New Australian documentary just released. Very graphic don't watch if you are queasy.

So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?
Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know...

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,

But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?

You now have the opportunity to repost anything of mine in which I express any enjoyment at the tragedy which has played out since the Arabs first rejected peaceful coexistence with the newly reestablished Jewish Homeland. Failing to do so (and you will fail) will establish once again the sophistry that fuels the anti-Israel movement and the mendacious nature of those who populate it.
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?
Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know...

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,

But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?
Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.

Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will get you labeled and for good reason.
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You're talking nonsense, Gracie.
How? From the vids I saw, they are treating those people the same way they were treated.
Maybe it just pisses me off to see little children being thrown around by grown men in military gear.
In many instances, the cameramen are Palestinian and the don't roll the cameras until the soldiers grab the kids. What they don't show is the shower of rocks the kids were throwing before that. The Pallywood photographers are good at that.

As I said the epitome of cognitive dissonance. It's the cameras that are lying. LOL

Hoss clearly stated it is the work of the cameramen that is fraudulent (not the cameras) and therefore it is you who is lying.

It is you that is full of shit. The cameraman happens to be under the direction of the ABC and is probably Australian.

And is somehow incapable of having a political agenda? :lmao:
You mean when Europeans evicted the Christians and Muslims from their homes in Palestine? What were those Europeans doing in Palestine? There is nothing mendacious about criticizing the Zionist colonial project. The Zionist colonial project was the evil.
Looked to me like the documentary was filmed BY Australians..including the cameramen. They may have had Palestinian interpreters but the filming still shows grown men manhandling CHILDREN. Ok, so they were throwing rocks. Big deal. If they were throwing grenades or molotav cocktails, then I could understand the anger. If it were a hundred children throwing stones all at once, I could understand the anger and results. The point is, they are doing to Palestinians the SAME THING that was done to THEM by Nazi's. What's next? Patches? Burning their homes? Hauling them to some camp?
How? From the vids I saw, they are treating those people the same way they were treated.
Maybe it just pisses me off to see little children being thrown around by grown men in military gear.
In many instances, the cameramen are Palestinian and the don't roll the cameras until the soldiers grab the kids. What they don't show is the shower of rocks the kids were throwing before that. The Pallywood photographers are good at that.

As I said the epitome of cognitive dissonance. It's the cameras that are lying. LOL

Hoss clearly stated it is the work of the cameramen that is fraudulent (not the cameras) and therefore it is you who is lying.

It is you that is full of shit. The cameraman happens to be under the direction of the ABC and is probably Australian.

And is somehow incapable of having a political agenda? :lmao:

What you don't understand is that most westerners do not buy the Zionist bullshit. Australians included as well as many if not the majority of white Christian Americans, like myself. We don't buy it.
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?
Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know...

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,

But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?
Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.

Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will and for good reason.
Ok. But it still won't shut me up in speaking out loud thoughts I have wondered about. Concerning myself what a stranger on the net think of me is not my main priority. Understanding IS.

Grown assed men do NOT put 5 year olds in prison in shackles or beat them up or raid their homes in the middle of the night and drag them away from their parents. Well..I guess they do in Israel.

And that woman. Oy. "Israel was promised to us BY GOD". Yeah. The one they continue to deny that sent the messiah. That gives them leeway to do unto others what was done unto them. Right?

What happened to "never again"? Oh. Wait. Never again to THEM, but its AOK to others.
And I guess the ex soldier that admitted what they did is really a palestinian that is lying too, eh?
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?
Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know...

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,

But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?
Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.

Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will and for good reason.
Ok. But it still won't shut me up in speaking out loud thoughts I have wondered about...

You completely misunderstand me, Gracie. It is my most fervent wish that Nazis continue to spew their hate here and for 2 very good reasons:
1) They are a reminder to all of how an otherwise modern, sophisticated, civil population became intoxicated by what Hitler was selling and
2) I prefer Nazis out in the open.
Thank You.
In many instances, the cameramen are Palestinian and the don't roll the cameras until the soldiers grab the kids. What they don't show is the shower of rocks the kids were throwing before that. The Pallywood photographers are good at that.

As I said the epitome of cognitive dissonance. It's the cameras that are lying. LOL

Hoss clearly stated it is the work of the cameramen that is fraudulent (not the cameras) and therefore it is you who is lying.

It is you that is full of shit. The cameraman happens to be under the direction of the ABC and is probably Australian.

And is somehow incapable of having a political agenda? :lmao:

What you don't understand is that most westerners do not buy the Zionist bullshit. Australians included as well as many if not the majority of white Christian Americans, like myself. We don't buy it.

What you don't understand is that you don't speak for "most westerners" but we do buy the truth which is why the vast majority of the non-Muslim World (and much of the Muslim World) pays only lip service to Pallywood.
In many instances, the cameramen are Palestinian and the don't roll the cameras until the soldiers grab the kids. What they don't show is the shower of rocks the kids were throwing before that. The Pallywood photographers are good at that.

As I said the epitome of cognitive dissonance. It's the cameras that are lying. LOL

Hoss clearly stated it is the work of the cameramen that is fraudulent (not the cameras) and therefore it is you who is lying.

It is you that is full of shit. The cameraman happens to be under the direction of the ABC and is probably Australian.

And is somehow incapable of having a political agenda? :lmao:

What you don't understand is that most westerners do not buy the Zionist bullshit. Australians included as well as many if not the majority of white Christian Americans, like myself. We don't buy it.
You DO NOT speak for most Westerners.
I'm not a nazi. But, think what you will.

Yes you are Gracie but think what you will.
Find any post of mine where it says I hate jews. Shall I wait? Nah. It would take forever because I have never uttered such a thing.

Fuck you.

I already quoted your Nazi-ish posts, Gracie and you were more than proud of them. One need not say "I hate jews" to be a goose-stepper and you can't put those worms back in the can.
You are insane. Flat out crazy. I have never hated Jews. I asked a question I am sure many have thought about, and had the balls to say it out loud. Don't like it? Tough.

I refuse to battle with a moron. On iggie you go.
You are insane. Flat out crazy. I have never hated Jews. I asked a question I am sure many have thought about, and had the balls to say it out loud. Don't like it? Tough.

I refuse to battle with a moron. On iggie you go.
If you don't hate Jews, then change the way you post when talking about them. That simple.

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