Netanyahu's unwelcome visit to the U.S.

Boehner's Bonner is biting him and Netanyahu in the butt as America watches!

Even Fox News is outraged at Boehner and Netanyahu's plan to undermine Obama

Updated by Max Fisher on January 24, 2015, 4:00 p.m. ET @Max_Fisher [email protected]

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Fox News is not exactly known as an ally of the Obama administration, especially when it comes to disputes between Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, or disputes between Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Yet two prominent Fox News hosts, Chris Wallace and Shepherd Smith, harshly criticized Boehner and Netanyahu on Friday for secretly arranging a Netanyahu speech to Congress that is transparently aimed at undermining President Obama, and set up without the White House's knowledge.

The White House, State Department, and many foreign policy observers, including prominent former US ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk, expressed outrage over the move. And, in a sign of just how many lines Boehner and Netanyahu crossed, so did Fox News hosts Chris Wallace and Shepherd Smith.

"I agree 100 percent," Wallace said when Smith read a quote from Indyk criticizing the Boehner-Netanyahu maneuver. Wallace went on:

And to make you get a sense of really how, forgive me, wicked, this whole thing is, the Secretary of State John Kerry met with the Israeli Ambassador to the United States for two hours on Tuesday, Ron Dermer. The ambassador, never mentioned the fact that Netanyahu was in negotiations and finally agreed to come to Washington, not to see the president, but to go to Capitol Hill, speak to a joint session of congress and criticize the president's policy. I have to say I'm shocked.

Smith said, "it seems like [Netanyahu's government thinks] we don't pay attention and that we're just a bunch of complete morons, the United States citizens, as if we wouldn't pick up on what's happening here."
Much respect to Netanyahu for not doing what Obama tells him to do. He's a true leader, unlike the coward Obummer.
Much respect to Netanyahu for not doing what Obama tells him to do. He's a true leader, unlike the coward Obummer.
People as always in history are catching on to the AIPAC Cabal, better move to Israel Toast....
Much respect to Netanyahu for not doing what Obama tells him to do. He's a true leader, unlike the coward Obummer.
People as always in history are catching on to the AIPAC Cabal, better move to Israel Toast....
Again you're thinking that you speak for everyone. AIPAC is still going very strong. If that changes, let me know.
I just consider your posts piss and wind. No main event!! Anti-Semitism is ssssssoooooooooooooo KKK!!

But they are based on reality and I can explain the reason behind them, unlike this Anti-Semitism bullshit towards anyone who criticizes Israel. And to date, anyone who has used the A-card has not been able to prove that it is not bullshit, because they are unable to explain the reason behind it's relevance towards the person they are accusing.
If you have been taking your asshole to a whole other level, it sure wouldn't be yours that's the biggest.
There's always someone with a bigger one.

I also like a good book, long walks on the beach and Wild Turkey on the rocks.

However, if someone has a little Mad Dog...
You must be so proud.
I'm not proud of it. My biggest problem is that I enjoy confrontation way too much. Arguments are my Disneyland. But a lot of that has to do with the fact that there are so many people who are really bad at them. As an example...

You have people who accuse people of being anti-Semitic, but can't explain why?
Or they can't explain why they claim Islam is trying to take over the world, when we're the ones with over a 1000 bases all over the planet and enough nukes to kill the population of the world 37 times.
Or they argue against climate change, when that's like saying "gravity plays no role in plane crashes".

I've come to the realization that they don't care about presenting a good argument, it's all about "perception management". And if you don't go along with the program, they shoot you.
"Zionists hate you"? Surely you jest. They are having a ball laughing at you & from you. And so do I.
You keep repeating that in the same vane as Dorothy closing her eyes and chanting,
"There's no place like home"
"There's no place like home"
"There's no place like home"
You're comparing a bloody skyscraper to a mustard seed!!! Israel gets it wrong sometimes, and for that they have their courts which dispense the highest standards of jurisprudence. Unlike your heroes!!


Are you talking about the same courts that dismiss 90% of their war crimes cases without any investigation at all?

LINK from a non partisan source
You must be so proud.
I'm not proud of it. My biggest problem is that I enjoy confrontation way too much. Arguments are my Disneyland. But a lot of that has to do with the fact that there are so many people who are really bad at them. As an example...

You have people who accuse people of being anti-Semitic, but can't explain why?
Or they can't explain why they claim Islam is trying to take over the world, when we're the ones with over a 1000 bases all over the planet and enough nukes to kill the population of the world 37 times.
Or they argue against climate change, when that's like saying "gravity plays no role in plane crashes".

I've come to the realization that they don't care about presenting a good argument, it's all about "perception management". And if you don't go along with the program, they shoot you.

Argue?? lmao. Your self serving diatribe has NO argument at all; it's just BILE. Levi has proven you are wrong!! Get OVER it!!

Net&yahoo reminds me of a Pit Bull terrier, all Balls and no Brains...But hey, that's what Israelis have wanted, A right wing government that is intent on keeping its annexed territories by force against the norms of International Law...

Expect Obama allowing the UN Security Council to vote in favor of a Palestinian State before he leaves office...Pay Back is a Bitch!

White House going nuclear on Netanyahu New York Post

Thou shall not cross Dear Leader.

With their gutter sniping failing to stop Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned March speech before Congress, White House aides are unloading their full arsenal of bile.

“He spat in our face publicly, and that’s no way to behave,” one Obama aide told an Israeli newspaper. “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”
You must be so proud.
I'm not proud of it. My biggest problem is that I enjoy confrontation way too much. Arguments are my Disneyland. But a lot of that has to do with the fact that there are so many people who are really bad at them. As an example...

You have people who accuse people of being anti-Semitic, but can't explain why?
Or they can't explain why they claim Islam is trying to take over the world, when we're the ones with over a 1000 bases all over the planet and enough nukes to kill the population of the world 37 times.
Or they argue against climate change, when that's like saying "gravity plays no role in plane crashes".

I've come to the realization that they don't care about presenting a good argument, it's all about "perception management". And if you don't go along with the program, they shoot you.

I have explained why you are seen as anti semitic, only you can explain the why

And a firm control of the military so that the Nukes stay inactive, the muslims don't care if they kill 100 million of their own in the process of world domination

Ever thought that what we call climate change is what the planet goes through all the time. It is scare mongering to make people pay more for their heating and lighting. The biggest myth is that sea levels will rise as the Ice caps melt, yet the planet cant hold anymore water so were will it come from. A simple experiment is to fill a glass with water and ice in equal quantities
Net&yahoo reminds me of a Pit Bull terrier, all Balls and no Brains...But hey, that's what Israelis have wanted, A right wing government that is intent on keeping its annexed territories by force against the norms of International Law...

Expect Obama allowing the UN Security Council to vote in favor of a Palestinian State before he leaves office...Pay Back is a Bitch!

White House going nuclear on Netanyahu New York Post

Thou shall not cross Dear Leader.

With their gutter sniping failing to stop Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned March speech before Congress, White House aides are unloading their full arsenal of bile.

“He spat in our face publicly, and that’s no way to behave,” one Obama aide told an Israeli newspaper. “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”

Isnt Obama already paying the price for his inability to be a proper American president, and he cant do a thing his fangs have been drawn. Congress will block his every move and make him a president in name only, and keep him from the golf course.
Net&yahoo reminds me of a Pit Bull terrier, all Balls and no Brains...But hey, that's what Israelis have wanted, A right wing government that is intent on keeping its annexed territories by force against the norms of International Law...

Expect Obama allowing the UN Security Council to vote in favor of a Palestinian State before he leaves office...Pay Back is a Bitch!

White House going nuclear on Netanyahu New York Post

Thou shall not cross Dear Leader.

With their gutter sniping failing to stop Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned March speech before Congress, White House aides are unloading their full arsenal of bile.

“He spat in our face publicly, and that’s no way to behave,” one Obama aide told an Israeli newspaper. “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”

Wow about that last quote! Don't you think that is very childish and NO way for an American POTUS to behave?
I have explained why you are seen as anti semitic, only you can explain the why
You just spewed out conjectures and innuendo's, but you didn't say why you thought that.

And a firm control of the military so that the Nukes stay inactive, the muslims don't care if they kill 100 million of their own in the process of world domination
Shove that strawman argument up your ass! I'm not buying your juvenile bullshit.

Ever thought that what we call climate change is what the planet goes through all the time. It is scare mongering to make people pay more for their heating and lighting. The biggest myth is that sea levels will rise as the Ice caps melt, yet the planet cant hold anymore water so were will it come from. A simple experiment is to fill a glass with water and ice in equal quantities
Climate change is not a debatable issue.

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