New Hope for Immigrant Children To Stay in U.S.A.!

The poor in this country should pay attention to liberal scum inviting more poor people here to steal welfare, medical, education and leftover jobs from the poor.
Lying, misleading the people in this is nothing new today
and it seems some doesn't give one shit about it

CNN has become your enemy folks as well as this government and people like the op

You don't even question HOW all these (illegal IMMIGRANT CHILDREN) managed to get to our borders? You just accept it while you pay for it too...simple amazing
America ain't America no more..that's for sure.

Can you remind me when in history we were cool with illegal immigration?

Every week -- when we need our lawn cut.
So your looking for a Mexican to cut your lawn, and why is that ?? What's wrong with the nation promoting the American youth to cut the lawns again ? Oh that's right, Hollywood has them glued to the tech world brainwashing them, so the government will fill the void with illegals who will work as slaves for the spoiled rotten Americans now, and the best thing is that they will do it for cheeeeeeappppppppppp too. Now admit it, this is really why people are looking for these Mexicans to mow their lawns etc. because they (the Americans) are destroying their own children's lives, and these Mexicans are just taking their place for CHEEEEEAPPPPPPP in the interim.. Now how long is all this suppose to last ? Is this why you hear those who say always that white people will be a minority by 2043 and other such dates all depending on the source or study ? Are white Americans the main culprits in this trend of working these Illegal Mexicans and such, and are doing this in place of their own children learning valuable lessons in their lives about working ? Are the so called brown skinned minorities or peoples just waiting for their day in all of this to come, where as they will someday overcome it all ? There is no way that they can be looking upon this without resentment towards the whites, if it is the whites who have engaged in all of this mostly, and otherwise if the whites are the main ones who orchestrated it all, and had been the author of it all, then they will be the most hated in it all once the shift comes. The bigger picture is something to see isn't it ?
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You don't grow your economy and your nation by importing uneducated, low-skilled and many disease ridden people into your country when there are already poor people needing jobs in your nation.

When I lived in Germany, I noticed them cracking down on gypsies and Turks sneaking into their country because those people were getting on the welfare system and milking it to death. There is a reason why Germany can't afford more than 2% of the GDP for national defense, they are wasting billions on welfare programs.

Meanwhile shitbag liberals are trying to do the same to this country with the hopes and lies in Germany through the years.
wow, ran across this
links in the article at the site

Remittances a Big Carrot for Alien Kiddie Border Surge

Follow the money: it’s an admonition that is doubly true in the illegal alien scramble. Unlike wealthy Mexico (which pretends to be poor to mooch off the US even though it is #14 in national GDP), the Central American countries really are poor.

As a result, Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras love getting checks from their emigres because double digits of GDP in those dirtbag countries come from remittances. This economic information is more proof that the invasive kids are money seekers (acting on the insistence of their parents of course), not refugees from crime as the administration claims.

Remittances are an evil system because the money comes too easily and rewards bad governments; the worse political elites run a country, the more its people leave to seek more money in the first world, from which they often send mini aid checks to families at home.

If illegal aliens would spend half the energy (and money) they use on breaking into America into working to reform the political/economic systems in their home countries, everyone would be better off. Microlending is one strategy.

For the general good of all concerned, I suggested the dependable behavioral shaper of taxation in a 2002 op-ed: Relieve crisis on border with tax on remittances.

Back to the present:

Central America Border Rush Fueled By Remittances, Investors Business Daily, June 27, 2014

ALL of it here
Remittances a Big Carrot for Alien Kiddie Border Surge | illegal immigration cost | Limits to Growth
Unfortunately it did not but then if you had bothered to check you would have found that the law hadn't been enacted yet when Elian was here. The law came into being on December 23, 2008.
There is no comparison. Elián González was brought here by his mother who died here. He had no immediate family so the immigration service released him to his great uncle. Later the courts united him with his father in Cuba.

Today these children are coming to the US to be with their families or to escape endemic violence, extortion, killings, and forced recruitment into street gangs. Unlike Elián González, most of these children don't have parents who want them returned.

Why didn't his father come get him? How do we know he wanted him returned?

Elian's father made numerous televised appeals for the return of his son. The reason why his father didn't come here is because it was so uncertain that if he did, he would be able to go home. The state department at the time was offering him a visa to come here, with the understanding that it would be as an asylum seeker and he would be unable to return.
No dipshit. We aren't what we used to be because we allow these illegals to stream over the border then instead of sending them back we give the amnesty,free food,healthcare,housing etc and encourage them to drop a few more anchor babies in this country. My own family came over on Ellis Island at least my fathers side did and we are as American as apple pie. Nowadays that don't [sic] happen. I know 99% of those that came through Ellis Island were European folks and MOST of them assimilated into American culture. Today that doesn't happen. 10 miles from me is a town that 10 years ago was majority white. Now its majority Mexican. I see what's happening to America and its sad as hell.

Today's (legal) immigrants are assimilating just as those who came before them did.

Once upon a time it was "10 miles from me is a town that 10 years ago was majority Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Now its majority Irish. I see what's happening to America and its sad as hell." Eventually the whining was about the Italians, Polish, Estonians, blacks, etc. Same shit from the same weak sort of people who fall into the "I'm here, now everyone else stay the fuck out!" mind set.

Illegal immigration is a problem that the government has a responsibility to combat, but generalized fear of 'other' is a sign of a weak and cowardly mind.
No one fears others who are different, in fact we love that which is different in people, but what one does fear is those who come here for the wrong reasons in their minds, and then they want to dominate in order to snuff out the established cultures that are living free and good here already. They will do this in order to effectively replace them with their own as a shift from Americanism as they don't like it, to something entirely different altogether. Miami may be one great example of this problem I think, where as it experienced to many in a flood of numbers all at once, and that is never good for the occupants who see themselves as representatives of America in that area of the nation, and not representatives of say Cuba instead.

Assimilation and the want to become an American if staying here is very important in my opinion, and why not right ?
For those who are so adamant that children coming from another country should be turned away and sent back home, they need to know and understand that there is a law in the U.S. that is not known by many that actually helps these children remain here in this country! It is called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.

Law allows abused immigrant children to stay in the U.S. -

They are not immigrants.. they are illegals.... this cannot continue.. no country can survive by absorbing an endless flood of low/no skill people.

It will crumble the system... which of course, is part of the plan. A plan that you stand by and applaud.

Are you really this clueless or is this what you desire?
There is no comparison. Elián González was brought here by his mother who died here. He had no immediate family so the immigration service released him to his great uncle. Later the courts united him with his father in Cuba.

Today these children are coming to the US to be with their families or to escape endemic violence, extortion, killings, and forced recruitment into street gangs. Unlike Elián González, most of these children don't have parents who want them returned.

Why didn't his father come get him? How do we know he wanted him returned?

Elian's father made numerous televised appeals for the return of his son. The reason why his father didn't come here is because it was so uncertain that if he did, he would be able to go home. The state department at the time was offering him a visa to come here, with the understanding that it would be as an asylum seeker and he would be unable to return.

Bull, he didn't come here because Castro wouldn't let him leave because Castro didn't know if he would come back and it would have been a political disaster for him if the father got here and they both stayed. He had no freedom to speak.
80% of these children are young men between 14 and 18. They are already members of ethnic gangs in their home countries. To us they are all one big bunch of hispanics. Not to them. The El Salvadoran MS-13 will be just as happy to fight the Guatamalan Marabunta here as at home. The people I really feel sorry for are the blacks. Hispanics have been trying to kill off blacks in America for years. And those are mostly mexicans!

Most people so sympathetic to these "children" have absolutely no idea what they have just imported. None at all. We are about to become worse than anything Brazil or Honduras has.

they should all be housed and schooled in Washington DC . Preferably as close to the White house and Capital Hill as possible if not inside. I'm sure they have the extra room.
You can bet they would find a solution right away because they wouldnt want to be bothered.But as usual we will be th eones to deal with it.
coming to your neighborhoods and you will be FORCED into supporting them too

80% of these children are young men between 14 and 18. They are already members of ethnic gangs in their home countries. To us they are all one big bunch of hispanics. Not to them. The El Salvadoran MS-13 will be just as happy to fight the Guatamalan Marabunta here as at home. The people I really feel sorry for are the blacks. Hispanics have been trying to kill off blacks in America for years. And those are mostly mexicans!

Most people so sympathetic to these "children" have absolutely no idea what they have just imported. None at all. We are about to become worse than anything Brazil or Honduras has.

they should all be housed and schooled in Washington DC . Preferably as close to the White house and Capital Hill as possible if not inside. I'm sure they have the extra room.
You can bet they would find a solution right away because they wouldnt want to be bothered.But as usual we will be th eones to deal with it.
Don't know, as it might be what this administration wants.
No dipshit. We aren't what we used to be because we allow these illegals to stream over the border then instead of sending them back we give the amnesty,free food,healthcare,housing etc and encourage them to drop a few more anchor babies in this country. My own family came over on Ellis Island at least my fathers side did and we are as American as apple pie. Nowadays that don't [sic] happen. I know 99% of those that came through Ellis Island were European folks and MOST of them assimilated into American culture. Today that doesn't happen. 10 miles from me is a town that 10 years ago was majority white. Now its majority Mexican. I see what's happening to America and its sad as hell.

Today's (legal) immigrants are assimilating just as those who came before them did.

Once upon a time it was "10 miles from me is a town that 10 years ago was majority Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Now its majority Irish. I see what's happening to America and its sad as hell." Eventually the whining was about the Italians, Polish, Estonians, blacks, etc. Same shit from the same weak sort of people who fall into the "I'm here, now everyone else stay the fuck out!" mind set.

Illegal immigration is a problem that the government has a responsibility to combat, but generalized fear of 'other' is a sign of a weak and cowardly mind.
No one fears others who are different...

No one? Read a few more of the threads around here.
they want to dominate in order to snuff out the established cultures that are living free and good here already. They will do this in order to effectively replace them with their own as a shift from Americanism as they don't like it, to something entirely different altogether.

You're describing native-born democrats, not legal immigrants.
Why didn't his father come get him? How do we know he wanted him returned?

Elian's father made numerous televised appeals for the return of his son. The reason why his father didn't come here is because it was so uncertain that if he did, he would be able to go home. The state department at the time was offering him a visa to come here, with the understanding that it would be as an asylum seeker and he would be unable to return.

Bull, he didn't come here because Castro wouldn't let him leave because Castro didn't know if he would come back and it would have been a political disaster for him if the father got here and they both stayed. He had no freedom to speak.

True, the dictator to the South of Florida keeps a tight rein on his subjects still, his brother will be no better, or so it seems thus far. Odd how in a "people's" state, the leader after Fidel is already known (yes, he is de facto dictator now). I will try very hard not to celebrate Fidel's death, but do not know if I will succeed. May God forgive me, though I doubt Fidel Castro will know anything close to God.
I would be elated, feel very blessed, and honored that they would consider coming to my place where there is certainly plenty of room. But truly every person with a good heart should also share in this including and foremost the country that enacted this child law. But put yourself in their place. Who knows if one day the good life as you know it will cease to be for you, you find that your money has all been exhausted and you will need some type of assistance and you find yourself all alone and then get turned away, how would that make you feel then? You just never know what life and the future holds so don't be so quick to judge another not knowing if one day you will find yourself being turned away when you need someone to help you.

So will we pay for all of this?
That's a great question to ask Dubya Bush who was in office when that law was adopted!

How do you know they are a racist?
That's why we need:

Stronger borders

Prison sentences for those employers who hire illegals

Deport as many individuals who are here illegally as possible

Stronger boarder security, yes but not just more boots on the ground. We need better infrastructure.

Most people that are illegal in this country entered the country legally but never left. Every year about 70,000 agricultural workers enter the country on temporary 10 month visas and many remain illegally. We grant between 30,000 and 50,000 student visas every year. 5 to 10% remain in this country after their visa expires. Both green card holders and citizens provide documentation to assist other to enter the country and they stay. The problem is we don't have effective methods of tracking these people and seeing they leave the country when their visa expires.
The two major reasons for people entering or remaining in the country illegally are jobs and family. Better methods of preventing illegals from obtaining jobs will certainly help. In addition we need to provide viable method for the millions of green card holder to sponsor visits by family member from outside the US.

Mass deportation is simply not practical.

Neither is "mass immigration" taking place right now "practical".

Turn them around and send them back into Mexico.
Current immigration laws and treaties make this impossible, which is just one of many reason why we need immigration reform. Of the 34,600 children that have entered the country illegally since last Oct. less than a third are from Mexico. Most of the them come from Central American countries that do not have laws and treaties that provide a fast track process for children. Some Mexican children can be fast tracked back in as little as 72 hours, however for most them, the process can take years because they aren't Mexican. When we deport a person, the receiving country must be willing to take them. This is established by various treaties that vary by country.

According to immigration law, the Dept. of Homeland Security can hold them only for 72 hours. Then they are transferred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement where they will be transferred to various shelters or foster care. I think very few of these children will actually be deported. They will end up with green cards or just add to the number of undocumented migrants. The only way any of this will change is for congress to attack immigration reform.
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I would be elated, feel very blessed, and honored that they would consider coming to my place where there is certainly plenty of room. But truly every person with a good heart should also share in this including and foremost the country that enacted this child law. But put yourself in their place. Who knows if one day the good life as you know it will cease to be for you, you find that your money has all been exhausted and you will need some type of assistance and you find yourself all alone and then get turned away, how would that make you feel then? You just never know what life and the future holds so don't be so quick to judge another not knowing if one day you will find yourself being turned away when you need someone to help you.

Yabut, the people who are against rescuing refugees from sex traffickers and drug violence, why, those are the same "good christians" who have adopted babies that would have been aborted as fetuses. :eusa_whistle:

I posted about this law yesterday - that it requires the children be put in foster homes. Even though it was enacted in 1990, the usual suspects are saying its Obama's doing.

There aren't enough foster homes to take thousands of these older teens. Either the government will force everyone with a spare room to take a few, or start building orphanages, or release them on the streets.

Anyone who shows up can pick out a few of these kids and say they are cousins and the teen gets released to them. The girls will be sex slaves, the boys will continue their training as gang or cartel fighters.

How does this happen?

FBI investigating prostitution ring at school district in El Paso | The Salt Lake Tribune

FBI investigating underage prostitution ring in south Texas school district - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.

“It is very important that we target the students in elementary, middle and high school and educate them on the dangers of sex trafficking and create preventative programs,” Martin said. “By definition, the most vulnerable to being trafficked are the poor, young and the immigrant. And in many cases these students fell into all three categories. So it is vital we reach out and educate our young children.”
The Office of Refugee Resettlement is responsible for the proper placement of these kids. They work through state agencies to find foster homes. About half will end up in federal or state shelters.

Unless the numbers decrease, we're going to have to negotiate treaties with the Central American countries for a fast track 72 hour deportation like we have with Mexico.
Why didn't his father come get him? How do we know he wanted him returned?

Elian's father made numerous televised appeals for the return of his son. The reason why his father didn't come here is because it was so uncertain that if he did, he would be able to go home. The state department at the time was offering him a visa to come here, with the understanding that it would be as an asylum seeker and he would be unable to return.

Bull, he didn't come here because Castro wouldn't let him leave because Castro didn't know if he would come back and it would have been a political disaster for him if the father got here and they both stayed. He had no freedom to speak.
Elián González was a political pawn in a war between the State Dept and Cuba. He is probably better off today than he would had been if his father had not pursued his return. He was treated like royalty in Cuba. Today, he's an adult studying Industrial Engineering, and is still hailed as a hero in Cuba.
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Elian's father made numerous televised appeals for the return of his son. The reason why his father didn't come here is because it was so uncertain that if he did, he would be able to go home. The state department at the time was offering him a visa to come here, with the understanding that it would be as an asylum seeker and he would be unable to return.

Bull, he didn't come here because Castro wouldn't let him leave because Castro didn't know if he would come back and it would have been a political disaster for him if the father got here and they both stayed. He had no freedom to speak.
Elián González was a political pawn in a war between the State Dept and Cuba. He is probably better off today than he would had been if his father had not pursued his return. He was treated like royalty in Cuba. Today, he's an adult studying Industrial Engineering, and is still hailed as a hero in Cuba.

Living in what barely qualifies as a third world country is better than growing up in the United States. Yep, we suck. You people really should find something better. There's the door, don't let it hit you on the way out.

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