New Records: Biden DHS Has Approved Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants for Secretive Foreign Flights Directly into U.S. Airports


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

New Records: Biden DHS Has Approved Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants for Secretive Foreign Flights Directly into U.S. Airports

21 Sep 2023

Between late October 2022 and mid-September 2023, the administration approved a total of 221,456 Venezuelans, Haitians, Cubans, and Nicaraguans for "travel mode: air" into still-unspecified interior U.S. ports...The Biden administration did not release the numbers or receiving airports for Colombians or Ukrainians...More recently, the administration added Hondurans, El Salvadorans, and Guatemalans to the direct-flight family reunification program...their numbers also remain unknown.

Mayor Adams and other Mayors cry and point the finger at Texas and Gov. Abbott, or Florida and DeSantis while in truth they should be accusing Baghdad Bob Mayorkas and Joe Biden himself for the chaos and being caused in Democrat Blue Plantation Sanctuary Cities.

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul's migrant U-turn: Video reveals how Democrat welcomed asylum seekers 'with open arms' in 2021 -​

but TODAY she tells them: 'Go somewhere else'​

21 Sep 2023 ~~ By Germania Rodriquez Poleo

  • The Democrat addressed the migrant crisis in NYC on Wednesday
  • Over 110,000 asylum seekers have arrived since the spring of 2022, with over currently 10,000 arriving every month
  • The Roosevelt Hotel, Paul Hotel and Paramount Hotel are among the hotels designated for housing migrants in Manhattan
The hypocrisy of the Marxist DSA Democrats is apparent in statements like this.

Biden Admin to Give Work Permits to Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Aliens

21 Sep 2023 ~~ By Frank Bergman

Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration has announced plans to grant work permits and protection orders to hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals who have illegally crossed the border into the United States.
Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced late Wednesday that over 700,000 illegal aliens already living in cities across America will qualify for the new protections.
The program will allow 242,700 illegal aliens from Venezuela to qualify for an existing temporary protection designation, DHS said.
An additional 472,000 Venezuelans are expected to qualify for the new designation to receive work permits and stay in the U.S. without fear of removal.
All Venezuelans who arrived before July 31 this year will qualify for the program.
During Wednesday’s announcement, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas blamed “the conditions in their home country” for the new rules.
Mayorkas said:
“Temporary protected status provides individuals already present in the United States with protection from removal when the conditions in their home country prevent their safe return.”
“That is the situation that Venezuelans who arrived here on or before July 31 of this year find themselves in.
“We are accordingly granting them the protection that the law provides.
This issue will destroy New York City,” the mayor declared.
“One hundred ten thousand migrants we have to feed, clothe, house, educate the children, wash their laundry sheets, give them everything they need, health care.”

Yes, some take the jobs away from mostly black people and young people because they’ll work cheaply.
But many thousands will accept long term welfare and entitlements and housing as they relax.
Old joke when mobs looted stores in “mostly peaceful protests”
“Everything was stolen from the stores except for work boots.”
Plus “To hide something valuable place it under a pile of job applications.”
Democrats cheapen labor by this massive influx of illegal aliens and as wages go down the chances of Communism go up. They are inversely proportional. Meanwhile the same politicians yell and scream for higher minimum wages.
I really hope this isn't true because if it is, it's nothing short of treason.
Treason? No. Ill-advised, like all his other immigration policies and border policies are ill-advised? Definitely.
I can take him or leave him on most other issues. But, Joe truly sucks on immigration and border issues and has since day 2. He talked about opening it up when running, but did not explain why, I guess as a political carrot for a group he wanted to vote for him. I do not understand any perceived benefit to the country, or even understand how large a supporting/voting block it represents. I don't think very many do know what the projected benefit is. I thought at the time, it was like the "killing petroleum" for the "ecology", "environmental", "save the whale" crowd, for that vote, and did not see as something he would follow through on, and right enough, has not followed through on the oil thing, as big oil is big money, no matter what you promise environmental groups. But, no. He immediately followed through on the immigration and border things, and we have been paying for it ever since then and will into the foreseeable future even if he quit today, and he certainly shows on signs of quitting.

As long as the flights are headed into sanctuary states, most have plenty of room for them. ;)
And 95%+ have NO LEGITIMATE asylum claim. This is the Democratic Party and their leftist lawyers destroying the asylum system.

It is Cloward-Piven in action, overwhelm the system.
I really hope this isn't true because if it is, it's nothing short of treason.
If/when the day comes that these "migrants" begin fighting against native or other legal citizens, those who supported this Democrat scheme will refuse to take any responsibility for it. Hell, they'll just keep blaming Trump. Since they will have caused it, I hope they and theirs die in it first. It's only fair...

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