New Details Emerge On How Trump Already Weaponized DOJ The First Time


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
If you’re having trouble recalling all the ways in which DOJ’s independence, professionalism, and reputation were sullied by Trump’s depredations, the NYT offers a much-needed reminder in a tight, accessible and very on-point package it published over the weekend.

The lead story in the package, authored by reporter Michael S. Schmidt, includes new, never-before-reported details about efforts by the Trump White House Counsel’s Office to steer him away from even worse abuses of the Justice Department and to memorialize those efforts in a self-protective memo, drafts of which they reportedly snuck out of the White House for safekeeping. Your ass-covering memo doesn’t do you much good if it’s hidden away in a White House vault you can no longer access – or is simply destroyed.

A valuable sidebar to the main story is a list of some of the highest profile instances of Trump abusing DOJ to target people he considered threats. It’s a good refresher if time, ambiguity, and the sheer volume of Trump’s transgressions have overwhelmed your memory.

As President, Trump Demanded Investigations of Foes. He Often Got Them.

Interviews, court filings and secret White House documents shed new light on how Mr. Trump’s demands for prosecutions in the spring of 2018 ignited a behind-the-scenes push by some of his top aides to contain his impulses, protect the rule of law and insulate the White House from legal and political blowback — issues that some of them say are arguably even more acute today.

The memo that Mr. McGahn’s lawyers in the White House Counsel’s Office produced following Mr. Trump’s April 2018 tirade about prosecuting Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey amounted to a primer on presidential power — and the limits on it — when it comes to the justice system, according to draft copies of it.

There is ample evidence as part of the public record that trump's effort to corrupt the DoJ, some of which succeeded and some of which was thwarted by aides, is immediately disqualifying for a second term.

Adoring trump fans will look away, call it fake news, call it TDS, do what they must to ignore the simple, obvious, demonstrable truth. trump is not qualified to be the next prez. Presidential candidates have historically always viewed being elected as an opportunity to serve the nation. trump sees it as an opportunity to serve himself.
Tucker Carlson's Left Wing Zionist Fascist 911 Traitor hero Jeff Sessions, once sworn in as AG, immediately conspired with the Hillary campaign to put an Independent Counsel on Trump for the Russia Hoax, so yeah, it was "weaponized" by homO against Trump....
Tucker Carlson's Left Wing Zionist Fascist 911 Traitor hero Jeff Sessions, once sworn in as AG, immediately conspired with the Hillary campaign to put an Independent Counsel on Trump for the Russia Hoax, so yeah, it was "weaponized" by homO against Trump....
Rod Rosenstein (Repub) made the decision to name Mueller Special Counsel. How could he not after trump fired Comey?
Rod Rosenstein (Repub) made the decision to name Mueller Special Counsel. How could he not after trump fired Comey?

Rod the Mossad Rosenstein is a Zionist Fascist 911 W "Biden Republican"

Thanks for validating the 100% correlation between

Zionist Fascist 911 Traitors and "Republicans for Harris"
If you’re having trouble recalling all the ways in which DOJ’s independence, professionalism, and reputation were sullied by Trump’s depredations, the NYT offers a much-needed reminder in a tight, accessible and very on-point package it published over the weekend.

The lead story in the package, authored by reporter Michael S. Schmidt, includes new, never-before-reported details about efforts by the Trump White House Counsel’s Office to steer him away from even worse abuses of the Justice Department and to memorialize those efforts in a self-protective memo, drafts of which they reportedly snuck out of the White House for safekeeping. Your ass-covering memo doesn’t do you much good if it’s hidden away in a White House vault you can no longer access – or is simply destroyed.

A valuable sidebar to the main story is a list of some of the highest profile instances of Trump abusing DOJ to target people he considered threats. It’s a good refresher if time, ambiguity, and the sheer volume of Trump’s transgressions have overwhelmed your memory.

As President, Trump Demanded Investigations of Foes. He Often Got Them.

Interviews, court filings and secret White House documents shed new light on how Mr. Trump’s demands for prosecutions in the spring of 2018 ignited a behind-the-scenes push by some of his top aides to contain his impulses, protect the rule of law and insulate the White House from legal and political blowback — issues that some of them say are arguably even more acute today.

The memo that Mr. McGahn’s lawyers in the White House Counsel’s Office produced following Mr. Trump’s April 2018 tirade about prosecuting Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey amounted to a primer on presidential power — and the limits on it — when it comes to the justice system, according to draft copies of it.

There is ample evidence as part of the public record that trump's effort to corrupt the DoJ, some of which succeeded and some of which was thwarted by aides, is immediately disqualifying for a second term.

Adoring trump fans will look away, call it fake news, call it TDS, do what they must to ignore the simple, obvious, demonstrable truth. trump is not qualified to be the next prez. Presidential candidates have historically always viewed being elected as an opportunity to serve the nation. trump sees it as an opportunity to serve himself.
So, Trump weaponized the DOJ to investigate himself? Boy are you stupid.
Read the article, silly.
Let's say for the sake of argument that Trump weaponized the DOJ while president and that he says he will do it again if he wins. How is that any different than democrats weaponizing law enforcement all over the country, including the DOJ, to go after Trump over the last several years? Some even promised in campaigns to get elected that they would get Trump.
Let's say for the sake of argument that Trump weaponized the DOJ while president and that he says he will do it again if he wins. How is that any different than democrats weaponizing law enforcement all over the country, including the DOJ, to go after Trump over the last several years? Some even promised in campaigns to get elected that they would get Trump.
Where is your evidence that Biden told the DoJ to investigate and prosecute anyone let alone Trump?

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