New Details Emerge On How Trump Already Weaponized DOJ The First Time

If you’re having trouble recalling all the ways in which DOJ’s independence, professionalism, and reputation were sullied by Trump’s depredations, the NYT offers a much-needed reminder in a tight, accessible and very on-point package it published over the weekend.

The lead story in the package, authored by reporter Michael S. Schmidt, includes new, never-before-reported details about efforts by the Trump White House Counsel’s Office to steer him away from even worse abuses of the Justice Department and to memorialize those efforts in a self-protective memo, drafts of which they reportedly snuck out of the White House for safekeeping. Your ass-covering memo doesn’t do you much good if it’s hidden away in a White House vault you can no longer access – or is simply destroyed.

A valuable sidebar to the main story is a list of some of the highest profile instances of Trump abusing DOJ to target people he considered threats. It’s a good refresher if time, ambiguity, and the sheer volume of Trump’s transgressions have overwhelmed your memory.

As President, Trump Demanded Investigations of Foes. He Often Got Them.

Interviews, court filings and secret White House documents shed new light on how Mr. Trump’s demands for prosecutions in the spring of 2018 ignited a behind-the-scenes push by some of his top aides to contain his impulses, protect the rule of law and insulate the White House from legal and political blowback — issues that some of them say are arguably even more acute today.

The memo that Mr. McGahn’s lawyers in the White House Counsel’s Office produced following Mr. Trump’s April 2018 tirade about prosecuting Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey amounted to a primer on presidential power — and the limits on it — when it comes to the justice system, according to draft copies of it.

There is ample evidence as part of the public record that trump's effort to corrupt the DoJ, some of which succeeded and some of which was thwarted by aides, is immediately disqualifying for a second term.

Adoring trump fans will look away, call it fake news, call it TDS, do what they must to ignore the simple, obvious, demonstrable truth. trump is not qualified to be the next prez. Presidential candidates have historically always viewed being elected as an opportunity to serve the nation. trump sees it as an opportunity to serve himself.
Do you ever get embarrassed with all your projection???
If you’re having trouble recalling all the ways in which DOJ’s independence, professionalism, and reputation were sullied by Trump’s depredations, the NYT offers a much-needed reminder in a tight, accessible and very on-point package it published over the weekend.

The lead story in the package, authored by reporter Michael S. Schmidt, includes new, never-before-reported details about efforts by the Trump White House Counsel’s Office to steer him away from even worse abuses of the Justice Department and to memorialize those efforts in a self-protective memo, drafts of which they reportedly snuck out of the White House for safekeeping. Your ass-covering memo doesn’t do you much good if it’s hidden away in a White House vault you can no longer access – or is simply destroyed.

A valuable sidebar to the main story is a list of some of the highest profile instances of Trump abusing DOJ to target people he considered threats. It’s a good refresher if time, ambiguity, and the sheer volume of Trump’s transgressions have overwhelmed your memory.

As President, Trump Demanded Investigations of Foes. He Often Got Them.

Interviews, court filings and secret White House documents shed new light on how Mr. Trump’s demands for prosecutions in the spring of 2018 ignited a behind-the-scenes push by some of his top aides to contain his impulses, protect the rule of law and insulate the White House from legal and political blowback — issues that some of them say are arguably even more acute today.

The memo that Mr. McGahn’s lawyers in the White House Counsel’s Office produced following Mr. Trump’s April 2018 tirade about prosecuting Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey amounted to a primer on presidential power — and the limits on it — when it comes to the justice system, according to draft copies of it.

There is ample evidence as part of the public record that trump's effort to corrupt the DoJ, some of which succeeded and some of which was thwarted by aides, is immediately disqualifying for a second term.

Adoring trump fans will look away, call it fake news, call it TDS, do what they must to ignore the simple, obvious, demonstrable truth. trump is not qualified to be the next prez. Presidential candidates have historically always viewed being elected as an opportunity to serve the nation. trump sees it as an opportunity to serve himself.
Biden's DOJ and FBI do a pre-dawn raid on Trump over nothing; and Trump somehow weaponized the DOJ?
Trump didn’t use the DOJ to prosecute his political rivals.

Harris and xiden did
Not for a lack of trying or demanding the AG open investigations into them. Their problem was that those investigations didn't turn up much evidence of corruption. Alleged corruption that Faux Not News had been propagating to the flock for years. The investigation in to Trump didn't have that problem.
Not for a lack of trying or demanding the AG open investigations into them. Their problem was that those investigations didn't turn up much evidence of corruption. Alleged corruption that Faux Not News had been propagating to the flock for years. The investigation in to Trump didn't have that problem.

'Where are all of the arrests?': Trump demands Barr lock up ...​

Politico › news › 2020/10/07 › trump...

Oct 7, 2020 — Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly ..
Not for a lack of trying or demanding the AG open investigations into them. Their problem was that those investigations didn't turn up much evidence of corruption. Alleged corruption that Faux Not News had been propagating to the flock for years. The investigation in to Trump didn't have that problem.
What investigations?
What investigations?
How quickly they've forgotten the fruitless Durham Investigation that was going to expose Obamagate once and for all! Faux Not News fed the flock with all kinds of insinuations and lies about Democrat corruption when in fact the only corrupt they uncovered was Benedict Donald's.
How quickly they've forgotten the fruitless Durham Investigation that was going to expose Obamagate once and for all! Faux Not News fed the flock with all kinds of insinuations and lies about Democrat corruption when in fact the only corrupt they uncovered was Benedict Donald's.
How quickly they've forgotten the fruitless Durham Investigation that was going to expose Obamagate once and for all! Faux Not News fed the flock with all kinds of insinuations and lies about Democrat corruption when in fact the only corrupt they uncovered was Benedict Donald's.

How can anyone forget that investigation that openly exposed the Russian hoax, and that Obama et al knew it was a hoax?

I thought you met investigations of Clinton or Obama
How can anyone forget that investigation that openly exposed the Russian hoax, and that Obama et al knew it was a hoax?

I thought you met investigations of Clinton or Obama
Durham’s report also shows that his prosecutors ranged far afield of the core question of whether people involved in initiating or executive the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe should be prosecuted.

In addition to exploring the intelligence community’s handling of the Trump-Russia allegations, he probed the decision-making about largely unrelated allegations of foreign-influence efforts aimed at Clinton.

Durham’s report also shows that his prosecutors ranged far afield of the core question of whether people involved in initiating or executive the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe should be prosecuted.

In addition to exploring the intelligence community’s handling of the Trump-Russia allegations, he probed the decision-making about largely unrelated allegations of foreign-influence efforts aimed at Clinton.

not every injustice or transgrassion amounts to a criminal offense.....which isn't to say that the Obamagate gang abused their office

and you might want to look at the dates of the interviews, 2021, 2022....this wasn't Trump's investigation....Harris and Xiden were in office then
Not for a lack of trying or demanding the AG open investigations into them. Their problem was that those investigations didn't turn up much evidence of corruption. Alleged corruption that Faux Not News had been propagating to the flock for years. The investigation in to Trump didn't have that problem.
post a link
How quickly they've forgotten the fruitless Durham Investigation that was going to expose Obamagate once and for all! Faux Not News fed the flock with all kinds of insinuations and lies about Democrat corruption when in fact the only corrupt they uncovered was Benedict Donald's.
post the link
post the link
Just one example. BTW, have you ever considered researching this kind of stuff yourself. Google is always at your disposal.

Durham Distances Himself From Furor in Right-Wing Media Over Filing​

WASHINGTON — John H. Durham, the Trump-era special counsel scrutinizing the investigation into Russia’s 2016 election interference, distanced himself on Thursday from false reports by right-wing news outlets that a motion he recently filed said Hillary Clinton’s campaign had paid to spy on Trump White House servers.

Citing a barrage of such reports on Fox News and elsewhere based on the prosecutor’s Feb. 11 filing, defense lawyers for a Democratic-linked cybersecurity lawyer, Michael Sussmann, have accused the special counsel of including unnecessary and misleading information in filings “plainly intended to politicize this case, inflame media coverage and taint the jury pool.”

In a filing on Thursday, Mr. Durham defended himself, saying those accusations about his intentions were “simply not true.” He said he had “valid and straightforward reasons” for including the information in the Feb. 11 filing that set off the firestorm, while disavowing responsibility for how certain news outlets had interpreted and portrayed it.

“If third parties or members of the media have overstated, understated or otherwise misinterpreted facts contained in the government’s motion, that does not in any way undermine the valid reasons for the government’s inclusion of this information,” he wrote.

that isn't literature. That news.
Like Bush before him, Trump will – and did – use the Justice Department as a political weapon to go after his political opponents, subjecting his opponents to meritless, unwarranted investigations.

It’s one of countless reasons why Trump is unfit to be president; it’s madness to want Trump in the WH.

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