U.S. If this post is a joke then don't quit your 'day job' if not you are a fucking dope.

Trump thought he is speaking to Israelis.

He was. You just hate jews....admit it. It's OK...

I don´t mind if it is ok for you. Reconsider your view as your only argument ("you hate jews") is utterly useless.

Sure, it's OK that you admit you hate all means....Of course it's pretty obvious. I outlined my 'argument' earlier in the thread (post 48).
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The land now called "Israel" is not nor has this land ever been the homeland of the Jews.

Oh look, a fucking liar, how unique among terrorists.

The Jews invaded Palestine in 1947.

Oh look, a REALLY DUMB fucking liar...

From that point on the Israelis have committed terrorists acts like throwing bombs into busses, assassinating foreign leaders and the most hideous act that they continue to do is assassinate Palestinian children. In one chase an IDF sniper blow a child's dead off while this child was sitting in a UN sponsored school chair and the chair was not close to the window. There are many like kind examples if you want to read the hideous truth.

My bet is natinyahu gave the sniper a gold medial for marksmanship.

Scripture tells us that the Lord is judging the Israelis right now.
I pray that the Lord comes to a final conclusion soon and then He will do what must be done.


Fuck off, you lying terrorist twat. Even Tinmore doesn't try your level of retard lies.
Are you saying our Jewish members of congress have dual citizenship? I didn't think that was legal.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!

Interesting that NO Arab nation has 20% of any other religion. Yet they call Israel "Apartheid?" :lmao:
40 % of the Lebanese are Christians. So is their President.

The area of Palestine known as Lebanon was 90% +++ Christian when the country was formed. The Arab Muslims have invaded and subverted the Christian nation, making it another Muslim shithole.

Ottoman Palestine was partitioned, Jordan for the Muslims, Lebanon for the Christians, Israel for the Jews. But the Muzzie Beasts can't live in peace with others. And this doesn't even count Syria, which ALSO was a major part of Ottoman Palestine.
"Jews" do not have dual citizenship. You'd have to be a CITIZEN of Israel in order to apply legally and be an American citizen as well.

The US in general has no problem with those who chose to be a citizen of the US as well as other countries. I have met British / American dual citizens, Canadian / American dual citizens. Etc etc. please inform yourselves.
Israelis can't be Jews......??!!
Jewish is a nationality?
20% of the Israeli population are Muslims, and 5% are Christians. Doy!

Interesting that NO Arab nation has 20% of any other religion. Yet they call Israel "Apartheid?" :lmao:
40 % of the Lebanese are Christians. So is their President.
then's it's not an Arab nation--is it?

Certainly not a MUSLIM nation, though it is being subverted to the point to non-existence.

It's amusing that Bleipriester pretends to be this Catholic/Nazi who is all about preserving Christians; but the rape of Lebanon by his Terrorist buddies doesn't bother him at all.

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