Netanyahu vows 'fight to death' as clashes spread after attacks

Wow! The world's hotbed of self-hating Jews.
NOW I get it.
In fact, it's not impossible that you're a Jew.
Wow you're picking up Slow-Mo, now tell us what you got!

Well, if you're like most of the 200 Jews or so people I know who graduated from Harvard, Yale, Binghamton, Columbia, NYU and Yeshiva University, you got a ton load of either Conservative or Liberal ideology in your head that can't stand up to real world examples.
You'd be amazed at how Orthodox Jews muse one way in a Talmud class and then become completely different once the topic goes to Politics or Economics.
I even know one guy who has 5 degrees and can't debate himself out of a paper bag when faced with any source outside of the material he was specifically directed to study.

So no, I'm more impressed by people who can connect the dots than by Academic suck-ups.
I'm a Democratic Socialist like Bernie Sanders...I bet he's not a delusional Zionist who reads his Talmudic Teachings as messages from the gods.

Now show us what you got?

Peeballs we all know you're a little Mussolini with Arab roots who masturbates to the destruction of Israel five times a day. Bernie sanders is just good entertainment. And we don't know what the commie's position on Israel is, do you?

Sanders wants a 2 State solution.

Something both sides are pretending can happen. Palestinians don't want to coexist they want to replace.
Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?
This is not a debatable issue.

The area has been occupied since 1967 and that's it. Israeli kiss-asses are not changing its status now, just because they say so. They are so stupid to think they can get away with such nonsense.

Denying the existence of the occupation, is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

So who's land did Israel occupy that it now has to give back to? The Jordanians lost it after occupying it for 20 years. One can understand why Israel hesitates to hand over ancient Jewish lands to a bunch of savages that never controlled the land and plot it's destruction in a daily basis.
You are correct AIPAC trough 3% of the US population owns 25% of the US wealth...No doubt they buy our polls...Now its out in the open and America is discussing through the Internet this Cancer in our political system.

A slow backlash is building, like it always has in world history!
It's called...Education.
Try it.
I have more education than you will ever dream of Slow-Mo!

Your educational standards are quite overtly low.
Why do you have any education beyond Gov. Huckabee? I did a stint of graduate work at Brandeis, tell us what you got in this show and tell Slow-Mo?

Wow! The world's hotbed of self-hating Jews.
NOW I get it.
In fact, it's not impossible that you're a Jew.

Now it makes sense. I tried to open a business with a Brandeis graduate I found his writing skills to be equivalent to that of a middle schooler at best. To be honest I was a shocked. What a waste of time and money.
So who's land did Israel occupy that it now has to give back to? The Jordanians lost it after occupying it for 20 years. One can understand why Israel hesitates to hand over ancient Jewish lands to a bunch of savages that never controlled the land and plot it's destruction in a daily basis.
Can't give what you don't have.
It's called...Education.
Try it.
I have more education than you will ever dream of Slow-Mo!

Your educational standards are quite overtly low.
Why do you have any education beyond Gov. Huckabee? I did a stint of graduate work at Brandeis, tell us what you got in this show and tell Slow-Mo?

Wow! The world's hotbed of self-hating Jews.
NOW I get it.
In fact, it's not impossible that you're a Jew.

Now it makes sense. I tried to open a business with a Brandeis graduate I found his writing skills to be equivalent to that of a middle schooler at best. To be honest I was a shocked. What a waste of time and money.
No Jew in my neck of the woods would waste his money sending a child there nowadays...a Liberal cesspool.
So who's land did Israel occupy that it now has to give back to? The Jordanians lost it after occupying it for 20 years. One can understand why Israel hesitates to hand over ancient Jewish lands to a bunch of savages that never controlled the land and plot it's destruction in a daily basis.
Can't give what you don't have.

So, big man, when you going to set things straight?
So, big man, when you going to set things straight?
I'm still workin' on that part.

There's really not much I can do, other than writing my Representatives and letting them know I have no intention of voting for anyone providing unconditional support for Israel.

Then again, maybe one of these psycho-settlers would get in my face for a chat? They'll find out real quick, I'm no Pal.
So who's land did Israel occupy that it now has to give back to? The Jordanians lost it after occupying it for 20 years. One can understand why Israel hesitates to hand over ancient Jewish lands to a bunch of savages that never controlled the land and plot it's destruction in a daily basis.
Can't give what you don't have.

Your brethren lost, get over it, Achmed. Israel decides what to do with that land now.
So, big man, when you going to set things straight?
I'm still workin' on that part.

There's really not much I can do, other than writing my Representatives and letting them know I have no intention of voting for anyone providing unconditional support for Israel.

Then again, maybe one of these psycho-settlers would get in my face for a chat? They'll find out real quick, I'm no Pal.

Wow what a tough guy, why don't you go join your savage brethren in Gaza? They always have room for one more animal in their bowel movement.
Wow what a tough guy, why don't you go join your savage brethren in Gaza? They always have room for one more animal in their bowel movement.
Didn't you say not too long ago, you were going there to fight along side the Israeli's?
Wow what a tough guy, why don't you go join your savage brethren in Gaza? They always have room for one more animal in their bowel movement.
Didn't you say not too long ago, you were going there to fight along side the Israeli's?
Israelis don't need my help. When they do I will be there. You donkeys don't pose a threat.
Already tried and the rocks and rockets increased exponentially, care to explain why it didn't work then but it will work now ?

Stop the terrorism and violence and the Occupation be lifted
Clearly your replies are those of a mad-man because you always put the Cart before the Horse...The Occupation of E. Jerusalem is the cause of the rage...but you're lost like an asylum seeker in England who landed in a asylum because of your political distortions of reality.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and it will continue to be occupied by the people whose home it is.

The capital of Israel according to..... Israel....

Not recognised as the capital of Israel by any other country in the world!

Know why?

Because the Jewish occupation of East Jerusalem!
It doesn't matter.

It's still Israel's capital, and it will remain so.

You are correct AIPAC trough 3% of the US population owns 25% of the US wealth...No doubt they buy our polls...Now its out in the open and America is discussing through the Internet this Cancer in our political system.

A slow backlash is building, like it always has in world history!

So why no comment on the Islamic lobbying that is seen to be much more vigorous than AIPAC, which is why Saudi gets state of the art fighter planes at cost and free lessons to fly them. Why Pakistan gets more aid that Israel to send rockets to the moon while the people starve.

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