Netanyahu vows 'fight to death' as clashes spread after attacks

Not ever seen you deal with facts, only opinions that support your racism and blood libes based on falsified IslamoNazi sources.
You don't see, because you don't want to see.

Do you know even what fact means or you just like your favite bar too much?

BtW weren't you supposed to admit your mistakes/lies about the Jewish diaspora like you promised??
Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2 | Page 115 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I wasn't supposed to admit anything. I said I admit when I'm proven wrong. You haven't done that.
You posted a report based on accusations without confirmed facts to back it up. Can you say John Kerry?
I posted testimony from eyewitness accounts of the "boots-on-the-ground" that experienced them.

BTW, Kerry was actually "in" Vietnam.
Not ever seen you deal with facts, only opinions that support your racism and blood libes based on falsified IslamoNazi sources.
You don't see, because you don't want to see.

Do you know even what fact means or you just like your favite bar too much?

BtW weren't you supposed to admit your mistakes/lies about the Jewish diaspora like you promised??
Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2 | Page 115 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I wasn't supposed to admit anything. I said I admit when I'm proven wrong. You haven't done that.

you've asked for archaeological evidence to Jewish diaspora-
I gave you 2 and 2 REAL scientific sources refuting what you presented, now you still ignore the FACTS:lame2::whip:

your words are worthless lies and coward blood libels- simply proven racist garbage
A major goal of mine is to have every Jew Hater leave behind in this physical realm as much evidence of their irrational, artifact inspired hatred as possible.
Then why are you talking to me?

Shouldn't you be directing your ire against a Jew hater?

When you eventually pass away and encounter God, to the extent that your pathetic soul allows, you will have no defense to prevent you from experiencing an unlimited amount of embarrassment.
Oh, I will see God, but "embarrassment" is not what I will experience.

You, my friend, on the other hand, when that day arrives, will have it much worse than I.

I will also enjoy having you as my eternal servant upon the Resurrection of the Dead.
You play too much Xbox.

Of course I realize I will have to share you with the others here on this board who actually utilize their brains.
I'll be waiting for that?

You certainly didn't do it on that statement.

because you're a proven racist anti-semite who calls for the annihilation of both Israelis and balestinians as shown below-

"Fuck Hamas and fuck Israel! Fuck both of them and fuck you!
I could care less about either side."

"Fuck Israel!
That country should be barbecued with nuclear weapons."

"Someone should barbecue that country.
Fuck Israel!"

"There's nothing to negotiate, asswipe!
Just get the fuck off land that isn't yours!"
Tell ya what phbel, why don't you go over there and start firing missiles into Israel while hiding behind innocent Palestinians who really don't want you there using them as human shields.
Is Peter Pan telling you to pick your nose and how to distort the truth of why firing missile at the occupiers is so bad, Tinkerbelle?
What occupiers idiot?

All Jews were forcefully removed from Gaza.

Yet, Gaza then became a terrorist fortress, and the arab government fired thousands of Israel's populated cities.

It's a great example of what Israel should not do again.
Israel wanted Nut&yahoo, they wanted the fire and war this fascist has initiated...God knows how many people will die in this new intifada...

All because of this evil man...

Netanyahu vows 'fight to death' as clashes spread after attacks


  • .

  • .

Jerusalem (AFP) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged "a fight to the death against Palestinian terror" as clashes spread after two deadly attacks, while Jerusalem's Old City was closed to Palestinians for a second day Monday.

Related Stories
  1. Israel bars Palestinians from Jerusalem Old City after attacks AFP
  2. Palestinian kills two Israelis, wounds child in Jerusalem attack AFP
  3. Violence intensifies in Jerusalem, West Bank, raising security concerns Reuters
  4. Netanyahu: Israel 'in fight to death against Palestinian terror' AFP
  5. Spike in Palestinian attacks raise fears of another Intifada Associated Press
  6. Bail Bonds 24/7 PA-Bail Bonds Sponsored
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The Israeli premier's comments late on Sunday came as he convened security chiefs immediately after landing back from the United States to discuss the clashes in east Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Palestinian youths throwing stones and firebombs have faced off against Israeli security forces using both live rounds and rubber bullets. Jewish settlers have also clashed with Palestinians.

The rioting has followed three attacks in recent days that have killed four Israelis and wounded several others, including a two-year-old child.

Threatening to further stoke the flames, Israeli troops shot dead an 18-year-old Palestinian during clashes in Tulkarem in the West Bank on Sunday, Palestinian police and medics said. Dozens of others have been wounded.

There have been fears that the sporadic violence could spin out of control, with some warning of the risk of a third Palestinian intifada, or uprising.

Netanyahu, facing pressure from right-wing members of his governing coalition to respond forcefully, announced a package of new measures "to prevent terror and deter and punish the attackers".

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There's little difference in the damage caused by knifings, driving cars into crowds and rock throwing. What do the rock throwers hope to accomplish? Rock throwing has been cussed and discussed till we all know it is life threatening. The rock throwers then would like to see someone die from a thrown rock. I would propose the IDF should give rock throwers a third eye between the other two eyes in order that they may see the error of their ways. A fitting response.
As usual you put the Cart before the Hoss...withdraw the occupation and the rocks will be still.

Already tried and the rocks and rockets increased exponentially, care to explain why it didn't work then but it will work now ?

Stop the terrorism and violence and the Occupation be lifted
Clearly your replies are those of a mad-man because you always put the Cart before the Horse...The Occupation of E. Jerusalem is the cause of the rage...but you're lost like an asylum seeker in England who landed in a asylum because of your political distortions of reality.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and it will continue to be occupied by the people whose home it is.
There's little difference in the damage caused by knifings, driving cars into crowds and rock throwing. What do the rock throwers hope to accomplish? Rock throwing has been cussed and discussed till we all know it is life threatening. The rock throwers then would like to see someone die from a thrown rock. I would propose the IDF should give rock throwers a third eye between the other two eyes in order that they may see the error of their ways. A fitting response.
As usual you put the Cart before the Hoss...withdraw the occupation and the rocks will be still.

Already tried and the rocks and rockets increased exponentially, care to explain why it didn't work then but it will work now ?

Stop the terrorism and violence and the Occupation be lifted
Clearly your replies are those of a mad-man because you always put the Cart before the Horse...The Occupation of E. Jerusalem is the cause of the rage...but you're lost like an asylum seeker in England who landed in a asylum because of your political distortions of reality.

And when exactly has Jerusalem been Palestinian property, dufus?
For 14 hundred years asshole.
Try never.
Okay little brain, one (potentially disgruntled, deflective) soldier with a beef or is covering up for something he did. But you desperately want to believe it so prove it. Otherwise shut the fuck up Ahkmed.
Actually, according to the IDF, it's common practice.

People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods. In checking out houses, “we send the neighbor in, the ‘Johnnie,’ and if there are armed men inside, we (use) ‘pressure cooker’ procedures….to get them out alive….to catch the armed men.” When necessary, combat helicopters are called in to fire anti-tank missiles at civilian homes. Then send a “Johnnie” in to check for dead and wounded.

Human shields were also used to check for booby-traps and perform other services. “Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”

The bottom line is, according to IDF testimonies and the UN Goldberg Report, the Israeli's use more human shields than Hamas does.
And of course all these "testimonies" are from nameless people.

In other words they are:bsflag:
You posted a report based on accusations without confirmed facts to back it up. Can you say John Kerry?
I posted testimony from eyewitness accounts of the "boots-on-the-ground" that experienced them.

BTW, Kerry was actually "in" Vietnam.
So were a lot of people I personally know (in Vietnam) but you're still missing the point basically because the reality doesn't fit your desires. Does unconfirmed (unproven) individual accounts mean anything to you?
Does personal and/or political agenda mean anything to ya? Of course it does as long as it's yours..........
you've asked for archaeological evidence to Jewish diaspora-
I gave you 2 and 2 REAL scientific sources refuting what you presented, now you still ignore the FACTS:lame2::whip:

your words are worthless lies and coward blood libels- simply proven racist garbage
Your "sources" claimed the various Temples around the world, was archeological evidence of the diaspora and that's just nuts!

Neither one showed archeological evidence of the diaspora itself.
So were a lot of people I personally know (in Vietnam) but you're still missing the point basically because the reality doesn't fit your desires. Does unconfirmed (unproven) individual accounts mean anything to you?
Those accounts were the confirmation.

Does personal and/or political agenda mean anything to ya? Of course it does as long as it's yours..........
What political agenda is that? I have no stake in the outcome. This conflict doesn't affect my daily life in any way.

So what political agenda are you talking about?
And of course all these "testimonies" are from nameless people.

In other words they are:bsflag:
Oh they have names, they're just not going to tell you fuckers.

We all see what you do to people who criticize Israel.
There's little difference in the damage caused by knifings, driving cars into crowds and rock throwing. What do the rock throwers hope to accomplish? Rock throwing has been cussed and discussed till we all know it is life threatening. The rock throwers then would like to see someone die from a thrown rock. I would propose the IDF should give rock throwers a third eye between the other two eyes in order that they may see the error of their ways. A fitting response.
As usual you put the Cart before the Hoss...withdraw the occupation and the rocks will be still.

Already tried and the rocks and rockets increased exponentially, care to explain why it didn't work then but it will work now ?

Stop the terrorism and violence and the Occupation be lifted
Clearly your replies are those of a mad-man because you always put the Cart before the Horse...The Occupation of E. Jerusalem is the cause of the rage...but you're lost like an asylum seeker in England who landed in a asylum because of your political distortions of reality.

And when exactly has Jerusalem been Palestinian property, dufus?
For 14 hundred years asshole.

Really now? You sure mr dbag in the drag? No mention of Palestine in the Old Testament, New Testament, and Koran. Under the Ottoman Turks for the last 700 years no mention of a Palestine or Palestinian people on any of their maps either.
In the last 48 hours there have been at least 4 stabbing attacks by Palestinians. Israel should raise the cost of this savagery. For every stabbing, shoot at least 10 Palestinians that are directly or indirectly responsible. It's the only language the animals understand.
Clearly your replies are those of a mad-man because you always put the Cart before the Horse...The Occupation of E. Jerusalem is the cause of the rage...but you're lost like an asylum seeker in England who landed in a asylum because of your political distortions of reality.

And when exactly has Jerusalem been Palestinian property, dufus?
For 14 hundred years asshole.
You should ask the prayer leader at your mosque to review his source material for that bit of islamo-fantasy.
It's not me hollow shit that should you worry about its all the Mosques in the world that are going to the carve-in.
Could you re-write that using words arranged in a form to create a coherent thought.

What mosques are going to carve in?

Have you bumped your head repeatedly on your prayer mat such that you're a little dopey?

Oh he's more than just a little dopey. The stupid things he says regularly, he makes dopey look normal.
So were a lot of people I personally know (in Vietnam) but you're still missing the point basically because the reality doesn't fit your desires. Does unconfirmed (unproven) individual accounts mean anything to you?
Those accounts were the confirmation.

Does personal and/or political agenda mean anything to ya? Of course it does as long as it's yours..........
What political agenda is that? I have no stake in the outcome. This conflict doesn't affect my daily life in any way.

So what political agenda are you talking about?
Agendas aren't always political. Guess you missed the "personal" part.......
If you have no stake in the outcome why are you even involved in the discussion........?
Last edited:
And when exactly has Jerusalem been Palestinian property, dufus?
For 14 hundred years asshole.
You should ask the prayer leader at your mosque to review his source material for that bit of islamo-fantasy.
It's not me hollow shit that should you worry about its all the Mosques in the world that are going to the carve-in.
Could you re-write that using words arranged in a form to create a coherent thought.

What mosques are going to carve in?

Have you bumped your head repeatedly on your prayer mat such that you're a little dopey?

Oh he's more than just a little dopey. The stupid things he says regularly, he makes dopey look normal.
BillyGoat is the White Trash Bar Hopper that Meir Kanahe so aptly described in Uncomfortable Questions for Confortable Jews.
Israel wanted Nut&yahoo, they wanted the fire and war this fascist has initiated...God knows how many people will die in this new intifada...

All because of this evil man...

Netanyahu vows 'fight to death' as clashes spread after attacks


  • .

  • .

Jerusalem (AFP) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged "a fight to the death against Palestinian terror" as clashes spread after two deadly attacks, while Jerusalem's Old City was closed to Palestinians for a second day Monday.

Related Stories
  1. Israel bars Palestinians from Jerusalem Old City after attacks AFP
  2. Palestinian kills two Israelis, wounds child in Jerusalem attack AFP
  3. Violence intensifies in Jerusalem, West Bank, raising security concerns Reuters
  4. Netanyahu: Israel 'in fight to death against Palestinian terror' AFP
  5. Spike in Palestinian attacks raise fears of another Intifada Associated Press
  6. Bail Bonds 24/7 PA-Bail Bonds Sponsored
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The Israeli premier's comments late on Sunday came as he convened security chiefs immediately after landing back from the United States to discuss the clashes in east Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Palestinian youths throwing stones and firebombs have faced off against Israeli security forces using both live rounds and rubber bullets. Jewish settlers have also clashed with Palestinians.

The rioting has followed three attacks in recent days that have killed four Israelis and wounded several others, including a two-year-old child.

Threatening to further stoke the flames, Israeli troops shot dead an 18-year-old Palestinian during clashes in Tulkarem in the West Bank on Sunday, Palestinian police and medics said. Dozens of others have been wounded.

There have been fears that the sporadic violence could spin out of control, with some warning of the risk of a third Palestinian intifada, or uprising.

Netanyahu, facing pressure from right-wing members of his governing coalition to respond forcefully, announced a package of new measures "to prevent terror and deter and punish the attackers".

View gallery
There's little difference in the damage caused by knifings, driving cars into crowds and rock throwing. What do the rock throwers hope to accomplish? Rock throwing has been cussed and discussed till we all know it is life threatening. The rock throwers then would like to see someone die from a thrown rock. I would propose the IDF should give rock throwers a third eye between the other two eyes in order that they may see the error of their ways. A fitting response.
As usual you put the Cart before the Hoss...withdraw the occupation and the rocks will be still.

Already tried and the rocks and rockets increased exponentially, care to explain why it didn't work then but it will work now ?

Stop the terrorism and violence and the Occupation be lifted
Clearly your replies are those of a mad-man because you always put the Cart before the Horse...The Occupation of E. Jerusalem is the cause of the rage...but you're lost like an asylum seeker in England who landed in a asylum because of your political distortions of reality.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and it will continue to be occupied by the people whose home it is.

The capital of Israel according to..... Israel....

Not recognised as the capital of Israel by any other country in the world!

Know why?

Because the Jewish occupation of East Jerusalem!

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