New Australian documentary just released. Very graphic don't watch if you are queasy.

...Don't need PROOF. As I said, YouTube is not a valid or reliable source. That is a fact. No one takes you seriously when you post a YouTube video and make accusations based upon that. It is STUPID.

OK. I can relate to that...

I am grateful to Israel for containing those terrorists so they can't terrorize the rest of the world with their bullshit. Palestinians never owned any land. They were nomads. Now, they are bitter horrible terrorists who use their own people as human shields, train children to be terrorists and to hate.

And you are a supporter of child murder, and brain washed to boot.

Look at recent history and you will see that it is the arab muslim palestinians that has that blood on their hands, how many have the mass murdered in the last 66 years 10,000, 15,000 or is it more ?
Challenger, et al,

I'm not sure that the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is even remotely based on the affiliation with the Jewish Religion.

They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

It's appalling that innocent Jewish French people and Danes, become victims, just because of the actions of the "Zionist paradise", Israel. I think it's time Jewish people in Europe and America stood up and denounced Israeli policies.

The conflict is Partially based on the Arab belief that Allied Powers, and the UN, were not empowered to do what they did in terms of allowing immigration and partitioning the territory.

The mistake is made in that social understanding and diplomatic relations between nations is constantly evolving and changing. Armchair rabble rousers of today are attempting to apply the accumulated changes spread-put between 1948 and 2007, to decisions that were made in the first and second decades of the 20th Century.

It simply doesn't work. And it is unlikely that todays assessment of what happened years, and decades ago, will not change the basic landscape of the territory under dispute, all that much. It is just too impractical.

Most Respectfully,

I disagree, the Jewish religion is fundamental to the conflict so long as Zionists perceive Israel as a Jewish State that excludes large numbers of it's citizens and their descendants on the basis of their religion.

So what about the palesinian chater that will see palstine as an ilamic state with no non muslims alive living there.

Now which of Israel's citizens have been excluded from Israel
Challenger, et al,

Of course, as an outside observer, I may not see it the same way.

I disagree, the Jewish religion is fundamental to the conflict so long as Zionists perceive Israel as a Jewish State that excludes large numbers of it's citizens and their descendants on the basis of their religion.

Of course, as we have seen many times, the Jewish (many of them 19th Century Zionist) dreamed of their culture returning to their point of origin; the Kingdom of Israel, with its capital in Jerusalem, founded by King David (or so the legend goes, from the time period recorded in the Book of Numbers).

The Arabs understood the national aspirations of both sides. However, the concept of the "Jewish State" (if it was not made crystal clear prior) was directly articulated by the UN General Assembly when it adopted Resolution of 29 November 1947, in which it was explicitly stated: "The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, and the City of Jerusalem shall be as described in parts II and III below." (Part I --- Section "A" Termination of Mandate, Partition, and Independence --- Paragraph 3 --- Resolution 181(II)]

Surely, if there is a fault to be assigned, it cannot be exclusively laid at the feet of Israel. But neither should this trouble the Arab Palestinians. As they so often remind us, all peoples have the right of self-determination; with the Jewish State being a consequence of that adopted concept. After all, there is 57 member nations in the Organization of the Islamic Conference. There is but only one Jewish State.

Most Respectfully,

"if it was not made crystal clear prior"

Not only was it not made crystal clear prior, it was denied vehemently by the Mandatory in writing:

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded `in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development."

The Avalon Project British White Paper of June 1922
Don't get excited, dogbreath. Israel/Palestine is in the ME and there are Muslims all around. Why, just yesterday it was reported that Hizbullah and ISIS are in the Golan.

Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.

They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

It's appalling that innocent Jewish French people and Danes, become victims, just because of the actions of the "Zionist paradise", Israel. I think it's time Jewish people in Europe and America stood up and denounced Israeli policies.

Who said they're victims because of Israel? They're killed by ISIS just because they're Jews, and Europe is more than joyful to sacrifice them in order to satiate the Islamic beast.

In those times, The European Jews should join their brothers and sisters in Israel. Turning back on Israel only serves haters. The likes of you are falling into that catagory.
Challenger, et al,

Of course, as an outside observer, I may not see it the same way.

I disagree, the Jewish religion is fundamental to the conflict so long as Zionists perceive Israel as a Jewish State that excludes large numbers of it's citizens and their descendants on the basis of their religion.

Of course, as we have seen many times, the Jewish (many of them 19th Century Zionist) dreamed of their culture returning to their point of origin; the Kingdom of Israel, with its capital in Jerusalem, founded by King David (or so the legend goes, from the time period recorded in the Book of Numbers).

The Arabs understood the national aspirations of both sides. However, the concept of the "Jewish State" (if it was not made crystal clear prior) was directly articulated by the UN General Assembly when it adopted Resolution of 29 November 1947, in which it was explicitly stated: "The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, and the City of Jerusalem shall be as described in parts II and III below." (Part I --- Section "A" Termination of Mandate, Partition, and Independence --- Paragraph 3 --- Resolution 181(II)]

Surely, if there is a fault to be assigned, it cannot be exclusively laid at the feet of Israel. But neither should this trouble the Arab Palestinians. As they so often remind us, all peoples have the right of self-determination; with the Jewish State being a consequence of that adopted concept. After all, there is 57 member nations in the Organization of the Islamic Conference. There is but only one Jewish State.

Most Respectfully,

"if it was not made crystal clear prior"

Not only was it not made crystal clear prior, it was denied vehemently by the Mandatory in writing:

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded `in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development."

The Avalon Project British White Paper of June 1922

Are you a Muslim?
Challenger, et al,

Of course, as an outside observer, I may not see it the same way.

I disagree, the Jewish religion is fundamental to the conflict so long as Zionists perceive Israel as a Jewish State that excludes large numbers of it's citizens and their descendants on the basis of their religion.

Of course, as we have seen many times, the Jewish (many of them 19th Century Zionist) dreamed of their culture returning to their point of origin; the Kingdom of Israel, with its capital in Jerusalem, founded by King David (or so the legend goes, from the time period recorded in the Book of Numbers).

The Arabs understood the national aspirations of both sides. However, the concept of the "Jewish State" (if it was not made crystal clear prior) was directly articulated by the UN General Assembly when it adopted Resolution of 29 November 1947, in which it was explicitly stated: "The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, and the City of Jerusalem shall be as described in parts II and III below." (Part I --- Section "A" Termination of Mandate, Partition, and Independence --- Paragraph 3 --- Resolution 181(II)]

Surely, if there is a fault to be assigned, it cannot be exclusively laid at the feet of Israel. But neither should this trouble the Arab Palestinians. As they so often remind us, all peoples have the right of self-determination; with the Jewish State being a consequence of that adopted concept. After all, there is 57 member nations in the Organization of the Islamic Conference. There is but only one Jewish State.

Most Respectfully,

"if it was not made crystal clear prior"

Not only was it not made crystal clear prior, it was denied vehemently by the Mandatory in writing:

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded `in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development."

The Avalon Project British White Paper of June 1922

Are you a Muslim?
Challenger, et al,

Of course, as an outside observer, I may not see it the same way.

I disagree, the Jewish religion is fundamental to the conflict so long as Zionists perceive Israel as a Jewish State that excludes large numbers of it's citizens and their descendants on the basis of their religion.

Of course, as we have seen many times, the Jewish (many of them 19th Century Zionist) dreamed of their culture returning to their point of origin; the Kingdom of Israel, with its capital in Jerusalem, founded by King David (or so the legend goes, from the time period recorded in the Book of Numbers).

The Arabs understood the national aspirations of both sides. However, the concept of the "Jewish State" (if it was not made crystal clear prior) was directly articulated by the UN General Assembly when it adopted Resolution of 29 November 1947, in which it was explicitly stated: "The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, and the City of Jerusalem shall be as described in parts II and III below." (Part I --- Section "A" Termination of Mandate, Partition, and Independence --- Paragraph 3 --- Resolution 181(II)]

Surely, if there is a fault to be assigned, it cannot be exclusively laid at the feet of Israel. But neither should this trouble the Arab Palestinians. As they so often remind us, all peoples have the right of self-determination; with the Jewish State being a consequence of that adopted concept. After all, there is 57 member nations in the Organization of the Islamic Conference. There is but only one Jewish State.

Most Respectfully,

As an outside observer, I see things differently.
Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.

They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

It's appalling that innocent Jewish French people and Danes, become victims, just because of the actions of the "Zionist paradise", Israel. I think it's time Jewish people in Europe and America stood up and denounced Israeli policies.

Who said they're victims because of Israel? They're killed by ISIS just because they're Jews, and Europe is more than joyful to sacrifice them in order to satiate the Islamic beast.

In those times, The European Jews should join their brothers and sisters in Israel. Turning back on Israel only serves haters. The likes of you are falling into that catagory.

They were killed because of Israel's continuing oppression of the palestinian people. Statistically every time Israel attacks Gaza, slaughtering women and children, there is a corresponding negative reaction against Jewish people in Europe and the rest of the world based on the collective revulsion humanity feels about such actions and so called "anti-Semitic" acts increase. Anti-Semitism died in mainstream Europe with the Nazis. It was only kept alive amongst a few fringe far-Right groups and would have died out completely had not Zionist Israel continued to defy International law and rub the world's collective nose in the fact. Most reasonable people react negatively to this sort of behaviour, from anyone and unreasonable people tend to react unreasonably; lashing out at the closest target, the local Jewish population. It's abhorent, but it's a sad fact of life whilest the Zionists continue with their policies.
...Don't need PROOF. As I said, YouTube is not a valid or reliable source. That is a fact. No one takes you seriously when you post a YouTube video and make accusations based upon that. It is STUPID.

OK. I can relate to that...

I am grateful to Israel for containing those terrorists so they can't terrorize the rest of the world with their bullshit. Palestinians never owned any land. They were nomads. Now, they are bitter horrible terrorists who use their own people as human shields, train children to be terrorists and to hate.

And you are a supporter of child murder, and brain washed to boot.

Look at recent history and you will see that it is the arab muslim palestinians that has that blood on their hands, how many have the mass murdered in the last 66 years 10,000, 15,000 or is it more ?

Challenger, et al,

Of course, as an outside observer, I may not see it the same way.

I disagree, the Jewish religion is fundamental to the conflict so long as Zionists perceive Israel as a Jewish State that excludes large numbers of it's citizens and their descendants on the basis of their religion.

Of course, as we have seen many times, the Jewish (many of them 19th Century Zionist) dreamed of their culture returning to their point of origin; the Kingdom of Israel, with its capital in Jerusalem, founded by King David (or so the legend goes, from the time period recorded in the Book of Numbers).

The Arabs understood the national aspirations of both sides. However, the concept of the "Jewish State" (if it was not made crystal clear prior) was directly articulated by the UN General Assembly when it adopted Resolution of 29 November 1947, in which it was explicitly stated: "The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, and the City of Jerusalem shall be as described in parts II and III below." (Part I --- Section "A" Termination of Mandate, Partition, and Independence --- Paragraph 3 --- Resolution 181(II)]

Surely, if there is a fault to be assigned, it cannot be exclusively laid at the feet of Israel. But neither should this trouble the Arab Palestinians. As they so often remind us, all peoples have the right of self-determination; with the Jewish State being a consequence of that adopted concept. After all, there is 57 member nations in the Organization of the Islamic Conference. There is but only one Jewish State.

Most Respectfully,

"if it was not made crystal clear prior"

Not only was it not made crystal clear prior, it was denied vehemently by the Mandatory in writing:

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded `in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development."

The Avalon Project British White Paper of June 1922

So the LoN took the view that to appease the arab muslims they would give them 78% of Palestine and call it trans Jordan. That should have been the end of the arguments but instead the greedy arab muslims wanted everything.
They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

It's appalling that innocent Jewish French people and Danes, become victims, just because of the actions of the "Zionist paradise", Israel. I think it's time Jewish people in Europe and America stood up and denounced Israeli policies.

Who said they're victims because of Israel? They're killed by ISIS just because they're Jews, and Europe is more than joyful to sacrifice them in order to satiate the Islamic beast.

In those times, The European Jews should join their brothers and sisters in Israel. Turning back on Israel only serves haters. The likes of you are falling into that catagory.

They were killed because of Israel's continuing oppression of the palestinian people. Statistically every time Israel attacks Gaza, slaughtering women and children, there is a corresponding negative reaction against Jewish people in Europe and the rest of the world based on the collective revulsion humanity feels about such actions and so called "anti-Semitic" acts increase. Anti-Semitism died in mainstream Europe with the Nazis. It was only kept alive amongst a few fringe far-Right groups and would have died out completely had not Zionist Israel continued to defy International law and rub the world's collective nose in the fact. Most reasonable people react negatively to this sort of behaviour, from anyone and unreasonable people tend to react unreasonably; lashing out at the closest target, the local Jewish population. It's abhorent, but it's a sad fact of life whilest the Zionists continue with their policies.

I agree. I don't hate Jewish people just like I don't hate any black people. I simply don't like some of the things they do as a group. I know several Jews and don't hate any of them. But I don't like isreal. I think they are hypocritical bullies.
Once again Hossfly has buzzed into the wrong forum. This forum relates to the Israel-Palestine conflict. You want to discuss, "Muslims are having a field day persecuting, torturing, and murdering others..." there are other forums on this board to do that. Unless of course this is the standard Hasbarat attempt to deflect the issue.
Don't get excited, dogbreath. Israel/Palestine is in the ME and there are Muslims all around. Why, just yesterday it was reported that Hizbullah and ISIS are in the Golan.

Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.

They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.
Challenger, et al,

Of course, as an outside observer, I may not see it the same way.

I disagree, the Jewish religion is fundamental to the conflict so long as Zionists perceive Israel as a Jewish State that excludes large numbers of it's citizens and their descendants on the basis of their religion.

Of course, as we have seen many times, the Jewish (many of them 19th Century Zionist) dreamed of their culture returning to their point of origin; the Kingdom of Israel, with its capital in Jerusalem, founded by King David (or so the legend goes, from the time period recorded in the Book of Numbers).

The Arabs understood the national aspirations of both sides. However, the concept of the "Jewish State" (if it was not made crystal clear prior) was directly articulated by the UN General Assembly when it adopted Resolution of 29 November 1947, in which it was explicitly stated: "The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, and the City of Jerusalem shall be as described in parts II and III below." (Part I --- Section "A" Termination of Mandate, Partition, and Independence --- Paragraph 3 --- Resolution 181(II)]

Surely, if there is a fault to be assigned, it cannot be exclusively laid at the feet of Israel. But neither should this trouble the Arab Palestinians. As they so often remind us, all peoples have the right of self-determination; with the Jewish State being a consequence of that adopted concept. After all, there is 57 member nations in the Organization of the Islamic Conference. There is but only one Jewish State.

Most Respectfully,

"if it was not made crystal clear prior"

Not only was it not made crystal clear prior, it was denied vehemently by the Mandatory in writing:

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded `in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development."

The Avalon Project British White Paper of June 1922

Made up interpretations and BS, of course. When the Ottoman Empire was conquered, it was divided exclusively into Muslim states, all ruled by Muslims, except for one, the land of Israel designated to become the Jewish Palestine aka Israel.
Don't get excited, dogbreath. Israel/Palestine is in the ME and there are Muslims all around. Why, just yesterday it was reported that Hizbullah and ISIS are in the Golan.

Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.

They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

I'm not religious at all and I can tell you if or when I don't like Jews its because of their behavior not because of their religion. When they whine. When they are hypocritical or cheap or stubborn or opinionated etc. My dislike of Jewish culture or people is from observing them or after talking to them. I don't hate them I just maybe don't like them.

I don't think I'm saying this right because I don't dislike Jews but they can be annoying and act jewy. Lol
Don't get excited, dogbreath. Israel/Palestine is in the ME and there are Muslims all around. Why, just yesterday it was reported that Hizbullah and ISIS are in the Golan.

Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.

They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

Yup, mostly from the Christian Religious Right, Phalangists, Fascists, Nazis (both neo- and old school), Zionists.
Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

It's appalling that innocent Jewish French people and Danes, become victims, just because of the actions of the "Zionist paradise", Israel. I think it's time Jewish people in Europe and America stood up and denounced Israeli policies.

Who said they're victims because of Israel? They're killed by ISIS just because they're Jews, and Europe is more than joyful to sacrifice them in order to satiate the Islamic beast.

In those times, The European Jews should join their brothers and sisters in Israel. Turning back on Israel only serves haters. The likes of you are falling into that catagory.

They were killed because of Israel's continuing oppression of the palestinian people. Statistically every time Israel attacks Gaza, slaughtering women and children, there is a corresponding negative reaction against Jewish people in Europe and the rest of the world based on the collective revulsion humanity feels about such actions and so called "anti-Semitic" acts increase. Anti-Semitism died in mainstream Europe with the Nazis. It was only kept alive amongst a few fringe far-Right groups and would have died out completely had not Zionist Israel continued to defy International law and rub the world's collective nose in the fact. Most reasonable people react negatively to this sort of behaviour, from anyone and unreasonable people tend to react unreasonably; lashing out at the closest target, the local Jewish population. It's abhorent, but it's a sad fact of life whilest the Zionists continue with their policies.

I agree. I don't hate Jewish people just like I don't hate any black people. I simply don't like some of the things they do as a group. I know several Jews and don't hate any of them. But I don't like isreal. I think they are hypocritical bullies.

You can't even SPELL Israel. Lol. They are not hypocritical bullies. It is their obligation to protect their citizens. The United States or any country would do the same. Israel has been incredibly patient with those savages to no avail. They've given them "gifts" only to have it thrown back in their faces. Face facts, the Palestinians are just another hateful Islam-oriented trouble makers.
They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

It's appalling that innocent Jewish French people and Danes, become victims, just because of the actions of the "Zionist paradise", Israel. I think it's time Jewish people in Europe and America stood up and denounced Israeli policies.

Who said they're victims because of Israel? They're killed by ISIS just because they're Jews, and Europe is more than joyful to sacrifice them in order to satiate the Islamic beast.

In those times, The European Jews should join their brothers and sisters in Israel. Turning back on Israel only serves haters. The likes of you are falling into that catagory.

They were killed because of Israel's continuing oppression of the palestinian people. Statistically every time Israel attacks Gaza, slaughtering women and children, there is a corresponding negative reaction against Jewish people in Europe and the rest of the world based on the collective revulsion humanity feels about such actions and so called "anti-Semitic" acts increase. Anti-Semitism died in mainstream Europe with the Nazis. It was only kept alive amongst a few fringe far-Right groups and would have died out completely had not Zionist Israel continued to defy International law and rub the world's collective nose in the fact. Most reasonable people react negatively to this sort of behaviour, from anyone and unreasonable people tend to react unreasonably; lashing out at the closest target, the local Jewish population. It's abhorent, but it's a sad fact of life whilest the Zionists continue with their policies.

I agree. I don't hate Jewish people just like I don't hate any black people. I simply don't like some of the things they do as a group. I know several Jews and don't hate any of them. But I don't like isreal. I think they are hypocritical bullies.

You can't even SPELL Israel. Lol. They are not hypocritical bullies. It is their obligation to protect their citizens. The United States or any country would do the same. Israel has been incredibly patient with those savages to no avail. They've given them "gifts" only to have it thrown back in their faces. Face facts, the Palestinians are just another hateful Islam-oriented trouble makers.
How would you achieve peace? I think they need to give Palestinians their own country.
Don't get excited, dogbreath. Israel/Palestine is in the ME and there are Muslims all around. Why, just yesterday it was reported that Hizbullah and ISIS are in the Golan.

Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.

They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

Very good point.
It's appalling that innocent Jewish French people and Danes, become victims, just because of the actions of the "Zionist paradise", Israel. I think it's time Jewish people in Europe and America stood up and denounced Israeli policies.

Who said they're victims because of Israel? They're killed by ISIS just because they're Jews, and Europe is more than joyful to sacrifice them in order to satiate the Islamic beast.

In those times, The European Jews should join their brothers and sisters in Israel. Turning back on Israel only serves haters. The likes of you are falling into that catagory.

They were killed because of Israel's continuing oppression of the palestinian people. Statistically every time Israel attacks Gaza, slaughtering women and children, there is a corresponding negative reaction against Jewish people in Europe and the rest of the world based on the collective revulsion humanity feels about such actions and so called "anti-Semitic" acts increase. Anti-Semitism died in mainstream Europe with the Nazis. It was only kept alive amongst a few fringe far-Right groups and would have died out completely had not Zionist Israel continued to defy International law and rub the world's collective nose in the fact. Most reasonable people react negatively to this sort of behaviour, from anyone and unreasonable people tend to react unreasonably; lashing out at the closest target, the local Jewish population. It's abhorent, but it's a sad fact of life whilest the Zionists continue with their policies.

I agree. I don't hate Jewish people just like I don't hate any black people. I simply don't like some of the things they do as a group. I know several Jews and don't hate any of them. But I don't like isreal. I think they are hypocritical bullies.

You can't even SPELL Israel. Lol. They are not hypocritical bullies. It is their obligation to protect their citizens. The United States or any country would do the same. Israel has been incredibly patient with those savages to no avail. They've given them "gifts" only to have it thrown back in their faces. Face facts, the Palestinians are just another hateful Islam-oriented trouble makers.
How would you achieve peace? I think they need to give Palestinians their own country.

You are being ignorant. The reason why there is a "Palestine" is because of Israel. This was the Arabs answer to Israel. They didn't want Jews living near them.
Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.

They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

I'm not religious at all and I can tell you if or when I don't like Jews its because of their behavior not because of their religion. When they whine. When they are hypocritical or cheap or stubborn or opinionated etc. My dislike of Jewish culture or people is from observing them or after talking to them. I don't hate them I just maybe don't like them.

I don't think I'm saying this right because I don't dislike Jews but they can be annoying and act jewy. Lol

This post is incredibly retarded. You are a bigot.

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