New Hope for Immigrant Children To Stay in U.S.A.!

Let's park em all in your front yard.
I would be elated, feel very blessed, and honored that they would consider coming to my place where there is certainly plenty of room. But truly every person with a good heart should also share in this including and foremost the country that enacted this child law. But put yourself in their place. Who knows if one day the good life as you know it will cease to be for you, you find that your money has all been exhausted and you will need some type of assistance and you find yourself all alone and then get turned away, how would that make you feel then? You just never know what life and the future holds so don't be so quick to judge another not knowing if one day you will find yourself being turned away when you need someone to help you.

Contact ICE immediately and let them know you can take in a couple of hundred. I'm sure they will be glad to be rid of the diseased criminals.

Don't hold your breath on that one.
For those who are so adamant that children coming from another country should be turned away and sent back home, they need to know and understand that there is a law in the U.S. that is not known by many that actually helps these children remain here in this country! It is called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.

Law allows abused immigrant children to stay in the U.S. -

It didn't help Elian Gonzales when Democrats sent him back to Cuba, did it?
Unfortunately it did not but then if you had bothered to check you would have found that the law hadn't been enacted yet when Elian was here. The law came into being on December 23, 2008.

Uh, you link says the law was enacted in 1990. Try again?
For those who are so adamant that children coming from another country should be turned away and sent back home, they need to know and understand that there is a law in the U.S. that is not known by many that actually helps these children remain here in this country! It is called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.

Law allows abused immigrant children to stay in the U.S. -

They can stay if they can they were abused, abandoned and neglected in their home country.

Special Immigrant Juveniles (SIJ) Status | USCIS

Your article goes onto state

Tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors have arrived to the United States this year, mainly from Central America. But Salmon says very few can actually qualify for this immigration benefit, unlike Vasquez, who was able to prove he was the victim of abuse, abandonment or neglect.

So there is no "new hope", this is the same law or very close which has been on the books since 1990.

Or Are you claiming all these kids were abused or were they sent here by parents as we have been reading? Which is it. They were abused or their parents sent them because of bad conditions in their home country?
Most of these kids are here to unite with their immediate families. It's far cheaper to have them living with their families rather in government facilities even if they need some additional support. For the thousands of non-Mexicans children, our out of date draconian immigration laws and regulations will keep them in the US for years. Within a few years of being deported, they will back in the US again.

That's why we need:

Stronger borders

Prison sentences for those employers who hire illegals

Deport as many individuals who are here illegally as possible

Stronger boarder security, yes but not just more boots on the ground. We need better infrastructure.

Most people that are illegal in this country entered the country legally but never left. Every year about 70,000 agricultural workers enter the country on temporary 10 month visas and many remain illegally. We grant between 30,000 and 50,000 student visas every year. 5 to 10% remain in this country after their visa expires. Both green card holders and citizens provide documentation to assist other to enter the country and they stay. The problem is we don't have effective methods of tracking these people and seeing they leave the country when their visa expires.
The two major reasons for people entering or remaining in the country illegally are jobs and family. Better methods of preventing illegals from obtaining jobs will certainly help. In addition we need to provide viable method for the millions of green card holder to sponsor visits by family member from outside the US.

Mass deportation is simply not practical.

Neither is "mass immigration" taking place right now "practical".

Turn them around and send them back into Mexico.
Let's park em all in your front yard.
I would be elated, feel very blessed, and honored that they would consider coming to my place where there is certainly plenty of room. But truly every person with a good heart should also share in this including and foremost the country that enacted this child law. But put yourself in their place. Who knows if one day the good life as you know it will cease to be for you, you find that your money has all been exhausted and you will need some type of assistance and you find yourself all alone and then get turned away, how would that make you feel then? You just never know what life and the future holds so don't be so quick to judge another not knowing if one day you will find yourself being turned away when you need someone to help you.

Yabut, the people who are against rescuing refugees from sex traffickers and drug violence, why, those are the same "good christians" who have adopted babies that would have been aborted as fetuses. :eusa_whistle:

I posted about this law yesterday - that it requires the children be put in foster homes. Even though it was enacted in 1990, the usual suspects are saying its Obama's doing.
For those who are so adamant that children coming from another country should be turned away and sent back home, they need to know and understand that there is a law in the U.S. that is not known by many that actually helps these children remain here in this country! It is called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.

Law allows abused immigrant children to stay in the U.S. -

People like you are all so caring and giving why don't you offer to adopt a few of them?
You could care less what this does for OUR CHILDREN fighting now for jobs, the turmoil and hate you are seeding against illegal immigration with how they are more SPECIAL and should be allowed special privilege over our own...people like you would sell us out in a heartbeat to make yourself out to be some saint

and good ole Cnn pimping how they NEED to know about our laws..we have enemies within folks
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When is the US going to get some smarts and close the damned boarder? And just where do you think the money is going to come from to take care of the needs of all of these illegal aliens? As a nation, we are damned near broke. China isn't going to lend us money forever.

The invasion has been going on long enough that the Chinese have made it to South and Central America and hundreds of Chinese have now joined the others. Soon to be thousands of Chinese.
Let's park em all in your front yard.
I would be elated, feel very blessed, and honored that they would consider coming to my place where there is certainly plenty of room. But truly every person with a good heart should also share in this including and foremost the country that enacted this child law. But put yourself in their place. Who knows if one day the good life as you know it will cease to be for you, you find that your money has all been exhausted and you will need some type of assistance and you find yourself all alone and then get turned away, how would that make you feel then? You just never know what life and the future holds so don't be so quick to judge another not knowing if one day you will find yourself being turned away when you need someone to help you.

Yabut, the people who are against rescuing refugees from sex traffickers and drug violence, why, those are the same "good christians" who have adopted babies that would have been aborted as fetuses. :eusa_whistle:

I posted about this law yesterday - that it requires the children be put in foster homes. Even though it was enacted in 1990, the usual suspects are saying its Obama's doing.

There aren't enough foster homes to take thousands of these older teens. Either the government will force everyone with a spare room to take a few, or start building orphanages, or release them on the streets.

Anyone who shows up can pick out a few of these kids and say they are cousins and the teen gets released to them. The girls will be sex slaves, the boys will continue their training as gang or cartel fighters.

How does this happen?

FBI investigating prostitution ring at school district in El Paso | The Salt Lake Tribune

FBI investigating underage prostitution ring in south Texas school district - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.

“It is very important that we target the students in elementary, middle and high school and educate them on the dangers of sex trafficking and create preventative programs,” Martin said. “By definition, the most vulnerable to being trafficked are the poor, young and the immigrant. And in many cases these students fell into all three categories. So it is vital we reach out and educate our young children.”
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For those who are so adamant that children coming from another country should be turned away and sent back home, they need to know and understand that there is a law in the U.S. that is not known by many that actually helps these children remain here in this country! It is called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.

Law allows abused immigrant children to stay in the U.S. -

It didn't help Elian Gonzales when Democrats sent him back to Cuba, did it?
Unfortunately it did not but then if you had bothered to check you would have found that the law hadn't been enacted yet when Elian was here. The law came into being on December 23, 2008.

LOL, liberals can always miss a point. I'm referring to the hypocrisy of the left. Elian was sent back because the left wanted him sent back to the people's paradise. I was referring to your double standards.
It didn't help Elian Gonzales when Democrats sent him back to Cuba, did it?
Unfortunately it did not but then if you had bothered to check you would have found that the law hadn't been enacted yet when Elian was here. The law came into being on December 23, 2008.
There is no comparison. Elián González was brought here by his mother who died here. He had no immediate family so the immigration service released him to his great uncle. Later the courts united him with his father in Cuba.

Today these children are coming to the US to be with their families or to escape endemic violence, extortion, killings, and forced recruitment into street gangs. Unlike Elián González, most of these children don't have parents who want them returned.

Why didn't his father come get him? How do we know he wanted him returned?
America ain't America no more..that's for sure.

Can you remind me when in history we were cool with illegal immigration?

Read the history of Ellis Island and what we did to check people out and all the people we sent back. They were checked out physically and they had to prove they could support themselves.

LOL, you're a "Republican," LOL, who doesn't know the difference between legal and illegal immigration.
I don't want them here and those immigrants that came before the 1960's were European for the most part and settled well into a majority European country. Its been only since we started allowing non european immigrants to invade the US that its gone down hill.

Of course, it's back to race again. Hey man, if you have a boner for the black guy, that's up to you. If you want to put on a blue dress on a Saturday night and pretend you're going down in the Oval Office, that's fine with me. But it's not a point in a political discussion.


BTW, in your crass appeal to racism, you missed the point in my point that the people we sent back in Ellis Island .... were mostly white. Dicks usually do miss the point, you're too determined to work in your flaming.

So so summarize, what we have is: You, we aren't what we were because we send back illegal aliens. Me, when were we OK with illegal aliens? I'm not aware of that. You, you're a RACIST.

What an ass. An ass who didn't and can't answer the question because we were never OK with illegal white immigrants either.
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When is the US going to get some smarts and close the damned boarder? And just where do you think the money is going to come from to take care of the needs of all of these illegal aliens? As a nation, we are damned near broke. China isn't going to lend us money forever.
Most of the problem of financial support can be solved by uniting them with their families in the US.

90% of "their Families " are on welfare ,wake -up fuck stick .:eusa_clap:
those immigrants that came before the 1960's were European for the most part and settled well into a majority European country. ...

They settled about as well as today's (legal) immigrants do. They weren't welcomed into the warm bosom of racial purity that you might want to fantasize over. They often faced vicious hatred and exclusion for many of the same excuses we hear today.
No dipshit. We aren't what we used to be because we allow these illegals to stream over the border then instead of sending them back we give the amnesty,free food,healthcare,housing etc and encourage them to drop a few more anchor babies in this country. My own family came over on Ellis Island at least my fathers side did and we are as American as apple pie. Nowadays that don't [sic] happen. I know 99% of those that came through Ellis Island were European folks and MOST of them assimilated into American culture. Today that doesn't happen. 10 miles from me is a town that 10 years ago was majority white. Now its majority Mexican. I see what's happening to America and its sad as hell.

Today's (legal) immigrants are assimilating just as those who came before them did.

Once upon a time it was "10 miles from me is a town that 10 years ago was majority Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Now its majority Irish. I see what's happening to America and its sad as hell." Eventually the whining was about the Italians, Polish, Estonians, blacks, etc. Same shit from the same weak sort of people who fall into the "I'm here, now everyone else stay the fuck out!" mind set.

Illegal immigration is a problem that the government has a responsibility to combat, but generalized fear of 'other' is a sign of a weak and cowardly mind.
The left continues to ignore the huge difference between legal and illegal immigration.

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