New Details Emerge On How Trump Already Weaponized DOJ The First Time

Not to the Trump cult, because it's a..............CULT.
Whose dear leader can do no wrong.
Didn't say that, dickless....He does plenty that cuts against my grain.

But next to none of what he does that I don't like is anywhere near the inconsequential loser shit that you hysterical haters snivel about.

The lawyers acknowledged that presidents can have considerable, if indirect, influence over Justice Department decision-making, not least through the power to replace the attorney general.

But they made clear that Mr. Trump did not have the authority “to initiate an investigation or prosecution yourself or circumvent the attorney general by directing a different official to pursue a prosecution or investigation,” as one draft memo put it.

The main message to Mr. Trump in the memos was that presidential meddling in a prosecution — flouting a norm that had become deeply embedded in American politics and government in the wake of Watergate — could have profoundly negative consequences for Mr. Trump, including the potential for impeachment and electoral defeat.

But as we know trump never concerns himself with such things. Why? Because The Following loves him unconditionally, even when he breaks the law.
a story? hahahaahahahahahahahahaha literature provides subjects that speak fiction.

Justice Department pressured former US attorney to bring cases against Trump enemies, Geoffrey Berman says

Geoffrey Berman, who served 2 1/2 years as United States attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2018 to 2020, said the Justice Department pressured him and his office to pursue criminal cases against perceived enemies of former President Donald Trump, including former Secretary of State John Kerry.

"I had never seen anything like that before," Berman told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos in his first interview about his new book, "Holding the Line: Inside the Nation's Preeminent US Attorney's Office and its Battle with the Trump Justice Department." "People who had been in the office for 40 years never saw anything like that. It was unprecedented and scary."

Just another example of trump's corruption for you to ignore.

Justice Department pressured former US attorney to bring cases against Trump enemies, Geoffrey Berman says

Geoffrey Berman, who served 2 1/2 years as United States attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2018 to 2020, said the Justice Department pressured him and his office to pursue criminal cases against perceived enemies of former President Donald Trump, including former Secretary of State John Kerry.

"I had never seen anything like that before," Berman told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos in his first interview about his new book, "Holding the Line: Inside the Nation's Preeminent US Attorney's Office and its Battle with the Trump Justice Department." "People who had been in the office for 40 years never saw anything like that. It was unprecedented and scary."

Just another example of trump's corruption for you to ignore.
that isn't literature. That news.

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