New Australian documentary just released. Very graphic don't watch if you are queasy.

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,

But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?
Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.

Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will and for good reason.
Ok. But it still won't shut me up in speaking out loud thoughts I have wondered about...

You completely misunderstand me, Gracie. It is my most fervent wish that Nazis continue to spew their hate here and for 2 very good reasons:
1) They are a reminder to all of how an otherwise modern, sophisticated, civil population became intoxicated by what Hitler was selling and
2) I prefer Nazis out in the open.
Thank You.

Don't worry Gracie; calling anyone who disagrees with Israeli policies and practices a Nazi is the big thing at the moment; their masters in Tel-Aviv have told them to push the "Nazi" meme as calling people "Anti-Semites" no longer works.
But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?
Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.

Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will and for good reason.
Ok. But it still won't shut me up in speaking out loud thoughts I have wondered about...

You completely misunderstand me, Gracie. It is my most fervent wish that Nazis continue to spew their hate here and for 2 very good reasons:
1) They are a reminder to all of how an otherwise modern, sophisticated, civil population became intoxicated by what Hitler was selling and
2) I prefer Nazis out in the open.
Thank You.

Don't worry Gracie; calling anyone who disagrees with Israeli policies and practices a Nazi is the big thing at the moment; their masters in Tel-Aviv have told them to push the "Nazi" meme as calling people "Anti-Semites" no longer works.

Balderdash!! Israel have an Opposition who speak out against Bibi a lot, and for their own Domestic agenda. That's politics!! I disagree with Israel for even bothering to come to an agreement with terrorist scum. It only emboldened them. What I would like to see is a group of Palestinian TECHNOCRATS put in place by the UNSC who would be responsible for eliminating terrorists from Palestine and bringing Gaza and the West Bank to a position where they can form a viable State without violence and corruption. It would be costly and bloody but at least it would be a problem that the World takes on; not just Israel. Would it work? Dunno; but Hamas as a ruling junta is NOT a long term option.

sealybobo, et al,

This is a trick question.

Is that how you feel about African american culture? Are they just violent by nature or are they a product of their environment?

Do Muslim americans want to kill non Muslim americans and if so what should we do about Muslims in america?

I really want to know your answers please.

This question paints these groups in broad brush strokes. Neither group is 100% violent.

However the insinuation of the "product of their environment" defense is a mitigating factor; and not a cause in itself. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every African American is violent.

This is a dangerous question. This is an emotional question that will ignite misunderstanding.

We should avoid it.

Most Respectfully,

I understand where you are coming from, but would point out that avoiding the question merely enables those who spread propaganda for their own agendas on both "sides" to reinforce false stereotypes. Only by daring to touch the third rail; through open and honest discussion, can we get out of the mess we're in at the moment.

Does that include admitting that left wing uncontrolled mass immigration was the wrong thing to do and that we need to remove the unproductive immigrants from our lands before civil unrest breaks out. When the left wing politicians admit that they were wrong and should have exercised better control over the immigrant numbers and type of immigrant.

although this has nothing to do with Israel Palestine and is just another pathetic attempt at deflection, I don't mind admitting that the UK couldn't function without immigrants,

"Concern about the economic impact of immigration has centred on two areas: the effect foreigners have on native workers’ wages and employment; and the extent to which immigrants, in particular those from countries within the European Union who are free to move around at will, take from a system to which they have contributed little. Research by Christian Dustmann of University College London and Tommaso Frattini of the University of Milan focuses on the second.

By calculating European immigrants’ share of the cost of government spending and their contribution to government revenues, the scholars estimate that between 1995 and 2011 the migrants made a positive contribution of more than £4 billion ($6.4 billion) to Britain, compared with an overall negative contribution of £591 billion for native Britons. Between 2001 and 2011, the net fiscal contribution of recent arrivals from the eastern European countries that have joined the EU since 2004 has amounted to almost £5 billion. Even during the worst years of the financial crisis, in 2007-11, they made a net contribution of almost £2 billion to British public finances. Migrants from other European countries chipped in £8.6 billion." Immigration What have the immigrants ever done for us The Economist

"Thinktank warns stricter immigration rules could hit service after stats show 11% of all staff and 26% of doctors are non-British" Figures show extent of NHS reliance on foreign nationals Society The Guardian

Immigrants, wherever they come from, are rarely unproductive. This is a fascist UKIP myth bandied about by both closet and overt racist morons.

COW FLOP and you know it, the government admitted that the cost if immigration was one of the biggest drains on the Exchequer. For starter's they cost the NHS £490 million in translation costs alone for patient leaflets. Then the cost to education is about the same in providing education for immigrants that cant speak English, and this comes from the budget meaning English children are left out. The cost in housing is high as more immigrants are on supplemental benefits for housing. The list goes on where immigration costs the country money, and the few immigrants working and paying their way does not cover the costs.

Now an in depth analysis of that report shows this

However, studying the numbers in the UCL report more closely, another finding emerges.

And that is, that if you look at the figures for the whole of the period under study, 1995-2011, immigration has been a drain on the public purse.

To the tune of about £95bn.

So how can that be? How can the picture be so radically different if you look six years further into the past?

It's because these figures include all immigrants living in the UK at that time - so, not just recent arrivals, but people who'd been in the UK for, in some cases, decades.

This is significant because a good proportion of those people who have been in the UK for some time are likely to be older than the most recent immigrants, and so are more likely to be on benefits and using health services than those who have arrived since 2000 (who have an average age of just 26 years).

Dustmann argues therefore if you look at the fiscal contribution of all immigrants in this way, then you may not be capturing the truest picture of their total contribution to the public purse.

Certainly, focusing on the most recent immigrants gives a clear view of how much immigrants contribute to the public purse in the first few years of their stay in the UK, but it also doesn't give a complete picture, because what you are capturing is a very particular time in their lives - some of their youngest, most productive years.

Want to bow out now while you are falling behind, even your neo Marxist socialist party admitted they fudged the figures to
So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

Try and get your facts right as Jesus is only Gods son according to the Christians. And 2,000 years after God promised Israel to the Jews he promised the whole world to the muslims, but first they had to rape, murder, torture and destroy to get it.
wrong answer. I asked where the anti semtism from before the atate of Israel? What excuse did pigs like you use to target Jews when there wasn't an Israel.

I think it was because of Jews attitudes. Not even talking about the hessidic ones. I'm talking about moderate normal Jews. I have noticed every Jew I've ever known to be opinionated greedy arrogant rude selfish and they always think people are picking on them because they are Jewish.

Other than that I like them. I'm Greek. We have a saying. Greeks are just like Jews only without the money. Lol

Is that why the Jews are the most philanthropic people in this country, you Greek Nazi?

It is interesting but not unusual that many ethnicities and nationalities that at some point adopted Nazism or sided with the Nazis, such as the Irish, such as the Greeks or Irish still have quite a few anti Semetic holdouts in their communities. Bad habits are hard to break.

SS songs and antisemitism the week Golden Dawn turned openly Nazi World news The Guardian

"Is that why the Jews are the most philanthropic people in this country,"

Philanthropic to Israel, not to America or Americans.

"In the coming weeks, the Forward will publish a series of articles reporting the results of its investigation. The Forward can now describe a Jewish apparatus that, despite extensive rhetoric about the importance of Jewish education, still dedicates the largest share of its donor dollars to Israel-related causes. It’s an apparatus that benefits massively from the U.S. federal government and many state and local governments, in the form of hundreds of millions of dollars in government grants, billions in tax-deductible donations and billions more in program fees paid for with government funds.

Read more: 26 Billion Bucks The Jewish Charity Industry Uncovered

You're a Jew hating pig, that's all you are.

19 of 53 on Chronicle of Philanthropy survey are Jewish, though less than one quarter of money given goes to overtly Jewish causes.

I present a fact from a Jewish magazine:

"The Forward can now describe a Jewish apparatus that, despite extensive rhetoric about the importance of Jewish education, still dedicates the largest share of its donor dollars to Israel-related causes."

and I am a "Jew hating pig"? You do understand what "overtly" means.

And still no comment on muslim zhakat that goes to fund ISLAMONAZI INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM while tens of millions of muslims are dying of starvation and disease.
So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

You know that CBS reporter who just died in a car crash? He caught on tape Israel soldiers treating Palestinians the same way germans picked on Jews in ww2 movies.

I just don't like seeing Jews be hypothetical. I don't know how else to say it it doesn't make them look good. But Jews are famous for acting jewy and then crying anti semetic if we call them on it. Not saying I hate Jews I don't. I just don't think they are gods chosen people let's just put it that way.

So Hollywood portrays the reality now does it, or only when it comes to your Jew Hatred
But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?
Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.

Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will and for good reason.
Ok. But it still won't shut me up in speaking out loud thoughts I have wondered about...

You completely misunderstand me, Gracie. It is my most fervent wish that Nazis continue to spew their hate here and for 2 very good reasons:
1) They are a reminder to all of how an otherwise modern, sophisticated, civil population became intoxicated by what Hitler was selling and
2) I prefer Nazis out in the open.
Thank You.

Don't worry Gracie; calling anyone who disagrees with Israeli policies and practices a Nazi is the big thing at the moment; their masters in Tel-Aviv have told them to push the "Nazi" meme as calling people "Anti-Semites" no longer works.

Don't forget if it quacks like a Nazi, walks like a Nazi and attacks Jews like a Nazi then the probability of it being a Nazi is 99%
So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around?
Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know...

Yanno Gracie, it sounds downright Nazi-ish. Whole countries with real armies were overrun in days or weeks. Unarmed Jewish civilians were rounded up from these countries and transported to concentration camps. I don't believe you lack knowledge in the matter but rather you lack humanity,

But, you enjoy and support actions against the Palestinians by the IDF. Is Gaza that much different than the Warsaw Ghetto?
Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.

Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will and for good reason.
Ok. But it still won't shut me up in speaking out loud thoughts I have wondered about. Concerning myself what a stranger on the net think of me is not my main priority. Understanding IS.

Grown assed men do NOT put 5 year olds in prison in shackles or beat them up or raid their homes in the middle of the night and drag them away from their parents. Well..I guess they do in Israel.

And that woman. Oy. "Israel was promised to us BY GOD". Yeah. The one they continue to deny that sent the messiah. That gives them leeway to do unto others what was done unto them. Right?

What happened to "never again"? Oh. Wait. Never again to THEM, but its AOK to others.

Noone wants to shut up anyone, Gracie, especially a seeker of the truth!! However, I also reserve the right to respond. I think you are wrong about a lot of this. I don't trust the ABC when it does this type of "expose". When they did an "expose" on Indonesian abattoirs it came out that a lot of the "footage" was staged by those who were anti-meat. In short, Veganazis(for want of a better word). Many people lost a lot when the trade in live beef was discontinued. Even now the ABC "stands by the report" even though it is questionable in its ethics.

Similarly for this vid. I do NOT trust it; the ABC now has a reputation here for its docos being ethically challenged.

If you would like to ask anything about the ABC Oz I would be only too glad to assist.

So, because God promised Israel to Jews..who just happen to STILL deny and shun His Son, Jesus........ that means they can torture and murder anyone that steps foot in Israel and get all gestopoish?

Try and get your facts right as Jesus is only Gods son according to the Christians. And 2,000 years after God promised Israel to the Jews he promised the whole world to the muslims, but first they had to rape, murder, torture and destroy to get it.

There is a Mystical link there called the "Trinity". No one can really explain how but one does accept it as a tenet of our faith. Where do Jews fit into the picture?? God loves his people Israel, and though we may not be Brothers in Christ yet we are Cousins in God. The rest I leave to the theologians; I'm sure they will spend another few thousand years trying to work it out.

Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.

Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will and for good reason.
Ok. But it still won't shut me up in speaking out loud thoughts I have wondered about...

You completely misunderstand me, Gracie. It is my most fervent wish that Nazis continue to spew their hate here and for 2 very good reasons:
1) They are a reminder to all of how an otherwise modern, sophisticated, civil population became intoxicated by what Hitler was selling and
2) I prefer Nazis out in the open.
Thank You.

Don't worry Gracie; calling anyone who disagrees with Israeli policies and practices a Nazi is the big thing at the moment; their masters in Tel-Aviv have told them to push the "Nazi" meme as calling people "Anti-Semites" no longer works.

Don't forget if it quacks like a Nazi, walks like a Nazi and attacks Jews like a Nazi then the probability of it being a Nazi is 99%

I would agree though one needs to be able to explain the Jewish position to those who genuinely seek understanding. I suggest that Gracie is one, but others I suggest are just extreme lefties...easily morphed into "Totalitarian" which I put both Communist and Fascist. I am repulsed by both!

wtf? I thought you and I got along quite well.
Guess not.

Ultimately there are Jews and non Jews and no matter how nice you are you'll never be one of them.

In fact if you wanted to convert they would try to talk you out of it. Very exclusive.
I haven't tried to be a jew. I am just thinking out loud things that have crossed my mind and now I am a nazi and have been insulted by someone I thought of as a fellow bud on usmb that I have posted along with for some time now. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm supposedly a racist as well. And this, too, from someone I thought very highly of.

I guess speaking ones thoughts is a no no here. One gets reamed a new one and most of the time doesn't see it coming.

Whatever. I'm outta this thread. I've had enough. I'll ask/muse on things somewhere else.
Don't let Jews ruin usmb like they ruin everything else.

Don't let Jews ruin usmb like they ruin everything else

Phoenall: now THAT is a Nazi clone RIGHT THERE!!!

Seems Jordan and Egypt disagree with that disgusting freak!

sealybobo, et al,

This is a trick question.

Is that how you feel about African american culture? Are they just violent by nature or are they a product of their environment?

Do Muslim americans want to kill non Muslim americans and if so what should we do about Muslims in america?

I really want to know your answers please.

This question paints these groups in broad brush strokes. Neither group is 100% violent.

However the insinuation of the "product of their environment" defense is a mitigating factor; and not a cause in itself. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every African American is violent.

This is a dangerous question. This is an emotional question that will ignite misunderstanding.

We should avoid it.

Most Respectfully,

I understand where you are coming from, but would point out that avoiding the question merely enables those who spread propaganda for their own agendas on both "sides" to reinforce false stereotypes. Only by daring to touch the third rail; through open and honest discussion, can we get out of the mess we're in at the moment.

Does that include admitting that left wing uncontrolled mass immigration was the wrong thing to do and that we need to remove the unproductive immigrants from our lands before civil unrest breaks out. When the left wing politicians admit that they were wrong and should have exercised better control over the immigrant numbers and type of immigrant.

although this has nothing to do with Israel Palestine and is just another pathetic attempt at deflection, I don't mind admitting that the UK couldn't function without immigrants,

"Concern about the economic impact of immigration has centred on two areas: the effect foreigners have on native workers’ wages and employment; and the extent to which immigrants, in particular those from countries within the European Union who are free to move around at will, take from a system to which they have contributed little. Research by Christian Dustmann of University College London and Tommaso Frattini of the University of Milan focuses on the second.

By calculating European immigrants’ share of the cost of government spending and their contribution to government revenues, the scholars estimate that between 1995 and 2011 the migrants made a positive contribution of more than £4 billion ($6.4 billion) to Britain, compared with an overall negative contribution of £591 billion for native Britons. Between 2001 and 2011, the net fiscal contribution of recent arrivals from the eastern European countries that have joined the EU since 2004 has amounted to almost £5 billion. Even during the worst years of the financial crisis, in 2007-11, they made a net contribution of almost £2 billion to British public finances. Migrants from other European countries chipped in £8.6 billion." Immigration What have the immigrants ever done for us The Economist

"Thinktank warns stricter immigration rules could hit service after stats show 11% of all staff and 26% of doctors are non-British" Figures show extent of NHS reliance on foreign nationals Society The Guardian

Immigrants, wherever they come from, are rarely unproductive. This is a fascist UKIP myth bandied about by both closet and overt racist morons.

COW FLOP and you know it, the government admitted that the cost if immigration was one of the biggest drains on the Exchequer. For starter's they cost the NHS £490 million in translation costs alone for patient leaflets. Then the cost to education is about the same in providing education for immigrants that cant speak English, and this comes from the budget meaning English children are left out. The cost in housing is high as more immigrants are on supplemental benefits for housing. The list goes on where immigration costs the country money, and the few immigrants working and paying their way does not cover the costs.

Now an in depth analysis of that report shows this

However, studying the numbers in the UCL report more closely, another finding emerges.

And that is, that if you look at the figures for the whole of the period under study, 1995-2011, immigration has been a drain on the public purse.

To the tune of about £95bn.

So how can that be? How can the picture be so radically different if you look six years further into the past?

It's because these figures include all immigrants living in the UK at that time - so, not just recent arrivals, but people who'd been in the UK for, in some cases, decades.

This is significant because a good proportion of those people who have been in the UK for some time are likely to be older than the most recent immigrants, and so are more likely to be on benefits and using health services than those who have arrived since 2000 (who have an average age of just 26 years).

Dustmann argues therefore if you look at the fiscal contribution of all immigrants in this way, then you may not be capturing the truest picture of their total contribution to the public purse.

Certainly, focusing on the most recent immigrants gives a clear view of how much immigrants contribute to the public purse in the first few years of their stay in the UK, but it also doesn't give a complete picture, because what you are capturing is a very particular time in their lives - some of their youngest, most productive years.

Want to bow out now while you are falling behind, even your neo Marxist socialist party admitted they fudged the figures to

Prove it- using objective sources.
Nope. But saying so gets ya labeled.

Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will and for good reason.
Ok. But it still won't shut me up in speaking out loud thoughts I have wondered about...

You completely misunderstand me, Gracie. It is my most fervent wish that Nazis continue to spew their hate here and for 2 very good reasons:
1) They are a reminder to all of how an otherwise modern, sophisticated, civil population became intoxicated by what Hitler was selling and
2) I prefer Nazis out in the open.
Thank You.

Don't worry Gracie; calling anyone who disagrees with Israeli policies and practices a Nazi is the big thing at the moment; their masters in Tel-Aviv have told them to push the "Nazi" meme as calling people "Anti-Semites" no longer works.

Don't forget if it quacks like a Nazi, walks like a Nazi and attacks Jews like a Nazi then the probability of it being a Nazi is 99%

Heey, I'm finally in the 1%! :cool:
The corollary is, of course, if it quacks like a Zionist, walks like a Zionist and attacks and oppresses innocent people like a Zionist then the probability of it being a Nazi is 100%
Australians hate radical Muslims

do not post a thread saying Ausralians appove shit like this OP

Australians hate bloody jihadist Islamists!

Are you Australian or an American? I know you call President Obama "our president?" I'm confused.

Just stay confused.

It's a simple question. Are you an Australian living in America? An Australian or an American? Hiding something?
I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing.
You're talking nonsense, Gracie.
How? From the vids I saw, they are treating those people the same way they were treated.
Maybe it just pisses me off to see little children being thrown around by grown men in military gear.
In many instances, the cameramen are Palestinian and the don't roll the cameras until the soldiers grab the kids. What they don't show is the shower of rocks the kids were throwing before that. The Pallywood photographers are good at that.

Those "children" are future terrorists in training. That's all.
sealybobo, et al,

This is a trick question.


This question paints these groups in broad brush strokes. Neither group is 100% violent.

However the insinuation of the "product of their environment" defense is a mitigating factor; and not a cause in itself. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every African American is violent.

This is a dangerous question. This is an emotional question that will ignite misunderstanding.

We should avoid it.

Most Respectfully,

I understand where you are coming from, but would point out that avoiding the question merely enables those who spread propaganda for their own agendas on both "sides" to reinforce false stereotypes. Only by daring to touch the third rail; through open and honest discussion, can we get out of the mess we're in at the moment.

Does that include admitting that left wing uncontrolled mass immigration was the wrong thing to do and that we need to remove the unproductive immigrants from our lands before civil unrest breaks out. When the left wing politicians admit that they were wrong and should have exercised better control over the immigrant numbers and type of immigrant.

although this has nothing to do with Israel Palestine and is just another pathetic attempt at deflection, I don't mind admitting that the UK couldn't function without immigrants,

"Concern about the economic impact of immigration has centred on two areas: the effect foreigners have on native workers’ wages and employment; and the extent to which immigrants, in particular those from countries within the European Union who are free to move around at will, take from a system to which they have contributed little. Research by Christian Dustmann of University College London and Tommaso Frattini of the University of Milan focuses on the second.

By calculating European immigrants’ share of the cost of government spending and their contribution to government revenues, the scholars estimate that between 1995 and 2011 the migrants made a positive contribution of more than £4 billion ($6.4 billion) to Britain, compared with an overall negative contribution of £591 billion for native Britons. Between 2001 and 2011, the net fiscal contribution of recent arrivals from the eastern European countries that have joined the EU since 2004 has amounted to almost £5 billion. Even during the worst years of the financial crisis, in 2007-11, they made a net contribution of almost £2 billion to British public finances. Migrants from other European countries chipped in £8.6 billion." Immigration What have the immigrants ever done for us The Economist

"Thinktank warns stricter immigration rules could hit service after stats show 11% of all staff and 26% of doctors are non-British" Figures show extent of NHS reliance on foreign nationals Society The Guardian

Immigrants, wherever they come from, are rarely unproductive. This is a fascist UKIP myth bandied about by both closet and overt racist morons.

COW FLOP and you know it, the government admitted that the cost if immigration was one of the biggest drains on the Exchequer. For starter's they cost the NHS £490 million in translation costs alone for patient leaflets. Then the cost to education is about the same in providing education for immigrants that cant speak English, and this comes from the budget meaning English children are left out. The cost in housing is high as more immigrants are on supplemental benefits for housing. The list goes on where immigration costs the country money, and the few immigrants working and paying their way does not cover the costs.

Now an in depth analysis of that report shows this

However, studying the numbers in the UCL report more closely, another finding emerges.

And that is, that if you look at the figures for the whole of the period under study, 1995-2011, immigration has been a drain on the public purse.

To the tune of about £95bn.

So how can that be? How can the picture be so radically different if you look six years further into the past?

It's because these figures include all immigrants living in the UK at that time - so, not just recent arrivals, but people who'd been in the UK for, in some cases, decades.

This is significant because a good proportion of those people who have been in the UK for some time are likely to be older than the most recent immigrants, and so are more likely to be on benefits and using health services than those who have arrived since 2000 (who have an average age of just 26 years).

Dustmann argues therefore if you look at the fiscal contribution of all immigrants in this way, then you may not be capturing the truest picture of their total contribution to the public purse.

Certainly, focusing on the most recent immigrants gives a clear view of how much immigrants contribute to the public purse in the first few years of their stay in the UK, but it also doesn't give a complete picture, because what you are capturing is a very particular time in their lives - some of their youngest, most productive years.

Want to bow out now while you are falling behind, even your neo Marxist socialist party admitted they fudged the figures to

Prove it- using objective sources.

Immigrants cost Britain 3 000 a year each says report - Telegraph

Immigrants have cost the taxpayer more than £22 million a day since the mid-1990s, totting up a bill of more than £140 billion, according to a new report.

MigrationWatch UK, which campaigns against mass immigration, added that in 2011 the costs were equivalent to £3,000 for each of the eight million foreign-born people living in Britain.

It compiled the figures in response to a study published by University College London (UCL) last year which claimed immigrants made a “substantial” contribution to public finances.

The pressure group’s new report said UCL’s conclusions - which were given prominent coverage by the BBC - were “simply wrong”.

In fact, immigration between 1995 and 2011 cost the taxpayer more than £140 billion, or £22 million a day, after balancing what immigrants pay in tax with what they take out of Britain’s coffers by claiming benefits and tax credits, it said.

BBC News - More or Less Calculating how much migrants cost or benefit a nation

To make sense of the numbers, it helps to break them down a little - to divide the net contribution to the public purse by the number of people in each group under study.

When we do that, we see that between 1995-2011, on average each EEA immigrant put about £6,000 more into the public purse than they took out.

Non-EEA immigrants each took out about £21,000 more than they put in during that period.
And this group is the biggest - non-EEA immigrants make up two thirds of the UK immigrant population. So both groups of immigrants - EEA and non-EEA - considered together, take out around £14,000 more than they put in, amounting to a deficit of around £95bn for the public purse between 1995-2011.

The true cost of immigration 148billion UK News Daily Express

Professor Christian Dustmann and Dr Tommaso Frattini claimed EU migrants paid four per cent more into the tax system than they took, while British-born people paid in seven per cent less. The pair also said migrants arriving between 2001 and 2011 added £25billion to Britain’s economy.

The total cost is high and increased dramatically between 1995 and 2011, providing no compensation for the overcrowding of this island which we are experiencing, largely as a result of immigration

Sir Andrew Green, MigrationWatch UK

But when MigrationWatch did the sums again with a more realistic approach they found “no positive contribution” by European migrants between 2001 and 2011. The actual cost to the UK of all migrants between 1995 and 2011 stood at £148billion.

The annual bill rocketed from around £7billion in 2003 – a year before Poland, Slovakia and eight other countries joined the EU – to about £22billion in 2011 after Romania and Bulgaria won membership, according to MigrationWatch estimates.

While migrants were half as likely as natives to claim benefits they were “much more likely” to get tax credits – costing the state more – to make up for low pay.

MigrationWatch experts also found the academics had buried a figure showing that, even using their hopelessly optimistic calculations, the full cost of immigration stood at nearly £100billion.

“The authors themselves found a cost to the UK from migrants in the UK of £95billion between 1995 and 2011.
Saying things like "So where were these tough assed Jews when Hitler was around? Sorry, that sounds bad, but I seriously want to know..." or "I wonder when Israel will start forcing Palestinians to wear a patch on the front of their clothing" certainly will and for good reason.
Ok. But it still won't shut me up in speaking out loud thoughts I have wondered about...

You completely misunderstand me, Gracie. It is my most fervent wish that Nazis continue to spew their hate here and for 2 very good reasons:
1) They are a reminder to all of how an otherwise modern, sophisticated, civil population became intoxicated by what Hitler was selling and
2) I prefer Nazis out in the open.
Thank You.

Don't worry Gracie; calling anyone who disagrees with Israeli policies and practices a Nazi is the big thing at the moment; their masters in Tel-Aviv have told them to push the "Nazi" meme as calling people "Anti-Semites" no longer works.

Don't forget if it quacks like a Nazi, walks like a Nazi and attacks Jews like a Nazi then the probability of it being a Nazi is 99%

Heey, I'm finally in the 1%! :cool:
The corollary is, of course, if it quacks like a Zionist, walks like a Zionist and attacks and oppresses innocent people like a Zionist then the probability of it being a Nazi is 100%

Define Zionist in your own words ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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