Netanyahu vows 'fight to death' as clashes spread after attacks

It has not been annexed by Israel making your posts pie in the sky

So Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are not annexed by Israel?

You need to catch up Phoney!

Read the Mandate of Palestine that became International law, then come back and explain what land was given to the Jews for their NATIONal home. And what land was given to the arab muslims for their nation.
The Israeli's are doing nothing but occupying the land as a defensive measure under the terms of the Geneva conventions. They impose the law of the land as laid down in the Jordanian law books as demanded by the Geneva conventions. The Palestinians have it within their power to bring a halt to the occupation at any time by agreeing to a fair peace and mutual borders
Your argument is not grounded in reality.

Why does the international community, including all of Europe and the US and every country in the world, the UN and the Supreme Court of Israel consider land as "occupied" by Israel?
Because the UN is controlled by the arab countries whom have the rest of the world by the balls because of their oil/gas.

Ah yes, well done...

That old chestnut...


Prove it isn't so ?

Still don't quite get it Phoney do you....

A statement was made so... Back it up!

I give you UN Watch as evidence, what have you got ?

And where does UN Watch specifically state... "UN is controlled by the arab countries"?
The Israeli's are doing nothing but occupying the land as a defensive measure under the terms of the Geneva conventions. They impose the law of the land as laid down in the Jordanian law books as demanded by the Geneva conventions. The Palestinians have it within their power to bring a halt to the occupation at any time by agreeing to a fair peace and mutual borders
Your argument is not grounded in reality.

Then why don't you post the reality using unbiased and non partisan links
It has not been annexed by Israel making your posts pie in the sky

So Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are not annexed by Israel?

You need to catch up Phoney!

Read the Mandate of Palestine that became International law, then come back and explain what land was given to the Jews for their NATIONal home. And what land was given to the arab muslims for their nation.

Stay focused Phoney...

So Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are not annexed by Israel?

Thats a simple yes/no question!
The Israeli's are doing nothing but occupying the land as a defensive measure under the terms of the Geneva conventions. They impose the law of the land as laid down in the Jordanian law books as demanded by the Geneva conventions. The Palestinians have it within their power to bring a halt to the occupation at any time by agreeing to a fair peace and mutual borders
Your argument is not grounded in reality.

No problem...When you go to Israel, you will wear a Chai and go into any West Bank Arab Village on your own; you will be buried the next day.
It has not been annexed by Israel making your posts pie in the sky

So Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are not annexed by Israel?

You need to catch up Phoney!

Read the Mandate of Palestine that became International law, then come back and explain what land was given to the Jews for their NATIONal home. And what land was given to the arab muslims for their nation.

Stay focused Phoney...

So Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are not annexed by Israel?

Thats a simple yes/no question!

Try and read the proof given that says the land belongs to Israel so how could they annexe what is theirs by international law

Read the Mandate of Palestine that became International law, then come back and explain what land was given to the Jews for their NATIONal home. And what land was given to the arab muslims for their nation
No one denies the occupation of the west bank

Every zionut here denies occupation of West Bank!

Don't you read your 'brothers' posts?

Only in your fantasy world where this ficticious zionuts exist

If it's written in black and white here by your zionut friends then it can't be MY fantasy world can it!

Only in your fantasy world where this ficticious zionuts exist Cant get any clearer than that can I. Made up words are a sign of you living a fantasy existence. No such thing as a zionut, what tree does it grow on ?
It has not been annexed by Israel making your posts pie in the sky

So Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are not annexed by Israel?

You need to catch up Phoney!

Read the Mandate of Palestine that became International law, then come back and explain what land was given to the Jews for their NATIONal home. And what land was given to the arab muslims for their nation.

Stay focused Phoney...

So Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are not annexed by Israel?

Thats a simple yes/no question!

Try and read the proof given that says the land belongs to Israel so how could they annexe what is theirs by international law

Read the Mandate of Palestine that became International law, then come back and explain what land was given to the Jews for their NATIONal home. And what land was given to the arab muslims for their nation

Ah so you ARE an occupation denier then...

Congratulations! Dumbass!

You don't believe that Israel annexed Golan in 1981?
No one denies the occupation of the west bank

Every zionut here denies occupation of West Bank!

Don't you read your 'brothers' posts?

Only in your fantasy world where this ficticious zionuts exist

If it's written in black and white here by your zionut friends then it can't be MY fantasy world can it!

Only in your fantasy world where this ficticious zionuts exist Cant get any clearer than that can I. Made up words are a sign of you living a fantasy existence. No such thing as a zionut, what tree does it grow on ?

Tell you what then dumbass...

I do a deal with you...

You stop using made up words and I will....
No problem...When you go to Israel, you will wear a Chai and go into any West Bank Arab Village on your own; you will be buried the next day.
Two things:

1) If I'm in the West Bank, I would not be in Israel
2) The next day, I'd probably be shot by the IDF while waiting for a bus and left on the side of the road to rot​

Why would the IDF shoot me?
For the same reason a dog licks' its balls!
It has not been annexed by Israel making your posts pie in the sky

So Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are not annexed by Israel?

You need to catch up Phoney!

Read the Mandate of Palestine that became International law, then come back and explain what land was given to the Jews for their NATIONal home. And what land was given to the arab muslims for their nation.

Stay focused Phoney...

So Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are not annexed by Israel?

Thats a simple yes/no question!

Try and read the proof given that says the land belongs to Israel so how could they annexe what is theirs by international law

Read the Mandate of Palestine that became International law, then come back and explain what land was given to the Jews for their NATIONal home. And what land was given to the arab muslims for their nation

Ah so you ARE an occupation denier then...

Congratulations! Dumbass!

You don't believe that Israel annexed Golan in 1981?

What a moron you are. FIRSTLY there is no such thing as an occupation denier, SECONDLY how can they annexe what was theirs originally under international law.
They may well of said they annexed the Golan heights just to show that they were taking what was theirs originally, and Syria accepted the loss when they negotiasted a ceasefire.
No one denies the occupation of the west bank

Every zionut here denies occupation of West Bank!

Don't you read your 'brothers' posts?

Only in your fantasy world where this ficticious zionuts exist

If it's written in black and white here by your zionut friends then it can't be MY fantasy world can it!

Only in your fantasy world where this ficticious zionuts exist Cant get any clearer than that can I. Made up words are a sign of you living a fantasy existence. No such thing as a zionut, what tree does it grow on ?

Tell you what then dumbass...

I do a deal with you...

You stop using made up words and I will....

All my words are in the dictionary, you make up yours as you go along
No problem...When you go to Israel, you will wear a Chai and go into any West Bank Arab Village on your own; you will be buried the next day.
Two things:

1) If I'm in the West Bank, I would not be in Israel
2) The next day, I'd probably be shot by the IDF while waiting for a bus and left on the side of the road to rot​

Why would the IDF shoot me?
For the same reason a dog licks' its balls!

1) depends on if you agree that International law works in the Jews favour or not

2) most likely shot by islamonazi terrorists for being American, then dragged through the streets of Ramallah sans head and left to tenderise before being consumed
Israel wanted Nut&yahoo, they wanted the fire and war this fascist has initiated...God knows how many people will die in this new intifada...

All because of this evil man...

Netanyahu vows 'fight to death' as clashes spread after attacks


  • .

  • .

Jerusalem (AFP) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged "a fight to the death against Palestinian terror" as clashes spread after two deadly attacks, while Jerusalem's Old City was closed to Palestinians for a second day Monday.

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  1. Israel bars Palestinians from Jerusalem Old City after attacks AFP
  2. Palestinian kills two Israelis, wounds child in Jerusalem attack AFP
  3. Violence intensifies in Jerusalem, West Bank, raising security concerns Reuters
  4. Netanyahu: Israel 'in fight to death against Palestinian terror' AFP
  5. Spike in Palestinian attacks raise fears of another Intifada Associated Press
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The Israeli premier's comments late on Sunday came as he convened security chiefs immediately after landing back from the United States to discuss the clashes in east Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Palestinian youths throwing stones and firebombs have faced off against Israeli security forces using both live rounds and rubber bullets. Jewish settlers have also clashed with Palestinians.

The rioting has followed three attacks in recent days that have killed four Israelis and wounded several others, including a two-year-old child.

Threatening to further stoke the flames, Israeli troops shot dead an 18-year-old Palestinian during clashes in Tulkarem in the West Bank on Sunday, Palestinian police and medics said. Dozens of others have been wounded.

There have been fears that the sporadic violence could spin out of control, with some warning of the risk of a third Palestinian intifada, or uprising.

Netanyahu, facing pressure from right-wing members of his governing coalition to respond forcefully, announced a package of new measures "to prevent terror and deter and punish the attackers".

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All jews should read my signature comments. This is the only way to go for jews, jews are doing this silly exercise for centuries and always got beaten and go underground and start again. What a wastage of lives,time and money please give up this nonsense.
Every zionut here denies occupation of West Bank!

Don't you read your 'brothers' posts?

Only in your fantasy world where this ficticious zionuts exist

If it's written in black and white here by your zionut friends then it can't be MY fantasy world can it!

Only in your fantasy world where this ficticious zionuts exist Cant get any clearer than that can I. Made up words are a sign of you living a fantasy existence. No such thing as a zionut, what tree does it grow on ?

Tell you what then dumbass...

I do a deal with you...

You stop using made up words and I will....

All my words are in the dictionary, you make up yours as you go along

HAHAHA... Already proven they aren't Phoney!

Remember! LOL

What a schmuck!
So Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are not annexed by Israel?

You need to catch up Phoney!

Read the Mandate of Palestine that became International law, then come back and explain what land was given to the Jews for their NATIONal home. And what land was given to the arab muslims for their nation.

Stay focused Phoney...

So Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are not annexed by Israel?

Thats a simple yes/no question!

Try and read the proof given that says the land belongs to Israel so how could they annexe what is theirs by international law

Read the Mandate of Palestine that became International law, then come back and explain what land was given to the Jews for their NATIONal home. And what land was given to the arab muslims for their nation

Ah so you ARE an occupation denier then...

Congratulations! Dumbass!

You don't believe that Israel annexed Golan in 1981?

What a moron you are. FIRSTLY there is no such thing as an occupation denier, SECONDLY how can they annexe what was theirs originally under international law.
They may well of said they annexed the Golan heights just to show that they were taking what was theirs originally, and Syria accepted the loss when they negotiasted a ceasefire.

Sorry Phoney, this is going to be painful and show you for what a true zionut freak you really are...

"no such thing as an occupation denier"

Just three examples of an "occupation denier"... Roodboy, Hollow Hollie, Phoney... MORON

"how can they annexe what was theirs originally"

IF Golan already belonged to Israel why then was it necessary for the Israeli parliament to vote on legislation in December 1981 to annex Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and part of the WB? MORON


Now, go away, lick your wounds and just accept you are a liar with moronic zionut blinkers!

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