new study may be bad news for democrats !

I don't think that's bad news for anyone. Trump wants his followers to believe that Democrats ONLY care about winning the election, regardless of who suffers. In reality, we just want the administration to listen to the scientists and other experts in the field, instead of going with his gut or relying on Jared.
I don't think that's bad news for anyone. Trump wants his followers to believe that Democrats ONLY care about winning the election, regardless of who suffers. In reality, we just want the administration to listen to the scientists and other experts in the field, instead of going with his gut or relying on Jared.

Democrats only care about winning the election.
I don't think that's bad news for anyone. Trump wants his followers to believe that Democrats ONLY care about winning the election, regardless of who suffers. In reality, we just want the administration to listen to the scientists and other experts in the field, instead of going with his gut or relying on Jared.
bullshit of course thats all the scum on the anti American left care about ! proof .... dems use the virus to attack the potus and advance their totalitarian communist agenda ! and most telling of all is the treasonous scum of the earth dems absolutely refuse to put the majority of the blame on the country they welcomed into the world trade organization during the reign of their hero serial rapist bill clinton !
Maybe... but if that's the case, it will return...
thats the spirit commie traitor !! keep a positive attitude when things start to look bad !
Are you expecting times to get bad?
not for America but i think its going to bad for dems when the hopes of no economic recovery and the virus staying around in large numbers are dashed ! the dems love the pandemic and the economic damage it has caused ! and the chicom gov that unleashed this evil pandemic on the world are their heroes !
I don't think that's bad news for anyone. Trump wants his followers to believe that Democrats ONLY care about winning the election, regardless of who suffers. In reality, we just want the administration to listen to the scientists and other experts in the field, instead of going with his gut or relying on Jared.
Of course this is ONLY about politics to you. We see it here EVERY DAMN DAY.
a study showing that covid 19 may be negatively impacted by higher temps like most cold and flu virus may be bad news for democrats the party that is hoping the virus stays around for political reasons !
There are more than 6 new studies out that show this virus dies very quickly in summer time and that those who become ill will have an easier time with the virus as well. TIme to get people out and active. Build up herd immunity fast becasue time is short and we need to get things done quickly!
I don't think that's bad news for anyone. Trump wants his followers to believe that Democrats ONLY care about winning the election, regardless of who suffers. In reality, we just want the administration to listen to the scientists and other experts in the field, instead of going with his gut or relying on Jared.

Democrats only care about winning the election.
It seems Democrats only care about protecting the people
Republicans are willing to sacrifice the weak in order to preserve profits
Maybe... but if that's the case, it will return...
California got hit with the S strain and New York got hit with the L strain of this virus. NY is now quickly cooling off as day time temps rise. Within three weeks NY could be in the position to reopen many area provided the temperature increases and it doesn't cool off again.

I have no idea why California is even continuing to lock down. The number of cases is plumiting in the state and those needing intervention is also plummeting.. Time to open up and get back to life.
1). The economy will do just fine even if people spend alot less. Since 90 percent live paycheck to paycheck barely hanging on it's good they save.
2) Both parties no. 1 priority is getting elected and being in power to pander to their wealthy donors.
3). I think Trump is doing a solid job of dealing with the pandemic. He is trying to FasTrack the vaccine which is the ultimate key to things coming back to pre virus. Otherwise 30 percent at a minimum will stay hunkered down.
4). Those who continue to stay locked down should be encouraged to stay hunkered down. There should be no pressure or encouragement to get them back out.
Maybe... but if that's the case, it will return...
thats the spirit commie traitor !! keep a positive attitude when things start to look bad !

So by stating a simple fact you consider me a "commie traitor?" Wow, you're a genius. :rolleyes:

Your past history is well known.

You mean my history of being a lifelong moderate conservative up until the election of Trump? Cool.

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