New Australian documentary just released. Very graphic don't watch if you are queasy.

Thought for a moment it was our Alison Weir, the historian. :oops::) Thanks for sharing; a brave and principled woman (cue the usual cries of "ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST!" from some quarters :rolleyes:) I know how she feels; ours was a similar journey to discover the reality behind the decades old web of Zionist Hasbara that had duped us in the West, and continues to dupe many even now.

We don't need to cry anything as you have just proven that it is islamonazi propaganda by claiming that Zionist ( still waiting for the definition) hasbara has duped the west. When the reality is that ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES have duped the left wing morons in the west
I'm not religious at all and I can tell you if or when I don't like Jews its because of their behavior not because of their religion. When they whine. When they are hypocritical or cheap or stubborn or opinionated etc. My dislike of Jewish culture or people is from observing them or after talking to them. I don't hate them I just maybe don't like them.

I don't think I'm saying this right because I don't dislike Jews but they can be annoying and act jewy. Lol

I'd say you've made yourself perfectly clear, BooBoo. :cool-45:
sealybobo, et al,

This is a trick question.

Is that how you feel about African american culture? Are they just violent by nature or are they a product of their environment?

Do Muslim americans want to kill non Muslim americans and if so what should we do about Muslims in america?

I really want to know your answers please.

This question paints these groups in broad brush strokes. Neither group is 100% violent.

However the insinuation of the "product of their environment" defense is a mitigating factor; and not a cause in itself. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every African American is violent.

This is a dangerous question. This is an emotional question that will ignite misunderstanding.

We should avoid it.

Most Respectfully,
Its why I asked. The people who think all Muslims want to kill non Muslims and who think they are inherently evil probably think the same thing about African americans. I also wanted to point out that Muslims are violent towards us at least in part because of how we treat them. I'm not making excuses for either just trying to understand why.

And people who say they are just evil are wrong.

Not saying we're to blame. At least not completely.

Never met an African American and heard what they believe in, but I have met many thousands of muslims and heard what they believe in. I have heard them preach racism, religious intolerance, homophobia, terrorism and violence as the means to gain the upper hand. I heard a peer of the realm threaten to invade the houses of parliament with 5,000 muslims if he could not get his own way
And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

Yup, mostly from the Christian Religious Right, Phalangists, Fascists, Nazis (both neo- and old school), Zionists.

wrong answer. I asked where the anti semtism from before the atate of Israel? What excuse did pigs like you use to target Jews when there wasn't an Israel.

I think it was because of Jews attitudes. Not even talking about the hessidic ones. I'm talking about moderate normal Jews. I have noticed every Jew I've ever known to be opinionated greedy arrogant rude selfish and they always think people are picking on them because they are Jewish.

Other than that I like them. I'm Greek. We have a saying. Greeks are just like Jews only without the money. Lol

Is that why the Jews are the most philanthropic people in this country, you Greek Nazi?

It is interesting but not unusual that many ethnicities and nationalities that at some point adopted Nazism or sided with the Nazis, such as the Irish, such as the Greeks or Irish still have quite a few anti Semetic holdouts in their communities. Bad habits are hard to break.

SS songs and antisemitism the week Golden Dawn turned openly Nazi World news The Guardian

"Is that why the Jews are the most philanthropic people in this country,"

Philanthropic to Israel, not to America or Americans.

"In the coming weeks, the Forward will publish a series of articles reporting the results of its investigation. The Forward can now describe a Jewish apparatus that, despite extensive rhetoric about the importance of Jewish education, still dedicates the largest share of its donor dollars to Israel-related causes. It’s an apparatus that benefits massively from the U.S. federal government and many state and local governments, in the form of hundreds of millions of dollars in government grants, billions in tax-deductible donations and billions more in program fees paid for with government funds.

Read more: 26 Billion Bucks The Jewish Charity Industry Uncovered

What about the muslim zhakat that is spent on the imam's personal charity, mostly going to the terrorist groups killing Christians in the west
The 21:21 mark says it all. Those who died in the holocaust would be aghast to see their own now doing the same thing to others.
You either don't enough about the holocaust, the or someone has filled your head with lies. It's the Arabs that want to commit a second holocaust in the Jews, but have failed.

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Only if you are a brainwashed neo Marxist stooge

Thought for a moment it was our Alison Weir, the historian. :oops::) Thanks for sharing; a brave and principled woman (cue the usual cries of "ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST!" from some quarters :rolleyes:) I know how she feels; ours was a similar journey to discover the reality behind the decades old web of Zionist Hasbara that had duped us in the West, and continues to dupe many even now.

We don't need to cry anything as you have just proven that it is islamonazi propaganda by claiming that Zionist ( still waiting for the definition) hasbara has duped the west. When the reality is that ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES have duped the left wing morons in the west

...and here's a prime example of one of those duped or who works for those doing the duping. :cool:
The 21:21 mark says it all. Those who died in the holocaust would be aghast to see their own now doing the same thing to others.
You either don't enough about the holocaust, the or someone has filled your head with lies. It's the Arabs that want to commit a second holocaust in the Jews, but have failed.

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Only if you are a brainwashed neo Marxist stooge

sealybobo, et al,

This is a trick question.

Is that how you feel about African american culture? Are they just violent by nature or are they a product of their environment?

Do Muslim americans want to kill non Muslim americans and if so what should we do about Muslims in america?

I really want to know your answers please.

This question paints these groups in broad brush strokes. Neither group is 100% violent.

However the insinuation of the "product of their environment" defense is a mitigating factor; and not a cause in itself. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every African American is violent.

This is a dangerous question. This is an emotional question that will ignite misunderstanding.

We should avoid it.

Most Respectfully,
Its why I asked. The people who think all Muslims want to kill non Muslims and who think they are inherently evil probably think the same thing about African americans. I also wanted to point out that Muslims are violent towards us at least in part because of how we treat them. I'm not making excuses for either just trying to understand why.

And people who say they are just evil are wrong.

Not saying we're to blame. At least not completely.

Never met an African American and heard what they believe in, but I have met many thousands of muslims and heard what they believe in. I have heard them preach racism, religious intolerance, homophobia, terrorism and violence as the means to gain the upper hand. I heard a peer of the realm threaten to invade the houses of parliament with 5,000 muslims if he could not get his own way

I don't like any religion and I agree they are the worse. And I believe they want to breed enough Muslims and convert enough americans that they become the majority. This is why we have to wise people up that god is not real. Do you see what belief in god can do to people?

You can't stop it. If people like the newer hipper Islam and convert what you gonna do about it? In fact I'm changing from atheist to Islam. Until you admit gods made up I'm a Muslim.
sealybobo, et al,

This is a trick question.

Is that how you feel about African american culture? Are they just violent by nature or are they a product of their environment?

Do Muslim americans want to kill non Muslim americans and if so what should we do about Muslims in america?

I really want to know your answers please.

This question paints these groups in broad brush strokes. Neither group is 100% violent.

However the insinuation of the "product of their environment" defense is a mitigating factor; and not a cause in itself. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every African American is violent.

This is a dangerous question. This is an emotional question that will ignite misunderstanding.

We should avoid it.

Most Respectfully,
Its why I asked. The people who think all Muslims want to kill non Muslims and who think they are inherently evil probably think the same thing about African americans. I also wanted to point out that Muslims are violent towards us at least in part because of how we treat them. I'm not making excuses for either just trying to understand why.

And people who say they are just evil are wrong.

Not saying we're to blame. At least not completely.

Never met an African American and heard what they believe in, but I have met many thousands of muslims and heard what they believe in. I have heard them preach racism, religious intolerance, homophobia, terrorism and violence as the means to gain the upper hand. I heard a peer of the realm threaten to invade the houses of parliament with 5,000 muslims if he could not get his own way

I don't like any religion and I agree they are the worse. And I believe they want to breed enough Muslims and convert enough americans that they become the majority. This is why we have to wise people up that god is not real. Do you see what belief in god can do to people?

You can't stop it. If people like the newer hipper Islam and convert what you gonna do about it? In fact I'm changing from atheist to Islam. Until you admit gods made up I'm a Muslim.

Then you are an enemy of decency and humanity
sealybobo, et al,

This is a trick question.

Is that how you feel about African american culture? Are they just violent by nature or are they a product of their environment?

Do Muslim americans want to kill non Muslim americans and if so what should we do about Muslims in america?

I really want to know your answers please.

This question paints these groups in broad brush strokes. Neither group is 100% violent.

However the insinuation of the "product of their environment" defense is a mitigating factor; and not a cause in itself. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every African American is violent.

This is a dangerous question. This is an emotional question that will ignite misunderstanding.

We should avoid it.

Most Respectfully,
Its why I asked. The people who think all Muslims want to kill non Muslims and who think they are inherently evil probably think the same thing about African americans. I also wanted to point out that Muslims are violent towards us at least in part because of how we treat them. I'm not making excuses for either just trying to understand why.

And people who say they are just evil are wrong.

Not saying we're to blame. At least not completely.

Never met an African American and heard what they believe in, but I have met many thousands of muslims and heard what they believe in. I have heard them preach racism, religious intolerance, homophobia, terrorism and violence as the means to gain the upper hand. I heard a peer of the realm threaten to invade the houses of parliament with 5,000 muslims if he could not get his own way

I don't like any religion and I agree they are the worse. And I believe they want to breed enough Muslims and convert enough americans that they become the majority. This is why we have to wise people up that god is not real. Do you see what belief in god can do to people?

You can't stop it. If people like the newer hipper Islam and convert what you gonna do about it? In fact I'm changing from atheist to Islam. Until you admit gods made up I'm a Muslim.

Then you are an enemy of decency and humanity

Not decency but humanity, maybe. It just dawned on me today. I never said there was no god. I said you guys have never met him. I'm calling bullshit on your story, the Muslims, the Mormons, the Jews. Same as the Greeks, Egyptian, African and Babylonian Gods that came before. All made up.

I'm saying your stories don't add up. God never talked to your ancestors. And to tell someone they'll go to hell if they don't believe may have worked on my very uneducated and superstitious grandmother but not me. And maybe it hasn't gone completely out of fashion to belong to one of the 4 - 7 religions but I seriously doubt that any of you are decent just because you believe in santa, jeshua, juju or god.

So there may be a god or creator of the universe. I'm saying he doesn't care about you. No heaven. Maybe he exists, but he doesn't give a fuck if you believe in him. That's a cult in your head fool.

But if anything, I would think good is better than bad. So if a god cared about anything, its that you are good. So be good if you are afraid of a god. And why do you need to be afraid of hell in order to be good? What's wrong with you is what I want to know. Are you a decent person? Apparently not if you believe people who don't believe what you do burn in hell for eternity. Your ancestors who invented this cult were sick men but it was very effective. Pretty sick if you ask me. But to think that any of these man made up churches got it right? You'd have to be brainwashed, which most christians are. Wishful thinking. Fear of the unknown. Born into it or sad and they need something to believe in. Its really pathetic. Its holding the entire race back. Luckily atheisms numbers are growing.
“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.”

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

Yup, mostly from the Christian Religious Right, Phalangists, Fascists, Nazis (both neo- and old school), Zionists.

wrong answer. I asked where the anti semtism from before the atate of Israel? What excuse did pigs like you use to target Jews when there wasn't an Israel.

I think it was because of Jews attitudes. Not even talking about the hessidic ones. I'm talking about moderate normal Jews. I have noticed every Jew I've ever known to be opinionated greedy arrogant rude selfish and they always think people are picking on them because they are Jewish.

Other than that I like them. I'm Greek. We have a saying. Greeks are just like Jews only without the money. Lol

Is that why the Jews are the most philanthropic people in this country, you Greek Nazi?

It is interesting but not unusual that many ethnicities and nationalities that at some point adopted Nazism or sided with the Nazis, such as the Irish, such as the Greeks or Irish still have quite a few anti Semetic holdouts in their communities. Bad habits are hard to break.

SS songs and antisemitism the week Golden Dawn turned openly Nazi World news The Guardian

"Is that why the Jews are the most philanthropic people in this country,"

Philanthropic to Israel, not to America or Americans.

"In the coming weeks, the Forward will publish a series of articles reporting the results of its investigation. The Forward can now describe a Jewish apparatus that, despite extensive rhetoric about the importance of Jewish education, still dedicates the largest share of its donor dollars to Israel-related causes. It’s an apparatus that benefits massively from the U.S. federal government and many state and local governments, in the form of hundreds of millions of dollars in government grants, billions in tax-deductible donations and billions more in program fees paid for with government funds.

Read more: 26 Billion Bucks The Jewish Charity Industry Uncovered

You're a Jew hating pig, that's all you are.

19 of 53 on Chronicle of Philanthropy survey are Jewish, though less than one quarter of money given goes to overtly Jewish causes.
The 21:21 mark says it all. Those who died in the holocaust would be aghast to see their own now doing the same thing to others.
You either don't enough about the holocaust, the or someone has filled your head with lies. It's the Arabs that want to commit a second holocaust in the Jews, but have failed.

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Nope. Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Islamism.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers
The 21:21 mark says it all. Those who died in the holocaust would be aghast to see their own now doing the same thing to others.
You either don't enough about the holocaust, the or someone has filled your head with lies. It's the Arabs that want to commit a second holocaust in the Jews, but have failed.

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Nope. Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Islamism.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

sealybobo, et al,

This is a trick question.

Is that how you feel about African american culture? Are they just violent by nature or are they a product of their environment?

Do Muslim americans want to kill non Muslim americans and if so what should we do about Muslims in america?

I really want to know your answers please.

This question paints these groups in broad brush strokes. Neither group is 100% violent.

However the insinuation of the "product of their environment" defense is a mitigating factor; and not a cause in itself. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every African American is violent.

This is a dangerous question. This is an emotional question that will ignite misunderstanding.

We should avoid it.

Most Respectfully,

I understand where you are coming from, but would point out that avoiding the question merely enables those who spread propaganda for their own agendas on both "sides" to reinforce false stereotypes. Only by daring to touch the third rail; through open and honest discussion, can we get out of the mess we're in at the moment.

Does that include admitting that left wing uncontrolled mass immigration was the wrong thing to do and that we need to remove the unproductive immigrants from our lands before civil unrest breaks out. When the left wing politicians admit that they were wrong and should have exercised better control over the immigrant numbers and type of immigrant.

although this has nothing to do with Israel Palestine and is just another pathetic attempt at deflection, I don't mind admitting that the UK couldn't function without immigrants,

"Concern about the economic impact of immigration has centred on two areas: the effect foreigners have on native workers’ wages and employment; and the extent to which immigrants, in particular those from countries within the European Union who are free to move around at will, take from a system to which they have contributed little. Research by Christian Dustmann of University College London and Tommaso Frattini of the University of Milan focuses on the second.

By calculating European immigrants’ share of the cost of government spending and their contribution to government revenues, the scholars estimate that between 1995 and 2011 the migrants made a positive contribution of more than £4 billion ($6.4 billion) to Britain, compared with an overall negative contribution of £591 billion for native Britons. Between 2001 and 2011, the net fiscal contribution of recent arrivals from the eastern European countries that have joined the EU since 2004 has amounted to almost £5 billion. Even during the worst years of the financial crisis, in 2007-11, they made a net contribution of almost £2 billion to British public finances. Migrants from other European countries chipped in £8.6 billion." Immigration What have the immigrants ever done for us The Economist

"Thinktank warns stricter immigration rules could hit service after stats show 11% of all staff and 26% of doctors are non-British" Figures show extent of NHS reliance on foreign nationals Society The Guardian

Immigrants, wherever they come from, are rarely unproductive. This is a fascist UKIP myth bandied about by both closet and overt racist morons.
So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?
Yup, mostly from the Christian Religious Right, Phalangists, Fascists, Nazis (both neo- and old school), Zionists.

wrong answer. I asked where the anti semtism from before the atate of Israel? What excuse did pigs like you use to target Jews when there wasn't an Israel.

I think it was because of Jews attitudes. Not even talking about the hessidic ones. I'm talking about moderate normal Jews. I have noticed every Jew I've ever known to be opinionated greedy arrogant rude selfish and they always think people are picking on them because they are Jewish.

Other than that I like them. I'm Greek. We have a saying. Greeks are just like Jews only without the money. Lol

Is that why the Jews are the most philanthropic people in this country, you Greek Nazi?

It is interesting but not unusual that many ethnicities and nationalities that at some point adopted Nazism or sided with the Nazis, such as the Irish, such as the Greeks or Irish still have quite a few anti Semetic holdouts in their communities. Bad habits are hard to break.

SS songs and antisemitism the week Golden Dawn turned openly Nazi World news The Guardian

"Is that why the Jews are the most philanthropic people in this country,"

Philanthropic to Israel, not to America or Americans.

"In the coming weeks, the Forward will publish a series of articles reporting the results of its investigation. The Forward can now describe a Jewish apparatus that, despite extensive rhetoric about the importance of Jewish education, still dedicates the largest share of its donor dollars to Israel-related causes. It’s an apparatus that benefits massively from the U.S. federal government and many state and local governments, in the form of hundreds of millions of dollars in government grants, billions in tax-deductible donations and billions more in program fees paid for with government funds.

Read more: 26 Billion Bucks The Jewish Charity Industry Uncovered

You're a Jew hating pig, that's all you are.

19 of 53 on Chronicle of Philanthropy survey are Jewish, though less than one quarter of money given goes to overtly Jewish causes.

I present a fact from a Jewish magazine:

"The Forward can now describe a Jewish apparatus that, despite extensive rhetoric about the importance of Jewish education, still dedicates the largest share of its donor dollars to Israel-related causes."

and I am a "Jew hating pig"? You do understand what "overtly" means.
So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

You know that CBS reporter who just died in a car crash? He caught on tape Israel soldiers treating Palestinians the same way germans picked on Jews in ww2 movies.

I just don't like seeing Jews be hypothetical. I don't know how else to say it it doesn't make them look good. But Jews are famous for acting jewy and then crying anti semetic if we call them on it. Not saying I hate Jews I don't. I just don't think they are gods chosen people let's just put it that way.

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