Netanyahu vows 'fight to death' as clashes spread after attacks

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and it will continue to be occupied by the people whose home it is.

The capital of Israel according to..... Israel....

Not recognised as the capital of Israel by any other country in the world!

Know why?

Because the Jewish occupation of East Jerusalem!
It doesn't matter.

It's still Israel's capital, and it will remain so.

You are correct AIPAC trough 3% of the US population owns 25% of the US wealth...No doubt they buy our polls...Now its out in the open and America is discussing through the Internet this Cancer in our political system.

A slow backlash is building, like it always has in world history!

It's called...Education.
Try it.

I have more education than you will ever dream of Slow-Mo!

You might have more education but you cant put it into action so it was wasted
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and it will continue to be occupied by the people whose home it is.

The capital of Israel according to..... Israel....

Not recognised as the capital of Israel by any other country in the world!

Know why?

Because the Jewish occupation of East Jerusalem!

Jews occupying their own ancient religious, spiritual, and ancestral capital, how dare they?!

'Occupation Deniers' are about as dumb as 'Holocaust Deniers'...

Israel occupies territory that isn't theirs...

I really give a shit who's it was BEFORE they occupied it... It's STILL not theirs... Israel STILL occupies territory that does not belong to them!

Thats why the international community, the UN, Israeli High Court call it "occupied"...

It's obvious if you can be bothered to take off your zionut blinkers and open your eyes!

Who's "territory" was it that they are now occupying? It was Ottoman empire for 700 years, and then after the Arab attack on Israel in 48, it was occupied by the Jordanians and Egyptians for 20 years, of which nobody brought up this mythical Palestine or Palestinian people. Strange eh? So you want Israel to give back the land to the occupying Jordanians who according to the Palestinians themselves, put them in concentration camp style conditions for 20 years? Or how about the Ottomans or perhaps the British? :lmao:

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?

Because that is what it is under the Geneva conventions, and Israel has not claimed the land as theirs. So what are you trying to imply with your post ?
The West Bank was part of Jordan. By pure coincidence there was no call for a "palestinian" state when it was ruled by Jordan before 1967.

Before Jordan it was a British Colony.

Before it was a British Colony it was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Before that it was controlled by Babylon.

Before Babylon it was controlled by the Jews (a Jewish state).

Before it was a Jewish state, it was controlled by Rome.

Before Rome, it was again a Jewish state.

So whom had it first again?
The Canaanites.

Who no longer exist, but which was the last nation to hold the land as a nation
The West Bank was part of Jordan. By pure coincidence there was no call for a "palestinian" state when it was ruled by Jordan before 1967.

Before Jordan it was a British Colony.

Before it was a British Colony it was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Before that it was controlled by Babylon.

Before Babylon it was controlled by the Jews (a Jewish state).

Before it was a Jewish state, it was controlled by Rome.

Before Rome, it was again a Jewish state.

So whom had it first again?
The Canaanites.
Well...they aren't around, are they?
They are in southern Lebanon called the al Canaan Clan.

Wow! The world's hotbed of self-hating Jews.
NOW I get it.
In fact, it's not impossible that you're a Jew.
Wow you're picking up Slow-Mo, now tell us what you got!

Well, if you're like most of the 200 Jews or so people I know who graduated from Harvard, Yale, Binghamton, Columbia, NYU and Yeshiva University, you got a ton load of either Conservative or Liberal ideology in your head that can't stand up to real world examples.
You'd be amazed at how Orthodox Jews muse one way in a Talmud class and then become completely different once the topic goes to Politics or Economics.
I even know one guy who has 5 degrees and can't debate himself out of a paper bag when faced with any source outside of the material he was specifically directed to study.

So no, I'm more impressed by people who can connect the dots than by Academic suck-ups.
I'm a Democratic Socialist like Bernie Sanders...I bet he's not a delusional Zionist who reads his Talmudic Teachings as messages from the gods.

Now show us what you got?

First of all, NEVER, and I mean NEVER EVER stack me up with the scum of FauxNews...NEVER.
Graduated CUNY way back in the early 80s and spent most of my career on Wall Street teaching MBAs that they knew dip squat.
My Political leaning hover between Sanders and Trump...I hate ideologues so some of what Sanders says is a bit loopy, but he explains his positions in detail.
I have a Masters in Legal Forensics from a very prestigious institution.
I'm not going to tell you where because I fear for my life.
All that and you can't connect the Historical dots, what a waste.

Be careful stacking your love of money, Bernie is coming after your type!

It is you that cant connect the dots, and misses out the ones that will prove you wrong. Which is why your clown looks like a frigate
Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?
This is not a debatable issue.

The area has been occupied since 1967 and that's it. Israeli kiss-asses are not changing its status now, just because they say so. They are so stupid to think they can get away with such nonsense.

Denying the existence of the occupation, is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

The Israeli's are doing nothing but occupying the land as a defensive measure under the terms of the Geneva conventions. They impose the law of the land as laid down in the Jordanian law books as demanded by the Geneva conventions. The Palestinians have it within their power to bring a halt to the occupation at any time by agreeing to a fair peace and mutual borders
So, big man, when you going to set things straight?
I'm still workin' on that part.

There's really not much I can do, other than writing my Representatives and letting them know I have no intention of voting for anyone providing unconditional support for Israel.

Then again, maybe one of these psycho-settlers would get in my face for a chat? They'll find out real quick, I'm no Pal.

You could set the ball rolling and give your land back to the First nations people who you stole it from. Then find another country that will take you in, I hear Syria is looking for people these days .
The capital of Israel according to..... Israel....

Not recognised as the capital of Israel by any other country in the world!

Know why?

Because the Jewish occupation of East Jerusalem!

Jews occupying their own ancient religious, spiritual, and ancestral capital, how dare they?!

'Occupation Deniers' are about as dumb as 'Holocaust Deniers'...

Israel occupies territory that isn't theirs...

I really give a shit who's it was BEFORE they occupied it... It's STILL not theirs... Israel STILL occupies territory that does not belong to them!

Thats why the international community, the UN, Israeli High Court call it "occupied"...

It's obvious if you can be bothered to take off your zionut blinkers and open your eyes!

Who's "territory" was it that they are now occupying? It was Ottoman empire for 700 years, and then after the Arab attack on Israel in 48, it was occupied by the Jordanians and Egyptians for 20 years, of which nobody brought up this mythical Palestine or Palestinian people. Strange eh? So you want Israel to give back the land to the occupying Jordanians who according to the Palestinians themselves, put them in concentration camp style conditions for 20 years? Or how about the Ottomans or perhaps the British? :lmao:

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?
Because the UN is controlled by the arab countries whom have the rest of the world by the balls because of their oil/gas.

Ah yes, well done...

That old chestnut...

The capital of Israel according to..... Israel....

Not recognised as the capital of Israel by any other country in the world!

Know why?

Because the Jewish occupation of East Jerusalem!

Jews occupying their own ancient religious, spiritual, and ancestral capital, how dare they?!

'Occupation Deniers' are about as dumb as 'Holocaust Deniers'...

Israel occupies territory that isn't theirs...

I really give a shit who's it was BEFORE they occupied it... It's STILL not theirs... Israel STILL occupies territory that does not belong to them!

Thats why the international community, the UN, Israeli High Court call it "occupied"...

It's obvious if you can be bothered to take off your zionut blinkers and open your eyes!

Who's "territory" was it that they are now occupying? It was Ottoman empire for 700 years, and then after the Arab attack on Israel in 48, it was occupied by the Jordanians and Egyptians for 20 years, of which nobody brought up this mythical Palestine or Palestinian people. Strange eh? So you want Israel to give back the land to the occupying Jordanians who according to the Palestinians themselves, put them in concentration camp style conditions for 20 years? Or how about the Ottomans or perhaps the British? :lmao:

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?

Who cares! The Palestinians never controlled the land, there was no was occupied by the Jordanians and then conquered by Israel after the Jordanians and the rest of the Arab world used it to attack Israel with.

"Who cares"?

HAHAHAHAHA... You don't have an answer then...
Jews occupying their own ancient religious, spiritual, and ancestral capital, how dare they?!

'Occupation Deniers' are about as dumb as 'Holocaust Deniers'...

Israel occupies territory that isn't theirs...

I really give a shit who's it was BEFORE they occupied it... It's STILL not theirs... Israel STILL occupies territory that does not belong to them!

Thats why the international community, the UN, Israeli High Court call it "occupied"...

It's obvious if you can be bothered to take off your zionut blinkers and open your eyes!

Who's "territory" was it that they are now occupying? It was Ottoman empire for 700 years, and then after the Arab attack on Israel in 48, it was occupied by the Jordanians and Egyptians for 20 years, of which nobody brought up this mythical Palestine or Palestinian people. Strange eh? So you want Israel to give back the land to the occupying Jordanians who according to the Palestinians themselves, put them in concentration camp style conditions for 20 years? Or how about the Ottomans or perhaps the British? :lmao:

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?
Because the UN is controlled by the arab countries whom have the rest of the world by the balls because of their oil/gas.

Inhumanity is under the delusion that the UN today is all about fairness and justice.

Still can't answer the question though can you Roodboy!

So, how about those countries NOT in the UN who consider Israel occupies territories?

How about the Supreme Court of Israel who considered Israel occupies territory?

It is not a debatable issue...

Occupation deniers are as dumb as holocaust deniers!
Jews occupying their own ancient religious, spiritual, and ancestral capital, how dare they?!

'Occupation Deniers' are about as dumb as 'Holocaust Deniers'...

Israel occupies territory that isn't theirs...

I really give a shit who's it was BEFORE they occupied it... It's STILL not theirs... Israel STILL occupies territory that does not belong to them!

Thats why the international community, the UN, Israeli High Court call it "occupied"...

It's obvious if you can be bothered to take off your zionut blinkers and open your eyes!

Who's "territory" was it that they are now occupying? It was Ottoman empire for 700 years, and then after the Arab attack on Israel in 48, it was occupied by the Jordanians and Egyptians for 20 years, of which nobody brought up this mythical Palestine or Palestinian people. Strange eh? So you want Israel to give back the land to the occupying Jordanians who according to the Palestinians themselves, put them in concentration camp style conditions for 20 years? Or how about the Ottomans or perhaps the British? :lmao:

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?
Because the UN is controlled by the arab countries whom have the rest of the world by the balls because of their oil/gas.

Ah yes, well done...

That old chestnut...


Prove it isn't so ?
The capital of Israel according to..... Israel....

Not recognised as the capital of Israel by any other country in the world!

Know why?

Because the Jewish occupation of East Jerusalem!

Jews occupying their own ancient religious, spiritual, and ancestral capital, how dare they?!

'Occupation Deniers' are about as dumb as 'Holocaust Deniers'...

Israel occupies territory that isn't theirs...

I really give a shit who's it was BEFORE they occupied it... It's STILL not theirs... Israel STILL occupies territory that does not belong to them!

Thats why the international community, the UN, Israeli High Court call it "occupied"...

It's obvious if you can be bothered to take off your zionut blinkers and open your eyes!

Who's "territory" was it that they are now occupying? It was Ottoman empire for 700 years, and then after the Arab attack on Israel in 48, it was occupied by the Jordanians and Egyptians for 20 years, of which nobody brought up this mythical Palestine or Palestinian people. Strange eh? So you want Israel to give back the land to the occupying Jordanians who according to the Palestinians themselves, put them in concentration camp style conditions for 20 years? Or how about the Ottomans or perhaps the British? :lmao:

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?

Because that is what it is under the Geneva conventions, and Israel has not claimed the land as theirs. So what are you trying to imply with your post ?


Has Israel not declared the whole of Jerusalem as theirs?

Is that why the whole world doesn't recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

Are you going to join the dumbass "occupation deniers" club... ?
'Occupation Deniers' are about as dumb as 'Holocaust Deniers'...

Israel occupies territory that isn't theirs...

I really give a shit who's it was BEFORE they occupied it... It's STILL not theirs... Israel STILL occupies territory that does not belong to them!

Thats why the international community, the UN, Israeli High Court call it "occupied"...

It's obvious if you can be bothered to take off your zionut blinkers and open your eyes!

Who's "territory" was it that they are now occupying? It was Ottoman empire for 700 years, and then after the Arab attack on Israel in 48, it was occupied by the Jordanians and Egyptians for 20 years, of which nobody brought up this mythical Palestine or Palestinian people. Strange eh? So you want Israel to give back the land to the occupying Jordanians who according to the Palestinians themselves, put them in concentration camp style conditions for 20 years? Or how about the Ottomans or perhaps the British? :lmao:

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?
Because the UN is controlled by the arab countries whom have the rest of the world by the balls because of their oil/gas.

Inhumanity is under the delusion that the UN today is all about fairness and justice.

Still can't answer the question though can you Roodboy!

So, how about those countries NOT in the UN who consider Israel occupies territories?

How about the Supreme Court of Israel who considered Israel occupies territory?

It is not a debatable issue...

Occupation deniers are as dumb as holocaust deniers!

Because it is occupied LEGALLY under the Geneva conventions. It has not been annexed by Israel making your posts pie in the sky
'Occupation Deniers' are about as dumb as 'Holocaust Deniers'...

Israel occupies territory that isn't theirs...

I really give a shit who's it was BEFORE they occupied it... It's STILL not theirs... Israel STILL occupies territory that does not belong to them!

Thats why the international community, the UN, Israeli High Court call it "occupied"...

It's obvious if you can be bothered to take off your zionut blinkers and open your eyes!

Who's "territory" was it that they are now occupying? It was Ottoman empire for 700 years, and then after the Arab attack on Israel in 48, it was occupied by the Jordanians and Egyptians for 20 years, of which nobody brought up this mythical Palestine or Palestinian people. Strange eh? So you want Israel to give back the land to the occupying Jordanians who according to the Palestinians themselves, put them in concentration camp style conditions for 20 years? Or how about the Ottomans or perhaps the British? :lmao:

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?
Because the UN is controlled by the arab countries whom have the rest of the world by the balls because of their oil/gas.

Inhumanity is under the delusion that the UN today is all about fairness and justice.

Still can't answer the question though can you Roodboy!

So, how about those countries NOT in the UN who consider Israel occupies territories?

How about the Supreme Court of Israel who considered Israel occupies territory?

It is not a debatable issue...

Occupation deniers are as dumb as holocaust deniers!

No one denies the occupation of the west bank, apart from you who denies that it is legal.
'Occupation Deniers' are about as dumb as 'Holocaust Deniers'...

Israel occupies territory that isn't theirs...

I really give a shit who's it was BEFORE they occupied it... It's STILL not theirs... Israel STILL occupies territory that does not belong to them!

Thats why the international community, the UN, Israeli High Court call it "occupied"...

It's obvious if you can be bothered to take off your zionut blinkers and open your eyes!

Who's "territory" was it that they are now occupying? It was Ottoman empire for 700 years, and then after the Arab attack on Israel in 48, it was occupied by the Jordanians and Egyptians for 20 years, of which nobody brought up this mythical Palestine or Palestinian people. Strange eh? So you want Israel to give back the land to the occupying Jordanians who according to the Palestinians themselves, put them in concentration camp style conditions for 20 years? Or how about the Ottomans or perhaps the British? :lmao:

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?
Because the UN is controlled by the arab countries whom have the rest of the world by the balls because of their oil/gas.

Ah yes, well done...

That old chestnut...


Prove it isn't so ?

Still don't quite get it Phoney do you....

A statement was made so... Back it up!
Jews occupying their own ancient religious, spiritual, and ancestral capital, how dare they?!

'Occupation Deniers' are about as dumb as 'Holocaust Deniers'...

Israel occupies territory that isn't theirs...

I really give a shit who's it was BEFORE they occupied it... It's STILL not theirs... Israel STILL occupies territory that does not belong to them!

Thats why the international community, the UN, Israeli High Court call it "occupied"...

It's obvious if you can be bothered to take off your zionut blinkers and open your eyes!

Who's "territory" was it that they are now occupying? It was Ottoman empire for 700 years, and then after the Arab attack on Israel in 48, it was occupied by the Jordanians and Egyptians for 20 years, of which nobody brought up this mythical Palestine or Palestinian people. Strange eh? So you want Israel to give back the land to the occupying Jordanians who according to the Palestinians themselves, put them in concentration camp style conditions for 20 years? Or how about the Ottomans or perhaps the British? :lmao:

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?

Because that is what it is under the Geneva conventions, and Israel has not claimed the land as theirs. So what are you trying to imply with your post ?


Has Israel not declared the whole of Jerusalem as theirs?

Is that why the whole world doesn't recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

Are you going to join the dumbass "occupation deniers" club... ?

Have they I wonder who did that in 1949 and you never say a word about that ILLEGAL ANNEXATION. So do you want to join the Deniers of Israeli human rights and rights under international law ?
Now what don't you understand about Israel occupies the west bank and the Corpus Separatum legally under the Geneva conventions. and the mandate of Palestine 1923. Time for the lawyers and judges of the ICC/ICJ to rule on the matter once and for all and see who comes out on top with the full weight of international law supporting their rights to the land.
Who's "territory" was it that they are now occupying? It was Ottoman empire for 700 years, and then after the Arab attack on Israel in 48, it was occupied by the Jordanians and Egyptians for 20 years, of which nobody brought up this mythical Palestine or Palestinian people. Strange eh? So you want Israel to give back the land to the occupying Jordanians who according to the Palestinians themselves, put them in concentration camp style conditions for 20 years? Or how about the Ottomans or perhaps the British? :lmao:

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?
Because the UN is controlled by the arab countries whom have the rest of the world by the balls because of their oil/gas.

Ah yes, well done...

That old chestnut...


Prove it isn't so ?

Still don't quite get it Phoney do you....

A statement was made so... Back it up!

I give you UN Watch as evidence, what have you got ?

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