Netanyahu vows 'fight to death' as clashes spread after attacks

She said it very well.

Utter shite...

"Not on my watch" I believe Nut&yahoo said in relation to the creation of a Palestinian state!

Try again Hymie!

RACISM because you cant answer the points raised.

And how will he stop the Palestinians from standing up in the UN and declaring full statehood, because that is all they need to do. Then they can demand peace talks and mutual borders and Israel can only refuse to talk. Then the UN can force Israel to withdraw to the 1967 green line but no further. They can do nothing else and Palestine knows that if they do this they will lose all the aid they receive at the moment.

Get your facts right before posting as you look stupid when you dont

Racism? You are loosing the plot Phoney! LOL

I dealt with the points raised...

Netanyahu has made it quite clear that he will not allow the creation of a Palestinian state whilst he is prime minister...

That is a fact!

Want to try and prove facts wrong Phoney?

And how will he do that, order mossad to shoot every Palestinian on the Earth ?
What about innocent unarmed Israeli children and their mothers. Or do you see them as valid targets for your hero's terrorist murders ?
But get close enough to a person and you can kill them with a stone/rock

Simple solution Phoney...

Leave the occupied territories!

I don't think many stones thrown from Golan Heights will reach West Jerusalem!
You mean the arabs should stop occupying Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza, right?

Yet another "occupation denier"...

A growing band of "occupation deniers"... Thats, what now? 7 of you?

Well that's 7 morons who think that the rest of the civilised world is wrong...

Hmmm did you read what the definition of "zionut" is?

Well, it looks like it's the 7 of you!

"whose support for the state of Israel reaches levels of extreme irrationality and potential insanity"

Welcome to this very exclusive club CMike... By the way, what does the "C" stand for or should be guess ;-)


Wrong? How so Phoney?

Poster denies the Israeli occupation... The evidence is right in front of you!

Capitalisation of posts is the sign of a desperate man trying to prove a point that he has already lost!

These Phoney fails are racking up recently Phoney!
I don't deny the Arab occupation.
And you would be wrong simply because Israel has already given back more land that they have in Israel in return for peace. If they wanted a "greater Israel" then why do this only to lose more young lives re-taking the same land.
What Israel wants is a halt to the terrorism and violence through talks, if the terrorism and violence carry on then they will reply with violence of their own. The Palestinians have made it very clear that they want a one Islamic state solution with the genocide of all the Jews and the destruction of Israel, They have even made it part of their charter and refuse to alter it

Interesting response...

It's an opinion Phoney, simply an opinion... As clearly stated...

How do you KNOW what Israel wants? Are you within the inner zionut circle? No. Pillow talk with Netanyahu? No.

That's YOUR opinion, NOT fact. Unless you can provide a link to prove otherwise?

If Israel really wanted a negotiated solution then there would be more done, by Israel, the power within the conflict, to find a solution through talks.
It's not an opinion. You can tell what Israel wants by it's actions.

It forcefully evicted all the Jews out of Gaza (ethnic cleansing) in the foolish hope for peace for Gaza to then turn into a terrorist stronghold were tens of thousands of rockets were shot from Gaza into Israel's populated cities.

It continously attempts to negotiate only to be rebuffed by Abbas.

Not going to waste my time 'arguing' with an uneducated novice!

But I do have a couple of question...

You are saying that Israel ethnically cleansed its own people from Gaza???

You do realise that Gaza is still, to this day, considered under occupation, don't you?

Yes Israel withdrew people from Gaza. What it didn't do was withdraw control of Gaza...

Land, air and sea of Gaza are still controlled by Israel...

How many of those "tens of thousands of rockets" landed in "Israel's populated cities"?

Can't wait for the next fairy tale from you!

Not by hamas who stated that it has not been occupied since August 2005

Where are the Israeli troops stationed inside gaza then, the official definition of occupation if you look

No the land air and seas of Israel are controlled by Israel who legally stop anyone from crossing into gaza

Enough to cause distress to Israeli civilians

You are the one for fairy tales

The UN clearly defines Gaza as still being occupied by Israel as Israel retains control of Gazan airspace and coastline!
The UN has no legitimacy.
Interesting response...

It's an opinion Phoney, simply an opinion... As clearly stated...

How do you KNOW what Israel wants? Are you within the inner zionut circle? No. Pillow talk with Netanyahu? No.

That's YOUR opinion, NOT fact. Unless you can provide a link to prove otherwise?

If Israel really wanted a negotiated solution then there would be more done, by Israel, the power within the conflict, to find a solution through talks.
It's not an opinion. You can tell what Israel wants by it's actions.

It forcefully evicted all the Jews out of Gaza (ethnic cleansing) in the foolish hope for peace for Gaza to then turn into a terrorist stronghold were tens of thousands of rockets were shot from Gaza into Israel's populated cities.

It continously attempts to negotiate only to be rebuffed by Abbas.

Not going to waste my time 'arguing' with an uneducated novice!

But I do have a couple of question...

You are saying that Israel ethnically cleansed its own people from Gaza???

You do realise that Gaza is still, to this day, considered under occupation, don't you?

Yes Israel withdrew people from Gaza. What it didn't do was withdraw control of Gaza...

Land, air and sea of Gaza are still controlled by Israel...

How many of those "tens of thousands of rockets" landed in "Israel's populated cities"?

Can't wait for the next fairy tale from you!

Not by hamas who stated that it has not been occupied since August 2005

Where are the Israeli troops stationed inside gaza then, the official definition of occupation if you look

No the land air and seas of Israel are controlled by Israel who legally stop anyone from crossing into gaza

Enough to cause distress to Israeli civilians

You are the one for fairy tales

The UN clearly defines Gaza as still being occupied by Israel as Israel retains control of Gazan airspace and coastline!
The UN has no legitimacy.

So UN Resolution 181 has no legitimacy. Clever fellow you are.
I didn't decide that Israel was occupying territory...

Go ask those who did!

It really does NOT matter a shit who had it BEFORE Israel... Israel occupies territory that is NOT theirs!

For the rest, I think even you can use

Sure it matters, because the Palestinians are asking for Israel to hand over land that they never had. They then want to use the land to once again try to destroy the Jewish state. it gonna happen Achmed, not in a million years. Doesn't matter if the UN has a problem calling conquered land "occupied". Israel should gradually annex the land and give incentives for the Palestiians to go back to where they came from, Jordan.

You get funnier with every post you make Roodboy!

Tell me, with WHAT are the Palestinians going to destroy the Jewish state?

One of the biggest fallacies to ever come out of zionut Israel!

How many nukes, cruise missiles, jet fighters, tanks, gun ships do the Palestinians have exactly?

Maybe the majority of Jews should go back to where THEY came from... Europe!
All of Israel is about the size of NJ, one of the smallest states in the US.

Yet, the Arabs still can't tolerate its existence.
Let's ask people from New Jersey to give up their homes and property to invaders. The Arabs will never accept the ZioNazi Fascist State!

The islamomoron is posting oxymorons again
You are a living example of an oxymoron with your lying posts and delusional interpretations of morality and international Law.

Take your Meds!
Interesting response...

It's an opinion Phoney, simply an opinion... As clearly stated...

How do you KNOW what Israel wants? Are you within the inner zionut circle? No. Pillow talk with Netanyahu? No.

That's YOUR opinion, NOT fact. Unless you can provide a link to prove otherwise?

If Israel really wanted a negotiated solution then there would be more done, by Israel, the power within the conflict, to find a solution through talks.
It's not an opinion. You can tell what Israel wants by it's actions.

It forcefully evicted all the Jews out of Gaza (ethnic cleansing) in the foolish hope for peace for Gaza to then turn into a terrorist stronghold were tens of thousands of rockets were shot from Gaza into Israel's populated cities.

It continously attempts to negotiate only to be rebuffed by Abbas.

Not going to waste my time 'arguing' with an uneducated novice!

But I do have a couple of question...

You are saying that Israel ethnically cleansed its own people from Gaza???

You do realise that Gaza is still, to this day, considered under occupation, don't you?

Yes Israel withdrew people from Gaza. What it didn't do was withdraw control of Gaza...

Land, air and sea of Gaza are still controlled by Israel...

How many of those "tens of thousands of rockets" landed in "Israel's populated cities"?

Can't wait for the next fairy tale from you!

Not by hamas who stated that it has not been occupied since August 2005

Where are the Israeli troops stationed inside gaza then, the official definition of occupation if you look

No the land air and seas of Israel are controlled by Israel who legally stop anyone from crossing into gaza

Enough to cause distress to Israeli civilians

You are the one for fairy tales

The UN clearly defines Gaza as still being occupied by Israel as Israel retains control of Gazan airspace and coastline!
The UN has no legitimacy.
Neither do you, How many Embassies are members of your family or Israel's, No one recognizes her illegal annexations of Palestinian and Arab Lands.
Last edited:
You do realise that is exactly how the muslims see all the nopn muslims don't you, and it is written down in their koran for all to see.
The only personal experience I've had with them is through my work. For some reason, a lot of Muslims are mechanical and structural engineers. And every one of them were kind, decent people.

As for the Qu'ran, I could care less about it. I feel the same way towards it, that I do towards the Torah. I'm a Catholic. It's not my dance.
Ah yes those stones are really going to cause damage against this lot...

Military equipment of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They have murdered and injured.

The Israelis? Yes of course!

Look at the weaponry they have available to them!

And then look at the weaponry available to the arab league who outnumber the Jews at least 1 million to one, and still they cant win can they. Your islamonazi propaganda no longer works as we can see the LIES in every single one of your posts.

And there was me thinking we were talking about the Palestinians...

Ok Phoney...

Want to look at the firepower available to the US, Israel's greatest cheerleader?

You don't get it do you, the arab league have tried to wipe out the Jews many times over with superior fire power and numbers and have failed every time. Each time it was in support of the Palestinians and each time the Palestinians lost more and more.
Has the US declared open warfare on the arab league, because if they have why are the arbs still in existence ?

"Superior firepower"?

You are delusional Phoney... No, you are a zionut, pure and simple!
Simple solution Phoney...

Leave the occupied territories!

I don't think many stones thrown from Golan Heights will reach West Jerusalem!
You mean the arabs should stop occupying Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza, right?

Yet another "occupation denier"...

A growing band of "occupation deniers"... Thats, what now? 7 of you?

Well that's 7 morons who think that the rest of the civilised world is wrong...

Hmmm did you read what the definition of "zionut" is?

Well, it looks like it's the 7 of you!

"whose support for the state of Israel reaches levels of extreme irrationality and potential insanity"

Welcome to this very exclusive club CMike... By the way, what does the "C" stand for or should be guess ;-)


Wrong? How so Phoney?

Poster denies the Israeli occupation... The evidence is right in front of you!

Capitalisation of posts is the sign of a desperate man trying to prove a point that he has already lost!

These Phoney fails are racking up recently Phoney!

Only in your fantasy world because you are not capable of answering the points raised because you deny Palestinian terrorism and violence

The fact that you must be illiterate is no excuse for pretending to be nothing more than an islamophobic, racist zionut...

Did you actually bother to TRY and read what you fellow zionut posted?
Netanyahu has made it quite clear that he will not allow the creation of a Palestinian state whilst he is prime minister...
What do palistanians need a state for?

Why do Jews need a state for?

Because they deserve one, the Palestinians already had one of their own they could use.


No one "deserves" anything in this life...

It has to be earned... Israel 'stole', in the name of 'god'... On the commandment of 'god'...

"deserves" I really don't think so...

If you go play in a hornets nest you "deserve" to be stung!
Simple solution Phoney...

Leave the occupied territories!

I don't think many stones thrown from Golan Heights will reach West Jerusalem!
You mean the arabs should stop occupying Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza, right?

Yet another "occupation denier"...

A growing band of "occupation deniers"... Thats, what now? 7 of you?

Well that's 7 morons who think that the rest of the civilised world is wrong...

Hmmm did you read what the definition of "zionut" is?

Well, it looks like it's the 7 of you!

"whose support for the state of Israel reaches levels of extreme irrationality and potential insanity"

Welcome to this very exclusive club CMike... By the way, what does the "C" stand for or should be guess ;-)


Wrong? How so Phoney?

Poster denies the Israeli occupation... The evidence is right in front of you!

Capitalisation of posts is the sign of a desperate man trying to prove a point that he has already lost!

These Phoney fails are racking up recently Phoney!
I don't deny the Arab occupation.

I don't deny you are a zionut, racist idiot...

What was your point exactly?
Interesting response...

It's an opinion Phoney, simply an opinion... As clearly stated...

How do you KNOW what Israel wants? Are you within the inner zionut circle? No. Pillow talk with Netanyahu? No.

That's YOUR opinion, NOT fact. Unless you can provide a link to prove otherwise?

If Israel really wanted a negotiated solution then there would be more done, by Israel, the power within the conflict, to find a solution through talks.
It's not an opinion. You can tell what Israel wants by it's actions.

It forcefully evicted all the Jews out of Gaza (ethnic cleansing) in the foolish hope for peace for Gaza to then turn into a terrorist stronghold were tens of thousands of rockets were shot from Gaza into Israel's populated cities.

It continously attempts to negotiate only to be rebuffed by Abbas.

Not going to waste my time 'arguing' with an uneducated novice!

But I do have a couple of question...

You are saying that Israel ethnically cleansed its own people from Gaza???

You do realise that Gaza is still, to this day, considered under occupation, don't you?

Yes Israel withdrew people from Gaza. What it didn't do was withdraw control of Gaza...

Land, air and sea of Gaza are still controlled by Israel...

How many of those "tens of thousands of rockets" landed in "Israel's populated cities"?

Can't wait for the next fairy tale from you!

Not by hamas who stated that it has not been occupied since August 2005

Where are the Israeli troops stationed inside gaza then, the official definition of occupation if you look

No the land air and seas of Israel are controlled by Israel who legally stop anyone from crossing into gaza

Enough to cause distress to Israeli civilians

You are the one for fairy tales

The UN clearly defines Gaza as still being occupied by Israel as Israel retains control of Gazan airspace and coastline!
The UN has no legitimacy.

Hahaha... YOUR "legitimacy" is what exactly?

Go check out the kindergarten forum... Might find it more fitting for your intellectual capacity!
She said it very well.

Utter shite...

"Not on my watch" I believe Nut&yahoo said in relation to the creation of a Palestinian state!

Try again Hymie!

RACISM because you cant answer the points raised.

And how will he stop the Palestinians from standing up in the UN and declaring full statehood, because that is all they need to do. Then they can demand peace talks and mutual borders and Israel can only refuse to talk. Then the UN can force Israel to withdraw to the 1967 green line but no further. They can do nothing else and Palestine knows that if they do this they will lose all the aid they receive at the moment.

Get your facts right before posting as you look stupid when you dont

Racism? You are loosing the plot Phoney! LOL

I dealt with the points raised...

Netanyahu has made it quite clear that he will not allow the creation of a Palestinian state whilst he is prime minister...

That is a fact!

Want to try and prove facts wrong Phoney?

And how will he do that, order mossad to shoot every Palestinian on the Earth ?

Through non negotiation, belligerence, apartheid, zionut/zionazi philosophies...

I don't know...

He said it...

ASK HIM! You know, the one who said it!

You schmuck! :cuckoo:
You mean the arabs should stop occupying Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza, right?

Yet another "occupation denier"...

A growing band of "occupation deniers"... Thats, what now? 7 of you?

Well that's 7 morons who think that the rest of the civilised world is wrong...

Hmmm did you read what the definition of "zionut" is?

Well, it looks like it's the 7 of you!

"whose support for the state of Israel reaches levels of extreme irrationality and potential insanity"

Welcome to this very exclusive club CMike... By the way, what does the "C" stand for or should be guess ;-)


Wrong? How so Phoney?

Poster denies the Israeli occupation... The evidence is right in front of you!

Capitalisation of posts is the sign of a desperate man trying to prove a point that he has already lost!

These Phoney fails are racking up recently Phoney!
I don't deny the Arab occupation.

I don't deny you are a zionut, racist idiot...

What was your point exactly?
That the Jordanian and Egyptian arabs are occupying the West Bank and Gaza.
She said it very well.

Utter shite...

"Not on my watch" I believe Nut&yahoo said in relation to the creation of a Palestinian state!

Try again Hymie!

RACISM because you cant answer the points raised.

And how will he stop the Palestinians from standing up in the UN and declaring full statehood, because that is all they need to do. Then they can demand peace talks and mutual borders and Israel can only refuse to talk. Then the UN can force Israel to withdraw to the 1967 green line but no further. They can do nothing else and Palestine knows that if they do this they will lose all the aid they receive at the moment.

Get your facts right before posting as you look stupid when you dont

Racism? You are loosing the plot Phoney! LOL

I dealt with the points raised...

Netanyahu has made it quite clear that he will not allow the creation of a Palestinian state whilst he is prime minister...

That is a fact!

Want to try and prove facts wrong Phoney?

That's because there is no one sane on the arab side to negotiate with.

They have stated numerous times that their aim is to destroy all of Israel.

Israel is only a small sliver of land. It can not give away the little land it has to people whom are going to use that land to attempt and destroy all of Israel and kill all the Jews.

That would be suicidal.
And you would be wrong simply because Israel has already given back more land that they have in Israel in return for peace. If they wanted a "greater Israel" then why do this only to lose more young lives re-taking the same land.
What Israel wants is a halt to the terrorism and violence through talks, if the terrorism and violence carry on then they will reply with violence of their own. The Palestinians have made it very clear that they want a one Islamic state solution with the genocide of all the Jews and the destruction of Israel, They have even made it part of their charter and refuse to alter it

Interesting response...

It's an opinion Phoney, simply an opinion... As clearly stated...

How do you KNOW what Israel wants? Are you within the inner zionut circle? No. Pillow talk with Netanyahu? No.

That's YOUR opinion, NOT fact. Unless you can provide a link to prove otherwise?

If Israel really wanted a negotiated solution then there would be more done, by Israel, the power within the conflict, to find a solution through talks.
It's not an opinion. You can tell what Israel wants by it's actions.

It forcefully evicted all the Jews out of Gaza (ethnic cleansing) in the foolish hope for peace for Gaza to then turn into a terrorist stronghold were tens of thousands of rockets were shot from Gaza into Israel's populated cities.

It continously attempts to negotiate only to be rebuffed by Abbas.

Not going to waste my time 'arguing' with an uneducated novice!

But I do have a couple of question...

You are saying that Israel ethnically cleansed its own people from Gaza???

You do realise that Gaza is still, to this day, considered under occupation, don't you?

Yes Israel withdrew people from Gaza. What it didn't do was withdraw control of Gaza...

Land, air and sea of Gaza are still controlled by Israel...

How many of those "tens of thousands of rockets" landed in "Israel's populated cities"?

Can't wait for the next fairy tale from you!

Not by hamas who stated that it has not been occupied since August 2005

Where are the Israeli troops stationed inside gaza then, the official definition of occupation if you look

No the land air and seas of Israel are controlled by Israel who legally stop anyone from crossing into gaza

Enough to cause distress to Israeli civilians

You are the one for fairy tales

The UN clearly defines Gaza as still being occupied by Israel as Israel retains control of Gazan airspace and coastline!
Netanyahu has made it quite clear that he will not allow the creation of a Palestinian state whilst he is prime minister...
What do palistanians need a state for?

Why do Jews need a state for?
So Jews have somewhere to go when they oppressed in the countries that they are in which has occurred frequently.

Before Jews had to meekly take it. Now Jews have their own state again with a powerful military to protect them.

He said it very well.


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