Netanyahu's unwelcome visit to the U.S.

Net&yahoo reminds me of a Pit Bull terrier, all Balls and no Brains...But hey, that's what Israelis have wanted, A right wing government that is intent on keeping its annexed territories by force against the norms of International Law...

Expect Obama allowing the UN Security Council to vote in favor of a Palestinian State before he leaves office...Pay Back is a Bitch!

White House going nuclear on Netanyahu New York Post

Thou shall not cross Dear Leader.

With their gutter sniping failing to stop Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned March speech before Congress, White House aides are unloading their full arsenal of bile.

“He spat in our face publicly, and that’s no way to behave,” one Obama aide told an Israeli newspaper. “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”

Isnt Obama already paying the price for his inability to be a proper American president, and he cant do a thing his fangs have been drawn. Congress will block his every move and make him a president in name only, and keep him from the golf course.
You are a braying JackAss and certainly don't realize the exclusive Executive Power of then US presidency, not to mention his veto power over Congress...
Argue?? lmao. Your self serving diatribe has NO argument at all; it's just BILE.
Self serving? I have no stake in this. It doesn't affect my daily life at all. And the fact that you can't argue against my "diatribe", is prima facie evidence, my argument is a valid one.

Levi has proven you are wrong!! Get OVER it!!

Levi? Levi who? Levi Strauss? Levi Helms? When the Levi brakes? You think dropping irrelevant names, can score debating points?
Argue?? lmao. Your self serving diatribe has NO argument at all; it's just BILE.
Self serving? I have no stake in this. It doesn't affect my daily life at all. And the fact that you can't argue against my "diatribe", is prima facie evidence, my argument is a valid one.

Levi has proven you are wrong!! Get OVER it!!

Levi? Levi who? Levi Strauss? Levi Helms? When the Levi brakes? You think dropping irrelevant names, can score debating points?
Exactly. You are clueless!

Bibi Netanyahu -- aka The Republican Senator From Israel -- May Have Made A Fatal Political Mistake - Forbes

May Have Made A Fatal Political Mistake

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Set aside, for the moment, the diplomatic row being sparked by Speaker of the House John Boehner as he seeks to create two conflicting foreign policies for the United States—one pursued by the President and the other pursued by the Congress.

Boehner’s hubris, in conjunction with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s desire to interfere with American policy while seeking to bolster his re-election campaign, may turn out to be the very political screw-up that will allow the joint ticket forged by the Labor-Hatnuah political parties to bring an end to Netanyahu’s long reign atop the Israeli government.

According to a Channel 10 poll out this past Thursday in Israel, the joint ticket offered by the Labor-Hatnuah coalition currently stands to grab 24 seats in the Israeli Knesset in the coming election—up one seat from the previous poll—while Netanyahu’s Likud Party is holding steady with just 20 seats.
Exactly. You are clueless!
That's what you claim, yet can't prove. Hell, you can't even explain it.

I have posted it several times. That you ignored the Levi report is neither here nor there, but you know about it as I have quoted from it and referenced it TO YOU. You even criticised it as being :"Jewish".

So please stop mocking yourself by displaying such selective memory!!

I have explained why you are seen as anti semitic, only you can explain the why
You just spewed out conjectures and innuendo's, but you didn't say why you thought that.

And a firm control of the military so that the Nukes stay inactive, the muslims don't care if they kill 100 million of their own in the process of world domination
Shove that strawman argument up your ass! I'm not buying your juvenile bullshit.

Ever thought that what we call climate change is what the planet goes through all the time. It is scare mongering to make people pay more for their heating and lighting. The biggest myth is that sea levels will rise as the Ice caps melt, yet the planet cant hold anymore water so were will it come from. A simple experiment is to fill a glass with water and ice in equal quantities
Climate change is not a debatable issue.

Because of the context and content of your ANTI JEWISH words that are RACIST and HATEFUL

Read the words of the Iranian army leaders who have said they will kill 1 million Palestinians to gat one Jew and they don't care. Look at the rants by the extremist muslims when they threaten the west with Armageddon and don't care how many of their own get killed.

Because you don't know enough about it and just take the word of left wing scientists paid by the power companies.
I have posted it several times. That you ignored the Levi report is neither here nor there, but you know about it as I have quoted from it and referenced it TO YOU. You even criticised it as being :"Jewish".

So please stop mocking yourself by displaying such selective memory!!

I've never heard of the Levi report and you're not helping by just dropping a name and not explaining its relevance.

And could you provide the link to my "alleged" response you referenced above?
Because of the context and content of your ANTI JEWISH words that are RACIST and HATEFUL
Name one post of mine where I said anything about Jews?

Read the words of the Iranian army leaders who have said they will kill 1 million Palestinians to gat one Jew and they don't care.
No, you provide the link where they made that claim.

Look at the rants by the extremist muslims when they threaten the west with Armageddon and don't care how many of their own get killed.
They're no different than your rants.

Because you don't know enough about it and just take the word of left wing scientists paid by the power companies.
95% of the science community agree this is a reality we need to deal with.

You're just some fossil fuel whore doing the bidding for old energy company's.
Net&yahoo reminds me of a Pit Bull terrier, all Balls and no Brains...But hey, that's what Israelis have wanted, A right wing government that is intent on keeping its annexed territories by force against the norms of International Law...

Expect Obama allowing the UN Security Council to vote in favor of a Palestinian State before he leaves office...Pay Back is a Bitch!

White House going nuclear on Netanyahu New York Post

Thou shall not cross Dear Leader.

With their gutter sniping failing to stop Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned March speech before Congress, White House aides are unloading their full arsenal of bile.

“He spat in our face publicly, and that’s no way to behave,” one Obama aide told an Israeli newspaper. “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”

Isnt Obama already paying the price for his inability to be a proper American president, and he cant do a thing his fangs have been drawn. Congress will block his every move and make him a president in name only, and keep him from the golf course.
You are a braying JackAss and certainly don't realize the exclusive Executive Power of then US presidency, not to mention his veto power over Congress...

That lasts only until he is impeached and his sorry ass thrown in jail, then all his powers dissolve like an aspirin in water. I wonder if they will find one with a golf course so he can practise some more and reduce his handicap even further.
Net&yahoo reminds me of a Pit Bull terrier, all Balls and no Brains...But hey, that's what Israelis have wanted, A right wing government that is intent on keeping its annexed territories by force against the norms of International Law...

Expect Obama allowing the UN Security Council to vote in favor of a Palestinian State before he leaves office...Pay Back is a Bitch!

White House going nuclear on Netanyahu New York Post

Thou shall not cross Dear Leader.

With their gutter sniping failing to stop Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned March speech before Congress, White House aides are unloading their full arsenal of bile.

“He spat in our face publicly, and that’s no way to behave,” one Obama aide told an Israeli newspaper. “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”

Isnt Obama already paying the price for his inability to be a proper American president, and he cant do a thing his fangs have been drawn. Congress will block his every move and make him a president in name only, and keep him from the golf course.
You are a braying JackAss and certainly don't realize the exclusive Executive Power of then US presidency, not to mention his veto power over Congress...

That lasts only until he is impeached and his sorry ass thrown in jail, then all his powers dissolve like an aspirin in water. I wonder if they will find one with a golf course so he can practise some more and reduce his handicap even further.
Soon Nut&Yahoo will face his-own Electorate, We will soon see whether Israel supports peace and its alliance with the USA, or continued aggression and de-legitimization in the World's Capitals...
Net&yahoo reminds me of a Pit Bull terrier, all Balls and no Brains...But hey, that's what Israelis have wanted, A right wing government that is intent on keeping its annexed territories by force against the norms of International Law...

Expect Obama allowing the UN Security Council to vote in favor of a Palestinian State before he leaves office...Pay Back is a Bitch!

White House going nuclear on Netanyahu New York Post

Thou shall not cross Dear Leader.

With their gutter sniping failing to stop Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned March speech before Congress, White House aides are unloading their full arsenal of bile.

“He spat in our face publicly, and that’s no way to behave,” one Obama aide told an Israeli newspaper. “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”

Isnt Obama already paying the price for his inability to be a proper American president, and he cant do a thing his fangs have been drawn. Congress will block his every move and make him a president in name only, and keep him from the golf course.
You are a braying JackAss and certainly don't realize the exclusive Executive Power of then US presidency, not to mention his veto power over Congress...

That lasts only until he is impeached and his sorry ass thrown in jail, then all his powers dissolve like an aspirin in water. I wonder if they will find one with a golf course so he can practise some more and reduce his handicap even further.
Soon Nut&Yahoo will face his-own Electorate, We will soon see whether Israel supports peace and its alliance with the USA, or continued aggression and de-legitimization in the World's Capitals...
Net&yahoo reminds me of a Pit Bull terrier, all Balls and no Brains...But hey, that's what Israelis have wanted, A right wing government that is intent on keeping its annexed territories by force against the norms of International Law...

Expect Obama allowing the UN Security Council to vote in favor of a Palestinian State before he leaves office...Pay Back is a Bitch!

White House going nuclear on Netanyahu New York Post

Thou shall not cross Dear Leader.

With their gutter sniping failing to stop Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned March speech before Congress, White House aides are unloading their full arsenal of bile.

“He spat in our face publicly, and that’s no way to behave,” one Obama aide told an Israeli newspaper. “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”

Isnt Obama already paying the price for his inability to be a proper American president, and he cant do a thing his fangs have been drawn. Congress will block his every move and make him a president in name only, and keep him from the golf course.
You are a braying JackAss and certainly don't realize the exclusive Executive Power of then US presidency, not to mention his veto power over Congress...

That lasts only until he is impeached and his sorry ass thrown in jail, then all his powers dissolve like an aspirin in water. I wonder if they will find one with a golf course so he can practise some more and reduce his handicap even further.
Soon Nut&Yahoo will face his-own Electorate, We will soon see whether Israel supports peace and its alliance with the USA, or continued aggression and de-legitimization in the World's Capitals...

You missed the other option, whether Israel will keep on giving in to hamas terrorism or of they will wipe hamas from the pages of history. There is no way that Israel can accept the arab league plan and continue to exist, so the options are continued retaliation to ISLAMONAZI terrorism or an end to ISLAMONAZI terrorists.
Net&yahoo reminds me of a Pit Bull terrier, all Balls and no Brains...But hey, that's what Israelis have wanted, A right wing government that is intent on keeping its annexed territories by force against the norms of International Law...

Expect Obama allowing the UN Security Council to vote in favor of a Palestinian State before he leaves office...Pay Back is a Bitch!

White House going nuclear on Netanyahu New York Post

Thou shall not cross Dear Leader.

With their gutter sniping failing to stop Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned March speech before Congress, White House aides are unloading their full arsenal of bile.

“He spat in our face publicly, and that’s no way to behave,” one Obama aide told an Israeli newspaper. “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”

Isnt Obama already paying the price for his inability to be a proper American president, and he cant do a thing his fangs have been drawn. Congress will block his every move and make him a president in name only, and keep him from the golf course.
You are a braying JackAss and certainly don't realize the exclusive Executive Power of then US presidency, not to mention his veto power over Congress...

That lasts only until he is impeached and his sorry ass thrown in jail, then all his powers dissolve like an aspirin in water. I wonder if they will find one with a golf course so he can practise some more and reduce his handicap even further.
Soon Nut&Yahoo will face his-own Electorate, We will soon see whether Israel supports peace and its alliance with the USA, or continued aggression and de-legitimization in the World's Capitals...

You missed the other option, whether Israel will keep on giving in to hamas terrorism or of they will wipe hamas from the pages of history. There is no way that Israel can accept the arab league plan and continue to exist, so the options are continued retaliation to ISLAMONAZI terrorism or an end to ISLAMONAZI terrorists.
The IDF is a cowardly army which refuses to go in and eradicate Hamas man to man for fear of high losses and casualties like in the last skirmish, that's why they bomb from the sky killing and terrorizing civilians
Isnt Obama already paying the price for his inability to be a proper American president, and he cant do a thing his fangs have been drawn. Congress will block his every move and make him a president in name only, and keep him from the golf course.
You are a braying JackAss and certainly don't realize the exclusive Executive Power of then US presidency, not to mention his veto power over Congress...

That lasts only until he is impeached and his sorry ass thrown in jail, then all his powers dissolve like an aspirin in water. I wonder if they will find one with a golf course so he can practise some more and reduce his handicap even further.
Soon Nut&Yahoo will face his-own Electorate, We will soon see whether Israel supports peace and its alliance with the USA, or continued aggression and de-legitimization in the World's Capitals...

You missed the other option, whether Israel will keep on giving in to hamas terrorism or of they will wipe hamas from the pages of history. There is no way that Israel can accept the arab league plan and continue to exist, so the options are continued retaliation to ISLAMONAZI terrorism or an end to ISLAMONAZI terrorists.
The IDF is a cowardly army which refuses to go in and eradicate Hamas man to man for fear of high losses and casualties like in the last skirmish, that's why they bomb from the sky killing and terrorizing civilians

What does this make hamas then that hide behind womens skirts and children, firing rockets from hospitals and schools and running for cover when the bombing starts. Remember the reports of hamas cowards kicking women and children out of the tunnels when Israel entered gaza and started firing at the terrorists.

But you forget that modern warfare is all about bombing from the air with laser guided missiles that can take out two terrorists on a motorbike while leaving the crowd of people protecting them unarmed. It is not firing rockets at children deliberately, or is that how you want Israel to respond ?
You are a braying JackAss and certainly don't realize the exclusive Executive Power of then US presidency, not to mention his veto power over Congress...

That lasts only until he is impeached and his sorry ass thrown in jail, then all his powers dissolve like an aspirin in water. I wonder if they will find one with a golf course so he can practise some more and reduce his handicap even further.
Soon Nut&Yahoo will face his-own Electorate, We will soon see whether Israel supports peace and its alliance with the USA, or continued aggression and de-legitimization in the World's Capitals...

You missed the other option, whether Israel will keep on giving in to hamas terrorism or of they will wipe hamas from the pages of history. There is no way that Israel can accept the arab league plan and continue to exist, so the options are continued retaliation to ISLAMONAZI terrorism or an end to ISLAMONAZI terrorists.
The IDF is a cowardly army which refuses to go in and eradicate Hamas man to man for fear of high losses and casualties like in the last skirmish, that's why they bomb from the sky killing and terrorizing civilians

What does this make hamas then that hide behind womens skirts and children, firing rockets from hospitals and schools and running for cover when the bombing starts. Remember the reports of hamas cowards kicking women and children out of the tunnels when Israel entered gaza and started firing at the terrorists.

But you forget that modern warfare is all about bombing from the air with laser guided missiles that can take out two terrorists on a motorbike while leaving the crowd of people protecting them unarmed. It is not firing rockets at children deliberately, or is that how you want Israel to respond ?
Oh yea precise weapons killed 80% Civilians..Israel killed to Terrorize as war Criminals!
Everytime something happens Israel calls the president crying and screaming into the phone. The next call should be interesting.
That lasts only until he is impeached and his sorry ass thrown in jail, then all his powers dissolve like an aspirin in water. I wonder if they will find one with a golf course so he can practise some more and reduce his handicap even further.
Soon Nut&Yahoo will face his-own Electorate, We will soon see whether Israel supports peace and its alliance with the USA, or continued aggression and de-legitimization in the World's Capitals...

You missed the other option, whether Israel will keep on giving in to hamas terrorism or of they will wipe hamas from the pages of history. There is no way that Israel can accept the arab league plan and continue to exist, so the options are continued retaliation to ISLAMONAZI terrorism or an end to ISLAMONAZI terrorists.
The IDF is a cowardly army which refuses to go in and eradicate Hamas man to man for fear of high losses and casualties like in the last skirmish, that's why they bomb from the sky killing and terrorizing civilians

What does this make hamas then that hide behind womens skirts and children, firing rockets from hospitals and schools and running for cover when the bombing starts. Remember the reports of hamas cowards kicking women and children out of the tunnels when Israel entered gaza and started firing at the terrorists.

But you forget that modern warfare is all about bombing from the air with laser guided missiles that can take out two terrorists on a motorbike while leaving the crowd of people protecting them unarmed. It is not firing rockets at children deliberately, or is that how you want Israel to respond ?
Oh yea precise weapons killed 80% Civilians..Israel killed to Terrorize as war Criminals!

Only the word of hamas for that, and when you consider they call terrorists civilians when they are travelling to their rocket launch site it shows they are LIARS.

We will see who the war criminals are when the ICC have finished their investigations wont we. You wont cry when it finds the Palestinians to be to blame now will you

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