New Australian documentary just released. Very graphic don't watch if you are queasy.

So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

You know that CBS reporter who just died in a car crash? He caught on tape Israel soldiers treating Palestinians the same way germans picked on Jews in ww2 movies.

I just don't like seeing Jews be hypothetical. I don't know how else to say it it doesn't make them look good. But Jews are famous for acting jewy and then crying anti semetic if we call them on it. Not saying I hate Jews I don't. I just don't think they are gods chosen people let's just put it that way.

Well, judging by your posts it's obvious that G-d intentionally puts fucked up, ignorant, bigoted assholes like you on this planet to make it a challenge for the rest of humanity to see if they'll sink to your level.

I don't even bother talking about the old testament. That books clearly a fairytale.

I'm starting to take a shine to islam. I want sharia law in america now. I've decided. Their religion won me over.

Jewish ties to the land are can be found in the hundreds of archeological sites and artifacts. Arabs have zero, zip nada.

We always knew you were a scumbag Islamic asshole, Abdul, you weren't fooling anybody. That's what you guys do, pretend to be Christians in order to gin up Jew hate. How's that working out? Not so good apparently.
You really believed I went Muslim? Lol. God never visited anyone.
He visited Moses and that's a stone fact.
So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

You know that CBS reporter who just died in a car crash? He caught on tape Israel soldiers treating Palestinians the same way germans picked on Jews in ww2 movies.

I just don't like seeing Jews be hypothetical. I don't know how else to say it it doesn't make them look good. But Jews are famous for acting jewy and then crying anti semetic if we call them on it. Not saying I hate Jews I don't. I just don't think they are gods chosen people let's just put it that way.

Well, judging by your posts it's obvious that G-d intentionally puts fucked up, ignorant, bigoted assholes like you on this planet to make it a challenge for the rest of humanity to see if they'll sink to your level.

I don't even bother talking about the old testament. That books clearly a fairytale.

I'm starting to take a shine to islam. I want sharia law in america now. I've decided. Their religion won me over.

Jewish ties to the land are can be found in the hundreds of archeological sites and artifacts. Arabs have zero, zip nada.

We always knew you were a scumbag Islamic asshole, Abdul, you weren't fooling anybody. That's what you guys do, pretend to be Christians in order to gin up Jew hate. How's that working out? Not so good apparently.
You really believed I went Muslim? Lol. God never visited anyone.

To each his own. Nazi or Islamist? Is there a difference?

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
wtf? I thought you and I got along quite well.
Guess not.

Ultimately there are Jews and non Jews and no matter how nice you are you'll never be one of them.

In fact if you wanted to convert they would try to talk you out of it. Very exclusive.
You know that CBS reporter who just died in a car crash? He caught on tape Israel soldiers treating Palestinians the same way germans picked on Jews in ww2 movies.

I just don't like seeing Jews be hypothetical. I don't know how else to say it it doesn't make them look good. But Jews are famous for acting jewy and then crying anti semetic if we call them on it. Not saying I hate Jews I don't. I just don't think they are gods chosen people let's just put it that way.

Well, judging by your posts it's obvious that G-d intentionally puts fucked up, ignorant, bigoted assholes like you on this planet to make it a challenge for the rest of humanity to see if they'll sink to your level.

I don't even bother talking about the old testament. That books clearly a fairytale.

I'm starting to take a shine to islam. I want sharia law in america now. I've decided. Their religion won me over.

Jewish ties to the land are can be found in the hundreds of archeological sites and artifacts. Arabs have zero, zip nada.

We always knew you were a scumbag Islamic asshole, Abdul, you weren't fooling anybody. That's what you guys do, pretend to be Christians in order to gin up Jew hate. How's that working out? Not so good apparently.
You really believed I went Muslim? Lol. God never visited anyone.
He visited Moses and that's a stone fact.

You know that CBS reporter who just died in a car crash? He caught on tape Israel soldiers treating Palestinians the same way germans picked on Jews in ww2 movies.

I just don't like seeing Jews be hypothetical. I don't know how else to say it it doesn't make them look good. But Jews are famous for acting jewy and then crying anti semetic if we call them on it. Not saying I hate Jews I don't. I just don't think they are gods chosen people let's just put it that way.

Well, judging by your posts it's obvious that G-d intentionally puts fucked up, ignorant, bigoted assholes like you on this planet to make it a challenge for the rest of humanity to see if they'll sink to your level.

I don't even bother talking about the old testament. That books clearly a fairytale.

I'm starting to take a shine to islam. I want sharia law in america now. I've decided. Their religion won me over.

Jewish ties to the land are can be found in the hundreds of archeological sites and artifacts. Arabs have zero, zip nada.

We always knew you were a scumbag Islamic asshole, Abdul, you weren't fooling anybody. That's what you guys do, pretend to be Christians in order to gin up Jew hate. How's that working out? Not so good apparently.
You really believed I went Muslim? Lol. God never visited anyone.
He visited Moses and that's a stone fact.
Sure he did. You don't even know when it happened. The original lie was it happened 3600 years ago and now you've changed the story to 2500 years ago. Big difference.

You don't even know what a fact is. At best you're taking it on hearsay.
wtf? I thought you and I got along quite well.
Guess not.

Ultimately there are Jews and non Jews and no matter how nice you are you'll never be one of them.

In fact if you wanted to convert they would try to talk you out of it. Very exclusive.
I haven't tried to be a jew. I am just thinking out loud things that have crossed my mind and now I am a nazi and have been insulted by someone I thought of as a fellow bud on usmb that I have posted along with for some time now. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm supposedly a racist as well. And this, too, from someone I thought very highly of.

I guess speaking ones thoughts is a no no here. One gets reamed a new one and most of the time doesn't see it coming.

Whatever. I'm outta this thread. I've had enough. I'll ask/muse on things somewhere else.
wtf? I thought you and I got along quite well.
Guess not.

Ultimately there are Jews and non Jews and no matter how nice you are you'll never be one of them.

In fact if you wanted to convert they would try to talk you out of it. Very exclusive.

Most religions aren't interested in recruiting any ignorant, criminally inclined, mentally ill people like you guys. Islam on the other hand, is like a magnet, you navigate to it like shit flies do to shit. They even brag about people like you as converts. That's why prisons all across the world are a prime recruitment and conversion target.
Well, judging by your posts it's obvious that G-d intentionally puts fucked up, ignorant, bigoted assholes like you on this planet to make it a challenge for the rest of humanity to see if they'll sink to your level.

I don't even bother talking about the old testament. That books clearly a fairytale.

I'm starting to take a shine to islam. I want sharia law in america now. I've decided. Their religion won me over.

Jewish ties to the land are can be found in the hundreds of archeological sites and artifacts. Arabs have zero, zip nada.

We always knew you were a scumbag Islamic asshole, Abdul, you weren't fooling anybody. That's what you guys do, pretend to be Christians in order to gin up Jew hate. How's that working out? Not so good apparently.
You really believed I went Muslim? Lol. God never visited anyone.
He visited Moses and that's a stone fact.
Sure he did. You don't even know when it happened. The original lie was it happened 3600 years ago and now you've changed the story to 2500 years ago. Big difference.

You don't even know what a fact is. At best you're taking it on hearsay.
I have no idea what you're talking about. He gave Moses the Commandments. I don't know what the date was. I wasn't around then. Read about it though.
wtf? I thought you and I got along quite well.
Guess not.

Ultimately there are Jews and non Jews and no matter how nice you are you'll never be one of them.

In fact if you wanted to convert they would try to talk you out of it. Very exclusive.
I haven't tried to be a jew. I am just thinking out loud things that have crossed my mind and now I am a nazi and have been insulted by someone I thought of as a fellow bud on usmb that I have posted along with for some time now. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm supposedly a racist as well. And this, too, from someone I thought very highly of.

I guess speaking ones thoughts is a no no here. One gets reamed a new one and most of the time doesn't see it coming.

Whatever. I'm outta this thread. I've had enough. I'll ask/muse on things somewhere else.
Don't let one person run you off. I'm just thinking out loud too. Where could we do this before the internet? You can't even talk about these things on facebook. You don't want everyone you know to know you have all these thoughts..

3 things you dont talk about god politics and race. Thank goodness for usmb.
wtf? I thought you and I got along quite well.
Guess not.

Ultimately there are Jews and non Jews and no matter how nice you are you'll never be one of them.

In fact if you wanted to convert they would try to talk you out of it. Very exclusive.

Most religions aren't interested in recruiting any ignorant, criminally inclined, mentally ill people like you guys. Islam on the other hand, is like a magnet, you navigate to it like shit flies do to shit. They even brag about people like you as converts. That's why prisons all across the world are a prime recruitment and conversion target.

Sorry chump. You gotta be a theist to pray 5 times a day.
wtf? I thought you and I got along quite well.
Guess not.

Ultimately there are Jews and non Jews and no matter how nice you are you'll never be one of them.

In fact if you wanted to convert they would try to talk you out of it. Very exclusive.
I haven't tried to be a jew. I am just thinking out loud things that have crossed my mind and now I am a nazi and have been insulted by someone I thought of as a fellow bud on usmb that I have posted along with for some time now. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm supposedly a racist as well. And this, too, from someone I thought very highly of.

I guess speaking ones thoughts is a no no here. One gets reamed a new one and most of the time doesn't see it coming.

Whatever. I'm outta this thread. I've had enough. I'll ask/muse on things somewhere else.
Don't let Jews ruin usmb like they ruin everything else.
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?
Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know...

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,

But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?
Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.

Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will and for good reason.
Ok. But it still won't shut me up in speaking out loud thoughts I have wondered about. Concerning myself what a stranger on the net think of me is not my main priority. Understanding IS.

Grown assed men do NOT put 5 year olds in prison in shackles or beat them up or raid their homes in the middle of the night and drag them away from their parents. Well..I guess they do in Israel.

And that woman. Oy. "Israel was promised to us BY GOD". Yeah. The one they continue to deny that sent the messiah. That gives them leeway to do unto others what was done unto them. Right?

What happened to "never again"? Oh. Wait. Never again to THEM, but its AOK to others.
I agree with your post.
I don't even bother talking about the old testament. That books clearly a fairytale.

I'm starting to take a shine to islam. I want sharia law in america now. I've decided. Their religion won me over.

Jewish ties to the land are can be found in the hundreds of archeological sites and artifacts. Arabs have zero, zip nada.

We always knew you were a scumbag Islamic asshole, Abdul, you weren't fooling anybody. That's what you guys do, pretend to be Christians in order to gin up Jew hate. How's that working out? Not so good apparently.
You really believed I went Muslim? Lol. God never visited anyone.
He visited Moses and that's a stone fact.
Sure he did. You don't even know when it happened. The original lie was it happened 3600 years ago and now you've changed the story to 2500 years ago. Big difference.

You don't even know what a fact is. At best you're taking it on hearsay.
I have no idea what you're talking about. He gave Moses the Commandments. I don't know what the date was. I wasn't around then. Read about it though.
You believe everything you read?
Jewish ties to the land are can be found in the hundreds of archeological sites and artifacts. Arabs have zero, zip nada.

We always knew you were a scumbag Islamic asshole, Abdul, you weren't fooling anybody. That's what you guys do, pretend to be Christians in order to gin up Jew hate. How's that working out? Not so good apparently.
You really believed I went Muslim? Lol. God never visited anyone.
He visited Moses and that's a stone fact.
Sure he did. You don't even know when it happened. The original lie was it happened 3600 years ago and now you've changed the story to 2500 years ago. Big difference.

You don't even know what a fact is. At best you're taking it on hearsay.
I have no idea what you're talking about. He gave Moses the Commandments. I don't know what the date was. I wasn't around then. Read about it though.
You believe everything you read?
:cuckoo: :itsok:

Thought for a moment it was our Alison Weir, the historian. :oops::) Thanks for sharing; a brave and principled woman (cue the usual cries of "ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST!" from some quarters :rolleyes:) I know how she feels; ours was a similar journey to discover the reality behind the decades old web of Zionist Hasbara that had duped us in the West, and continues to dupe many even now.

We don't need to cry anything as you have just proven that it is islamonazi propaganda by claiming that Zionist ( still waiting for the definition) hasbara has duped the west. When the reality is that ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES have duped the left wing morons in the west

Duped them?? They were gleefully ingested!! Birds of a bloody feather!!!

Is this too young?

Huh?? Our old Sarge would give a boot up the arse to the little hoods in our area who would now be given an ASBO...and it bloody hurt!!!

Giving a rock thrower a boot up the arse?? lmao

Lucky little brat!!

The australian report also showed kids trying to go to school and having to be protected. Shades of yesteryear.

Gracie: the camera crew just happened to be there while a bloke just happened to be "protecting" them while absolutely nothing happened. Load of rubbish, kiddo. ABC Oz are known for it here. Mind you; sometimes they do get it right!! But far from always. EDIT: Did you see any contact??

Jewish ties to the land are can be found in the hundreds of archeological sites and artifacts. Arabs have zero, zip nada.

We always knew you were a scumbag Islamic asshole, Abdul, you weren't fooling anybody. That's what you guys do, pretend to be Christians in order to gin up Jew hate. How's that working out? Not so good apparently.
You really believed I went Muslim? Lol. God never visited anyone.
He visited Moses and that's a stone fact.
Sure he did. You don't even know when it happened. The original lie was it happened 3600 years ago and now you've changed the story to 2500 years ago. Big difference.

You don't even know what a fact is. At best you're taking it on hearsay.
I have no idea what you're talking about. He gave Moses the Commandments. I don't know what the date was. I wasn't around then. Read about it though.
You believe everything you read?

Not anything YOU write!!

Looked to me like the documentary was filmed BY Australians..including the cameramen. They may have had Palestinian interpreters but the filming still shows grown men manhandling CHILDREN. Ok, so they were throwing rocks. Big deal. If they were throwing grenades or molotav cocktails, then I could understand the anger. If it were a hundred children throwing stones all at once, I could understand the anger and results. The point is, they are doing to Palestinians the SAME THING that was done to THEM by Nazi's. What's next? Patches? Burning their homes? Hauling them to some camp?

Demolishing their homes, certainly. Hauling them to some camp? Well Gaza has been labelled the world's biggest open air prison; they tried concentration camps in 1948 but the world's media started snooping around so they closed them down and decided to do the job in increments.

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