“Never again will we stand by while our people are massacred”

It should have been handled years ago. It seems the West has been drunk on easy money and forgetting what concepts are important.

We should all be prioritizing freedom over free trade. Liberty based on safety over political correctness.
The video is an address to the UN General assembly

Notice there a desk labeled “The State of Palestine”

But there is no such country

This is the warning God gives to the enemies of Israel

Godless libs hear the words but not the message

Never again will the Zionists have unchallenged military supremacy over the region!

If full out unrestrained war breaks out, Iran and their proxies have the capability to wipe the Zionist scourge off the map.

For the sake of the majority of the Jewish people, there has to be restraint exercised by the world's superpowers!

For the sake of the entire world's humanity!
I think the positions of the respective parties are well established. The question is whether a holy war of extermination is the only resolution.
It should have been handled years ago. It seems the West has been drunk on easy money and forgetting what concepts are important.

We should all be prioritizing freedom over free trade. Liberty based on safety over political correctness.
You miss the point. The Zionists' chance has faded out and that's the reason for all the turmoil. They no longer have the ability to destroy humanity in the ME unchallenged. They're a small country with a small weak, and unexperienced conscript army.

And obviously America is dragging its feet on account of involving .................... you tell us.

America fears they will decide to go nuclear if America doesn't save them. Do you think that would be a good idea?

I think we all need to start understanding that their chosen few arrogance has run the world up against a brick wall.

Only their positive propaganda is motivating their friends.

But there's still a solution to save them. They only have to give up on expanding their territory, return what isn't theirs, and live in peace.
Never again will the Zionists have unchallenged military supremacy over the region!

If full out unrestrained war breaks out, Iran and their proxies have the capability to wipe the Zionist scourge off the map.

For the sake of the majority of the Jewish people, there has to be restraint exercised by the world's superpowers!

For the sake of the entire world's humanity!
The U.S. has already moved military assets into the region in anticipation of Iran's potential involvement.

Israel is a thorn in the side of the world's superpowers, and a pain in the ass for everyone else.

This is the warning God gives to the enemies of Israel

Godless libs hear the words but not the message

I'll paraphrase what a Saudi said when asked about the conflict between Israel and Hamas (since I can't recall the exact wording). "The conflict is not about land or a one state solution. The conflict is about subjugating Israelis."
Despite my disdain for the religion of Islam, I have to give the Saudi credit for being honest, as conquering and subjugating non-Muslims is what the religion is about.
I'll paraphrase what a Saudi said when asked about the conflict between Israel and Hamas (since I can't recall the exact wording). "The conflict is not about land or a one state solution. The conflict is about subjugating Israelis."
Despite my disdain for the religion of Islam, I have to give the Saudi credit for being honest, as conquering and subjugating non-Muslims is what the religion is about.
The picked a bad neighborhood to go back to. Should have formed New Jerusalem in Brownsville. beachfront property, plus TexMex!
The U.S. has already moved military assets into the region in anticipation of Iran's potential involvement.
Of course.
Israel is a thorn in the side of the world's superpowers, and a pain in the ass for everyone else.
It's much more compelling than just a thorn. The reason why you're not seeing the urgency of the real situation is because you aren't aware of thousands of Zionist casualties.

And Iran is still relying on their proxies.
Never again will the Zionists have unchallenged military supremacy over the region!

If full out unrestrained war breaks out, Iran and their proxies have the capability to wipe the Zionist scourge off the map.

For the sake of the majority of the Jewish people, there has to be restraint exercised by the world's superpowers!

For the sake of the entire world's humanity!
The enemies of Israel will come close to wiping the Jews out

But ultimately they and you will fail
The enemies of Israel will come close to wiping the Jews out

But ultimately they and you will fail
The object isn't to wipe out the Jews, it's to make life so miserable that the experiment isn't worth it anymore, and then they leave and go home.
Never again will the Zionists have unchallenged military supremacy over the region!

If full out unrestrained war breaks out, Iran and their proxies have the capability to wipe the Zionist scourge off the map.

For the sake of the majority of the Jewish people, there has to be restraint exercised by the world's superpowers!

For the sake of the entire world's humanity!

Iran and it's proxies have been waging an all out war against Israel and Western Civilization to the extent that they are able for a very, very long time.

Israel & the West just have barely noticed because Iran & their proxies are militarily impotent.

"Iran and their proxies have the capability to wipe the Zionist scourge off the map."


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