New Australian documentary just released. Very graphic don't watch if you are queasy.

sealybobo, et al,

This is a trick question.

Is that how you feel about African american culture? Are they just violent by nature or are they a product of their environment?

Do Muslim americans want to kill non Muslim americans and if so what should we do about Muslims in america?

I really want to know your answers please.

This question paints these groups in broad brush strokes. Neither group is 100% violent.

However the insinuation of the "product of their environment" defense is a mitigating factor; and not a cause in itself. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every African American is violent.

This is a dangerous question. This is an emotional question that will ignite misunderstanding.

We should avoid it.

Most Respectfully,

I understand where you are coming from, but would point out that avoiding the question merely enables those who spread propaganda for their own agendas on both "sides" to reinforce false stereotypes. Only by daring to touch the third rail; through open and honest discussion, can we get out of the mess we're in at the moment.

Does that include admitting that left wing uncontrolled mass immigration was the wrong thing to do and that we need to remove the unproductive immigrants from our lands before civil unrest breaks out. When the left wing politicians admit that they were wrong and should have exercised better control over the immigrant numbers and type of immigrant.

although this has nothing to do with Israel Palestine and is just another pathetic attempt at deflection, I don't mind admitting that the UK couldn't function without immigrants,

"Concern about the economic impact of immigration has centred on two areas: the effect foreigners have on native workers’ wages and employment; and the extent to which immigrants, in particular those from countries within the European Union who are free to move around at will, take from a system to which they have contributed little. Research by Christian Dustmann of University College London and Tommaso Frattini of the University of Milan focuses on the second.

By calculating European immigrants’ share of the cost of government spending and their contribution to government revenues, the scholars estimate that between 1995 and 2011 the migrants made a positive contribution of more than £4 billion ($6.4 billion) to Britain, compared with an overall negative contribution of £591 billion for native Britons. Between 2001 and 2011, the net fiscal contribution of recent arrivals from the eastern European countries that have joined the EU since 2004 has amounted to almost £5 billion. Even during the worst years of the financial crisis, in 2007-11, they made a net contribution of almost £2 billion to British public finances. Migrants from other European countries chipped in £8.6 billion." Immigration What have the immigrants ever done for us The Economist

"Thinktank warns stricter immigration rules could hit service after stats show 11% of all staff and 26% of doctors are non-British" Figures show extent of NHS reliance on foreign nationals Society The Guardian

Immigrants, wherever they come from, are rarely unproductive. This is a fascist UKIP myth bandied about by both closet and overt racist morons.
Its like they use illegals in america. They want the cheap labor probably need the help and use it to lower wages.

Luckily our immigrants are mostly Mexican and chinese
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?

Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know. Millions of Jews killed...and most were guarded but maybe a dozen guards. Hundreds of them. Little gang of guards. They may have died attempting a coup, but at least they died trying. Did any?

I'd like to see someone like Hitler nowadays try to do to them what they did. BIG surprise, methinks.
And for the record....the vid was not queasy. I don't consider 15 year olds or 17 years olds "children". They are men.
Young men, but still past the "child" name. Five year olds and 12 year olds..thats another whole kettle of fish.
But with that said....small CHILDREN in 'Nam didn't hesitate to throw rocks either...with a grenade attached to it.
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?
Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know...

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?
Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know...

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,

But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?
Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know...

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,
I know it sounds that way. Figured some folks would consider me as having a lack of humanity. But it isn't in my genetic makeup to "go" without a fight. I know there were Jewish fighters that did exactly that, but not nearly enough.
I also don't need to explain myself to you. Think what you will. Sometimes speaking out loud what one is wondering can get one in deep shit with judges who automatically assume. So be it.
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?
Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know...

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,

But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?
Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.
I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing.
The australian report also showed kids trying to go to school and having to be protected. Shades of yesteryear.
I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing.
You're talking nonsense, Gracie.
How? From the vids I saw, they are treating those people the same way they were treated.
Maybe it just pisses me off to see little children being thrown around by grown men in military gear.
In many instances, the cameramen are Palestinian and the don't roll the cameras until the soldiers grab the kids. What they don't show is the shower of rocks the kids were throwing before that. The Pallywood photographers are good at that.
I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing.
You're talking nonsense, Gracie.
How? From the vids I saw, they are treating those people the same way they were treated.
Maybe it just pisses me off to see little children being thrown around by grown men in military gear.
In many instances, the cameramen are Palestinian and the don't roll the cameras until the soldiers grab the kids. What they don't show is the shower of rocks the kids were throwing before that. The Pallywood photographers are good at that.

As I said the epitome of cognitive dissonance. It's the cameras that are lying. LOL
... This is why we have to wise people up that god is not real... In fact I'm changing from atheist to Islam. Until you admit gods made up I'm a Muslim.

Not decency but humanity, maybe. It just dawned on me today. I never said there was no god...

But Jews are famous for acting jewy and then crying anti semetic if we call them on it. Not saying I hate Jews I don't...

I have quoted 3 of your most recent posts on this thread. In the first you state that "god is not real." In the second you claim to have "never said there was no god."
In the third you claim not to hate Jews while simultaneously spewing your hate for Jews.
Yanno, I believe you are far too stupid to know just how stupid you are but your posts betray you and are typical of the anti-Israel/anti-Jew cabal on this board.
Thanks for playing.
I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing.
You're talking nonsense, Gracie.
How? From the vids I saw, they are treating those people the same way they were treated.
Maybe it just pisses me off to see little children being thrown around by grown men in military gear.
In many instances, the cameramen are Palestinian and the don't roll the cameras until the soldiers grab the kids. What they don't show is the shower of rocks the kids were throwing before that. The Pallywood photographers are good at that.

As I said the epitome of cognitive dissonance. It's the cameras that are lying. LOL

Hoss clearly stated it is the work of the cameramen that is fraudulent (not the cameras) and therefore it is you who is lying.
I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing.
You're talking nonsense, Gracie.
How? From the vids I saw, they are treating those people the same way they were treated.
Maybe it just pisses me off to see little children being thrown around by grown men in military gear.
In many instances, the cameramen are Palestinian and the don't roll the cameras until the soldiers grab the kids. What they don't show is the shower of rocks the kids were throwing before that. The Pallywood photographers are good at that.

As I said the epitome of cognitive dissonance. It's the cameras that are lying. LOL

Hoss clearly stated it is the work of the cameramen that is fraudulent (not the cameras) and therefore it is you who is lying.

It is you that is full of shit. The cameraman happens to be under the direction of the ABC and is probably Australian.

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