Netanyahu's unwelcome visit to the U.S.

You care more about America than most Americans. Oh if only we can concentrate on our own country instead of fighting nonsense wars in the ME and meanwhile we are going downhill. At least Obama is trying his best to put a hold on the trigger.

People are innocent, does not matter their country, the evilness stems from some certain parts. Obama is trying his best but he also behaved cowardy about some points, maybe he had to behave such. I would like American people to hold him in presidency but apparently this is difficult anymore. He have been lynched by media and have no credibility in the eyes of society.

We will witness the collapse of bloody Zionist dynasty in the coming years, not only the enemy of USA but enemy of all World's people.
You're right on one point...Zionists via AIPAC also control the Mass Media in our country along with Hollywood in which cinema is used to promote Israel and AIPAC policies with artistic propaganda...All at the cost of American lives here and abroad...


Even the Media owned by Muslims that hack of the heads of their wives ?
This shits must be kicked out of USA. Even USA central bank is belong to them. They manipulate all USA financial sector. The situation was the same in Turkiye too, Turkish Central Bank is still menaged by them but we have them cornered from every angle and they cant behave as they wish anymore, we clean them with each passing day, every day one of them. Erdogan is a great leader and his team achieves great jobs, but probably you wont be aware of these things in Europe or in USA, our success will be kept from the people and they will continue to try to show Turkiye as an evil country and Muslims as evil people. Obama is a true leader, but he is not allowed to manage USA as he wish, because he is a peaceful person which is contrary to Zionist interests. These are the same shits from the same family who organized and provoked Briton Hessian soldiers against George Washington during the revolution and seized Central Bank.
Obama, a "peaceful person"? The same guy who has "kill lists". The same guy who is basically continuing the policies of his predecessor? The same guy who is continuing the wars his predecessor started? The same guy I voted for (twice). But it wasn't more than a year into his second term, that I finally had enough and withdrew my support for his neocon driven policies.

Obama is a politician. The same as Bush. They make their living telling people what they want to hear, but it's not what they do. He has done some good things, but he's not nearly the President this country needs. Just like Bush, Obama is a corporate bitch, doing what he's told like a good little whore.
Define in your own words what you mean by Zionism, and be aware the Mohamed was an actual Zionist early in life.
Zionism, is the ideology of being the biggest asshole you could possibly be.

Yeah them damn Zionists & their peace offerings to Palestinians, security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel to kill more Israeli's. What a bunch of assholes for not treating the Palestisnians like their own Arab brothers do.
Oh dear, I do hope someone doesn't help a young Jewish woman (who is known to have affairs with married men) get a job at the White House and that she doesn't seduce President Obama, like what happened when Bill Clinton refused to meet with Bibi.

Monica was a Jewish spy?? Or was that Paula Jones...or was it Linda Tripp??? lmao

This shits must be kicked out of USA. Even USA central bank is belong to them. They manipulate all USA financial sector. The situation was the same in Turkiye too, Turkish Central Bank is still menaged by them but we have them cornered from every angle and they cant behave as they wish anymore, we clean them with each passing day, every day one of them. Erdogan is a great leader and his team achieves great jobs, but probably you wont be aware of these things in Europe or in USA, our success will be kept from the people and they will continue to try to show Turkiye as an evil country and Muslims as evil people. Obama is a true leader, but he is not allowed to manage USA as he wish, because he is a peaceful person which is contrary to Zionist interests. These are the same shits from the same family who organized and provoked Briton Hessian soldiers against George Washington during the revolution and seized Central Bank.
Obama, a "peaceful person"? The same guy who has "kill lists". The same guy who is basically continuing the policies of his predecessor? The same guy who is continuing the wars his predecessor started? The same guy I voted for (twice). But it wasn't more than a year into his second term, that I finally had enough and withdrew my support for his neocon driven policies.

Obama is a politician. The same as Bush. They make their living telling people what they want to hear, but it's not what they do. He has done some good things, but he's not nearly the President this country needs. Just like Bush, Obama is a corporate bitch, doing what he's told like a good little whore.

But Billo; Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize...did you really expect him to kow tow to Hamas??

I am glad you see Iran as a bridge too far....

Lawmakers grill White House adviser on secret Iran talks The Times of Israel

er: maybe not!!

I think we should normalize relations with Iran. 75% of their population is under 30. Soon, all those old mullahs will die off and women will be wearing Levis in public again.

When you were in your 20's, did you blindly do everything your grandparents told you to do? Were your priorities, the same as theirs?

This is Iran today.

That doesn't look like a crowd living in the 7th century.


Sure does!!!


You put that up, why not list the Crimes Punishable by Death in Saudi Arabia and yet we don't mind.
We do not do things for humanitarian reasons, its just an excuse.

Because the discussion I was having was about Iran. It reminded me of the "Happy Peasants/workers in the fields/factories as they worked for their Communist State" type of stuff......or are you too young to remember?

Unwelcome by who?

Just because that petty man/child that is President isn't "welcoming" him doesn't mean the rest of the country feels that way.
So you are a gold plated Zionist then ........................
No. I take being an asshole, to a whole other level.

The reason Zionists hate me, is because I'm a much bigger prick than they are.

You're comparing a bloody skyscraper to a mustard seed!!! Israel gets it wrong sometimes, and for that they have their courts which dispense the highest standards of jurisprudence. Unlike your heroes!!


You're comparing a bloody skyscraper to a mustard seed!!! Israel gets it wrong sometimes, and for that they have their courts which dispense the highest standards of jurisprudence. Unlike your heroes!!


Are you talking about the same courts that dismiss 90% of their war crimes cases without any investigation at all?
You're comparing a bloody skyscraper to a mustard seed!!! Israel gets it wrong sometimes, and for that they have their courts which dispense the highest standards of jurisprudence. Unlike your heroes!!


Are you talking about the same courts that dismiss 90% of their war crimes cases without any investigation at all?

Point of information!! A court can only dismiss on the evidence. Get your facts right!!

So you are a gold plated Zionist then ........................
No. I take being an asshole, to a whole other level.

The reason Zionists hate me, is because I'm a much bigger prick than they are.

"Zionists hate you"? Surely you jest. They are having a ball laughing at you & from you. And so do I.
Hilarious actually :lol:
Its almost like being a prick is your life achievement..that doesn't make you an asshole, that makes you a clown.

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