Never Trump Movement Fails Twice On Key RNC Votes


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Seems there NEVER WAS a STRONG #NeverTrump movement,,,just media HYPE! ^ | 07/14/16
Donald Trump’s allies on the national GOP convention Rules Committee crushed a proposal Thursday aimed at dumping Trump from the top of the Republican ticket — and they sealed its fate further by passing an amendment to ensure his nomination. The proposal affirms that delegates are unambiguously bound to the results of primaries and caucuses — meaning they can’t break with the will of voters and Dump Trump at the convention. It passed 87 to 12, and its passage was the first official sign that anti-Trump forces lack the votes to block Trump’s path to the nomination.
YOU said it was the end with NO DOUBT!
Here's your dinner b#tch.
The Never Trump movement was designed by Cruz supporters. Sour grapes at its finest. Kendal who was one of the key driving forces really thought that their will would and should over ride the votes of millions of Trump supporters.

Talk about freaking arrogance. I hope that all of them in this movement get bitch slapped silly for this nonsense.
Whooooooooo hooooooooo! I just read the article. I love love love this part. :) Senator Mike Lee did get bitch slapped on the spot after he mouthed off. Check this out.

"His remarks drew a sharp rebuttal from Texas delegate Steve Munisteri.

"The only way to advance the conservative cause is through a strong Republican Party that is united to defeat Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in the fall.

Sir, there is nobody else running for president in this party than Donald Trump."


Never Trump movement fails twice on key RNC votes
I said the vote would happen: it did.

I said it did not matter if the vote was negative: it doesn't.

What matters is that the NeverTrump voters now are released ethically to vote Johnson or Clinton or not at all.

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