New Hope for Immigrant Children To Stay in U.S.A.!

Yabut, the people who are against rescuing refugees from sex traffickers and drug violence, why, those are the same "good christians" who have adopted babies that would have been aborted as fetuses. :eusa_whistle:

I posted about this law yesterday - that it requires the children be put in foster homes. Even though it was enacted in 1990, the usual suspects are saying its Obama's doing.

There aren't enough foster homes to take thousands of these older teens. Either the government will force everyone with a spare room to take a few, or start building orphanages, or release them on the streets.

Anyone who shows up can pick out a few of these kids and say they are cousins and the teen gets released to them. The girls will be sex slaves, the boys will continue their training as gang or cartel fighters.

How does this happen?

FBI investigating prostitution ring at school district in El Paso | The Salt Lake Tribune

FBI investigating underage prostitution ring in south Texas school district - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.

“It is very important that we target the students in elementary, middle and high school and educate them on the dangers of sex trafficking and create preventative programs,” Martin said. “By definition, the most vulnerable to being trafficked are the poor, young and the immigrant. And in many cases these students fell into all three categories. So it is vital we reach out and educate our young children.”
The Office of Refugee Resettlement is responsible for the proper placement of these kids. They work through state agencies to find foster homes. About half will end up in federal or state shelters.

Unless the numbers decrease, we're going to have to negotiate treaties with the Central American countries for a fast track 72 hour deportation like we have with Mexico.

Those countries don't want them back. The gangs will take the strongest boys and the brothels will take the girls.
It didn't help Elian Gonzales when Democrats sent him back to Cuba, did it?
Unfortunately it did not but then if you had bothered to check you would have found that the law hadn't been enacted yet when Elian was here. The law came into being on December 23, 2008.

LOL, liberals can always miss a point. I'm referring to the hypocrisy of the left. Elian was sent back because the left wanted him sent back to the people's paradise. I was referring to your double standards.

He is also full of it, the law was enacted in 1990, not 2008 as he claims, his own article states the same.
CaféAuLait;9352618 said:
Unfortunately it did not but then if you had bothered to check you would have found that the law hadn't been enacted yet when Elian was here. The law came into being on December 23, 2008.

LOL, liberals can always miss a point. I'm referring to the hypocrisy of the left. Elian was sent back because the left wanted him sent back to the people's paradise. I was referring to your double standards.

He is also full of it, the law was enacted in 1990, not 2008 as he claims, his own article states the same.

Swish, missed again. That wasn't the point.
Stronger boarder security, yes but not just more boots on the ground. We need better infrastructure.

Most people that are illegal in this country entered the country legally but never left. Every year about 70,000 agricultural workers enter the country on temporary 10 month visas and many remain illegally. We grant between 30,000 and 50,000 student visas every year. 5 to 10% remain in this country after their visa expires. Both green card holders and citizens provide documentation to assist other to enter the country and they stay. The problem is we don't have effective methods of tracking these people and seeing they leave the country when their visa expires.
The two major reasons for people entering or remaining in the country illegally are jobs and family. Better methods of preventing illegals from obtaining jobs will certainly help. In addition we need to provide viable method for the millions of green card holder to sponsor visits by family member from outside the US.

Mass deportation is simply not practical.

Neither is "mass immigration" taking place right now "practical".

Turn them around and send them back into Mexico.
Current immigration laws and treaties make this impossible, which is just one of many reason why we need immigration reform. Of the 34,600 children that have entered the country illegally since last Oct. less than a third are from Mexico. Most of the them come from Central American countries that do not have laws and treaties that provide a fast track process for children. Some Mexican children can be fast tracked back in as little as 72 hours, however for most them, the process can take years because they aren't Mexican. When we deport a person, the receiving country must be willing to take them. This is established by various treaties that vary by country.

According to immigration law, the Dept. of Homeland Security can hold them only for 72 hours. Then they are transferred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement where they will be transferred to various shelters or foster care. I think very few of these children will actually be deported. They will end up with green cards or just add to the number of undocumented migrants. The only way any of this will change is for congress to attack immigration reform.

Explaining the crisis on the Southwest border as children seek refuge*-*Los Angeles Times
How about formulating a plan that takes it right back to the countries of origin, and this by American diplomats to address their governments over these issues ? Then they are to warn them that this is absolutely unacceptable, where as they should be given an ultimatum in it all, and results should come quickly. This is really easy you see, but for some reason we want to deal with it on our own ? Kidding me right ?
There aren't enough foster homes to take thousands of these older teens. Either the government will force everyone with a spare room to take a few, or start building orphanages, or release them on the streets.

Anyone who shows up can pick out a few of these kids and say they are cousins and the teen gets released to them. The girls will be sex slaves, the boys will continue their training as gang or cartel fighters.

How does this happen?

FBI investigating prostitution ring at school district in El Paso | The Salt Lake Tribune

FBI investigating underage prostitution ring in south Texas school district - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.
The Office of Refugee Resettlement is responsible for the proper placement of these kids. They work through state agencies to find foster homes. About half will end up in federal or state shelters.

Unless the numbers decrease, we're going to have to negotiate treaties with the Central American countries for a fast track 72 hour deportation like we have with Mexico.

Those countries don't want them back. The gangs will take the strongest boys and the brothels will take the girls.
Which is why most of the will no be going back.
Neither is "mass immigration" taking place right now "practical".

Turn them around and send them back into Mexico.
Current immigration laws and treaties make this impossible, which is just one of many reason why we need immigration reform. Of the 34,600 children that have entered the country illegally since last Oct. less than a third are from Mexico. Most of the them come from Central American countries that do not have laws and treaties that provide a fast track process for children. Some Mexican children can be fast tracked back in as little as 72 hours, however for most them, the process can take years because they aren't Mexican. When we deport a person, the receiving country must be willing to take them. This is established by various treaties that vary by country.

According to immigration law, the Dept. of Homeland Security can hold them only for 72 hours. Then they are transferred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement where they will be transferred to various shelters or foster care. I think very few of these children will actually be deported. They will end up with green cards or just add to the number of undocumented migrants. The only way any of this will change is for congress to attack immigration reform.

Explaining the crisis on the Southwest border as children seek refuge*-*Los Angeles Times
How about formulating a plan that takes it right back to the countries of origin, and this by American diplomats to address their governments over these issues ? Then they are to warn them that this is absolutely unacceptable, where as they should be given an ultimatum in it all, and results should come quickly. This is really easy you see, but for some reason we want to deal with it on our own ? Kidding me right ?
Why should they want to take them back? From their point of view, it's not their problem the US can't control their boarders. Although extradition treaties require they take them eventually, there is no reason their government should fast track the process.
Current immigration laws and treaties make this impossible, which is just one of many reason why we need immigration reform. Of the 34,600 children that have entered the country illegally since last Oct. less than a third are from Mexico. Most of the them come from Central American countries that do not have laws and treaties that provide a fast track process for children. Some Mexican children can be fast tracked back in as little as 72 hours, however for most them, the process can take years because they aren't Mexican. When we deport a person, the receiving country must be willing to take them. This is established by various treaties that vary by country.

According to immigration law, the Dept. of Homeland Security can hold them only for 72 hours. Then they are transferred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement where they will be transferred to various shelters or foster care. I think very few of these children will actually be deported. They will end up with green cards or just add to the number of undocumented migrants. The only way any of this will change is for congress to attack immigration reform.

Explaining the crisis on the Southwest border as children seek refuge*-*Los Angeles Times
How about formulating a plan that takes it right back to the countries of origin, and this by American diplomats to address their governments over these issues ? Then they are to warn them that this is absolutely unacceptable, where as they should be given an ultimatum in it all, and results should come quickly. This is really easy you see, but for some reason we want to deal with it on our own ? Kidding me right ?
Why should they want to take them back? From their point of view, it's not their problem the US can't control their boarders. Although extradition treaties require they take them eventually, there is no reason their government should fast track the process.

They will take them back when the U.S. applies enough political heat and makes them take their rif-raff back. If you don't think the U.S. has the ability to do it, just consider the fact that the U.S. has managed to get every country in the world with offshore banks to change their banking secrecy laws.
Let's park em all in your front yard.
I would be elated, feel very blessed, and honored that they would consider coming to my place where there is certainly plenty of room. But truly every person with a good heart should also share in this including and foremost the country that enacted this child law. But put yourself in their place. Who knows if one day the good life as you know it will cease to be for you, you find that your money has all been exhausted and you will need some type of assistance and you find yourself all alone and then get turned away, how would that make you feel then? You just never know what life and the future holds so don't be so quick to judge another not knowing if one day you will find yourself being turned away when you need someone to help you.

Lets see how long your "honored" when the upkeep for all these illegals land on your bank accouts. If you had to pay for these illegals and they drained your bank accounts believe me You'd be screaming bloody murder.

These are not US citizens and should all be sent back to where ever the hell they came from and I'd like to know what Govt moron came up with the idea of the taxpayers in America being forced to support people who aren't American. Whoever it is should be shot.

You should move your ass to Cuba. You'd be right at home.

As for our borders? Build that fence and put troops on the border. Shoot a few of those trying to come across. The rest will decide Mexico is a better place than they thought it was.

Don't hold your breath for the fence though because the clowns in this country are all angling for that Hispanic vote and don't care how many illegals get here. They should all be shot as well. They tell you that they are all Working for America? Not fucking hardly.
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Let's park em all in your front yard.
I would be elated, feel very blessed, and honored that they would consider coming to my place where there is certainly plenty of room. But truly every person with a good heart should also share in this including and foremost the country that enacted this child law. But put yourself in their place. Who knows if one day the good life as you know it will cease to be for you, you find that your money has all been exhausted and you will need some type of assistance and you find yourself all alone and then get turned away, how would that make you feel then? You just never know what life and the future holds so don't be so quick to judge another not knowing if one day you will find yourself being turned away when you need someone to help you.

what is it you do NOT understand about the word ILLEGAL ??

how far in skool [sic] did you get b-4 [sic] you got kicked out ?

ooooh ! BTW :fu:
The left continues to ignore the huge difference between legal and illegal immigration.

liberfools feeeeel that ILLEGAL is the new LEGAL, have you or anyone ever seen a libertool advocate anything LEGAL..., such as "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

a concept libertards fail to understand. :up:
They are allowing violation of the law "for the children." Sure took them a long time to getting around to they are "doing it for the children." Willingly separating and thus abandoning their children is the new "doing it for the children" to the liberal left.
How about formulating a plan that takes it right back to the countries of origin, and this by American diplomats to address their governments over these issues ? Then they are to warn them that this is absolutely unacceptable, where as they should be given an ultimatum in it all, and results should come quickly. This is really easy you see, but for some reason we want to deal with it on our own ? Kidding me right ?
Why should they want to take them back? From their point of view, it's not their problem the US can't control their boarders. Although extradition treaties require they take them eventually, there is no reason their government should fast track the process.

They will take them back when the U.S. applies enough political heat and makes them take their rif-raff back. If you don't think the U.S. has the ability to do it, just consider the fact that the U.S. has managed to get every country in the world with offshore banks to change their banking secrecy laws.
Yes they will take them back but just not as fast as we would like. However, there is a much bigger problem. Mexican children who are apprehended coming into the United States are interviewed by a Border Patrol agent very quickly. If the child persuades the Border Patrol agent that he or she is afraid of being persecuted or trafficked if sent back, then the child is kept in custody. But if the child can't pass the interview, he or she is immediately "returned" to Mexico. Most of the Mexican children are being sent back.

The law does not allow the boarder patrol to do this for children from other countries. So the children from Central America are automatically put in custody and given full court proceedings. This of course can take a several years. This is codified into law in the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and the Trafficking Victims Re authorization Act of 2008. Unless Congress acts to change the law, these kids are going to be here a long time. Obama is trying to shortcut the process with an executive order which of course isn't legal.

According to the law, Homeland Security can hold these kids for only 72 hours. Then they must be turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of Health and Human Services. HHS must either find relatives to release them to or put them in long term foster care. It's estimated that about half of these children will qualify for humanitarian legal status under the current law which means they will become legal residents.

I think this chart illustrates the seriousness of the problem.


13 facts that help explain America's child-migrant crisis - Vox
Current immigration laws and treaties make this impossible, which is just one of many reason why we need immigration reform. Of the 34,600 children that have entered the country illegally since last Oct. less than a third are from Mexico. Most of the them come from Central American countries that do not have laws and treaties that provide a fast track process for children. Some Mexican children can be fast tracked back in as little as 72 hours, however for most them, the process can take years because they aren't Mexican. When we deport a person, the receiving country must be willing to take them. This is established by various treaties that vary by country.

According to immigration law, the Dept. of Homeland Security can hold them only for 72 hours. Then they are transferred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement where they will be transferred to various shelters or foster care. I think very few of these children will actually be deported. They will end up with green cards or just add to the number of undocumented migrants. The only way any of this will change is for congress to attack immigration reform.

Explaining the crisis on the Southwest border as children seek refuge*-*Los Angeles Times
How about formulating a plan that takes it right back to the countries of origin, and this by American diplomats to address their governments over these issues ? Then they are to warn them that this is absolutely unacceptable, where as they should be given an ultimatum in it all, and results should come quickly. This is really easy you see, but for some reason we want to deal with it on our own ? Kidding me right ?
Why should they want to take them back? From their point of view, it's not their problem the US can't control their boarders. Although extradition treaties require they take them eventually, there is no reason their government should fast track the process.
Th reason their government should fast track the process, is because we say so or should say so period.

There is no excuse as for what is going on, and their governments should account for it some how or else.
They are allowing violation of the law "for the children." Sure took them a long time to getting around to they are "doing it for the children." Willingly separating and thus abandoning their children is the new "doing it for the children" to the liberal left.
Sickening isn't it.... They have no shame..
How about formulating a plan that takes it right back to the countries of origin, and this by American diplomats to address their governments over these issues ? Then they are to warn them that this is absolutely unacceptable, where as they should be given an ultimatum in it all, and results should come quickly. This is really easy you see, but for some reason we want to deal with it on our own ? Kidding me right ?
Why should they want to take them back? From their point of view, it's not their problem the US can't control their boarders. Although extradition treaties require they take them eventually, there is no reason their government should fast track the process.
Th reason their government should fast track the process, is because we say so or should say so period.

There is no excuse as for what is going on, and their governments should account for it some how or else.
Or else what? Their government must be satisfied that they are citizens of their country. This is not their problem. We let them into this country; we have the kids so we own the problem.

As I said, the major delay in returning kids to Central American countries is our laws. Until they are change and agreements are formed with these countries, we're going be looking for a lot of long term foster care. Those that convince a judge they qualify for humanitarian legal status will be here permanently.
Let's park em all in your front yard.
I would be elated, feel very blessed, and honored that they would consider coming to my place where there is certainly plenty of room. But truly every person with a good heart should also share in this including and foremost the country that enacted this child law. But put yourself in their place. Who knows if one day the good life as you know it will cease to be for you, you find that your money has all been exhausted and you will need some type of assistance and you find yourself all alone and then get turned away, how would that make you feel then? You just never know what life and the future holds so don't be so quick to judge another not knowing if one day you will find yourself being turned away when you need someone to help you.

Beautiful sentiment, those with proper homes that would welcome some of these children need to step up now(.) Many will have to be sent back to their native countries; where, and to who, in those countries is the question.
Why should they want to take them back? From their point of view, it's not their problem the US can't control their boarders. Although extradition treaties require they take them eventually, there is no reason their government should fast track the process.
Th reason their government should fast track the process, is because we say so or should say so period.

There is no excuse as for what is going on, and their governments should account for it some how or else.
Or else what? Their government must be satisfied that they are citizens of their country. This is not their problem. We let them into this country; we have the kids so we own the problem.

As I said, the major delay in returning kids to Central American countries is our laws. Until they are change and agreements are formed with these countries, we're going be looking for a lot of long term foster care. Those that convince a judge they qualify for humanitarian legal status will be here permanently.
Or else an investigation will be opened up immediately upon these governments, and it would be based upon the grounds and/or facts that there is a humanitarian crisis possibly taken place within their countries or country, and it must be investigated by us in order to reach a common sense solution to be found in it all. These people being considered as refugee's in flight from their countries of origin, should prompt a huge investigation by the state department into these matters immediately. The governments of these countries should be put on notice that they must have an answer for this situation, and it best be a good one. They also must be willing to accept these people back with open arms quickly, and to work to unite their country by doing so. These refugee's should also be required to state their case as to why they have left their country like this while here, and if reasons are given that they were under oppression, being abused, threatened, starving or etc. then they will be considered as witnesses in testimony against their government and country of origin. These things would be addressed in talks with these governments for further evaluation of the situation moving forward.

It would be best if it is simply a poverty stricken situation, where as the government(s) have lost control of the situation, and are struggling themselves to get to the right answers quickly also. I think we should be willing to help them there (in their country) with the humanitarian relief that is needed, and this in order to keep them from being abused here also by those who would see them as weak, and somehow to be found in a sea of wolves just a waiting for them, and worse them being without a support system and/or foundation like they should have had with a family back home. Now here they are searching for some kind of new beginning in what may be them not realizing that they may be falling right into the lap of the devil himself.

If the Dems needed a crisis or this is somehow a generated crisis brought on by them, then they may have pulled off a huge one with this one, so investigations might ought to fly in both directions.
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Why do you want to separate these children from their families?
So what you are saying is that their families were here the whole time, and all of them are just reuniting with their families who are here, and maybe here illegally ?

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