New Australian documentary just released. Very graphic don't watch if you are queasy.

This Jew is part of the cabal too.

Why not? Many of them are Leftists and would like to see the Jews in Israel lie down for the Arabs to take over..

Jewish Voice for Peace Takes Off Its Mask - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine?

I am not familiar with all the history, that I admit. But at least you are decent enough to explain things without labeling me something I am not.
So I will ask you, hossfly. Who was there first? Arabs? Jews? What is the argument between the two factors where children are used to browbeat? No child..jewish or palestinian...should ever be abused over some power struggle. And that is what pissed me off about that vid. They are children.
You are insane. Flat out crazy. I have never hated Jews. I asked a question I am sure many have thought about, and had the balls to say it out loud. Don't like it? Tough.

I refuse to battle with a moron. On iggie you go.
If you don't hate Jews, then change the way you post when talking about them. That simple.
On iggie you go too. Oh, and fuck you too toastman.
You are insane. Flat out crazy. I have never hated Jews. I asked a question I am sure many have thought about, and had the balls to say it out loud. Don't like it? Tough.

I refuse to battle with a moron. On iggie you go.

I guess that's just your way of dealing with the truth about yourself.
Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will get you labeled Nazi and for good reason.
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This Jew is part of the cabal too.

Why not? Many of them are Leftists and would like to see the Jews in Israel lie down for the Arabs to take over..

Jewish Voice for Peace Takes Off Its Mask - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine?

I am not familiar with all the history, that I admit. But at least you are decent enough to explain things without labeling me something I am not.
So I will ask you, hossfly. Who was there first? Arabs? Jews? What is the argument between the two factors where children are used to browbeat? No child..jewish or palestinian...should ever be abused over some power struggle. And that is what pissed me off about that vid. They are children.

Huh? You've been posting your rage (at Jews) throughout this thread and only NOW do you admit you are ignorant of the facts? Perhaps BEFORE you open your fat, ignorant trap again you should know something about those you so blithely trash. Idiot.
You are insane. Flat out crazy. I have never hated Jews. I asked a question I am sure many have thought about, and had the balls to say it out loud. Don't like it? Tough.

I refuse to battle with a moron. On iggie you go.
If you don't hate Jews, then change the way you post when talking about them. That simple.

You know people like that just can't help themselves.
So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

Queen Isabella, the inquisition is over.
wrong answer. I asked where the anti semtism from before the atate of Israel? What excuse did pigs like you use to target Jews when there wasn't an Israel.

I think it was because of Jews attitudes. Not even talking about the hessidic ones. I'm talking about moderate normal Jews. I have noticed every Jew I've ever known to be opinionated greedy arrogant rude selfish and they always think people are picking on them because they are Jewish.

Other than that I like them. I'm Greek. We have a saying. Greeks are just like Jews only without the money. Lol

Is that why the Jews are the most philanthropic people in this country, you Greek Nazi?

It is interesting but not unusual that many ethnicities and nationalities that at some point adopted Nazism or sided with the Nazis, such as the Irish, such as the Greeks or Irish still have quite a few anti Semetic holdouts in their communities. Bad habits are hard to break.

SS songs and antisemitism the week Golden Dawn turned openly Nazi World news The Guardian

"Is that why the Jews are the most philanthropic people in this country,"

Philanthropic to Israel, not to America or Americans.

"In the coming weeks, the Forward will publish a series of articles reporting the results of its investigation. The Forward can now describe a Jewish apparatus that, despite extensive rhetoric about the importance of Jewish education, still dedicates the largest share of its donor dollars to Israel-related causes. It’s an apparatus that benefits massively from the U.S. federal government and many state and local governments, in the form of hundreds of millions of dollars in government grants, billions in tax-deductible donations and billions more in program fees paid for with government funds.

Read more: 26 Billion Bucks The Jewish Charity Industry Uncovered

You're a Jew hating pig, that's all you are.

19 of 53 on Chronicle of Philanthropy survey are Jewish, though less than one quarter of money given goes to overtly Jewish causes.

I present a fact from a Jewish magazine:

"The Forward can now describe a Jewish apparatus that, despite extensive rhetoric about the importance of Jewish education, still dedicates the largest share of its donor dollars to Israel-related causes."

and I am a "Jew hating pig"? You do understand what "overtly" means.

You present anti semtism and demonization of Jews and Israel, PIG.
So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

You know that CBS reporter who just died in a car crash? He caught on tape Israel soldiers treating Palestinians the same way germans picked on Jews in ww2 movies.

I just don't like seeing Jews be hypothetical. I don't know how else to say it it doesn't make them look good. But Jews are famous for acting jewy and then crying anti semetic if we call them on it. Not saying I hate Jews I don't. I just don't think they are gods chosen people let's just put it that way.

Well, judging by your posts it's obvious that G-d intentionally puts fucked up, ignorant, bigoted assholes like you on this planet to make it a challenge for the rest of humanity to see if they'll sink to your level.
So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

Queen Isabella, the inquisition is over.

Go get some "aducasion", bitch. It's no wonder that anti semtism and ignorance always go hand in hand.
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?

Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know. Millions of Jews killed...and most were guarded but maybe a dozen guards. Hundreds of them. Little gang of guards. They may have died attempting a coup, but at least they died trying. Did any?

I'd like to see someone like Hitler nowadays try to do to them what they did. BIG surprise, methinks.

Keep showing how ignorant and stupid the average antisemite is.
So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

You know that CBS reporter who just died in a car crash? He caught on tape Israel soldiers treating Palestinians the same way germans picked on Jews in ww2 movies.

I just don't like seeing Jews be hypothetical. I don't know how else to say it it doesn't make them look good. But Jews are famous for acting jewy and then crying anti semetic if we call them on it. Not saying I hate Jews I don't. I just don't think they are gods chosen people let's just put it that way.

Well, judging by your posts it's obvious that G-d intentionally puts fucked up, ignorant, bigoted assholes like you on this planet to make it a challenge for the rest of humanity to see if they'll sink to your level.

I don't even bother talking about the old testament. That books clearly a fairytale.

I'm starting to take a shine to islam. I want sharia law in america now. I've decided. Their religion won me over.
This Jew is part of the cabal too.

Why not? Many of them are Leftists and would like to see the Jews in Israel lie down for the Arabs to take over..

Jewish Voice for Peace Takes Off Its Mask - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine?

I am not familiar with all the history, that I admit. But at least you are decent enough to explain things without labeling me something I am not.
So I will ask you, hossfly. Who was there first? Arabs? Jews? What is the argument between the two factors where children are used to browbeat? No child..jewish or palestinian...should ever be abused over some power struggle. And that is what pissed me off about that vid. They are children.

The Jews have been there for around 3000 years B.C. The Arab culture is so complex it's impossible to describe in a few short paragraphs but the make-up of the Palestinians today are only about 1400 years old; from around the 7th Century A D. But many, many arguments on this board will never be settled. That's my opinion of the whole mess.
So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

You know that CBS reporter who just died in a car crash? He caught on tape Israel soldiers treating Palestinians the same way germans picked on Jews in ww2 movies.

I just don't like seeing Jews be hypothetical. I don't know how else to say it it doesn't make them look good. But Jews are famous for acting jewy and then crying anti semetic if we call them on it. Not saying I hate Jews I don't. I just don't think they are gods chosen people let's just put it that way.

Well, judging by your posts it's obvious that G-d intentionally puts fucked up, ignorant, bigoted assholes like you on this planet to make it a challenge for the rest of humanity to see if they'll sink to your level.

I don't even bother talking about the old testament. That books clearly a fairytale.

I'm starting to take a shine to islam. I want sharia law in america now. I've decided. Their religion won me over.

Jewish ties to the land are can be found in the hundreds of archeological sites and artifacts. Arabs have zero, zip nada.

We always knew you were a scumbag Islamic asshole, Abdul, you weren't fooling anybody. That's what you guys do, pretend to be Christians in order to gin up Jew hate. How's that working out? Not so good apparently.
You mean when Europeans evicted the Christians and Muslims from their homes in Palestine? What were those Europeans doing in Palestine? There is nothing mendacious about criticizing the Zionist colonial project. The Zionist colonial project was the evil.

You seem obsessed with the Arab Isamist imperialistic empire. Are you upset that all lands aren't Islamic shitholes of intolerance and terror? Good.
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?
Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know...

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,

But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?
Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.

Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will and for good reason.
Ok. But it still won't shut me up in speaking out loud thoughts I have wondered about. Concerning myself what a stranger on the net think of me is not my main priority. Understanding IS.

Grown assed men do NOT put 5 year olds in prison in shackles or beat them up or raid their homes in the middle of the night and drag them away from their parents. Well..I guess they do in Israel.

And that woman. Oy. "Israel was promised to us BY GOD". Yeah. The one they continue to deny that sent the messiah. That gives them leeway to do unto others what was done unto them. Right?

What happened to "never again"? Oh. Wait. Never again to THEM, but its AOK to others.

Hey speak all you want. You seem to be an expert in putting your fat hoof in your mouth. :rofl:
I'm not a nazi. But, think what you will.

Well you know what they say, if it walks like a nazi, quacks like a Nazi, smells like a nazi....better not step on it, might get something brown and smelly on the bottom of your shoes.
So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

You know that CBS reporter who just died in a car crash? He caught on tape Israel soldiers treating Palestinians the same way germans picked on Jews in ww2 movies.

I just don't like seeing Jews be hypothetical. I don't know how else to say it it doesn't make them look good. But Jews are famous for acting jewy and then crying anti semetic if we call them on it. Not saying I hate Jews I don't. I just don't think they are gods chosen people let's just put it that way.

Well, judging by your posts it's obvious that G-d intentionally puts fucked up, ignorant, bigoted assholes like you on this planet to make it a challenge for the rest of humanity to see if they'll sink to your level.

I don't even bother talking about the old testament. That books clearly a fairytale.

I'm starting to take a shine to islam. I want sharia law in america now. I've decided. Their religion won me over.

Jewish ties to the land are can be found in the hundreds of archeological sites and artifacts. Arabs have zero, zip nada.

We always knew you were a scumbag Islamic asshole, Abdul, you weren't fooling anybody. That's what you guys do, pretend to be Christians in order to gin up Jew hate. How's that working out? Not so good apparently.
You really believed I went Muslim? Lol. God never visited anyone.

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