new study may be bad news for democrats !

Maybe... but if that's the case, it will return...
thats the spirit commie traitor !! keep a positive attitude when things start to look bad !

So by stating a simple fact you consider me a "commie traitor?" Wow, you're a genius. :rolleyes:

Your past history is well known.

You mean my history of being a lifelong moderate conservative up until the election of Trump? Cool.

Trump is on the path of conserving too much. Conserving America... Conservatives has trouble with that.
Trump is on the path of conserving too much. Conserving America... Conservatives has trouble with that.

I still consider myself a moderate conservative, pragmatic even. Socially I may even lean a little left, but one thing I will never be is a Trumplodyte.
Maybe... but if that's the case, it will return...
thats the spirit commie traitor !! keep a positive attitude when things start to look bad !

So by stating a simple fact you consider me a "commie traitor?" Wow, you're a genius. :rolleyes:
should china pay a high price for the pandemic ?
You know the Chinese allied democrats won't let that happen. Democrats already paid a high price. They paid 3,7 million dollars for it.
Maybe... but if that's the case, it will return...
Maybe, maybe not....My bet is that this goes the way of SARS and MERS....Mutates its way to impotence.
THis virus has now mutated 39 time since December 7, 2019. The original virus from Wuhan has 39 brothers and sisters now but only strains L and S are lethal.
thats interesting ... i wonder if climate had ant impact on the mutations ?
Trump is on the path of conserving too much. Conserving America... Conservatives has trouble with that.

I still consider myself a moderate conservative, pragmatic even. Socially I may even lean a little left, but one thing I will never be is a Trumplodyte.
well then come nov vote for the dem and in so doing indirectly for china then .
I don't think that's bad news for anyone. Trump wants his followers to believe that Democrats ONLY care about winning the election, regardless of who suffers. In reality, we just want the administration to listen to the scientists and other experts in the field, instead of going with his gut or relying on Jared.

Democrats only care about winning the election.
It seems Democrats only care about protecting the people
Republicans are willing to sacrifice the weak in order to preserve profits
are you talking about all of those elderly people that died in NY when cuomo put infected patients back into the elderly facilities?
Maybe... but if that's the case, it will return...
thats the spirit commie traitor !! keep a positive attitude when things start to look bad !

So by stating a simple fact you consider me a "commie traitor?" Wow, you're a genius. :rolleyes:

Your past history is well known.

You mean my history of being a lifelong moderate conservative up until the election of Trump? Cool.
so you will be voting for a party that has moved so far left they are indistinguishable from socialist .
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I don't think that's bad news for anyone. Trump wants his followers to believe that Democrats ONLY care about winning the election, regardless of who suffers. In reality, we just want the administration to listen to the scientists and other experts in the field, instead of going with his gut or relying on Jared.

Democrats only care about winning the election.
It seems Democrats only care about protecting the people
Republicans are willing to sacrifice the weak in order to preserve profits
nothing is weaker or more vulnerable than an unborn child.
Trump is on the path of conserving too much. Conserving America... Conservatives has trouble with that.

I still consider myself a moderate conservative, pragmatic even. Socially I may even lean a little left, but one thing I will never be is a Trumplodyte.
well then come nov vote for the dem and in so doing indirectly for china then .

I can't vote for Biden. I won't vote for Trump. Amash has ditched plans to run, so right now I'm just waiting to see who steps up that best represents me. Not that it matters here in South Carolina...
Maybe... but if that's the case, it will return...
thats the spirit commie traitor !! keep a positive attitude when things start to look bad !

So by stating a simple fact you consider me a "commie traitor?" Wow, you're a genius. :rolleyes:

Your past history is well known.

You mean my history of being a lifelong moderate conservative up until the election of Trump? Cool.
so you will be voting for a party that has moved so far left they are indistinguishable from socialist .

Maybe... but if that's the case, it will return...
thats the spirit commie traitor !! keep a positive attitude when things start to look bad !

So by stating a simple fact you consider me a "commie traitor?" Wow, you're a genius. :rolleyes:

Your past history is well known.

You mean my history of being a lifelong moderate conservative up until the election of Trump? Cool.
so you will be voting for a party that has moved so far left they are indistinguishable from socialist .

the country is evenly divided ..... not voting voting for another candidate that has no chance of winning is a vote for the party that is representing the opposing party . but it is your right .
Maybe... but if that's the case, it will return...
thats the spirit commie traitor !! keep a positive attitude when things start to look bad !

So by stating a simple fact you consider me a "commie traitor?" Wow, you're a genius. :rolleyes:

Your past history is well known.

You mean my history of being a lifelong moderate conservative up until the election of Trump? Cool.
so you will be voting for a party that has moved so far left they are indistinguishable from socialist .

the country is evenly divided ..... not voting voting for another candidate that has no chance of winning is a vote for the party that is representing the opposing party . but it is your right .
I was watching MSDNC this am for shits and giggles and they are apoplectic about the Bern Bros saying they will now stay home as thier views are no longer being given a voice... That pretty much seals the dimorat parties doom 25-30% of their party just said they were not voting...
Maybe... but if that's the case, it will return...
thats the spirit commie traitor !! keep a positive attitude when things start to look bad !

So by stating a simple fact you consider me a "commie traitor?" Wow, you're a genius. :rolleyes:

Your past history is well known.

You mean my history of being a lifelong moderate conservative up until the election of Trump? Cool.
so you will be voting for a party that has moved so far left they are indistinguishable from socialist .

the country is evenly divided ..... not voting voting for another candidate that has no chance of winning is a vote for the party that is representing the opposing party . but it is your right .

Voting for the candidate who best represents me and my ideas, my beliefs, voting my conscience, will never be a vote wasted, it will never be a vote for the opposition. It will always be a vote for the person I feel will do the best job.

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