“Never again will we stand by while our people are massacred”

Never again will the Zionists have unchallenged military supremacy over the region!

If full out unrestrained war breaks out, Iran and their proxies have the capability to wipe the Zionist scourge off the map.

For the sake of the majority of the Jewish people, there has to be restraint exercised by the world's superpowers!

For the sake of the entire world's humanity!
Israel has the same capabilities you spout for Iran and its proxies. I am certain that when they detect nukes flying towards them that they will launch everything they have in return. Until Israel proves different, they deserve our support. I understand how people in the Islamic world must feel about their lot in life. Many want to live comfortable lives. From within there are roadblocks.
The object isn't to wipe out the Jews, it's to make life so miserable that the experiment isn't worth it anymore, and then they leave and go home.
That will never happen

You can make it tough for them but never drive them out

Israel is there to stay
That will never happen

You can make it tough for them but never drive them out

Israel is there to stay
You have way to much confidence in the IDF. 10/7 is the beginning of the end.

Israel will fall because it's government is infested with traitors. Just like in America.
The IDF is either compromised and was issued stand down orders on 10/7 or they are totally incompetent and a paper tiger.

If you are right and 10/7 wasn't an inside job, Israel is doomed. The IDF is pathetic.
I suspect the IDF screwed up on oct 7

But they have made up for it since
Of course.

It's much more compelling than just a thorn. The reason why you're not seeing the urgency of the real situation is because you aren't aware of thousands of Zionist casualties.

And Iran is still relying on their proxies.
The "urgency of the real situation" is just part of the prophetic fate that awaits.
The "urgency of the real situation" is just part of the prophetic fate that awaits.
The situation is more encouraging now than it's been for 80-85 years!

Iran's proxies have even taken precautions on only doing damage with missiles and haven't killed a singe jew, at last report! Some few were only lightly injured.

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