New Court Filings Place Matt Gaetz at a Party at the Center of the Sex Trafficking Scandal


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
"The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine."

The Republican-led House Ethics Committee has had a long-running investigation into Gaetz for his buying of hookers and illicit drug use. They suspended their investigation while the DOJ looked into all this.

Things just got a lot worse for Gaetz.

Rep. Matt Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed to a Florida federal court shortly before midnight Thursday, which cite sealed affidavits from three eyewitness testimonies.

The minor, who was a junior in high school at the time, arrived in her mother’s car for a July 15, 2017, party at the Florida home of Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist and friend of Gaetz’s, according to a court filing written by defense attorneys who interviewed witnesses as part of an ongoing civil lawsuit Dorworth brought in 2023.


One eyewitness cited in the court filings, a young woman referred to as K.M., provided a sworn affidavit that claimed the teenage girl was naked, partygoers were there to “engage in sexual activities,” and “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy … and marijuana” were present. The teenage girl was identified in the filings only as A.B.

“The discovery taken in this case to date reflects that on Saturday, July 15, 2017 … Dorworth, hosted a party at his residence … with the following guests present: (1) A.B.; (2) K.M.; (3) B.G.; (4) Matt Gaetz,” lawyers wrote in the filing, also listing several others. The defense lawyers filed testimonies from those three women — who the attorneys say placed Gaetz at Dorworth’s house that night — under seal pending a judge’s approval to make the records public.


This marks the first time that sworn testimony has been referenced in public court filings alleging that the congressman attended one of the long-rumored parties tied to an alleged underage sex scandal. Previous reports have revealed details of ex-politician and Gaetz friend Joel Greenberg’s confession letter that was never made public, which described how Gaetz would allegedly pay him to arrange several sexual encounters with young women — including a 17-year-old girl. Greenberg is serving an 11-year prison sentence for a list of charges, including fraud and sex trafficking with a child.

There have also been reports of Venmo payment transactions that were also never released showing the congressman paying Greenberg on at least one occasion.
Since the accusation came from democrats, I immediately identified it as a lie. Remember when Brett Kavanaugh raped a girl in the back of his friend's car? Yep, lie. At least she admitted it.
So you don’t care about actual facts

It’s all “Dems bad .. Republicans good” with you

Cult behavior
Since the accusation came from democrats, I immediately identified it as a lie. Remember when Brett Kavanaugh raped a girl in the back of his friend's car? Yep, lie. At least she admitted it.
Yet the Republican-led House Ethics Committee has determined the case against Gaetz has merit.

And now there is a court case with sworn testimony and factual evidence.

You will never admit wrongdoing by a Republican. Ever.

That's really sad.
"The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine."

The Republican-led House Ethics Committee has had a long-running investigation into Gaetz for his buying of hookers and illicit drug use. They suspended their investigation while the DOJ looked into all this.

Things just got a lot worse for Gaetz.

Rep. Matt Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed to a Florida federal court shortly before midnight Thursday, which cite sealed affidavits from three eyewitness testimonies.

The minor, who was a junior in high school at the time, arrived in her mother’s car for a July 15, 2017, party at the Florida home of Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist and friend of Gaetz’s, according to a court filing written by defense attorneys who interviewed witnesses as part of an ongoing civil lawsuit Dorworth brought in 2023.


One eyewitness cited in the court filings, a young woman referred to as K.M., provided a sworn affidavit that claimed the teenage girl was naked, partygoers were there to “engage in sexual activities,” and “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy … and marijuana” were present. The teenage girl was identified in the filings only as A.B.

“The discovery taken in this case to date reflects that on Saturday, July 15, 2017 … Dorworth, hosted a party at his residence … with the following guests present: (1) A.B.; (2) K.M.; (3) B.G.; (4) Matt Gaetz,” lawyers wrote in the filing, also listing several others. The defense lawyers filed testimonies from those three women — who the attorneys say placed Gaetz at Dorworth’s house that night — under seal pending a judge’s approval to make the records public.


This marks the first time that sworn testimony has been referenced in public court filings alleging that the congressman attended one of the long-rumored parties tied to an alleged underage sex scandal. Previous reports have revealed details of ex-politician and Gaetz friend Joel Greenberg’s confession letter that was never made public, which described how Gaetz would allegedly pay him to arrange several sexual encounters with young women — including a 17-year-old girl. Greenberg is serving an 11-year prison sentence for a list of charges, including fraud and sex trafficking with a child.

There have also been reports of Venmo payment transactions that were also never released showing the congressman paying Greenberg on at least one occasion.
More lawfare from the Cheato-Crats. SSDD
So you don’t care about actual facts

It’s all “Dems bad .. Republicans good” with you

Cult behavior

You cultists are pathetic.
"The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine."

The Republican-led House Ethics Committee has had a long-running investigation into Gaetz for his buying of hookers and illicit drug use. They suspended their investigation while the DOJ looked into all this.

Things just got a lot worse for Gaetz.

Rep. Matt Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed to a Florida federal court shortly before midnight Thursday, which cite sealed affidavits from three eyewitness testimonies.

The minor, who was a junior in high school at the time, arrived in her mother’s car for a July 15, 2017, party at the Florida home of Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist and friend of Gaetz’s, according to a court filing written by defense attorneys who interviewed witnesses as part of an ongoing civil lawsuit Dorworth brought in 2023.


One eyewitness cited in the court filings, a young woman referred to as K.M., provided a sworn affidavit that claimed the teenage girl was naked, partygoers were there to “engage in sexual activities,” and “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy … and marijuana” were present. The teenage girl was identified in the filings only as A.B.

“The discovery taken in this case to date reflects that on Saturday, July 15, 2017 … Dorworth, hosted a party at his residence … with the following guests present: (1) A.B.; (2) K.M.; (3) B.G.; (4) Matt Gaetz,” lawyers wrote in the filing, also listing several others. The defense lawyers filed testimonies from those three women — who the attorneys say placed Gaetz at Dorworth’s house that night — under seal pending a judge’s approval to make the records public.


This marks the first time that sworn testimony has been referenced in public court filings alleging that the congressman attended one of the long-rumored parties tied to an alleged underage sex scandal. Previous reports have revealed details of ex-politician and Gaetz friend Joel Greenberg’s confession letter that was never made public, which described how Gaetz would allegedly pay him to arrange several sexual encounters with young women — including a 17-year-old girl. Greenberg is serving an 11-year prison sentence for a list of charges, including fraud and sex trafficking with a child.

There have also been reports of Venmo payment transactions that were also never released showing the congressman paying Greenberg on at least one occasion.

MAGA POT GOP... the party of perves.

Wait.. you’re defending this creep?

He a pedo
And just like that the filthy left denounces sexual deviancy.
If democrats would stop lying perhaps I might believe them. They have accused Gaetz before. This happened.

Democrats lied about Roy Moore. This happened.

Remember when Brett Kavanaugh was called a rapist? Yeah. Then this.

Democrats assure us that this time, they have Gaetz. Sure.

The lying might have started when it worked against Mitt Romney. Harry Reid lied and said he had evidence that Romney hadn't paid taxes in ten years. Several years later when asked about the lie, Reid said "it worked didn't it".

Democrats keep lying on the chance it will work.

However, since their track record is so abysmal, I'm certainly not going to believe them.

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