New Presidential Run for Obummer?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Geez, I wish it weren't so....

But after all, The French They Are A Funny Race - the cart before the horse they put; they with their feet fight and with their faces do..........

But now they want Barack Hussein Obama to run for president! President of France.

No, I lack sufficient imagination to invent tush a hilarious tale but the Frency, joking they are not:

French voters are begging Obama to run for president there


Voters in France are vying for Barack Obama to become their next President, in a wild bid to bring about a “sixth Republic” in the French presidential elections this year.

A website and poster campaign launched on Monday, titled “Obama17”, calls on French people to make the "radical choice" of signing a petition asking that the former US President to run for the position of 25th head of state in the 2017 leadership race.

More than 30,000 people have so far signed the petition, and photos of posters mounted around Paris have been widely shared on social media.

Hey, if America can have a Kenyan as "president" - why not France?
HAHA Le Pen must scare those bedwetters to death
She is still in the lead :D
Ok, so Barry - FROM FRANCE - declares he has ISIS isolated, cut off...only to have ISIS perpetrate the worst attack on France since WWII the very next day...

The attack was funded by the ISIS Black Market Oil Industry - that funded 50% of all ISIS terrorist attacks - which OBAMA had protected and declared off-limits from Coalition Air Strikes...

And after the attack, when Russian and French planes were finally going to ignore Barry's demand NOT to attack the ISIS oil facilities and blow the hell out of them, instead of joining in the air strikes Barry instead warned ISIS the attack was coming...

And the French STILL want Barry to be their President....



France, you have America's blessing -


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