New Australian documentary just released. Very graphic don't watch if you are queasy.

They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

It's appalling that innocent Jewish French people and Danes, become victims, just because of the actions of the "Zionist paradise", Israel. I think it's time Jewish people in Europe and America stood up and denounced Israeli policies.

Who said they're victims because of Israel? They're killed by ISIS just because they're Jews, and Europe is more than joyful to sacrifice them in order to satiate the Islamic beast.

In those times, The European Jews should join their brothers and sisters in Israel. Turning back on Israel only serves haters. The likes of you are falling into that catagory.

They were killed because of Israel's continuing oppression of the palestinian people. Statistically every time Israel attacks Gaza, slaughtering women and children, there is a corresponding negative reaction against Jewish people in Europe and the rest of the world based on the collective revulsion humanity feels about such actions and so called "anti-Semitic" acts increase. Anti-Semitism died in mainstream Europe with the Nazis. It was only kept alive amongst a few fringe far-Right groups and would have died out completely had not Zionist Israel continued to defy International law and rub the world's collective nose in the fact. Most reasonable people react negatively to this sort of behaviour, from anyone and unreasonable people tend to react unreasonably; lashing out at the closest target, the local Jewish population. It's abhorent, but it's a sad fact of life whilest the Zionists continue with their policies.

Nonsense. Those who attacked in Paris and Denmark did it because they were pissed the European people insulted their prophet and attacked their ISIS targets across The MidEast. They attacked Jews because in their primitive thinking, it's the promised way to heaven, so why not go for it while they attack the 'Dar Al-Harb' states.

No connection to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. That thing you can try and tell those with less than half a brain.

Next you're going to tell me that Jordanian pilot was also killed because of the Israeli policy. What do you think, I'm stupid?! that kind of nonsense will work for the libs, not people who know to recognize the danger.
Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.

They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

I'm not religious at all and I can tell you if or when I don't like Jews its because of their behavior not because of their religion. When they whine. When they are hypocritical or cheap or stubborn or opinionated etc. My dislike of Jewish culture or people is from observing them or after talking to them. I don't hate them I just maybe don't like them.

I don't think I'm saying this right because I don't dislike Jews but they can be annoying and act jewy. Lol
Jewy? That's a new one. Got anymore anti-Semitic descriptions?
It's appalling that innocent Jewish French people and Danes, become victims, just because of the actions of the "Zionist paradise", Israel. I think it's time Jewish people in Europe and America stood up and denounced Israeli policies.

Who said they're victims because of Israel? They're killed by ISIS just because they're Jews, and Europe is more than joyful to sacrifice them in order to satiate the Islamic beast.

In those times, The European Jews should join their brothers and sisters in Israel. Turning back on Israel only serves haters. The likes of you are falling into that catagory.

They were killed because of Israel's continuing oppression of the palestinian people. Statistically every time Israel attacks Gaza, slaughtering women and children, there is a corresponding negative reaction against Jewish people in Europe and the rest of the world based on the collective revulsion humanity feels about such actions and so called "anti-Semitic" acts increase. Anti-Semitism died in mainstream Europe with the Nazis. It was only kept alive amongst a few fringe far-Right groups and would have died out completely had not Zionist Israel continued to defy International law and rub the world's collective nose in the fact. Most reasonable people react negatively to this sort of behaviour, from anyone and unreasonable people tend to react unreasonably; lashing out at the closest target, the local Jewish population. It's abhorent, but it's a sad fact of life whilest the Zionists continue with their policies.

I agree. I don't hate Jewish people just like I don't hate any black people. I simply don't like some of the things they do as a group. I know several Jews and don't hate any of them. But I don't like isreal. I think they are hypocritical bullies.

You can't even SPELL Israel. Lol. They are not hypocritical bullies. It is their obligation to protect their citizens. The United States or any country would do the same. Israel has been incredibly patient with those savages to no avail. They've given them "gifts" only to have it thrown back in their faces. Face facts, the Palestinians are just another hateful Islam-oriented trouble makers.
How would you achieve peace? I think they need to give Palestinians their own country.

Yes. Of course. That's what you do with people who stone your kids, slash your toddlers' throats in their sleep, blow up your restaurants and launch missles on your head.

You give them a state.

If you're so into give them their own country, do it in your backyard.
Who said they're victims because of Israel? They're killed by ISIS just because they're Jews, and Europe is more than joyful to sacrifice them in order to satiate the Islamic beast.

In those times, The European Jews should join their brothers and sisters in Israel. Turning back on Israel only serves haters. The likes of you are falling into that catagory.

They were killed because of Israel's continuing oppression of the palestinian people. Statistically every time Israel attacks Gaza, slaughtering women and children, there is a corresponding negative reaction against Jewish people in Europe and the rest of the world based on the collective revulsion humanity feels about such actions and so called "anti-Semitic" acts increase. Anti-Semitism died in mainstream Europe with the Nazis. It was only kept alive amongst a few fringe far-Right groups and would have died out completely had not Zionist Israel continued to defy International law and rub the world's collective nose in the fact. Most reasonable people react negatively to this sort of behaviour, from anyone and unreasonable people tend to react unreasonably; lashing out at the closest target, the local Jewish population. It's abhorent, but it's a sad fact of life whilest the Zionists continue with their policies.

I agree. I don't hate Jewish people just like I don't hate any black people. I simply don't like some of the things they do as a group. I know several Jews and don't hate any of them. But I don't like isreal. I think they are hypocritical bullies.

You can't even SPELL Israel. Lol. They are not hypocritical bullies. It is their obligation to protect their citizens. The United States or any country would do the same. Israel has been incredibly patient with those savages to no avail. They've given them "gifts" only to have it thrown back in their faces. Face facts, the Palestinians are just another hateful Islam-oriented trouble makers.
How would you achieve peace? I think they need to give Palestinians their own country.

Yes. Of course. That's what you do with people who stone your kids, slash your toddlers' throats in their sleep, blow up your restaurants and launch missles on your head.

You give them a state.

If you're so into give them their own country, do it in your backyard.

I don't want those fuckers in my backyard. Lol.
Let's see your reliable and neutral source which confirms that ISIS and Hizbollah are in the Golan (and not fighting). Why do you bullshit so much. It's a constant stream of crap from you.

They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

Yup, mostly from the Christian Religious Right, Phalangists, Fascists, Nazis (both neo- and old school), Zionists.

You missed the biggest culprits the muslims, who have made anti Semitism into an art form.
It's appalling that innocent Jewish French people and Danes, become victims, just because of the actions of the "Zionist paradise", Israel. I think it's time Jewish people in Europe and America stood up and denounced Israeli policies.

Who said they're victims because of Israel? They're killed by ISIS just because they're Jews, and Europe is more than joyful to sacrifice them in order to satiate the Islamic beast.

In those times, The European Jews should join their brothers and sisters in Israel. Turning back on Israel only serves haters. The likes of you are falling into that catagory.

They were killed because of Israel's continuing oppression of the palestinian people. Statistically every time Israel attacks Gaza, slaughtering women and children, there is a corresponding negative reaction against Jewish people in Europe and the rest of the world based on the collective revulsion humanity feels about such actions and so called "anti-Semitic" acts increase. Anti-Semitism died in mainstream Europe with the Nazis. It was only kept alive amongst a few fringe far-Right groups and would have died out completely had not Zionist Israel continued to defy International law and rub the world's collective nose in the fact. Most reasonable people react negatively to this sort of behaviour, from anyone and unreasonable people tend to react unreasonably; lashing out at the closest target, the local Jewish population. It's abhorent, but it's a sad fact of life whilest the Zionists continue with their policies.

I agree. I don't hate Jewish people just like I don't hate any black people. I simply don't like some of the things they do as a group. I know several Jews and don't hate any of them. But I don't like isreal. I think they are hypocritical bullies.

You can't even SPELL Israel. Lol. They are not hypocritical bullies. It is their obligation to protect their citizens. The United States or any country would do the same. Israel has been incredibly patient with those savages to no avail. They've given them "gifts" only to have it thrown back in their faces. Face facts, the Palestinians are just another hateful Islam-oriented trouble makers.
How would you achieve peace? I think they need to give Palestinians their own country.

So give them yours if you feel so strongly. But you cant give someone something they already have, but refuse to use it. What you really mean is you want the world to give the arab muslims Israel and make the Jews their slaves once again.
You mus
They are always the victims even when they are the victimizers.

Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

I'm not religious at all and I can tell you if or when I don't like Jews its because of their behavior not because of their religion. When they whine. When they are hypocritical or cheap or stubborn or opinionated etc. My dislike of Jewish culture or people is from observing them or after talking to them. I don't hate them I just maybe don't like them.

I don't think I'm saying this right because I don't dislike Jews but they can be annoying and act jewy. Lol
Jewy? That's a new one. Got anymore anti-Semitic descriptions?

You must be the most ignorant poster on this board. There is nothing new about the word Jewry, you idiot. I understand why you post nonsense. You really have't a clue. There is nothing antisemitic about the word Jewry. What a fool.

"The American Council for World Jewry"

American Council For World Jewry

From the Cleveland Jewish News

Netanyahu only a representative of world Jewry

"Netanyahu only a representative of world Jewry - Cleveland Jewish News Marcy Oster
You mus
Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

I'm not religious at all and I can tell you if or when I don't like Jews its because of their behavior not because of their religion. When they whine. When they are hypocritical or cheap or stubborn or opinionated etc. My dislike of Jewish culture or people is from observing them or after talking to them. I don't hate them I just maybe don't like them.

I don't think I'm saying this right because I don't dislike Jews but they can be annoying and act jewy. Lol
Jewy? That's a new one. Got anymore anti-Semitic descriptions?

You must be the most ignorant poster on this board. There is nothing new about the word Jewry, you idiot. I understand why you post nonsense. You really have't a clue. There is nothing antisemitic about the word Jewry. What a fool.

"The American Council for World Jewry"

American Council For World Jewry

From the Cleveland Jewish News

Netanyahu only a representative of world Jewry

"Netanyahu only a representative of world Jewry - Cleveland Jewish News Marcy Oster
I know that shit-for-brains. I was mocking Sealybobo's use of the non-word "Jewy." Get hep, peeple.
You mus
Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

I'm not religious at all and I can tell you if or when I don't like Jews its because of their behavior not because of their religion. When they whine. When they are hypocritical or cheap or stubborn or opinionated etc. My dislike of Jewish culture or people is from observing them or after talking to them. I don't hate them I just maybe don't like them.

I don't think I'm saying this right because I don't dislike Jews but they can be annoying and act jewy. Lol
Jewy? That's a new one. Got anymore anti-Semitic descriptions?

You must be the most ignorant poster on this board. There is nothing new about the word Jewry, you idiot. I understand why you post nonsense. You really have't a clue. There is nothing antisemitic about the word Jewry. What a fool.

"The American Council for World Jewry"

American Council For World Jewry

From the Cleveland Jewish News

Netanyahu only a representative of world Jewry

"Netanyahu only a representative of world Jewry - Cleveland Jewish News Marcy Oster
You need a new pair of reading glasses, Mr. S. You are acting like an ignoramus. He didn't type JEWRY. He said JEWY. Naturally you lap up all the nonsense that the anti-Semites say. Must be a Muslim trait. Maybe it's time for the Muslim propaganda outfit you work for to give you a few days off. You have been working your tail off and need a little rest.
Maybe you should ask the Hasbara to give you a day off. I am an American, I don't work for Muslims or Jews, Unlike you.
Who said they're victims because of Israel? They're killed by ISIS just because they're Jews, and Europe is more than joyful to sacrifice them in order to satiate the Islamic beast.

In those times, The European Jews should join their brothers and sisters in Israel. Turning back on Israel only serves haters. The likes of you are falling into that catagory.

They were killed because of Israel's continuing oppression of the palestinian people. Statistically every time Israel attacks Gaza, slaughtering women and children, there is a corresponding negative reaction against Jewish people in Europe and the rest of the world based on the collective revulsion humanity feels about such actions and so called "anti-Semitic" acts increase. Anti-Semitism died in mainstream Europe with the Nazis. It was only kept alive amongst a few fringe far-Right groups and would have died out completely had not Zionist Israel continued to defy International law and rub the world's collective nose in the fact. Most reasonable people react negatively to this sort of behaviour, from anyone and unreasonable people tend to react unreasonably; lashing out at the closest target, the local Jewish population. It's abhorent, but it's a sad fact of life whilest the Zionists continue with their policies.

I agree. I don't hate Jewish people just like I don't hate any black people. I simply don't like some of the things they do as a group. I know several Jews and don't hate any of them. But I don't like isreal. I think they are hypocritical bullies.

You can't even SPELL Israel. Lol. They are not hypocritical bullies. It is their obligation to protect their citizens. The United States or any country would do the same. Israel has been incredibly patient with those savages to no avail. They've given them "gifts" only to have it thrown back in their faces. Face facts, the Palestinians are just another hateful Islam-oriented trouble makers.
How would you achieve peace? I think they need to give Palestinians their own country.

So give them yours if you feel so strongly. But you cant give someone something they already have, but refuse to use it. What you really mean is you want the world to give the arab muslims Israel and make the Jews their slaves once again.
No I want to separate them. The clearly will never get along.
You mus
Yeah well there's no denying that Israel knows how to take care of business when it comes to defending herself against Arab Muslim savages, Islamic or not. Whinybohoo.

They create anti semitism with their behavior both in the Arab and non Arab world.

And where did all the anti semitism come from before the state of Israel was created? The same place that it comes from today. Mostly religious based, and some sociological.

I'm not religious at all and I can tell you if or when I don't like Jews its because of their behavior not because of their religion. When they whine. When they are hypocritical or cheap or stubborn or opinionated etc. My dislike of Jewish culture or people is from observing them or after talking to them. I don't hate them I just maybe don't like them.

I don't think I'm saying this right because I don't dislike Jews but they can be annoying and act jewy. Lol
Jewy? That's a new one. Got anymore anti-Semitic descriptions?

You must be the most ignorant poster on this board. There is nothing new about the word Jewry, you idiot. I understand why you post nonsense. You really have't a clue. There is nothing antisemitic about the word Jewry. What a fool.

"The American Council for World Jewry"

American Council For World Jewry

From the Cleveland Jewish News

Netanyahu only a representative of world Jewry

"Netanyahu only a representative of world Jewry - Cleveland Jewish News Marcy Oster

I did say it in a sarcastic way. Lol
Maybe you should ask the Hasbara to give you a day off. I am an American, I don't work for Muslims or Jews, Unlike you.

No shit! I'm Greek american and I don't give 2 shits about Greece. African americans don't care about Africa. German americans didn't side with hitler and Japanese americans didn't side with Japan during ww2.

But Jews seem more loyal to Israel then america.

I like Jews but they do act very jewy.
Maybe you should ask the Hasbara to give you a day off. I am an American, I don't work for Muslims or Jews, Unlike you.

No shit! I'm Greek american and I don't give 2 shits about Greece. African americans don't care about Africa. German americans didn't side with hitler and Japanese americans didn't side with Japan during ww2.

But Jews seem more loyal to Israel then america.

I like Jews but they do act very jewy.
As long as you don't start acting greesy.
Hoss is loyal to Israel, the brain washing was successful. Couldn't give a rat's ass about America if Israel's interests are threatened.
Maybe you should ask the Hasbara to give you a day off. I am an American, I don't work for Muslims or Jews, Unlike you.

No shit! I'm Greek american and I don't give 2 shits about Greece. African americans don't care about Africa. German americans didn't side with hitler and Japanese americans didn't side with Japan during ww2.

But Jews seem more loyal to Israel then america.

I like Jews but they do act very jewy.
Hoss is loyal to Israel, the brain washing was successful. Couldn't give a rat's ass about America if Israel's interests are threatened.
My God you're so full of shit. Hoss served in the U.S army. Did you?
Maybe you should ask the Hasbara to give you a day off. I am an American, I don't work for Muslims or Jews, Unlike you.

No shit! I'm Greek american and I don't give 2 shits about Greece. African americans don't care about Africa. German americans didn't side with hitler and Japanese americans didn't side with Japan during ww2.

But Jews seem more loyal to Israel then america.

I like Jews but they do act very jewy.
Hoss is loyal to Israel, the brain washing was successful. Couldn't give a rat's ass about America if Israel's interests are threatened.
My God you're so full of shit. Hoss served in the U.S army. Did you?
Yeah, that's a U.S.Army helicoptor in my avatar.

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