New Hope for Immigrant Children To Stay in U.S.A.!

Most of the problem of financial support can be solved by uniting them with their families in the US.


How's that?
Most of these kids are here to unite with their immediate families. It's far cheaper to have them living with their families rather in government facilities even if they need some additional support. For the thousands of non-Mexicans children, our out of date draconian immigration laws and regulations will keep them in the US for years. In less time than it takes to deport them, they will be back. Like all of our illegal immigration problems, our laws deal only with the symptoms not root causes.

They are not here to unite with their families. They left their families in Mexico.
For those who are so adamant that children coming from another country should be turned away and sent back home, they need to know and understand that there is a law in the U.S. that is not known by many that actually helps these children remain here in this country! It is called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.

Law allows abused immigrant children to stay in the U.S. -

Why is the separation of these young people from their homes and families a good thing in your opinion?
When is the US going to get some smarts and close the damned boarder? And just where do you think the money is going to come from to take care of the needs of all of these illegal aliens? As a nation, we are damned near broke. China isn't going to lend us money forever.
Most of the problem of financial support can be solved by uniting them with their families in the US.
Why haven't their families in the US filled out the proper sponsorship paperwork that would allow them to immigrate legally?
For those who are so adamant that children coming from another country should be turned away and sent back home, they need to know and understand that there is a law in the U.S. that is not known by many that actually helps these children remain here in this country! It is called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.

Law allows abused immigrant children to stay in the U.S. -

Why is the separation of these young people from their homes and families a good thing in your opinion?
The separation is tragic in my opinion. But they don't do it for pleasure you should know. Conditions are usually most intolerable where they come from so much so that they are driven out in their desperation with hope for a better life in the Humanitarian Land of Opportunity.
For those who are so adamant that children coming from another country should be turned away and sent back home, they need to know and understand that there is a law in the U.S. that is not known by many that actually helps these children remain here in this country! It is called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.

Law allows abused immigrant children to stay in the U.S. -

Why is the separation of these young people from their homes and families a good thing in your opinion?
The separation is tragic in my opinion. But they don't do it for pleasure you should know. Conditions are usually most intolerable where they come from so much so that they are driven out in their desperation with hope for a better life in the Humanitarian Land of Opportunity.

How will you pay for it?
For the people that are arguing for amnesty for all immigrants. Why not just get rid of the border and do what the EU has been doing?

Want to go to Mexico. You can simply go to Mexico. If you want to come live in America and you're a mexican citizen. Why not?
For the people that are arguing for amnesty for all immigrants. Why not just get rid of the border and do what the EU has been doing?

Want to go to Mexico. You can simply go to Mexico. If you want to come live in America and you're a mexican citizen. Why not?

You really have no clue what is happening in Europe do you?
I demand 15$ for citizens. Why would I want to give 15$ an hour to illegals? I don't want ANY immigrants here unless it changes the course of demographics back to what its supposed to be here.

Have no fear,they'll be citizens in no time. And taking those coveted min wage jobs at fifteen bucks an hour,thus encouraging even more of them to cross the border.

Aint that grand?
For the people that are arguing for amnesty for all immigrants. Why not just get rid of the border and do what the EU has been doing?

Want to go to Mexico. You can simply go to Mexico. If you want to come live in America and you're a mexican citizen. Why not?
The only thing holding all that sort of thinking back, is the other nations themselves, because they aren't as stupid or naive as we are about such thinking in which would even consider or contemplate such a thing like that. They know that borders protect sovereignty and just like in our case for example it protects "the American" multicultural identity of our nation that is flying under one flag as united. It's the same for the others, and if one doesn't believe it, then cross that border heading south Unannounced.
Years ago FDR refused to accept Jewish refugees from Germany even when they were being murdered during the Holocaust. Now a liberal former community activist wants to accept illegal alien hispanic gang members.
I demand 15$ for citizens. Why would I want to give 15$ an hour to illegals? I don't want ANY immigrants here unless it changes the course of demographics back to what its supposed to be here.

Have no fear,they'll be citizens in no time. And taking those coveted min wage jobs at fifteen bucks an hour,thus encouraging even more of them to cross the border.

Aint that grand?
15.00 bucks an hour won't last long in value, because the value of the dollar will fall even quicker for the recipients when all is said and done, because the class system will just adjust it back to the same values over and over again. The rich man won't allow but so much in monetary value to go towards his or her employee's, because that will take more from his or her wanted trending lifestyles, and also from their kids futures if it is forced upon them in which they are fighting against. They also see that it will take from their kids futures, and their kids futures, and even their kids futures on and on it all goes.

The world is mixed up in all this value mess with us also, so I don't know if it is even possible to escape what is to come within it all anymore. It would be nice if we could get some kind of spine back in America, where we would show the whole world how to be good in example of again, but that is a joke anymore also.
80% of these children are young men between 14 and 18. They are already members of ethnic gangs in their home countries. To us they are all one big bunch of hispanics. Not to them. The El Salvadoran MS-13 will be just as happy to fight the Guatamalan Marabunta here as at home. The people I really feel sorry for are the blacks. Hispanics have been trying to kill off blacks in America for years. And those are mostly mexicans!

Most people so sympathetic to these "children" have absolutely no idea what they have just imported. None at all. We are about to become worse than anything Brazil or Honduras has.
80% of these children are young men between 14 and 18. They are already members of ethnic gangs in their home countries. To us they are all one big bunch of hispanics. Not to them. The El Salvadoran MS-13 will be just as happy to fight the Guatamalan Marabunta here as at home. The people I really feel sorry for are the blacks. Hispanics have been trying to kill off blacks in America for years. And those are mostly mexicans!

Most people so sympathetic to these "children" have absolutely no idea what they have just imported. None at all. We are about to become worse than anything Brazil or Honduras has.
14 to 18 are soldiers or potential trainee soldiers ages. Hitlers Youth is for one example of these ages and their abilities at these ages.
I would be elated, feel very blessed, and honored that they would consider coming to my place where there is certainly plenty of room. But truly every person with a good heart should also share in this including and foremost the country that enacted this child law. But put yourself in their place. Who knows if one day the good life as you know it will cease to be for you, you find that your money has all been exhausted and you will need some type of assistance and you find yourself all alone and then get turned away, how would that make you feel then? You just never know what life and the future holds so don't be so quick to judge another not knowing if one day you will find yourself being turned away when you need someone to help you.

Isn't that the same message that the jesus who they claim to follow said? :eusa_whistle:

Go to hell punk. At your age it won't be long.

No bacon treats for you goyim boy :lol:

How's that?
Most of these kids are here to unite with their immediate families. It's far cheaper to have them living with their families rather in government facilities even if they need some additional support. For the thousands of non-Mexicans children, our out of date draconian immigration laws and regulations will keep them in the US for years. Within a few years of being deported, they will back in the US again.

That's why we need:

Stronger borders

Prison sentences for those employers who hire illegals

Deport as many individuals who are here illegally as possible

Stronger boarder security, yes but not just more boots on the ground. We need better infrastructure.

Most people that are illegal in this country entered the country legally but never left. Every year about 70,000 agricultural workers enter the country on temporary 10 month visas and many remain illegally. We grant between 30,000 and 50,000 student visas every year. 5 to 10% remain in this country after their visa expires. Both green card holders and citizens provide documentation to assist other to enter the country and they stay. The problem is we don't have effective methods of tracking these people and seeing they leave the country when their visa expires.
The two major reasons for people entering or remaining in the country illegally are jobs and family. Better methods of preventing illegals from obtaining jobs will certainly help. In addition we need to provide viable method for the millions of green card holder to sponsor visits by family member from outside the US.

Mass deportation is simply not practical.

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