New Hope for Immigrant Children To Stay in U.S.A.!

For those who are so adamant that children coming from another country should be turned away and sent back home, they need to know and understand that there is a law in the U.S. that is not known by many that actually helps these children remain here in this country! It is called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.

Law allows abused immigrant children to stay in the U.S. -

Why would anyone HOPE for them to stay?

BTW, there's no evidence these children were abused.

You got something right!
Let's park em all in your front yard.
I would be elated, feel very blessed, and honored that they would consider coming to my place where there is certainly plenty of room. But truly every person with a good heart should also share in this including and foremost the country that enacted this child law. But put yourself in their place. Who knows if one day the good life as you know it will cease to be for you, you find that your money has all been exhausted and you will need some type of assistance and you find yourself all alone and then get turned away, how would that make you feel then? You just never know what life and the future holds so don't be so quick to judge another not knowing if one day you will find yourself being turned away when you need someone to help you.

This shows why your noble sentiments are wasted.

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Th reason their government should fast track the process, is because we say so or should say so period.

There is no excuse as for what is going on, and their governments should account for it some how or else.
Or else what? Their government must be satisfied that they are citizens of their country. This is not their problem. We let them into this country; we have the kids so we own the problem.

As I said, the major delay in returning kids to Central American countries is our laws. Until they are change and agreements are formed with these countries, we're going be looking for a lot of long term foster care. Those that convince a judge they qualify for humanitarian legal status will be here permanently.
Or else an investigation will be opened up immediately upon these governments, and it would be based upon the grounds and/or facts that there is a humanitarian crisis possibly taken place within their countries or country, and it must be investigated by us in order to reach a common sense solution to be found in it all. These people being considered as refugee's in flight from their countries of origin, should prompt a huge investigation by the state department into these matters immediately. The governments of these countries should be put on notice that they must have an answer for this situation, and it best be a good one. They also must be willing to accept these people back with open arms quickly, and to work to unite their country by doing so. These refugee's should also be required to state their case as to why they have left their country like this while here, and if reasons are given that they were under oppression, being abused, threatened, starving or etc. then they will be considered as witnesses in testimony against their government and country of origin. These things would be addressed in talks with these governments for further evaluation of the situation moving forward.

It would be best if it is simply a poverty stricken situation, where as the government(s) have lost control of the situation, and are struggling themselves to get to the right answers quickly also. I think we should be willing to help them there (in their country) with the humanitarian relief that is needed, and this in order to keep them from being abused here also by those who would see them as weak, and somehow to be found in a sea of wolves just a waiting for them, and worse them being without a support system and/or foundation like they should have had with a family back home. Now here they are searching for some kind of new beginning in what may be them not realizing that they may be falling right into the lap of the devil himself.

If the Dems needed a crisis or this is somehow a generated crisis brought on by them, then they may have pulled off a huge one with this one, so investigations might ought to fly in both directions.
Investigation?? Most of the kids are coming from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras whose governments are far more corrupt than Mexico. Too a great extent these countries are run by drug lords and street gangs. The murder rate is sky high and most violent crimes are not even reported. It doesn't take much of an investigation to determine there's humanitarian crisis. The question would be what to do about it. I think it would be a huge mistake for the US to involve itself in the internals of these nations.

The simplest solution is to change our the laws so the kids can be turned around at the boarder like we do with Mexican kids. If we do that,the kids will stop coming. This of course does not address the root cause of the problem which is extreme violence and poverty in these countries.
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